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You ever feel like you're carrying something around.
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It's like you're nine months pregnant.
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Why isn't this baby coming?
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I've had that.
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And then I step out and finally do the stuff.
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The Lord has been on me, but it's in His word.
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I should have been doing it and I do that.
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And then it's unlocked and the day loose comes, babies popping up all over the place.
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I knew I've been carrying these guys for years.
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Oh, you were waiting for me to just do what the book says do Cause I was always fond of saying I'm waiting on you, lord.
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It's actually, I'm waiting on you.
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Welcome to the City Light Church podcast.
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Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us.
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If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at citylightnyccom.
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That's citylightnyccom.
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Pastor Boyan Jansik and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds.
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As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you.
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So glad that you're with us those of you joining us online glad you're with us also, hallelujah.
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I wanna just make you aware of this connection card.
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If you're a guest, this is your first or second time, or you've never filled one of these connection cards out, and I encourage you to do so.
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It's the number one way, the best way that you can connect with us.
01:32.928 --> 01:42.551
Ask us a question, if you wanna speak to anybody on our staff, if you wanna get baptized, we have baptisms coming up very quickly.
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What is the actual baptism date?
01:44.720 --> 01:46.703
October, november the fourth?
01:47.600 --> 01:49.988
So we're six, seven weeks away from baptisms.
01:50.780 --> 01:55.770
So if you've never been water baptized, you can sign up to be baptized through the connection card.
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If you wanna learn more about membership through the connection card, you wanna serve and volunteer Through the connection card.
02:03.540 --> 02:05.588
You just wanna say hi and drop a comment.
02:05.880 --> 02:06.844
They're actually read over.
02:06.924 --> 02:08.702
Every single one prayed over.
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You leave your phone number.
02:10.720 --> 02:11.764
You wanna call some about?
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Human will call you, not an AI system, a caring individual on full time staff to pray with you, and if you need a counseling appointment, they'll set one up for you.
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So fill one of those out.
02:26.455 --> 02:27.059
You can give it to a nusher.
02:27.786 --> 02:28.899
Put it in the offering boxes.
02:29.323 --> 02:35.360
I suggest you bring it to the hospitality table where they'll give you a gift in exchange for your data.
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No, but seriously, look the whole data thing that really hasn't come to New York City Because New York is ain't gonna put up with that.
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But across the border in Tanaça, I can't even buy a pillow.
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I went into Tempur-Pedek.
02:53.017 --> 02:53.360
I want one pillow.
02:53.380 --> 02:53.983
I want one pillow.
02:54.760 --> 02:55.704
What's your email address?
02:57.220 --> 02:59.287
None, your business at iCloudcom.
03:01.043 --> 03:02.025
Why can't I buy any?
03:02.125 --> 03:10.904
Every store I go into wants my email and then I get coupons three times a day and flash discounts.
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We're not gonna do that to you and one maximum two emails a week, and they're important.
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No discount code for next Sunday's service.
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Well, we're concluding, as though you can really conclude it, but we're concluding specifically this series called the Anointed One and His Anointing and the impetus.
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What I sense from the Lord, and why to begin this series, is because the Lord has something up his sleeve for us.
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I feel it in my spiritual bones.
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We are in a place of strength now and the Lord has some ground for us to take, some land for us to possess as we finish up 2023.
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And that was not the case just a few years ago that we were in a place of strength.
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A few years ago COVID happened.
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Even as recently as two years ago, the lockdowns had subsided here, but really the Christian church was devastated.
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So many people left New York City and then we had a lot of people pleasantly leave.
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They just said pastor, this church has meant the world to us, thank you for your ministry, but our family is going to and you know where they went the Carolinas, florida or Texas.
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So we had that.
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We also had some people leave because I did not bend the knee to Fauci, I did not wear three masks while preaching and that was very upsetting.
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Can you believe that guy is still around squawking.
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I saw a clip.
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Even CNN was mocking him the other day.
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Well, one guy on CNN.
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And so we were weakened and we found ourselves hit hard and the Lord quickly started to bring new people.
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But it took a while for new people to develop roots.
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So we had a lot of people get saved, as you can see from our baptisms our baptisms twice a year we have baptisms.
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They were full with a bunch of new people get saved.
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We had some others who came and they were already saved.
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But then what you have.
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You have a full church, but you have a disjointed church.
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But then those people began to develop roots, those who weren't saved, god saved.
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They were baptized in water, baptized in the Holy spirit, started coming regularly, even began to serve, joined a life group and, most importantly, connect with others.
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You cannot be an island in a church.
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You're not really then experiencing church as it was intended to be experienced by the Lord himself.
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We're all body parts.
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We can't have an arm over here and a leg over there.
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We got to be connected and people started to connect and relationships started to blossom.
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And now, here we are, wrapping up 2023, we're in September, and I can honestly say, pastor Mo, don't chuckle, but we're the strongest we've ever been, and it's true, we're the best we've ever been.
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We're the strongest we've ever been.
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The love that I sense amongst the people, the unity, the coming, not saying we've arrived, but we are at a place of strength, and by every metric, that's good news.
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And so, when you're at a place of strength, what do you do?
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Do you just, you know, make a hammock, lay down, and that will be the comfortable thing to do, but that's not biblically what you're supposed to do.
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You then take ground for the Lord, and I believe we were in this series talking about the anointing, because you can't expand God's kingdom and work for the Lord, work for the Christ, without understanding the Christos, the anointing, the power of God and the presence of God.
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And he wanted to marinate a bunch of you and set you ablaze and realign you and have you experiencing him, because you can't give away that which you don't have.
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Paul said as much as is in me, I'm ready to preach the gospel.
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Well, if nothing is in you, you can't preach the gospel.
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But if you're full of the Holy Spirit, you got something to offer, something to give, and he's been filling us so that we have something to give.
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And I believe with all of my heart.
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I sense it.
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Other pastors because I don't believe this is unique to city light, other pastors in the city have confirmed it there is something in the air and I believe we're in the cusp of seeing a major influx of souls come into the kingdom, a major like supernatural, like.
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I believe if we steward it well, it could turn into something like the Jesus movement, where people who've experienced the Jesus movement they would say people got saved by accident, it was the easiest thing to lead someone to the Lord.
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It was just like in the water people were hungry and the Lord came through and turned the hearts of the people and it was like wholesale salvation by the truckload just coming in.
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If we steward it right, he always tests you first.
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You know he could pour out his Holy Spirit on a campus and then if administration decides to shut it down prematurely, it could end that revival.
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Hypothetically speaking, that could happen.
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So there's always a test how are you gonna steward what I've given you?
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And then, if you pass the test, he gives you more.
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He who's faithful with a little, then he gives you more and then you're able to be faithful with the much.
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So that's where we are and you get to play a part and have a role.
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No outpouring of God, no move of God, although that's usually associated with a human name or several names.
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That's just the people who get the recognition.
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It's always carried by the no name people.
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It's always carried by tens of thousands of Christian laborers who actually steward the movement.
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So next week we have Nathaniel St Eloi with us.
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He'll be with us Friday night because we've restarted our Friday night revival night.
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Do not miss that I shared with someone.
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They said oh, that's during Rosh Hashanah weekend.
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Yes, it's during Rosh Hashanah nanana.
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We planned it that way.
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For those of you who are really Jewish, you're really in touch with the Abrahamic spiritual roots.
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It's on Rosh Hashanah nanana weekend.
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It's Friday night, saturday night at seven, not here, but in our other location just a couple of blocks away.
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All of this information is online and on our social media.
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And then Sundays for two services here.
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So I just encourage you don't miss out on Friday night at seven, saturday night at seven, and come here for the landing, like.
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Be there for the takeoff, the ascent to 40,000 feet, eat some peanuts, drink the five ounce bottle of Poland spring, be on the whole ride and then land with us, because the anointing builds, it compounds, it amplifies.
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So be on the whole journey.
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I have specifically asked Nathaniel to come.
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Have you ever wondered why we don't have so many guest speakers when, in reality, it would be easy for us?
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I could go this route.
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I've never shared this.
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It's very easy for us to get the best guest speakers.
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Do you know why?
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We have the money.
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And two, we're in New York City and every ministry wants to go to New York City at least once a year.
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And so we've done that and what we found is, hey, there's some great people, but they don't really know who we are, they don't know me, they don't know my vision, they don't know my heart and some of them don't really even care.
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It's just one of a hundred places they're gonna minister during the year and we're just another stop along the way.
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And we've been there, done that, and it always left me feeling empty, like how you feel after you eat at McDonald's you ate something and you're full, but really you're empty, starving for nutrition.
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And I thought what?
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But I noticed people who I have a covenant relationship with, who know me, who are in my life, who sincerely love this church.
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They will come and they will minister with no agenda, with no strings attached and with a deposit seems to last much longer.
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It's not just an evangelist blowing and blowing up and blowing out.
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So Nathaniel and I have been friends for nearly 15 years and he's seen this church when it was just an acorn and now he's seeing it growing up into a mighty oak and he loves you and I know that right now he is preparing for these services.
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They're not just another stop in his itinerary.
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He's praying for you.
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He's readying his spirit to bring something to you.
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The apostle Paul said to the Romans I long to come to you, and that's so.
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You could just hear pretty words out of my mouth.
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He said I long to come to you that I may impart to you some spiritual gift.
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I wanna leave a divine deposit with you.
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He'll be leaving a divine deposit here.
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So join us, take this time out and say look, I wanna close out 2023 with a bang.
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Lord, I'm gonna position myself to receive from heaven Friday night at seven, saturday night, and then here on Sunday.
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Amen, amen, amen.
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The anointed one and his anointing, which is the definition of Jesus' title the Christ.
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Let's dive in, starting at Isaiah 61, which is what Jesus would read from as he would visit synagogues.
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Jesus was Rabboni, which means rabbi, and he was a traveling rabbi.
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And as he would go from town to town, the Jewish custom was in the synagogue, whoever or whenever there would be a traveling rabbi, he would get the pulpit.
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I'm so glad that custom is non-existent in America today.
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Whenever a traveling itinerant, thank you, no, thank you.
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But back then it worked and Jesus would come in.
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And in Luke, chapter four and we believe this is a pattern of is.
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He called for the scroll of the prophet Isaiah and then he would read from Isaiah 61.
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Imagine that God in the flesh, the Christ, the Messiah, anticipated, long for, prayed for for centuries, is there.
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He asked for the prophet Isaiah the scroll to be brought, reads from Isaiah 61, and then says today this scripture is fulfilled.
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In your ears, I am the one whom the scriptures were talking about In Luke 4,.
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They didn't work out so well.
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They were so upset at that that they took him to throw him headlong.
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It says headlong over a cliff, and then the next verse it says but Jesus, passing through the midst of them, went his way.
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I don't know how that worked out, but it just wasn't Jesus' time yet.
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Did you ever catch that?
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They went to kill him.
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So you picture a mob of people going to throw him.
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This is like street justice.
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Throw him headlong over a cliff, but Jesus, passing through the midst of them, just went his way.
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That just shows me that when you're walking in God's will and it's not your time yet, you're unkillable.
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How did he pass this mob of people carrying off a cliff?
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He just said you know what?
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No thanks, I'm not gonna participate in today's execution.
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It's not my time yet.
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This is what Jesus read the spirit of the Lord, god is upon me because the Lord has anointed and qualified me to preach the gospel.
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You know who's anointed and qualified besides Jesus?
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You are that anointing and that qualification was released on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out.
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And if you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, all of your sins have been forgiven you.
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They're completely blotted out and taken out of the way, and you've been given the free gift of righteousness.
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You've been given the gift of justification and you've been pronounced not guilty.
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That's who you really are and you've been filled with this Holy Spirit, which is the unction and the anointing of God.
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So you are qualified, whether you feel like it or not.
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Listen, no matter where you are on the spectrum, we have right now red, hot, fiery believers living for Jesus every second of the day, or you could be beat up bruised.
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You came limping in here this morning.
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You're even suffering with shame and condemnation and you wish you could walk this Christian walk better If your faith is in Christ.
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I want you to know your sins are already forgiven you, and you are not less qualified than that first person I mentioned.
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You don't get to sit this out.
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You are qualified and you can expand the kingdom of God.
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The spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed and qualified me to preach the gospel of good tidings.
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What is the gospel?
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It's good news.
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What's the good news?
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Your sins are forgiven you.
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That's good news.
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Religion wraps it in bad news, which is well, jesus died for your sins.
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But here's what you have to do, do, do, and then the list comes out, a 50 point list, putting you back under the law and getting you in a state of works.
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That's not good news, that's a bait and switch.
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Good news is all of your sins, every single one, has been taken out of the way.
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John the Baptist saw Jesus coming.
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He said behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin, sin singular, the whole sin, the sin problem takes away the sin of the world.
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They just don't know it yet.
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I'll often say I got saved on August 14th 1992, but the reality is is that's the day I received my salvation, I was saved.
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You were saved 2000 years ago at his death, his burial and resurrection.
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That's when it was all paid for.
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That's when it was purchased, and then you were touched by the Holy Spirit.
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He opened up your heart to believe, but not just by the Holy Spirit.
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Somebody talk to you.
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Can we all agree on that?
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It's something that we all have in common.
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Somebody talked to us.
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It wasn't just the Holy Spirit.
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Nobody got led to Jesus, at least not here.
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Nobody got led to Jesus by a vision and a dream.
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There's always people, even in the scriptures, when Ananias, he receives an angelic visitation.
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The angel doesn't preach the gospel to him.
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He says you're gonna go meet a person.
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He's gonna tell you the gospel.
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The preaching of the gospel has been delegated to man and so man opens up their mouths.
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And all of us have that in common is that some person told us maybe it was her parents usually, maybe it's a 50-50 split between parents and a friend, a coworker, someone you knew.
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Some people get a hodgepodge.
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Some people you can see the Lord just plucks out.
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They watch a YouTube clip, curiosities stir it up and then all of a sudden they find themselves running into people who keep telling them the same thing, keep reiterating the gospel to them, and then they come to faith, but it's always through people.
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So we are here enjoying salvation as a result of people opening up their mouths and talking.
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When you think of it that way, you realize you have a responsibility.
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We have a responsibility to open up our mouths and talk.
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We do.
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We're not responsible for the whole world, but we're responsible for the people he's put in our lives.
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We're responsible for our circle of influence, our sphere.
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Do you ever think about your salvation?
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I think, about it every day.
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I don't want gratitude for my salvation to ever evade me and fall on the back burner.
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You're eternal being.
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There are people who don't go to church.
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They're not safe, but they understand this.
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We tend to think if we're in the church, we tend to think everybody out there is just an atheist.
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They're not.
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There are billions, literally billions, of people.
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They haven't submitted to Jesus, but they believe and they understand that we're eternal beings.
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They may not call God's name Jesus, but they believe in intelligent design.
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They look around in nature, at the universe, and they've come to the logical conclusion that this isn't all a random act.
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We are not just particles and molecules that randomly formed over billions of years after some big bang.
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No, there was an intelligent personality, a creator behind this who put us here and he's eternal, and so he made us eternal beings and will go on forever.
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This is real to me.