New Episodes Weekly!
July 3, 2024

Dreams Fulfilled Through Faith and Humor

Dreams Fulfilled Through Faith and Humor
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CityLight NYC Church
We'll share heartfelt testimonies of divine encouragement, reminding you to persevere and seek wisdom from God, trusting that He desires to fulfill the deepest desires of your heart. This uplifting conversation will encourage you to remain steadfast and expectant, knowing that all things work together for good because of your love for Him.
We delve into the true essence of abundance and joy, as rooted in humility and trust in God rather than material wealth. Reflecting on 1 Timothy 6:17, we explore how true fulfillment is found in enjoying life's blessings and relationships, rather than placing our faith in unstable financial investments. Through personal stories of spiritual doubt and revelation, we uncover the profound lesson of focusing on others' positive aspects to cultivate peace and fulfillment. Additionally, we celebrate the power of laughter, and emphasize that humor and belief are essential for a joyful, purpose-driven life. Tune in for a heartwarming episode that promises to inspire you to embrace your dream life in Christ while savoring every moment of joy and laughter.


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(00:00) Embracing Your Dream Life in Christ
(07:20) Abundance and Joy in Life
(22:08) The Power of Laughter and Belief


00:00 - Embracing Your Dream Life in Christ

07:20:00 - Abundance and Joy in Life

22:08:00 - The Power of Laughter and Belief

00:00 - Speaker 1
Your identity in Christ make you worthy of everything God has promised, including your dream life. So when you see the devil coming attacking you or trying to introduce you to something that is not a dream life, you say no, I resist you and I rebuke that in the name of Jesus. I'm going to have what the Father promised me. The Bible says all the promises of God are what? Yes and amen in Christ Jesus.

00:26 - Speaker 2
Welcome to the City Light Church podcast. Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's Word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us. If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightNYCcom. Pastor Boyan Jancic and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds. As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you that he has a real hope and a future for you.

01:08 - Speaker 1
First of all, I want to thank Pastor Boyan for having me in. Amen. He's an amazing pastor, isn't he? Praise God, I told we've been friends for over 20 years. I told him I see his fatherhood in his children. Their laughter, their freedom and their happiness tells me how great of a father he is. Now some of you say, oh, that's because of the mom. Yes, it is because of the mom. But even when the mom is good and the dad is a jerk, you're going to see it on the kid's face. So this dad is amazing. I know we celebrated the fathers last week. Thank God for all the fathers who are doing a great job. Amen, we honor you. Thank God for Pastor Mo and Pastor James, amazing associate pastors.

This guy right here is full of gregarious love. Amen. As soon as you come, you feel like, oh man, I'm hugging the teddy bear of heaven. Praise God, hallelujah. No, I'm serious, because he's so full of love and he's tall and he's big. It's an amazing thing to have a pastor like Pastor Mo in the midst of City Life Church. Amen.

I was telling Pastor Sam. I said this man is so full of words. I mean his speech is like perfect. She said I was thinking the same thing. I mean this man is so full of words. I mean his speech is like perfect. She said I was thinking the same thing. I mean the way he expresses himself. It's like we need to do a course on how to express kingdom words.

I told Pastor Boyan last time I was here he's so elegant, so great. He says Maurice, you're right, he's all of that. I love you, pastor James. God bless you. All of that. I love you, pastor James. God bless you. Thank God for your expertise, your character and your experience that you brought to this church. It has blessed this church tremendously. You know what else? I want to give a shout out to All the volunteers. Come on. Ministry of Helps You're in the Bible. Paul talks about the ministry of helps. So you're in the book. Amen, and you're blessed for what you're doing. You know, for this church this is a great church. I talk about you all the time. You're full of excitement, you're growing. You're really one of the churches that we need in this city and I thank God for you. Amen, and thank God for having me and receiving me. And let's just get into the word of God again. We'll just stick with that message that I already started.

Talk about your dream life. How many of you have some dreams in your heart? How many of you have a dream you have for yourself and for your family? Amen. And if you don't have a dream, you need to start dreaming. Amen. Start imagining your life as it could be, as it should be Amen.

Last year in July, I was waking up and I heard this word from the Lord, and the word was your dream life is around the corner, and with it came the feeling not to give up, and so I want to encourage you. Whatever your dreams are, whatever God has put in your heart, do not give up. You must be a person of perseverance. Amen, hallelujah. Just like with your healing you don't give up until you are fully healed, until you get exactly what you want from father God, amen.

We've got too many Christians that give up too soon. You'll be like nah, I'm not giving up, father, this is not working. Why is it not working? What should I do to make it work? What is the wisdom that I need?

The Bible says if any of you lacks wisdom and some of us lack wisdom we don't know what to do. Ask of God and he will give you the wisdom. And the Bible actually says ask of God who does not upbraid. You know what upbraid means. He's not gonna seal you with abusive words or remember when you did this. Why should I give you wisdom? Remember when you did that? Why should I bless you? The Bible says God is not like that. God's not gonna bring up your past. When you ask him about something, he's gonna love you and he's going to bless you with what you ask him for. Amen. He wants you to have your dream life. Do you know that? The Bible says that God gives us the desires of our heart? The Bible says feed on his faithfulness, trust in the Lord, and he will bring it to pass.

Praise God. Are you excited about that? Paul says all things are working together for your good because you love God and you are the called according to his purpose. Somebody say this with me I am always in the right place at the right time, experiencing the favor of God. Come on somebody. Somebody say I am always in the right place at the right time, experiencing the favor of God. That kind of confession will push you into your dream life. So I say I'm ready for my dream life. I want it now. Praise God, hallelujah, there's somebody. I think there's a problem in your knee, back on your right leg. Just move your leg like that. Jesus is healing you. Amen In your leg. Praise God. Jesus loves healing people. Amen, hallelujah, hallelujah, praise God Jesus. We praise you.

So the first thing that I want to address is the fact that number one, if you're writing notes, but, by the way, let me say this the purpose of teaching is to give you beliefs or to strengthen the beliefs you already have. Those are the two purposes of teaching To give you beliefs, transmit something to you that for you to believe, or to strengthen what you already believe, amen. So one of those two things are going to happen while you hear this message. Number one you must believe that God is pro pleasure. I told the earlier service that God is about you having a good time. Hello, somebody, do you believe that? Now? Okay, I know he was into the spirit. You can switch it to laughter, it's okay. Yeah, he's about you having a good time. He wants you to have a good time. He wants you to enjoy your life.

Look with me at 1 Timothy 6, verse 17. And it says Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty. In other words, don't be conceited because you got money, nor to trust in uncertain riches. So, if you have money, don't trust in it, because that same Bitcoin that went up can go down, hello somebody. Those same stocks that went up can go down, hello somebody. Those same stocks that made you a lot of money can be at a dollar overnight. In other words, thank you God for these investments, thank you God for this money, but I trust you.

Hallelujah, but in the living God, he's alive who gives us richly, all things to enjoy. And that word richly means lavishly in the King James, and it means abundance. It means a lot. God's not just giving you. Okay, here's this one little toy, play with that. No, he gives you a lot. You know how sometimes parents complain about their children. You know at Christmas, oh, we give them all these gifts and they just play with this toy for five minutes and they go to the next toy for five minutes. Anybody ever complain about that, about your kids? You ever see your grandkids and kids do that. Guess what? It's okay.

08:35 - Speaker 2
Oh, they don't appreciate nothing.

08:37 - Speaker 1
No, no, no, no. That's the reason why we do it, because we're acting like God. God gives us a lot and if you play with this for five minutes and you go to the next thing for five minutes, the next thing, it's okay, because he gives us an abundance. There's no limit. Don't be bothered by that, because there is no limit. Whenever you're bothered by that, you're putting a limit on your mind. God is unlimited. Do you understand that? God is not concrete, he's not a physical. Jesus became flesh, but God, the Father, is spirit, unlimited. He's not a trillionaire, he's not a zillionaire, he is existence. Oh my God, he is existence itself. This may help somebody.

When I was a young person, this spirit would come to me, I think, around the ages, because I was always very inquisitive, very. I still am, but I was really inquisitive as a kid, sunday school, asking all the questions. When I was in Catholic school, I asked the principal, sister Rita. I remember where did God come from? I'm 10 years old, in fifth grade, and she gives me some answer. I don't remember, but it wasn't satisfying to me. But the spirit comes to me at age of 60. I'm in the shower and basically trying to tell me this is all fake, it's not real, there's no God, and I'm just like going to a little panic attack. And then I shake myself and I realize, okay, this is the devil, okay, I'm here, so I must be real. But I always had this inquisitiveness of where did God come from? But this spirit would come. Sometimes I would be sleeping, I wake up, I'm in a panic. This is not real, this is all fake. And so I understand. What atheists and agnostics go through is not just their thinking. It's a spirit that comes, but I'm able to get rid of it. So this has gone on for some time.

And then one day the Lord said Maurice, let me give you an answer that's going to help you, and you won't be bothered by that. I mean, you always cast it out, but let me give you something that's going to help you. You don't have to wonder where I came from. I am existence. I never heard anybody tell me that I am existence. I never heard nobody tell me that. The Lord told me that. So when you, he says there is no come from, I am come from See. Saying he's a beginning and ending wasn't good enough for me, but when he said I am existence, I got it, my soul. So the spirit doesn't even bother me no more. I can't bother him no more. He got it. Amen, hallelujah. So I praise God for revelation, knowledge, amen.

But this God, who's alive, who is existence, wants to give you all things richly to enjoy. Every part of your life should be enjoyed your food. You should be enjoying your house. You should be enjoying your spouse. You should be enjoying your children are for enjoyment, not just for responsibility. I'm raising the next generation. They ought to be real smart. They ought to go to the best school. That's not why God gave you kids. So your kids can be NYU graduates and give you a smile on your face and you can tell your friends my kid graduated from NYU. Did you enjoy your kid from the day they were born? Are you having fun with your kids? Are you having fun with your spouse? You're not married just so you can say I got a man, I got a woman. No, you're there to enjoy them. So the way you enjoy them is not look at their imperfections and say you're a gift from heaven. Let me have fun with you. Amen, right. You'll have a happy marriage if you do that One. Amen, right. You'll have a happy marriage if you do that one day.

I was really frustrated in my church. I mean it was going on for a minute and we was having 21 days of prayer and I was laying across my bed. This is many years ago. I'll never forget. I heard the voice of God I mean crystal clear. That's why I say crystal clear and he said this take your eyes off of human failure. And I was. I was stunned. But I heard his voice in the middle of me praying. He said take your eyes off of human failure. And I knew, oh, oh, that's my answer.

I mean I haven't done it perfectly, but every time I get friends, what did I tell you? And then the Lord has helped me over the years, realizing these ain't your sheep, it's my people. Chill out, enter into rest. You're just a servant and a son delivering a message, passing the people. I'll give you the pastor, but it's not your strength, it's not your grace, it's not your calling, it's mine. So whenever I get friends, these ain't my people. Take care of your people, lord. Deal with your saints, deal with your sheep. They ain't mine. So much freedom, amen. So what happens is I can enjoy the church more when I realize they ain't mine. It's humbling. But guess what? It gives you more grace. It gives you more grace to pastor, it's giving me more grace, the Amplified says, who richly and ceaselessly provides us with everything for enjoyment. So God doesn't stop giving you good things to enjoy.

You know Ephesians, not Ephesians James, chapter one, verse 17, says every good and every perfect gift comes down, comes down. You know what comes down means. In the Greek it means continually coming down like a waterfall. You ever see a waterfall? Stop Keeps going From the father of lights, in whom there's no variableness, neither shadow of turning. In other words, god's gonna change his mind about the coming down of good and perfect gifts.

The Bible says in the Old Testament blessed be the Lord who daily loads us with benefits, daily, every day. Give us this day our what, oh, our what, our what? Bread. The point of bread is to satisfy. Jesus wants you to live in daily satisfaction. Your vacation time should not be the time oh, I'm living my dream life. No, your dream life should be every day, your vacation time, or they call it holiday in Europe. That should be part of your dream life. But your life shouldn't be miserable. I can't wait to go on vacation. That's not the Father, it shouldn't be. Oh, I hate my job. I can't wait to go home and eat some dinner and watch Netflix. No, no. Every ounce of your day is meant to be filled with joy, filled with peace, filled with productivity, filled with happiness.

Somebody say I'm going to be happy, no matter what. I'm going to live my dream life, no matter what you know, the Holy Spirit is here to help going to live my dream life, no matter what you know, the Holy Spirit is here to help you to live your dream life. Holy Spirit's not just here for fire and wind and healing and miracles. You know, one time the Lord told me to tell my best friend this, because the Lord said this is what a lot of people think. They think the Holy Spirit's always there to correct you. So he said tell him this. And I told my best friend the Lord told me to tell you the Holy Spirit loves you.

People say the Father loves me, jesus loves me, but you ever heard somebody say the Holy Spirit loves you? Some people think the Holy Spirit is tolerating you. Oh, I grieved him today. He's not happy. No, the Holy Spirit loves you. He is the Spirit of the Father and of the Son, and he's here to guide you into what your dream life.

Jesus said when I leave, I'm sending you another comforter. That word another means one of the same kind. He's the spirit of Christ. So you're the spirit of Jesus living inside of you, resting upon you, guiding you, helping you to live this wonderful life that God has for you. Amen. What did Jesus say? The thief comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. But I have come that you may have. What Life and have it what More, what Montreal says to the full.

Somebody say I will live the abundant life, all right, but you got to know that God is pro-pleasure. So I gave the last service five proofs that God is pro-pleasure. I'm going to give you these five. I'm going to do it fast. Number one you have taste buds. You don't need taste buds to eat and be healthy. You can just have no taste buds. Anybody like.

During COVID, a lot of people lost their taste, but they were still eating. I gotta live. Let me get this green smoothie on, let me get this spaghetti and meatballs on, but they couldn't taste anything. They couldn't smell anything. Do you realize? I didn't even add that. Do you know that your taste buds and your smelling senses is all given to you from the Father so that you can have pleasure, even while you're eating, even when you're walking down the street. He wants you to smell beautiful things. It's not God's fault that we live in a concrete jungle. He put us in a garden. We chose to have the concrete, but he wants you to smell the flowers and things with beautiful scents because he wants you to be pleased. We got a lot of preaching about please God, please God, please God. Do you realize the father wants you to be pleased, pleased, pleased. Come on somebody.

Two, your sex drive. Hello, your sex drive wasn't there to frustrate you and be the thing that keeps you in sin and keep you repenting. I'm sinning. Nah, it's for marriage and it's for you to enjoy your spouse. Not just to procreate with your spouse, but to enjoy them. Because after the kids, is the sex game still going on? Should be, because it's for pleasure, not just for procreation. Come on somebody. There ain't no kids in here. Are there? Well, maybe there are.

I didn't say this in the last service. I'm going to say this your orgasms don't come from the devil, it comes from Jesus. I was afraid to say it in the first place. I'm not afraid. Now they come from Jesus. Yeah, we don't see Jesus. They think, oh, sex is the devil, the flesh, no, no, no, it's God. The devil wants to take credit for it. He wants to create the porn and all that stuff, making things. No, sex comes from heaven. Amen, your body parts that you use for this activity came from Jesus. Yes, the Christ, the son of the living God, the Passover lamb, hello. You got to take that religious spirit off of your Jesus.

What do you think speed and velocity came from? All you science people? The father Jesus, he created speed. He wants you to have a speeding ticket. Yeah, go ahead. No, I'm joking, I'm joking, I'm joking. He said obey the law of the land. But they, they're corny, they're 25 miles per hour. Come on, man, I'm in the Ubers. I'm like my God, drive faster. I can't, it's 25. Oh my gosh, this city. Now I see why people go to the country. You drive A lot of men. They love speed. It brings pleasure to them. God created that. That comes from the Father. Okay, I don't want to get no men in trouble. They're like see, the pastor said I can speed. Nah, nah, nah, father, lord, the land. Three, the variety of foods, spices and natural flavors that exist in the earth. All that comes from the Father. Four music is proof that God is pro-pleasure.

How many people love music? Throw out some of your favorite groups. Everybody scared again, like the first group. We know y'all wasn't always saved. Go ahead, throw out your first groups.

Pastor James said Michael Jackson, anybody else? U2. U2. U2, okay, lecrae casting crowns. Okay, give me some secular people so we can really have a good Wu-Tang. Uh-oh, anybody else? Usher, I said Usher. Okay, all right, come on.

Coldplay, yes, now, I don't like all those other people, but listen, I don't like no Led Zeppelin. I don't like no U2. I'm black, so you know, give me some R&B. Some of our brothers like hip hop. Who, earth, wind, fire? Come on. Yeah, they're good. They're good. Oh, everybody's happy for that. Okay, I brought that up for this because every culture has their music. See, pastor Sam, she's Haitian. She went to a party yesterday that had Haitian music. I don't like Haitian music. Why I ain't Haitian? I mean, it's nice to hear, but I ain't buying Haitian music. I ain't playing it on my radio. I'm not Haitian, but every culture has their music that makes them happy and God is pleased with that. Come on, somebody Five.

Comedy is proof how many like comedy. Anybody like that new guy? Joko Is his name, joko J-O-K-O-Y, that guy is hilarious. I'm like, uh-oh, kevin Hart, he's about to take your throne. Man, this guy, especially when he does all the Asian voices Japanese. Anybody saw that? Okay, no, never mind. He mimicked all the different, because he's Asian himself. All the different Asian voices, it was super. No, never mind, never mind. He mimicked all the different, because he's Asian himself. All the different Asian voices, it was super. Okay, never mind. Comedy, I like comedy, I like to watch comedy. Amen, it's good to laugh.

The Bible says laughter does good. Like what Medicine? So if you want to be healthy and live a long time, learn to laugh. Amen. Look at your neighbor and say, neighbor, learn to laugh. Everything's not that serious. Praise God, including my sermon. It's not that serious. Praise God. Okay, my time is going, let me go quick.

Number two you must believe your dream. Life has always been waiting for you. The Bible says that his divine power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. That's in Peter. So everything that you want, everything that you desire, everything that you need has already been provided for you.

When he created Adam and Eve he didn't say hey, what are we going to do with you guys? He had a plan and a purpose before he even created them. He created a world. The Bible says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. He created the planet and all the things in it for them before they were made. And then the Bible says he created a garden and put Adam in it. The garden represents your dream life. The Bible says he gave him. He created the garden of your dream life. The Bible says he gave him. He created the garden of what? Eden. What is the word? Somebody just said it. What does the word Eden mean? Pleasure, delight. So we can prove from even the beginning of creation that God is what Pro-pleasure. He wanted them to live in freedom. Do you realize that there's only one command that God gave Adam and Eve? Not 10, not 20, not 100, not 1,000. How many One Don't eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? But you, above all the trees, you may freely eat. Part of your dream life is having freedom. If you feel that you don't have freedom, that you're restricted, that your nose is to the grindstone. You need to leave that job, leave that career, leave that life. Your life should be a life of what? Freedom? I don't mean irresponsibility, but freedom. When you wake, you should be like praise the Lord another day to prosper and be productive. There's no blue Mondays in heaven. Oh my God, it's Monday Time to make the donuts. No, that's not God. God wants you to jump up and say, woo, I'm going to have an amazing day. I'm about to make some money, I'm about to eat some good food. I'm about to pray for somebody. I'm about to get healed. I'm about to see a life change. I'm going to be smiling all day long. I don't care what's going on in this world. Amen, hallelujah, hallelujah. This is what it means to be sanctified, not long dresses and a dolly over your head and white ruffled shirts. I'm sanctified. No, sanctified means separated from the world. So when the world is down, you are up. When the world is sad, you are smiling. When the world is depressed, you're rejoicing and singing praise to God Because he gives what Beauty for ashes and a spirit of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Right, come on somebody. So your dream life has already been established. This is what it says. It says in Genesis 2, 8 9,. The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed, and out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow. That is what, pleasant to the sight and good for food. And I said in the last service if it's not pleasant and good, it's not God. Everything in your life should be measured by pleasant and good. My spouse is not pleasant and good. Well, you're in a covenant, you can't leave them. You got to pray that it becomes pleasant and good. But everything in your life is not pleasant and good. Get rid of it, everything. You know I made a smoothie yesterday. You know, being greedy, I made a smoothie, added some spinach to make it feel like it's going to be healthy, you know. And I was like and I added an extra banana. I said this doesn't taste good. Now the like. And I added an extra banana. I said this doesn't taste good. Now the old school me, because you know how we've been raised. You make it, you finish it. That philosophy is long gone. I recently have really started saying if I don't like something, I don't care. If I just made it, it goes in the garbage, and everybody knows who goes to the restaurant with me. I said do you like what you're eating? They're like yeah, yeah, boy, I don't really like it, go get something else. No, no, I can't do that because that's how we've been trained. I can't make a switch. No, when Jesus fed the 5,000, they ate as much as they wanted. And so in my life. So you know what I did with that green smoothie. I ate it. And I was praying for you guys today and I was like nah, I don't like this crap. I threw that thing right in the sink. It's not good, it's not pleasant to my mouth. Bye-bye. Now, that's a small something. That's really silly, but that's what you do with everything in your life. I have clothes. I had this she's gonna laugh. One of my members, their daughter. I was wearing this shirt. It's a nice shirt. Pastor Sam said it was nice. Other people said it was nice. They were like yo, it's a nice shirt. This little teenage girl said that looks like a dad shirt. You know what a dad shirt is? Right, I mean like an old. That looks like something my grandfather would wear. I said okay, this is going in the garbage. I said I'm too young for those comments. She said even your jeans. My grandfather would wear jeans like that. I said what? That was savage. So you know that shirt and a whole bunch of other shirts and I just bought them went right into Salvation Army, bye-bye. I'm not hearing that comment about dad shirt. Okay, but if it's not good, if it's not pleasant, get rid of it. Amen, three you must believe you deserve it. There's a book out called you Deserve it, by a doctor, a psychologist in New York City, and he said he did a lot of research and did a lot of counseling. He's counseled the rich, the poor, all these people and people he noticed that struggled to get to their next or a certain goal. He was trying to figure out what is it? What is the common denominator of all the people that I've counseled, all the people that sat in my chair? And he discovered the feeling of worthiness, those who are making it felt worthy and those who weren't making it felt unworthy. If you want to have your dream life, your dream job, your dream husband, your dream wife, if you want to receive your healing, you have to believe that you deserve it. We don't have time to go to it, but Jesus, in Luke 13, talked about the woman who was bowed over. Remember her 18 years bowed over and religious leaders were getting mad because you're healing on the Sabbath day. He's like hypocrite. He didn't say hypocrite, he screamed it out Hypocrite. You're going to take your animal to get some water on the Sabbath, but the woman can't be healed. He says, think of it. She's been bound by Satan, not God. Satan Lo, these 18 years. Look, think about it. 18 years. Look, think about it 18 years. He said she ought to be healed, seeing that she's a daughter of Abraham. Your sonship in Christ makes you worthy of anything you want. He said her healing, she deserves it. Not because I'm the son of God, I'm here, I'm about to show my power. He said no, because she's the daughter of Abraham. Her identity made her worthy. Your identity in Christ as sons and daughters of Abraham make you worthy of everything God has promised, including your dream life. So when you see the devil coming, attacking you or trying to introduce you to something that is not a dream life, you say no, I resist you and I rebuke that in the name of Jesus. I'm going to have what the father promised me. The Bible says all the promises of God are what yes and amen in Christ Jesus. Paul said I didn't come preaching yes and no, like some preachers do. Oh, yeah, yeah, god will hear you, but no, in this case, no, no, no, no. There's no yes and no. In God it's yes, yes, yes, yes, amen. Hello somebody, hello somebody, hello somebody. Get excited about your future, get excited about your life. You're going to have an amazing life in the name of Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. But you got to believe that you deserve it. Somebody say I deserve it. Look at the name of your neighbor. You deserve it. You deserve, but you deserve it. You deserve Joyce. Joyce, my wrote a book called uh um, buy the dress and eat the cookie, and it's about women. How that I can't. I can't buy that. I'm on a budget. Stop with the budget. Budget ain't in the bible. I know you, dave Ramsey, people are on the budget. I got you. Praise God and you should, but I like something Tony Robbins says. He says I'd rather use the word spending plan. It's more positive. Budget is more like ugh, spending plan is like okay, this is what you do. But the reality is, don't let your budget or your spending plan limit your thinking. Dream big, dream large and say God, can you fulfill my dreams? Yes, he can. Can you bring it to pass? Yes, I can. The Bible says feed on his faithfulness, not feed on your salary. God is faithful. He can bring new income flows to you. He can bring new people into your life. He can really bless you big time. My sister just recently applied for a new job. She left her old one. She was really doing great there, but she's applying. And before and she went to different interviews, different people wanted her, but she's applying. And before and she went to different interviews, different people wanted her, but she's getting this position as a director. And her former assistant at her last job said I had a dream about you. I saw that you got the job at this school and I saw you in black. I saw your hair and her hair was the way that she described it. And she said I saw that you were very happy. She says well, they haven't called me yet. She says well, that's what I dreamed. 45 minutes later, the school called and said we would like you to take the position. Glory to God, she got something that's going to make her happy Working environment, because the last environment wasn't good, causing her stress, but this is going to make her happy. That is an environment, because the last environment wasn't good, causing her stress, but this is going to make her happy. That is God's will for you. Amen, praise God. The last point and this is it and I'm done is you must claim what is yours. And I told the write this down because I don't have time to read it Numbers 27 to 1 to 11. This is about Zelophead's daughters, and so they're giving out land to all the men and da-da-da-da, all the narrators. And the daughter said well, our dad, you know he died and he has no sons, so that land ain't going to nobody else, it's going to us. Now, what's interesting is they came before Moses. Now, moses is the great prophet, great deliverer. Who are you females, especially in that culture, to walk up to Moses and tell him what belongs to you? But they were bold and Moses was humble enough to hear their request and he went to the Lord. And the Lord said to Moses read it. He said what the daughters of Zelophe died says is right. Give them that land. Matter of fact, make this an ordinance forever in Israel. If there's no sons, the land, the inheritance goes right to the daughters. Here's the point. They spoke up, they claimed what was theirs. Notice, like I said last service, god, the Father, didn't pinpoint. Hey, girls, they're about to take your land. You need to go and get that. They saw for themselves it was was something that belonged to them and they went and claimed it and God backed them up. And I said it reminds me of what Jesus said whatever you bind on earth should be bound in heaven. Whatever you, what Loose on earth, shall be, what Loosen up, heaven backs up your decision and your claim to fame. You want something, go get it. You want something, go get it and heaven will back you up. Amen. Aren't you excited about that? So I say I can have my dream life. It's not impossible. All the good things I see other people have, I'm worthy of it and I lay claim to it. Amen. I told this story, I'm going to tell this and then I'm done. I was at this Jamaican restaurant across the street from my complex called the Door, and many, many years ago this family was sitting there with their little boy and they brought out the appetizers and I think it was like some cornbread or whatever they had, and I remember him jumping up. I was looking at him from a distance and he jumped up and he said and he put his hand on the table and said hey, that's mine. And God burned that memory in my mind and the Lord showed me that's how my children should be, with what I lay out for them on the table. Hey, that's mine. So why don't you shout it right now Hey's mine. Think of something you want, just think of it right now now. Say, hey, that's mine. See yourself grabbing that luxury car, grabbing that condo, that penthouse. Hello somebody, that good-looking husband, that good-looking, those kids you want. Say, hey, that's mine. In Jesus name, amen, glory to God, praise God. I want to do one thing I didn't do in the last service. I just want to give an altar call. If you're here, by the way, anybody experience more healing that I have prayed for. That didn't stand before. Just raise your hand if you felt something happen in your body that I prayed for. Praise God, all right. So if you're here in this place and you don't know Jesus, you've not been born again. Bow your heads and say Pastor Maurice, I want the dream life, but I don't want to go to hell, I want to go to heaven. I want to go to heaven. I want to be born again. I want to receive the forgiveness of sins and I want to receive this abundant life that Jesus has for me. I want him and Jesus says I'm here. I'm here to forgive you, I'm here to cleanse you. I died for you. I don't want religion, but I want Jesus. If that's you, you've never been born again. You've never confessed him as your savior. Raise your hand high. I'm going to pray with you to be saved. Raise your hand high. Anybody in the place, that's me. I want to be saved. I want to be born again. I want to receive the forgiveness of sins. If that's you, raise your hand high. Pastor Maurice, that's me High, so I can see it. Praise God and I ask you to join the church. We're offering salvation to you. If that's you, raise your hand. Praise God. Okay, we're all family here. Praise God, amen. Well, god bless you, winders. I mean I'm about to say Witness Church, my church. God bless you. City Light Church. Thank you for the opportunity to be here with you. I love you in Jesus' name.

40:02 - Speaker 2
This is the City Light Church podcast. If you've missed any part of today's message or if you would like to find out more about Pastor Boyan Jancic and City Light Church, visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Feel free to visit us online or in person anytime. We would love to connect with you. We pray that you have been encouraged today, that you have been reminded how much God loves you and that you are surrounded by grace. Thank you for listening. Make sure that you subscribe to City Light Church Podcast wherever you find your favorite podcasts worldwide.