Dec. 31, 2024

Embracing Resurrection: Nathaniel Saint-Eloi on Faith, Miracles, and Spiritual Renewal

Embracing Resurrection: Nathaniel Saint-Eloi on Faith, Miracles, and Spiritual Renewal
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Embracing Resurrection: Nathaniel Saint-Eloi on Faith, Miracles, and Spiritual Renewal

Guest minister Nathaniel Saint-Eloi has a knack for drawing you in with heartfelt stories and a sprinkle of humor, all while sharing profound spiritual insight that will renew your faith and leave you encouraged.  The powerful narrative of Lazarus’ resurrection in John, Chapter 11, serves as a backdrop to discuss belief and faith as catalysts for transformation. Imagine challenges not as obstacles but as opportunities for showcasing God's glory. Over and over, Nathaniel offers nuggets of truth that both convict and call you higher, into a faith-filled walk with God. 


(00:00) Church Podcast Interview With Pastor St. Eloy
(02:09) Manifestation Through Belief
(07:28) Revealing God's Glory Through Miracles
(22:11) Believing for Resurrection Over Healing
(31:18) Resurrection Breakthrough and Grave Clothes
(43:14) Breaking Free From the Grave Clothes
(51:37) Embraced by the Holy Spirit


00:00 - Church Podcast Interview With Pastor St. Eloy

02:09:00 - Manifestation Through Belief

07:28:00 - Revealing God's Glory Through Miracles

22:11:00 - Believing for Resurrection Over Healing

31:18:00 - Resurrection Breakthrough and Grave Clothes

43:14:00 - Breaking Free From the Grave Clothes

51:37:00 - Embraced by the Holy Spirit

00:00 - Speaker 1
I'm not just here to heal, I'm here to resurrect. I'm not just here to do something small in their lives. I want to exceed every expectation they have. I want to just not touch one of their family members, but I want a legacy of salvation throughout their bloodline, where their children's, children's children are blessed. I don't want to just do just the status quo. God is here to blow your mind.

00:26 - Speaker 2
Welcome to the City Light Church podcast. Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's Word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us. If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Pastor Boyan Jancic and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds. As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you. Without further ado, I want to welcome up a brother and a friend, pastor Nathaniel.

01:09 - Speaker 1
St Eloy. Praise the Lord. Guys, I'm glad to be here. Oh, I feel the love. First service didn't show me all this love. Y'all are real. Y'all are the real ones. Don't tell them, I said it, but I like y'all better. And if you're in both services, double love. Right there, you're amazing. All right, let's get into the word.

My wife is usually here with me. I'm so sad she had to work. The man. The man's making her work on today. The man I'm tired of the man. I can't wait to fire him Like I fire you. And my wife stays home and takes care of the kids. I'm not saying that, I'm not being sexist. I know how y'all feel.

My wife, that's my wife's dream. She would love that In Jesus' name. Let it be according to his will. Let it happen for us. You know you got to start speaking what you want to manifest in your life.

Y'all don't believe me, because you know what the Holy Spirit told me. He says 2025, you're going to move from imagination to manifestation. All right, three people said amen. You're about to move from manifestation. You're about to move from manifestation. You're about to move from imagination to manifestation. If you can imagine in your mind. God says I'm going to blow it out of the water, because the scripture already says that he will do exceeding, abundant above that of what you're able to ask or imagine. So I don't care how big your imagination gets, god says I'm about to blow your imagination out of the water with my manifestation. Come on, somebody shout if you believe it. All right, I'm a guest speaker. So if you don't like me and this is your first time, second time, third time your pastor's coming back and you're probably going to like him more than me. He doesn't scream as much as me. He's not as loud as me. I know some of y'all oh, it's so loud. It's okay, it's one day. Just, you know, be nice to me.

John, chapter 11. Y'all ready? How many people are ready for the word? All right, let's go. I got two verses we're going to go through and then we're just going to believe God for something supernatural. First service God showed up and showed out a spirit of breakthrough and deliverance. Hit this place. I'm telling you if you were here, how many people were here and God just showed up in breakthrough. Man, it's going to be amazing. Let's do it. Let's do it. All right. John, chapter 11, verse four. Here's what it says.

Your pastor right now is enjoying his family. Yeah, he's like I want to get away early and enjoy my family. I said what a good example of a pastor Putting first God and then put your family and then tell church people you guys are secondary, my family comes first. Just in case y'all didn't know, y'all come after his family. I know they always think like, oh yeah, pastor, anytime I need you, you got to know he has a family. All right, let me get into the word before I get into trouble.

John, chapter 11, verse 4, what a good example. He's like. You can go preach, I'm going to spend time with my family. Thanks, pastor boy. I appreciate it. I've been preaching here for over 15 years. I can't believe it. You're like he's that old. No, I'm not. I first preached here when I was 12.

When Jesus heard that he said this sickness is not unto death. God, please don't strike me for lying but for the glory of God. For the glory of God, but for the glory of God. But for the glory of God, that the son of God may be glorified through it. Let's go to verse 40. We're going to do John 11, verse 40. Here's what it says. Jesus said to her did I not say that if you would believe, you would see the glory of God? So we're going to now read verses 38 all the way to the end. Let's start at verse 38. It says then Jesus, again groaning in himself, came to the tomb. It was a cave and a stone lay against it. Look at this. Jesus said to her did I not say to you that if you would believe, you would see the glory of God? We read it a second time. I did it on purpose. That's what preachers do sometimes. Right, we do stuff on purpose. You'll understand in a few minutes. Verse 41. Let me go on this side now. Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead man was lying, and Jesus lifted up his eyes and said Father, I thank you that you have heard me, and I know that you always hear me, but because of the people who are standing by, I said this that they may believe that you sent me. Verse 43. And now, when he had said these things, he cried out with a loud voice Lazarus, come forth. And he who had died came out, bound, hand and foot, with grave clothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them lose him and let him go. May God bless the reading of his word. Can we just go back to John 11, four just one more time? John 11, four. Can we just look at that verse one last time, when Jesus heard that he said this sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God. But for the glory of God, that the son of God may be glorified through it. The title of my sermon today is there is glory to my story. I'm going to say it again For those who didn't catch it there is glory to my story.

Every person in this place has a story and every story comes with highs, with lows, with good times, with bad times, with difficulties, with situations, with circumstances. Every story in here is a story that has lots of complexities. They have lots of situations. Many of you have been through a lot. Your story may have divorce in it. Your story may have hurt in it Many of you. Because you came to Jesus, your story has restoration and healing attached to it. I love that God can take any story and he can change that story and redeem that story, even though that story was going down a path of destruction and death and chaos, that that now story can move from a story of chaos and confusion and death to a story of restoration, healing death, to a story of restoration, healing, hope and breakthrough.

I believe some of you right now are at the precipice. You're pretty much at a crossroad. Is it going to be my story or is it going to be his story? Is it going to be my story or is it going to be his story? Because you only have two authors of your story.

Either God writes your story or you write your story, and when you write your story it usually ends up pretty bad. When God writes your story, things in your life come that are bad, but all things work together for good to them who love the Lord and are called according to your purpose. So I'm telling you, if God is writing your story, that doesn't mean bad things aren't going to happen to you. It means that God is with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will strengthen you through the seasons and you'll go through the fire and you won't get burned. You'll go through the water and you won't drown. You'll go through the situation and you'll come up with your head up high, stronger than you've ever been before.

How many people have a story of God's faithfulness, of God's goodness, of God's restoration, of God's hope, of God's healing, of God's miracle touch? How many people got a story that says God did it for me and I got a story just like that? And if he did it for me and I got a story just like that, and if he did it for me, he'll do it for you, my God, my God, if he healed my body, he'll heal your body. If he touched your soul, my soul, he'll touch your soul. I believe he's the same yesterday, today and forever. I know some of you are like today, today and forever. I know some of you are like man. My story came with being here and being there and going through this and going through that, and it seems like God's not in your story, but he is.

Emmanuel is in your story. You see, I mentioned Christmas, but I'm not doing a Christmas sermon. He's right in the middle of your story and he's ready to put glory in your story. I like her. I need you to come. Everywhere I preach, you need to come, I promise you. She's making me want to preach. I'm just trying to be good. I'm like, oh God, I feel like an organ's about to come in the background. Don't do that to me, because you're going to stir me up too much. I love it, though. There is glory that God wants to put on your story. All right, so now let's go to the text.

You know this story is about Lazarus Lazarus. The main character is Jesus Lazarus, martha Mary Lazarus. Main main character is Jesus Lazarus, martha Mary Lazarus, martha Mary, siblings, jesus, friends like Jesus, homies like yo, like this is my, this is my road dog. Right here, the Bible says every time, can I prove it to you? Every time he went by Bethany, the Bible says every time, can I prove it to you? Amen. Every time he went by Bethany, the Bible says he stopped by their house. I'm talking about this is my dog. Like, not someone you call like hey, I'm coming to see you. Like every time you walk by their house. You know what I'm talking about. Yo, what's up, I'm here. You got some food. Yeah, me and my disciples're just gonna sit right here on your couch and chill out like friends, like that. And and you have to see something.

The bible says Lazarus was sick, and guess what Jesus does? He waits. Hold on, god, we're supposed to be cool. We're supposed, you're supposed to be my road dog. You said I'm your friend, but I'm sick and you don't show up. Oh, I love this. I love how God does this to us so many times in our lives where he doesn't show up when we think he should show up, but he shows up when it's sovereignly appropriate for him to show up. I love when he shows up.

And he shows up at a moment where you think, man, you shouldn't come, you should come at this time. And God's like that's not when I want to come, that's not when I want to show up, that's not when I want to show up in your situation. But, god, I need you right now. You said you, we were friends, but it doesn't seem real friendly to show up when you want to. And God goes my emergency is not your emergency. That doesn't seem like friendship. But the Bible says that was his friend, my dog, my homie, lazarus. Yo, we cool Lazarus is sick. All right, we're going to wait a few days. The journey's already a few days, let's show up there. No, we're going to chill Just a few more days.

The Bible says he stayed two more days in the place where he was. The Bible says he stayed two more days in the place where he was. You see, jesus may not show up when you want him to show up, but I guarantee when he shows up he's going to show up with a miracle that's so big. He's going to show up with a breakthrough that's going to break every expectation you've ever had. I promise you that he may not come when you want him to come up, but when God shows up, get ready for something amazing and miraculous that's going to happen in your life, baby. God's getting ready to show up in your bleak situation. He's getting ready to show up in your impossible situation and say I'm the king of glory, I'm the Lord of all, I'm the Lord of all, I'm the alpha and the omega, I'm the beginning and the end, I'm the offspring of David, I'm the root of Jesse and I'm going to shift your situation. Look at this.

Jesus waits two more days and he says something really interesting. He says this miracle, this thing I'm going to do. He said it's in verse three. He says verse four. He says it's for the glory of God to be revealed. So I had to look up what the word glory meant. So there's really two major words for glory. I mean, there's a few words in the Old and New Testament, but there's two main words, the two main words for glory.

The first word is kabod. If you are a charismatic believer, you've heard that word kabod A million times. They blow on the shofar the kabod of God. Don't act like you know, you haven't been in them services and they waving the flags kabod, kabod. I'm not making fun of it because that's me right there, like glory. I don't wave flags though. I'm sorry, I just can't. I can't, I just can't. As a man, I can't see myself waving a flag. I know some men do, I just can't For me. For me personally, nathaniel, st Eloy, an angel from heaven, would have to come down and say wave that flag. And I'll be like nope, jesus, come down, angel. This could be a demon. I need Jesus as proof because I'm not waving the flag.

But this word kabod means heaviness. It means a weight. It means like there's a chair there and I put my entire weight on the chair. God goes. Glory means I'm putting my weight on a situation. Oh, that's heavy, right, you know how heavy it is.

It also means reputation. There's a Greek word called doxa and that word means reputation. There's a Greek word called doxa and that word means reputation. So when God goes, it's for my glory, it's to show people my reputation. It also means an opinion on a matter. It's to show you my opinion about this. I want to show you how I actually feel about this thing. So, glory, you can read the verse like this this sickness is not unto death. It's so I, to show you how I actually feel about this thing. So glory, you can see. You can read the verse like this this sickness is not unto death. And so I can show you my opinion about this, so I can flex my muscles. I can flex my muscle on your situation and show you how I actually feel about it. Hold on. So now you look at this completely different, because you're looking at a situation you're going through and you're saying God's trying to flex on my situation. God's trying to flex all over my situation. He's trying to show himself strong where I'm weak.

And so Jesus rose up and by this time Lazarus is dead. Jesus told his disciples, he already warned them. He said Lazarus is sleeping. And they're like oh my gosh, we'll wake him up. That's cool. He's like nah, you don't get it. He's dead. Oh man, we should die with him, thomas. We should just. Are we going to go there and die with him so we can be in heaven? Y'all don't get it.

So what does Jesus do? He goes into Bethany Four days after the man is dead. Four days. It was a journey. It was a four-day journey for him to get there. He goes there, he steps on the scene and he's like first person to come to him is Martha Martha's the worker. You know Martha Martha, martha, martha, you work, she's working. You know the workers are always there first she's running. Oh, I got to meet with Jesus. Oh, jesus, if you were just here a few days earlier when we called you, when we told you that he was sick, and you just came a few days earlier, guess what? My brother wouldn't have died. He would still be alive. Jesus, why didn't you show up? But I know, if you ask God, whatever, he'll do it, and then Jesus has the best response for her, because Jesus goes. But I am the resurrection and the life. Your brother's gonna raise again. I am, I am the resurrection and the life. And her being so funny, you know what she says to Jesus. She's like Jesus. I know my brother's going to rise again. He's going to rise on that day when everyone rises up.

Her theology was right, but she missed the moment. See, that's the problem with people who have too much theology is that they can miss moments with god because they become so theologically minded that they can't even see what the holy spirit's trying to do. They can be so theologically minded oh yeah, but god doesn't fit in this context. And in my old church and where I used to go and where I used to be this is how we did things that you can miss the move of heaven. I don't want to be so theologically minded that I miss out on what God's doing on the earth right now. And she was so theologically minded and guess what? She had proper theology. Yeah, when I get to heaven, everything's going to be perfect in the sweet by and by. And God said I want to do it in the dirty, here and now.

Some of you are so excited about heaven and I'm excited about heaven, but you know what I'm excited about. Every day I'm living on the earth, I can bring heaven down to earth. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. So I can bring the reality of heaven down to my earthly situation. That means if there's sickness, I can call heaven's healing power down on the earth and my body shall be healed. I just need about three people in this room who are saying I'm calling heaven down on the earth because I believe my God.

It's interesting you can sometimes be so focused on the future that you don't see what God's doing now. I can't wait for heaven, but I'm on the earth. I could fantasize and daydream about heaven, or I can bring heaven right now. I can go to my job and be like I'm a conduit. You ain't making it to heaven, but I'm going to bring heaven to you to the point where you make it to heaven. But I'm going to bring heaven to you to the point where you make it to heaven. You can look at people in a hellish situation and you can be like I'll be heaven for you.

Some of y'all didn't catch that Because you don't think of yourself that highly. You just think, oh, I'm just a regular Christian. You're not a regular Christian. None of you are regular Christians. Not one person in this place is a regular Christian. You're not a regular Christian. None of you are regular Christians. Not one person in this place is a regular Christian. Every one of you have the resurrected Jesus living on the inside of you.

That means when you step on a scene, you can look at a storm and you can command peace. Be still to the storm. That means you can come to a situation where people are in dire straits and because you come in, you carry life on the inside of you and things that were dead must come alive. I prophesy that you got a river on the inside of you, that when you open up your mouth, things gotta break, things gotta shift, things gotta open up, things gotta turn around. I got a well of living water on the inside of me that's going to shift generations. Somebody shout amen, amen.

That means when I step on the scene, I don't care how bad it is, it got to turn around. Oh, my job's in chaos, not anymore, baby, I'm here. The Prince of Peace lives inside of me. So when I step into place, peace got to be around. So Let me see, I got a few minutes.

So a second service. You see, look you. Second service. People are shady. I saw the shade you threw at the first service.

This is second service. We're not like them, they not like us. I thought y'all were saved. But Jesus steps in and Martha's the first person and Jesus goes I am the resurrection of life. If you believe in me, though you may die, you're going to live again. Oh yeah, of course in heaven we're going to live again. Oh yeah, of course In heaven we're going to live. Didn't get the moment. So finally she's like I'm going to go call Mary Mary's in the house. She runs, gets Mary Mary finally comes in and Mary's like yo, the teacher's looking for you. So the Bible says they got up and they went to him as quickly as possible.

I forgot to say this in the first service, you see y'all getting some stuff. The Bible says a crowd followed them to Jesus and it was a crowd of professional mourners. You know, there's people in your life. They're never there when things are good. They never show up where you're happy and god did it for you and there's breakthrough, but they're there to mourn with you their professional mourn. And anytime god starts blessing you, you see that they don't even show up anymore Because they get their identity in your failure. They get their identity in your failure. They get their identity in your misery. What brings them joy is seeing you joyless. What brings them peace is seeing you weeping. I feel this in my spirit. There's some professional mourners. All they can do is come around when things are bad. Oh yeah, let's talk about how bad things are in your life. Oh yeah, let's contemplate on negativity. I don't let people call me and talk about bad stuff. You can mention it, but we stop right there.

Then we start talking about the promises of God. I won't let my friends mourn for too long, weeping indoors for a night. If you cried for more than one day, baby, wipe those tears off. We're going to start claiming the promises of God. We're going to start speaking the scriptures. Because you've cried too long about this.

Wipe off the tears and start speaking the promise of God. You will live and not die, and declare the works of the Lord. I'm not going to be every day man. I just wish my finances. No. Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to sow. Then I'm going to go. My God shall supply all my needs according to his riches and glory.

I started just speaking the word. You give seed to the sower. You give. I'm a sower. Where's my seed? God, this is your word, not my word. I don't play with God. If it's his word, you better come through. It's not my promise, it's your promise. I do my part Believe. He does his part Deliver, amen. Your only part is belief. His part is to do the rest. All right, where was I at All, right? Yeah, so Mary's there, professional mourners come out and she rises up and he goes bring me to the tomb.

They go to the tomb and the professional mourners start having a conversation among themselves how come he couldn't come a few minutes earlier? How come he couldn't come a few minutes earlier? He knew his friend was sick. Why did he come at this time? You know what's interesting? Mary was believing, martha was believing, the crowd was believing for a healing and Jesus was trying to give them a resurrection. I'm going to say it like this they were expecting for something that wasn't that hard. You know, there were people doctors who could heal. There were literal people who went around, who had different remedies to heal. Jesus wasn't trying to just do what was regular, he was trying to blow their minds. Here's what the Lord told him. He said when you only believe for a healing, I could never give you a resurrection. Because you know I say it again, they need to hear it right If you only believe me for a healing, you could never get a resurrection. Some of you have not gotten a resurrection because you're just well.

God, I just want the bare minimum, bare minimum blessing. Just send amen, god, speak on it and God's like. I don't want to just give you amen, I just don't want to give you a miracle. I just don't want to give you a breakthrough. I just don't want to give you a raise. I want to blow your mind with how big the blessing, the favor, the open door, the promotion, the marriage, the children. I want to do what you couldn't do in your flesh. I want to do what you don't have the capability or power to do on your own. You couldn't resurrect him, so I got to do it.

So he says something this is Sickness, is not unto death, it's for the glory of God. Because I want to show you what I feel about death. You know the reason why I did this Because I want to show you my feelings about death. Death should be nowhere near you. Death, where is your sting Grave? Where is your victory? Jesus goes, I overcame death, hell and the grave. My God, my God. He's showing you how he feels about this thing, because glory is his opinion about a matter. Here's my opinion about death I'm the resurrection and the life. Can I tell you how I feel about death? Jesus made it clear I'm the resurrection and the life. He said it over and over I'm the resurrection and the life. He said it over and over I'm the resurrection and the life. And then it got to the point where the Bible says they're at the grave now and they have this conversation and they're like well, jesus, if he was just here a few more days, he could have been healed. And then the Bible says Jesus groans within himself. When I looked up that word in the Greek, you know what it means he got angry, he started getting upset, he started getting mad.

These people, they didn't hear me the first time. I'm not just here to heal, I'm here to resurrect. They didn't hear me the first time. I'm not just here to do a small miracle, I'm here to blow their minds. They didn't hear me the first time. I'm not just here to do something small in their lives. I want to exceed every expectation they have. I want to blow their mind with the level of breakthrough I bring them. I want to just not touch one of their family members, but I want a legacy of salvation throughout their bloodline where their children's children's children are blessed. I don't want to just do just the status quo. God is here to blow your mind with breakthrough and healing and restoration. If you believe it, shout yes. So Jesus gets to the tomb now, and this is the best part. He goes, roll away the stone, they roll away the stone and then you know Martha she talked a little too much because she goes Lord by this time there's going to be a stench. It's been four days. He's going to smell.

You know, the Holy Spirit began to tell me some of you don't want to open up certain areas that the Holy Spirit's trying to pinpoint in your life to bring resurrection to, because you think it's going to stink. It's areas you haven't touched for years. It's areas of abuse you haven't touched for years. It's areas of rejection and pain you haven't touched for years. It's areas of hurt that you haven't gotten to, the root of Things that happened to you when you were seven, things that that teacher said about you, things that the parents said about you. You feeling like the black sheep of your family. You don't want to get into the root of that, because you know it's going to smell right now.

Oh, I don't want church people to see who I really am. I'm really dead on the inside. Put on a smile. Yeah, everything looks good on the outside. Yeah, oh, praise God. Good to see you brother, good to see you sister. And you know you got your church voice. That ain't you? I know you out of church. That ain't you. That ain't you? That ain't you? I seen you out on the street. That ain't you here, brother. Good to see you.

I know you got to open it up, not so people can see it, so God could deal with it. God sometimes does it in front of people so that people can see how good he is. It's not to embarrass you, it's just so. When people look at your life 20 years later, 15 years later, they're like hold on, god did all of that in you. Someone who I went to high school with, here right in the service, and I hope she's like my God. God did all this stuff in you 20 years OK, I'm blowing up my spot. And you 20 years okay, I'm blowing up my spot. 20 plus years later. God did all of that and he opens it up so everyone can see, and then look what it says. It's going to smell, it's going to be a stench, because Jewish people believed that after four days your soul left, left your body, and there was no more hope for you.

Jesus was trying to blow the expectations that they had. They said four days, it's over, don't even try it. That's what she was trying to tell him. It's over by this point. Four days means his soul left his body. He's already in heaven. He's already somewhere. You can't do it. The resurrection can't happen. Heaven, he's already somewhere. You can't do it. The resurrection can't happen. It's impossible at this point.

See, jesus didn't show up when it was kind of possible. He could have showed up on the third day and be like I'm going to do this on the third day because his soul didn't leave his body. Jesus goes nope, I want them to believe that his soul left his body and there's no more hope for him. Now I'm going to show up and show them that I'm really the resurrection and the life. He ain't just sleeping, he's dead dead. You have a situation that's dead dead. I'm not talking about just dead, I'm talking about double dead. I'm talking about a marriage that's dead dead. I'm talking about a situation that's dead dead. I'm talking about finances that are dead dead. And then the Holy Spirit goes, but I'm the resurrection and the life. I don't care how dead it is, once it gets around me it gotta come alive.

And so Jesus goes, lazarus. He says we're up to two minutes. He does this whole prayer. He's like Lord, you know, you hear me, you've always heard me. These people don't believe you hear me. Just so that they could know you read that on your own time. Then he says now he said these things.

He cried with a loud voice. That's why you're always like you're too loud in church. I'm not too loud. He cried with a loud voice. You ain't too loud, sis, don't let them censor you and censor you. No, shout. Jesus spoke with a loud voice. I know we hear these stories, we read these things, we see this YouTube, and then we see all this stuff on Netflix and Jesus seems so quiet. No, with a loud voice. Voice, he cried Lazarus, oh, I'm going to be loud. Some breakthroughs, you can't get being timid and quiet. Some breakthroughs you got to speak loud. Some breakthroughs, you got to declare to principalities and to powers and to rulers of darkness.

I stepped on the scene and the resurrected Christ lives inside of me. So this dead situation has to turn around, because I stepped in here with Jesus, lazarus, come forth. Now. Here's what the Bible says. He who had died came out bound, hand and foot, with grave clothes and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them loose him and let him go. He came out with grave clothes, came out with grave clothes, bound Come on, pastor Mo. Bound, come on, pasamo. Bound, hand and foot, come on. You gotta do it tighter than that. Like I'm a prisoner of war. Oh, jesus, okay, all right, that's enough, brother. He took all his aggression out on me. Oh, my God, you got him angry this morning, sis. No, I know, it wasn't you, it's him, it's definitely him. Yeah.

And the Bible says he came out bet, bound, hand and foot, with grave clothes, and on his face was wrapped up. And I said Holy Spirit, okay, why? And then the Lord began to speak to me and he said there's a lot of people in the body of Christ. They've come out of the grave, but they've never taken the grave clothes off. Right, oh, wow. But I already accept Jesus as my Lord. I already said God come into my heart. I prayed the prayer. I even come to church more than one time a month. I've even joined a life group. I even got baptized.

But you're like this no direction, I don't even know where I'm going. Lord, help me. No, don't help me. Don't help me If I fall. I fall Because this is how people fall. Yeah, because you still got the grave clothes on and you expect your pastor to be like let me help you through this. Nope, you don't need help, you need deliverance. Come on, because let me tell you something freedom is coming out of the grave, but deliverance is taking the grave clothes off and a lot of us, we're free but we're not delivered. So we're walking around like this, still smoking. I know I'm in the right room, I don't care if y'all are going to ask. The first thing you do is your phone and weed because you need an escape After work. Oh, let me get drinks, because you need an escape, because you're out of the grave.

But Imagine trying to worship. For some reason, I just can't lift up my hands. For some reason, it's hard for me to say hallelujah when he tells me praise. I can't praise, everyone's jumping, but it's hard for me to jump. I think it's because I'm timid. I think it's because I'm an introvert. There's no introverted praise. I think it's because I'm timid. I think it's because I'm a introvert. There's no introverted praise. There's no extroverted praise. Let everything that has breath.

He who had died came out bound, hand and foot, with grave clothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. I'm not putting the cloth back on my face, you all saw it in there. Jesus said to them Jesus is like. I did my part. I got you out of the grave. You know, like when he said to the person, he said pick up your bed and walk. I did my part, I healed you. Now you got to clean up the mess that you made for the last 30 years being here. Come on, come on by my help, by my strength, by my spirit. Now it's your turn to be like. I'm going to get free from this.

He said to them Pastor Mo, pastor Boyan, the leaders of your church, spiritual people who you're around, help, get him out of the grave, close, help get him. See, the responsibility is on you, but it's also a team effort. See, today the Holy Spirit is telling you take off the grave clothes, come on. I need just three people. Come on, I just need about ten people. I just need a few Holy Ghost people. I just need a few people who know that the Holy Spirit just came in this place and breakthrough.

Just hit this room and lift up your hands, came in this place and breakthrough. Just hit this room and lift up your hands, open up your mouth and prophetically take off your grave clothes with a praise. Come on, open up your mouth and begin to give God a victory. Shout, a victory, praise, hallelujah, hey. Come on, praise him. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hey, come on, praise him. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Let everything that has breath praise thee, the Lord.

It's not enough to get out of Egypt. You got to get Egypt out of you. It's not enough to come out the grave. I got to get the grave clothes off. You want to know why you got to get the grave clothes off? Because it doesn't look like your future. You got stuff on that looks like your past. You're out of the grave, but weed looks like your past. Come on, I knew they were going to say amen. Getting drunk looks like your past Clubbing looks like your past Clubbing. Looks like your past Sleeping around. Looks like your past Lying and manipulating. Looks like your past. I'm out of the grave. I want to get the grave clothes off me.

Right now, the Holy Spirit is beckoning some of you. He's calling some of you. He is reaching out by his Spirit to some of you and saying this is your moment of freedom. This is your moment to get delivered. This is your moment where I want to come in with my Holy Spirit and I want to do a work in you, coming with my Holy Spirit, and I want to do a work in you. I believe right now that God's going to show up big in your life.

I believe some of you hit the second act of your life. The first act was messy, but sometimes the Holy Spirit God closed the curtains, changed the scene around, swap out some friends, swap out some stuff and then open up the curtains and be like baby. All things have been made new. Same story, but different scenery. I want everyone to stand to your feet. I believe the Lord is here right now to set captives free.

I believe God is here right now, reaching out and saying I'm calling you to me, not to religion, not to church, but to me, to a relationship with me, like this loud, crazy preacher. But what I said, don't tell me. It didn't prick your heart. Like man, I need God. I got religion, but I don't have God. I had a first communion, but I don't have God. Some of y'all came from the Catholic background. I had a second communion, but I don't have God. Some of y'all came from the Catholic background. I had a second communion, but Right, don't you do second communions, they don't do a third. There's no third Confirmation. Yeah, you know I'm not Catholic. The real OG Catholic said no confirmation. Get it right First is communion, second is confirmation. Get it right First is communion, second is confirmation.

47:46 - Speaker 2
My God, that's so confusing.

47:52 - Speaker 1
I did all that, but I'm still bound, Because religion doesn't set you free. The sun sets you free. A good church doesn't set you free. The sun sets you free. A good church doesn't set you free. The sun sets you free. A good church is a good portal to help you be free, but it doesn't free you. So this first call is going to be for people you haven't even got it out of the grave yet. Jesus is calling you. Whatever your name is Maria, come out and you're like no, I'm good, but today he's calling you Timothy, come out Now.

You, woman of God you out, chris Paul Sam, come out. Come out, chris Paul Sam, come out. If that's you, you're like man. God's telling me to come out this grave, this dead place. I want you to just lift up your hand. We're all going to close our eyes. I want you to lift up your hands right now. Come on, lift up your right hand. If that's you, come on, lift up your right hand. If that's you, lift up your right hand.

You're saying Jesus, I need you to be my Lord, I need you to be my Savior, I need you to be my God. I want to come out of the grave. Come on, if you're accepting Jesus, I want you to just lift up your right hand right now. Just lift it up high, as high as you can. I want you to pray this prayer after me. Say Lord Jesus, come on. We could all say it together Lord Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and my Savior. Thank you that from this day forward, I'm out of the grave and I'm taking off the grave clothes. Thank you For salvation In Jesus name, amen.

If you prayed that prayer from your heart and you believed it, guess what you just got out of the grave. So the next step is join a good church, pray, read the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit the areas that he wants to perfect and change in your life and start taking off that grave clothes. So the second call is going to be for those. I'm already out of the grave, baby, or I just got out of the grave, but I'm safe. I'm going to heaven. But I don't want to go to heaven looking like hell. That one hurt me. I said it. I said, ooh, I don't want to go to heaven looking like my past. I don't want to go to heaven looking like my past. I don't want to go to heaven looking like I'm not free. I want to go to heaven, but I want to go to heaven free and delivered. I want to go to heaven and I want to be like God. I hear you say you're good and faithful servant and you're like man. There's years of hurt, years of abuse, years of anxiety, years of fear, years of word curses that people spoke over years of things and you're like, but I really haven't gotten delivered from it yet. The Holy Spirit is here right now. He's saying I'm here to set you free and to deliver you.

I was reading something in the word. This has nothing to do with my sermon, but I feel that I need to share it. It's in Acts, chapter 10, and it's when the Holy Spirit fell on Cornelius's house. And you know, peter gets this vision. And the vision is don't call unclean what I've called clean, which means, if you accept Jesus, you're no longer unclean, you're now clean. And so Peter thought they're Gentiles, they're not Jews, they're unclean. And Peter starts preaching this message to them the Holy Spirit told me, you guys are not unclean anymore, you guys are clean. And it says, while Peter was speaking these words, he was telling them they were clean. It says the Holy Spirit fell on them.

I looked up that word for fell on them and I was thinking like it's some charismatic experience. You know what it literally means the Holy Spirit hug them. The Holy Spirit hug them. Then, when Jesus talks about, then when Peter talks about the experience, a few verses down he goes the Holy Spirit fell on them the same way it did on us at first. Which means when the Holy Spirit came in Acts, chapter 2, the Holy Spirit wrapped his arms. Holy Spirit wrapped his arms. Oh, I feel that in my spirit, holy Spirit wrapped his loving arms around them. Whew. Right now the Holy Spirit wants to wrap his loving arms around some people and heal you and rid you of the toxicity and the pain and the hurt and the fears and the anxiety and the rejection and the brokenness. It's now the Holy Spirit wants to come in and do it. Will you let him Lift up your hands?

We're going to sing a song. After we sing this song, I'm going to invite people to the altar and if you need a fresh touch from God and you're like this is me, I'm out of the grave, but I need help getting the grave closed off. I need someone to pray for me. I need someone to contend is me. I'm out of the grave, but I need help getting the grave closed off. I need someone to pray for me. I need someone to contend with me. I need to cry out to God. I need to just lose myself a little bit so the Holy Spirit can take full control of me. I'm going to invite you up to this altar after this song and we'll be here contending and praying for your breakthrough.

54:25 - Speaker 2
This is the City Light Church Podcast. If you've missed any part of today's message, or if you would like to find out more about Pastor Boyan Jancic and City Light Church, visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Feel free to visit us online or in person anytime. We would love to connect with you.