New Episodes Weekly!
Jan. 16, 2025

Encountering the Holy Spirit

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CityLight NYC Church

This episode of the CityLight Church podcast begins with the story of a conversation at Burger King that sparks an unexpected spiritual awakening!  Pastor Bo shares this testimony, along with several others, on encountering the Holy Spirit.  They are the backdrop for the teaching he imparts that will help you experience the Holy Spirit as well.  Rooted in scripture, the teaching is practical, and the stories will leave you laughing.   What is keeping you from encountering the Holy Spirit more intimately this year?  

(00:00) Supernatural Year and the Holy Spirit
(08:26) Encountering the Holy Spirit
(16:46) Divine Encounter and Anointing for Transformation
(32:22) Encounter With the Anointing of God
(43:26) Overcoming Hindrances to God's Anointing 


00:00 - Supernatural Year and the Holy Spirit

08:26:00 - Encountering the Holy Spirit

16:46:00 - Divine Encounter and Anointing for Transformation

32:22:00 - Encounter With the Anointing of God

43:26:00 - Overcoming Hindrances to God's Anointing

00:00 - Speaker 1
Your fake posts and your fake pretend life and your fakeness and all those are all your fig leaves you're trying to cover up and you're utterly wretched and naked without me. So confess that, show me your need and then I'll meet you there. So there has to be a cry Lord, I need you, I want you, I need you more than the air that I breathe, more than the food that I eat. Come God, I'm nothing apart from you. You are my life, you are my everything.

00:26 - Speaker 2
Welcome to the City Light Church podcast. Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us. If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Pastor Boyan Jancic and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds. As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you that he has a real hope and a future for you.

01:07 - Speaker 1
Welcome to City Light Church. Welcome to those of you joining us online Hallelujah. 2025 is going to be a monumental year. 2025 is going to be a year of advancement, of taking new ground and possessing the land.

If you've been around City Light for a while, you know that I don't declare this at the start of every new year. I'm positive at the start of every new year. I have a faith goal at the start of every new year, but this is different. This is something that I feel like the Lord spoke directly to me. This is different. This is something that I feel like the Lord spoke directly to me and many of my friends in ministry. They sense the same exact thing and also he's doing it already. It's almost like he started preheating the oven in October, november and now it's going to be the bake-off in 2025. It's going to be incredible. It's not going to be a 350. That thing is going right up to 600. It is going to be listen, it is going to be a year where those things that have been like invisible obstacles in front of you, where the Lord is going to tear them down A year where years will happen in weeks and months will happen in days, a year of tremendous advancement. In order for us to realize that because I'm describing a supernatural year in order for us to realize that we have to be a supernatural people and we have to be a people that are familiar with the supernatural, amen. And even when I say that word supernatural, for some that has a negative connotation. Ooh, supernatural. I say supernatural, so it has a negative connotation. People think of some history channel documentary, that where they're discussing poltergeist activity.

God is supernatural, he's not natural, he's above, he's supernatural. I don't want a natural life, I want a supernatural life. So I have to know the God. He's supernatural. I don't want a natural life, I want a supernatural life. So I have to know the God of the supernatural, and the way we do that is through the Holy Spirit. So the Holy Spirit has to be our friend. Now, from his side he is, but many of us, we just don't know him in that way. There's a scary stat I don't know. Stats are made up. Oh, like 85% of all stats are made up at least 50% of the time but I've heard it and it resonates.

And it goes something like this that if the Holy Spirit were to leave and go back to heaven, 90% of the church would keep functioning, business as usual, and that that resonates with me. I'm like, yeah, because they got their programs. It's like Disneyland, but church style. You got your coffee, you got a laser, a little fog machine, you got the little system pro. You get the people, you plug them in and they just and the Holy Spirit can leave and it just keeps on running.

If the Holy Spirit left city light, I'd be in the corner in the fetal position going help me, help me, help me, take me too. I don't know what to do next. We need the Holy Spirit, but it's sad that some people wouldn't recognize the Holy Spirit if he rode in on a city bike and did loops around the sanctuary. You got to know him. He's not God's active force on earth and he's not a fire, he's not a wind. Those are symbols of him. He's a person, he is God, he is God Almighty. The Holy Spirit is as much God as Jesus is God. That's why the Holy Spirit is known as the Spirit of Jesus or the Spirit of Christ. The Holy Spirit is as much God as the Father is God, hallelujah. That's why the angel told Mary that she would be found with child of the Holy Spirit. Oh, I thought the father was Jesus' father. Yes, well, you just said the Holy Spirit. Now I quoted the scripture and the answer is still yes, jesus was a child of the Holy Spirit. It's his spirit. We have to know him. I'm after you. I want you to have the best year of your life, but that's not going to happen. If you have a frontalobian Christianity, if you have a merely intellectual Christianity, you won't have a supernatural year Because everything's got to fit into your neat little paradigm and God wants to take that paradigm and blow it away. Yeah, he's the Holy Spirit, he's not the holy brain. And the Holy Spirit will deal with you in your spirit and communicate to you in your spirit, and so we must be a spiritual people, open to spiritual things, in fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

Now I'm grateful for my history with the Lord in that I started off that way in 1992 when I got saved. I didn't have, I wasn't saved by a miracle in some religious church, because people can get saved in religious churches, but, man, it's like a miracle. When you hear their story. They're like I was told this and I was told that, and the Lord navigated them through this maze of religiosity and they still found him. That's a miracle. But I was saved in a church that was filled with the Holy Spirit, where they believed in the power of the Holy Spirit.

I visited that church came late I'm just kidding You're so early for second service. You guys were like the first ones here. They came in the first third of the first service just to have front row seats and be on time for second service. Now that's the kind of hunger I'm talking about. I was 16 years old. I'm invited to this church. I go to the church.

I show up like 10 minutes before the service is over. What I see is wild to me. People were spinning around dancing, just happy, praising God, but for me and my background it just seemed like the mothership had landed. And then a fella comes up and he shakes my hand. Great guy. We later became great friends, but I didn't know him when he shook my hand. Great guy, we later became great friends, but I didn't know him when he shook my hand. He did one of these things. He took my hand and went. Ooh, like he was both sucking out my soul and reading it at the same time. Do you know that we can take the spook out of things? Like we get to choose how weird we are? I'm just saying he's less weird now. Just as powerful, but less weird. You know, you actually get like I can speak in tongues right now and it not be weird, I can go but I can also go.

I was like, yeah, you get to decide. Right, you can pray for someone like with a normal face, gently, or you can look like a runaway steam train and just freak someone out for no reason, just being weird for the sake of being weird. Anyway, he takes my hand. I was already, I'm on guard as it is. Now I'm going. Oh great, what cult have they brought me into? And how weird is this gonna get, says brother, can I talk to you? I said yeah. He said meet me at the Burger King across the street, I'll go. Good, it's not gonna be in this, it'll be safe in public.

I go to the Burger King across the street and he shares several things with me. He shares the gospel, he shares just general stories about God, and then he starts talking to me about my life, things that he couldn't have possibly known, things that my friend who brought me to church didn't know, things that he couldn't have possibly known, things that my friend who brought me to church didn't know, things that nobody really knew. It wasn't so so specific, but it was specific enough that it really got my attention. He was operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and as he spoke these things the only way I can describe it is I felt what he was saying Like stuff started moving and shifting inside of me. I just felt I felt like I was touching the spiritual realm through this meeting with him, through him ministering to me.

And then he said repeat after me. And he said say the blood of Jesus. And I actually I was so silly and I'm 16, and I have no scripture in me at all I thought is he mocking the Lord? Is he mocking the? I keep waiting for the trick because he was so kind and so nice. I'm like nobody's this kind, nobody's this nice. You know, when he's going to ask me for my money, how is he going to trick me? He said say the blood of Jesus. It's a declaration. It's a declaration to every entity in the spirit realm and the natural realm that you have been purchased. You no longer are your own. You belong to the Lord. All of your sins are taken away and you're God's own special people. He calls you his peculiar possession. I'm glad the scripture called me peculiar Hallelujah. So he says say the blood of Jesus. And I say it. And he says say it again. And I say it again. And he says now, this time, say it with all your heart. So the third time I just I go the blood of Jesus.

And when I said it that third time, I felt like something snap over me and I got all woozy. Something snap over me and I got all woozy and I look up and I just see him smiling. I had already cried my guts out as he was just sharing things about my life. I cried and I cried and like not normal crying, I cried for over an hour. This whole encounter was three hours long. I cried for over an hour.

I went I'll never forget I went through a whole canister of those Burger King napkins you know they're flimsy, cheap napkins but still a whole canister to where he had to reach over to the other table, get another one of those. They don't have those canisters anymore. Now you got to go see it's those green people. You got to go all they're trying to limit because they knew boyons would come in and use up a whole canister. Now you got to go all the way to the front and they give you two napkins and can I get some ketchup with that? Yeah, here's one, give it to me like it's the 90s.

So I look up after saying the blood of Jesus. I don't even know what's happening. I'd never encountered anything spiritual. All I knew was something was happening. I felt different, I felt lighter, I felt freer. I opened my eyes and he goes. How do you feel? I go really, really good. And he says I just saw two spirits fly off of your head. Now I believed him and I do believe him to this day, because I know something happened in me, and the fruit of that is evidence this day, because several months later, I went back to that church and made a decision to give my life to Jesus. Hallelujah.

Now, this was a church that believed in not just praying Jesus into your heart, which, by the way, is really found nowhere in the scriptures. We cheapened the gospel and we presented as well. Just say this little prayer and pray Jesus into your heart. That's not the gospel. The gospel is give your whole life to Jesus, surrender to him and trust in him for his righteousness. And now his righteousness is on you, and when God, the Father, looks at you, he sees you without any spot or speckle of sin, just as clean, just as righteous as Jesus, amen.

Well, when you got saved, when you got born again, when you received Jesus. They then baptized you right then in the service. It was an old school church service. This is like three to four hours long, so you give your life to Jesus and then there's a changing room upstairs with fresh clothes. You put on the fresh clothes, then you get water baptized. You think they're done. No, they're doing it Book of Acts style. After you get baptized, you put on your clothes you came in with and then they pray with you for the baptism in the Holy Spirit. They weren't weird. Churches who don't do it that way are weird. That's actually the Book of Acts model.

We split up the whole salvation package into three parts Get saved. Then maybe if you filled out the connection card and you really feel it, I don't feel to get baptized. Who cares how you feel? The word says get baptized. I feel I'm waiting for a sign. You got like 20 signs in the New Testament telling you to get baptized. And what are you waiting for? Spark 20 signs in the New Testament telling you to get baptized. And what are you waiting for? Sparkles in the air, traffic lights to go backwards? What the word is telling you? Do it so you get saved.

You get baptized in water and then there's a third part that is essential, that is key, that many churches just leave it open for people to stumble upon, and that's the baptism in the Holy Spirit. We don't leave it open for people to stumble upon and that's the baptism in the Holy Spirit. We don't leave it open for people to stumble upon. You come into our sanctuary, the first books you're greeted with mini books are about this subject. We have a ministry team at the end of every service who will lead you into the baptism of the Holy Spirit, if you desire. We devote several services a year where the whole service is devoted to people getting baptized in the Holy Spirit.

The baptism in the Holy Spirit, just like baptism in water, is you're immersed in water. Now you're immersed in the Holy Spirit and he fills you. The words or the terms baptized in the Holy Spirit, filled with the Holy Spirit, received the Holy Spirit those are all interchangeable terms you'll find in the book of Acts and you'll find that every time someone's baptized in the Holy Spirit, something happens. There actually is a physical evidence, a response. Call it a manifestation. And the evidence, the physical response, the manifestation, is speaking in other languages, speaking in tongues, a language you never heard of Nobody ever taught you.

You didn't go to school to learn. You supernaturally speak it. It's biblical. Jesus prophesied it in Mark 16. He said those that believe in me, they'll speak in your tongues. He didn't mean they're going to get Duolingo and learn because they're going to be missionaries. Supernaturally, you'll speak in tongues.

So I'm 16 years old. I've been baptized about half an hour. Put on my dry clothes. They pray for me to receive the Holy Spirit. I remember speaking in over three definitely at least three specific languages. I just took off praying in other tongues as I was filled with the Holy Spirit. I had a supernatural experience and that I'm grateful for because that's how my journey with the Lord began. Hallelujah. And it was all a big setup because two weeks later he called me into ministry. That wasn't fulfilled until a decade later.

But when I was 16, it's the last thing I was ever thinking about. I've never thought about God, never thought about Jesus. The last thing I'd be thinking about was being in ministry. When you even mentioned ministry, the only thing I would think of was some TV, but like 80s TV, like the priest in Little House on the Prairie. I joke about the Little House on the Prairie. I used to watch Little House on the Prairie. They're always like these, just emasculated guys. They're weak. The TV preachers are never strong. They're never dangerous. Preachers should be dangerous. You know why? Because Jesus was dangerous. Yeah, you don't kill someone after just three years of ministry if they're not dangerous. Jesus was the opposite of harmless. Hallelujah, anyway, that's another story. That's he calls me into ministry. Then, two years later, I'm just growing in the things of God. Then, two years later, I'm just growing in the things of God.

First two years were rough and tough because, you know, when you first get saved, satan wants to. He wants to cut you off. He's terrified of a person who's just gotten saved. And I dare say that the biggest attack you'll ever have is your first year or two of walking with the Lord, because Satan's a pervert. He has no shame. He used to look throughout the scriptures. He doesn't mind killing babies, loves killing babies. Actually Wanted to kill Moses as a baby. Wanted to kill Jesus as a baby. He wants to crush that acorn before it becomes a giant oak tree. So he's raging. Thank God, by the mercy of God and good people around me, I made it through.

Now I'm 18. I'm going out to college in Long Island at Stony Brook University. It's November of 1994. Don't do the math. I'll be 49 next week and I'm told that there is a man coming, a man of God, who's used powerfully by the Holy Spirit. This man was only 33 years old at the time. He would, a few years later, become my pastor and I studied under him and went to the Bible school that he founded. It was the largest church in Long Island that he was visiting.

He was doing a week, two services a day. Each service was four to five hours. Yeah, we like the quick version. You know, we want snappy express one-hour dry cleaning. Lord, we'll come in and come out and change my whole life, but just do it real quickly, because I get bored easy, because I fried my dopamine receptors from too much scrolling. So I go to those services.

He's talking about the Holy Spirit. He's talking about the Holy Spirit. He's talking about the Holy Spirit and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. He's talking about the anointing, and it's the first time I really heard any preaching on the anointing, which, by the way, that's strange Jesus, his last name, isn't Christ. Did you know that? If you try to look him up online or on the phone book. You don't look under C for Christ. That's actually his title Christos. It means the anointed one. It's Jesus the anointed one. Because Jesus, everything he did, he did by the anointing. He had a very touchy ministry laying hands on people. He was transmitting the anointing. He had a very touchy ministry laying hands on people. He was transmitting the anointing. They pressed in just to get some of that anointing.

What is the anointing? It's the good stuff. It's the presence of God, the manifest presence of God, the active, dynamic presence of God. Because people will say, oh, god is everywhere, yeah, but not in his anointing. You can say God is omnipresent, but he's not everywhere the same. He was everywhere in Jerusalem, in Acts, chapter 2, but in the upper room that was different. That's where the anointing was. That's why you can be sitting next to someone and you're like under a waterfall of the anointing and they can be totally thinking about what they're going to get for lunch. One is experiencing the manifest presence of God. One is thinking of Chick-fil-A in the omnipresence of God.

So that week changed me. I had experienced a fresh touch from God. I'd experienced revival. And what revival does is it softens your heart and it makes you susceptible to the things of God and there is when you're in a spirit of revival. There's no pressing into God's presence. You just go Jesus and he's right there. You don't have to work yourself up to anything, you don't have to struggle. The striving is taken away and that's how he really he won me over and his spirit always comes with his love, because he is love. And I started to experience healing. I noticed that the more I was under the anointing, the more I changed and I became very aware as he was changing me, as I was experiencing the touch from heaven, I became very aware of my own brokenness and I realized, ah, I am messed up. I got a lot of baggage, I've got insecurities, I got anxieties and fears and complexes and all this stuff that I just picked up by being alive in this fallen world. And I noticed whenever I'd be with the Lord that I would have less of that and that he was working on you know the Lord will do in you what no therapist can ever do. The Lord can heal years and years of trauma, of abuse. That's what his anointing is for, in fact.

Let's look at Isaiah 61. This is Jesus's number one sermon. We know this from the gospels because it says Jesus. As was his custom, he went into the synagogue and he asked for the book, the scroll of the prophet Isaiah, and he would read look at Luke, chapter four. He reads from Isaiah 61, which is really awesome because he's reading a scripture about himself and because he knew some of his listeners were too dull of hearing they wouldn't figure that out. He said this day the scripture is fulfilled in your ears. I'm the guy that that's talking about. He said the spirit of the Lord, god is upon me because the Lord has anointed me. And then there's a description about what the anointing does. This is no joke.

I actually felt right in worship before the second service. Lives hang in the balance here. Your life hangs in the balance here. 2025 can go one way or it can go an entirely different way, and there's actually people and events that are dependent on you getting a fresh touch of God. There's people and events dependent on you being a friend of the Holy Spirit and having a God encounter. You got to have a God encounter. He said I had one when 30 years ago. Have another one. He doesn't limit you to just one, but you got to have one. Anyone who ever did anything in the scriptures of any significance that had a God encounter.

Abraham had a God encounter. Abraham had a God encounter. Isaac had a God encounter. Jacob had a God encounter. Moses had a God encounter. David had a God encounter. Hey, after Moses, we saw Joshua couldn't even go into the promised land until he first had a God encounter.

Solomon had a God encounter. You get to have a God encounter. Hey, it's already been purchased. It's been purchased with the blood of Jesus. You say, okay, I want one. What does it require? It requires you being open, you being hungry and asking for one and really being hungry. The anointing is attracted to true hunger, hunger out of the heart of man, and it comes in the form of God. I need you. I need you. I'm not self-sufficient, I'm not independent. I need you. I need you more than the air that I breathe.

You know what Solomon said that touched God's heart so much. He said I don't know how to come in or go out unless you lead me. He was already a prince, he was already successful, he was an adult. And he said I don't know how to come in and out of a door unless you lead me. And God said I like that. And then he said because you've asked for you're not. You haven't asked for riches or fame, but you asked for wisdom. Now I'm going to give you wisdom and riches and fame because you humbled yourself so much. It's that humble, lord I need. You cry Come into my life. That activates the power of God. You see it all throughout the Gospels Hallelujah. I want your 2025 to be an overflow year, a supernatural year, but it's not going to be a supernatural year if you're closed off to the supernatural.

The Spirit of the Lord, god, is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor. And then I came across this and I had a broken heart. I knew it was. I don't know, I just knew I was messed up. Whenever I would check inside, ooh, it's like a horror show, and I didn't really even have that bad of a past, but for me it was a horror show.

He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted. The anointing will first patch you up so you stop sabotaging yourself and getting in your own way. It's very hard to make good, healthy advancements in life when you're just a walking wound. The anointing will heal the brokenhearted. The anointing is to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.

Verse two to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes. The Lord has a wonderful divine exchange program. He takes our trash, our crud, our ashes, and he gives us beauty by the anointing. There is nothing that you're facing right now that more of God's anointing can't solve. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. You can go to so many churches and never even hear the word anointing and go for years. Now that's criminal, because it was Jesus' number one subject. It was in his last name. In fact, to be a Christian, it means little Christ. You're a little anointed one. Hallelujah, in fact, when that new car comes in, that's what the license plate will say it will. It depends which one they let me have. It'll either be anointed or it can be an N-ointed one. I've given this some thought. I didn't just say that right now. I've given this some thought.

27:09 - Speaker 2
I didn't just say that right now, I've given this some thought. Hallelujah, hallelujah.

27:17 - Speaker 1
I hope nobody skids, nobody skids driving behind me in that anointed vehicle To give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. That they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the lord. That he may be glorified. This is all the results of the anointing. So I'm 18. For the first time I'm reading Isaiah 61. I sense the Lord coming to me, I sense him changing me, I sense him healing me and I'm falling in love with him. I went from loving God to being in love with him. And two years later I go to a church in Toronto. And two years later I go to a church in Toronto. This church had four million visitors in several years.

In the mid-90s it was a little church at the end of the airport runway in Toronto, a little church of several hundred people. And when revival hit them quickly outgrew that and they bought a giant warehouse and became a church, became a church, turn, turned it into a church. The pastor of that church is going to be with us next weekend Friday night, saturday night and Sunday morning. Do not miss any of those services. A mighty man of God. I actually didn't ask him to come you mentioned I didn't. He said I want to minister and bless your people. I mean, I don't think that's coincidental at the start of 2025 when somebody of that caliber says I want to minister, I want to bless your people. He's coming here at 83 years old for no other reason than to see you go further in God and get positioned right for 2025. So there is an outpouring in this church.

It started January 20th in 1994. I'm visiting it in January of 1996, just two years later. On any given night they have 50 nations in the service. They all have headsets. I know today that might not look so cool, but back in the mid-90s everybody had translation headsets. That was from another nation. They could look like the United Nations and other translators speaking so people could understand.

But that's not the good part. The good part is the presence of God was there in a way that I had never seen before or experienced before. When you walked into the church it was like walking into a bubble of heaven. It just felt like an open heaven. You felt alive. I mean, people would walk in and instantly start weeping because of the presence of God. In fact, even before you walked in there were some people that would be on all fours crawling into the building because of the glory of God.

This is in January in Toronto. It's like minus 10. Hallelujah and I'm hungry. I know the anointing is the good stuff and I want more. And I want more Jesus and more of the Holy Spirit.

So that first night I go I go to the service and it's wonderful, it's awesome. And then they announce after the service if you want prayer, there's a ministry team that will pray for you. I'm one. Definitely one prayer. But I didn't know about this ministry team. I'd never seen that model before. If ever I visited a church or was in my own church, I wanted the senior pastor to pray for me. That's not right. It's just how I was. I just figured this guy seems like he knows more about what he's talking about than everyone else. I want that guy.

And they had this ministry team which communicated something that it wasn't about the person, it was about God. It was about God using anyone. So I stood on this line and there was just this regular people on the ministry team and the guy with his wife that came up to me looked like a hitchhiker. He had a hiking backpack on, like with the metal frame and everything, like he had three bags stacked up on top of each other, but they all seemed to glow with this love and peace, like otherworldly creatures, like they had been in that anointing for so long. I just remember staring at them, going. They look different, they move different. These people are in the holy presence all the time and they come up to me and the first thing I noticed was they weren't yelling, because I came from a church where everything was a yell. If you weren't shouting, thing was a yell. If you weren't shouting, you weren't anointed. Anointing was a factor of decibel level. They weren't. They were real quiet. In fact, it was the opposite.

And then church was a part of really. Really when they laid hands on you. They laid their whole hand on you and their elbow and their shoulder with a hip movement. They believed in the leaning on of hands, not the laying on of hands. I don't like that. In fact, if ever there's a heavy-handed ministry team member, let us know right away so we can have a talk with them. Nobody should be moonwalking backwards when getting prayed, for I want the real.

And, by the way, you might ask what is this all about? There's catchers. And why would? Why do people fall down? There's a very spiritual reason for why people fall down. Sometimes you ready for the answer it's because they can't stand anymore. It's that deep. Why do people fall down? They can't stand anymore. Well, I don't see that anywhere in the Bible. That's because you haven't read the Bible. That's not my fault. Go read the Bible and you'll find it in the Bible. You'll read in Chronicles how they dedicated the temple and the glory of God came down and says nobody was able to stand. You'll read all the time how Jesus had to pick people up, how people were lifted up.

You'll see how, in the Garden of Gethsemane, they came to arrest Jesus. They said where is he? And he just said I am he. Within that he said the name of God, I am. And they don't show you this in the movies. Even in the good ones, like Passion of the Christ, they don't show this scene, but it's in the scriptures. He says I am he. And all those soldiers that came to arrest him. They fell down.

Why did they fall down? Because they couldn't stand anymore. Because when this, when this mortal, finite body touches the supernatural, something's going to give out, and it's not going to be God, hallelujah. So they come up to me and they're whispering, they go, they only put two fingers towards my forehead. Dear Jesus, won't you just come and touch, just touch this young man, just Lord, and then just more Holy Spirit. And they didn't even touch me, I didn't feel anything. But when they said more Holy Spirit, I crumbled. I didn't nicely fall back for the ushers to catch me, I just crumbled like a bag, like a bag of rocks, just crumble down. I'm shaking under the power of God. I'm crying, I'm laughing, I'm cry laughing and I'm laugh crying.

There is a response Now, if you're struggling with control, you're going to come to God like he's Burger King and you're going to demand to be your way right away and you're going to say God, I want you to touch me, but nothing weird or strange. See, I don't mind one like really cinematic teardrop slowly coming down my cheek, but I don't want to cry, cry. I don't want to laugh, laugh. I don't want to shake. I definitely don't want to fall down. Can I be cool when you touch me? And the divine response is no, you cannot.

Nobody in the scriptures was cool when Jesus touched them. Find me a scripture where someone was cool. No, they went walking and leaping and praising God. Walking and leaping and praising God, they lost their marbles when Jesus rolled into town, rushing towards him because of the anointing. You say, well, jesus never acted that way. True, he's God, but everyone he touched did Hallelujah.

So I crumbled to the ground and I feel like a fireman standing over me with a fire hose just dousing me like a high pressure washer, just getting rid of all the debris and the cobwebs and the hurts and the pains and those things that were binding me and causing me to be miserable and feeling out of sync with God. It was all coming off. Look, there's a picture of this in the scriptures when Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. That's a type of the new birth. It's a type of getting saved. Lazarus is raised from the dead, but Lazarus is still in his grave clothes. He's mummified. So the next words Jesus says is loose him, loose him, release him and let him go. I was raised from the dead, but I wasn't loosed yet. I was still God, do something with my life. Why do I keep falling? Because your feet are all tripped up, tied together. I felt the anointing coming and doing an operation on me which set me really on a path to having an experiential Christianity.

For some people, when you say experiential Christianity, they hear different things. They might hear not a word or scripture-based Christianity. No, no, no. You can only have an experiential Christianity if you have a word-based, scriptural Christianity Doesn't mean getting goofy, getting flaky, getting weird. Some people for the first time they're hearing that you can have an experiential Christianity. What else is it? I didn't give my whole life for religion. Blech. That would be the saddest story ever. Definitely not for some frontalobian Christianity where I try to understand the ways of God with my intellect.

No, paul, he prayed for the Ephesians. He said I pray that you would know the love of God, which can't be known. How do you know the love of God that can't be known? You experience it. He said it can't be known. You look at the two different Greek words. One is I pray that you would know, experience the love of God that cannot be known intellectually. And that's what he wants for you, because your 2025 is dependent on it. There is a grace upon us.

How many of you, just by a show of hands, you feel like the last full few years you've been like in a holding pattern of sorts like things just aren't. Yeah, I have, even though so much has changed for me personally, still I feel like this isn't it. But when God butters your steps, things just start crack-a-lacking and snapping in place. Pop, pop, pop, pop. And I'm telling you, years happen in weeks and months happen in days. He just puts you on that accelerated lane. Psh, hallelujah.

Let's read Revelation. Thank you for the three people clapping. I appreciate that You're going to have, I believe, a very good year. Amen, thank you, jesus. There has to be a hunger and you can't be happy with where you are. Hallelujah.

Now, this passage here became very real to me. This is Jesus addressing the church. He addresses seven different church ages in Revelation. This is the church age that we're in, the Laodicean age. And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write these things says the amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God. I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth. Well, what does it mean to be lukewarm? Well, he defines it in the next verse Because you say you say I am rich, have become wealthy and have need of nothing.

That's a very dangerous place to be, to be independent, self-sufficient man. I'm really raging against, obviously, the way mankind and humanity is since day one, which is proud, but especially against the current culture. It's all about empowerment, this and this. Who are you, who am I? Nothing apart from Jesus, nothing. And that kind of humility, that kind of desperation, that kind of desperation, that kind of hunger is like a magnet for the Holy Spirit. When you get to the place where you can say, like Solomon, I am not all that far from it, Put the mask down, drop it. You're only hurting yourself and you're not even fooling anyone. I don't know who that was for, but that was for somebody. I yelled at you in love. The mask has to fall Because people are professional hiders. What did Adam and Eve do right after they sinned? They hid.

You ever wonder why Jesus cursed the fig tree? He has all these theories of seasons. I just believe he doesn't like fig trees. He doesn't like fig Because fig leaves is what man used to hide and cover themselves with. Those are the things that you do your fake posts and your fake pretend life and your fakeness. Those are all your fig leaves you're trying to cover up, and you're utterly wretched and naked without me.

So confess that. Show me your need and then I'll meet you there. Yes, so there has to be a cry Lord, I need you, I want you, I need you more than the air that I breathe, more than the food that I eat, the water that I drink. I need you, I need you. Come God, I'm nothing apart from you. You are my life, you are my everything. Uh, that's what causes the Holy Ghost to come and drop on your life a cry from your heart where you need him.

To the proud, arrogant, masked fig leaf wearer, they're saying oh, I'm okay, I'm rich, I've become wealthy, I have need of nothing. Wake up, don't you know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked? I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire that you may be rich, and white garments that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed, and anoint your eyes with eye salve that you may see Hallelujah, hallelujah. Are you ready for more of the Holy Spirit in 2025? Thank you, jesus.

So there are hindrances to receiving from the Holy Spirit. A big hindrance is religion and tradition. You see that really evidenced in the ministry of Jesus, because the number one people that opposed him were the Pharisees, and they were also the most religious and most traditional. He's the one that he said you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God. You should know both. What's sad is those people a lot of times people who claim to know the power of God they don't read the Word. Then they're swinging from the light bulbs and get goofy. And then there's those who are only reading the Word. So they don't know the power of God, but they know the Scriptures. Eat some bread and drink some wine. They go great together. Yeah, both together. All spirit. You blow up, all word. You blow up All word. You dry up. Put the two together and you grow up. And where's church? On Sunday, you'll show up. And when the QR code flashes you'll pay up. And when the trumpet sounds you'll go up. Hey, hallelujah. Thank you, lord.

Where was I in my preaching? What was I just talking about? Hindrances, religion and tradition. The Pharisees opposed. Can you imagine? You spend your whole life studying the scriptures that all have to do with the Messiah, so you're the one who's supposed to recognize him when he comes. And yet they not only didn't recognize him, they were his primary opposition and they crucified him. That is what religion and tradition is. You know what Jesus called them? Whitewashed sepulchers, pretty and clean on the outside, he said, inside you're full of dead man's bones. That's what religion and tradition is.

I hate it. I hate it because I see how it robs people from the life of God. It gives them the appearance of godliness, but it denies the power thereof. And so religion will say things like well, I don't know about the Holy Spirit, I don't know about the supernatural, I've never seen that happen. Well, what you're saying is you've seen every which way the Lord moves, every possible way the Lord can move. You've seen it. And it doesn't compute for you. How arrogant can you be? Well, he's never touched me that way. So then he just doesn't touch people that way because he's never touched you that way. Did it ever occur to you that maybe you're the one missing out? No, it couldn't be me. It's the whole world, not me, hallelujah.

One of the biggest hindrances is people's need to be in control. They want to be in control, and you got to give up control to the Lord, even in the context of getting touched from God, when he first would come upon me, I would freeze up. I'd freeze up and immediately I could see my brain scrambling, trying to process and compute. In my spirit. I'd feel the Lord say just let go, just let me do a work in you, just trust me, I'd be ah, ah, ah. You know, I don't want to fake it. And it always comes so like not just proud, but these excuses that keep you away from the Lord come masquerading as something noble, like well, I don't want to fake it, I don't want to be deceived by the devil. Okay, so I'm putting more faith in Satan's ability to deceive than in God's ability to bless. What? That's a hindrance.

Jesus knew about that hindrance. That's why he specifically said if you ask your father for bread, you're going to get bread. You're going to get an egg. You're not going to get a snake. You're going to get a fish. You won't get a scorpion. In other words, when you want the Holy Spirit, in other words, when you want the Holy Spirit, you'll just get Holy Spirit. Some other weird spirit isn't going to sneak in there. You have Jesus' word on that.

But people want to be in control for other reasons, usually because of pride. Sometimes it's just fear, fear of the unknown, fear of crossing over. But when you do cross over, you'll realize you're more at home over there than you are here. That's the real place. But yet people come to him with a menu. I'll receive you, lord, but in this way no crying, no laughing, no exuberant worship. And he's saying you gotta let go and be willing for anything. There's people who come up for prayer. They're so in control, it's like they're wearing cleats and then they actually brace themselves. Alright, pray for me. People like that I don't even touch, just go be blessed. I see you're so terrified. You're so terrified of falling down. Let me not mess with you. Be blessed from afar. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

Yeah, some people are afraid even of speaking in tongues. Could it be the devil? There's a lot of things that could be the devil. You know these people who are afraid of losing control. I remember witnessing back in college people oh, I don't want to lose control, bro, you just spent. Want to lose control, bro? You just spent 48 hours partying. You got drunk out of your mind. You can't even remember the last 24 hours. You're telling me now you're afraid to lose control. People who drop six gummies go get bottle service, swing from the light bulbs and party and they come in and just well, you know, I don't want to lose control. Your life is out of control as it is. Lose control, it'd be good for you To the Lord. And then they want to get all this. Well, could it be the devil? Could speaking in tongues be the devil? If speaking in tongues is from the devil, how come the mafia doesn't do it? How come you never hear Vinny say hey, luigi, go bring out that 45 and Ramata. And he'd say hey, luigi, go bring out that 45 and ramata. Kasha larabos, tatata. How come at the head of the pride parade there isn't like 10 people going? Rika larabroshe, tele larabanda larabas. Hallelujah Worship team, why don't you come on up?

Thank you Jesus. Hey, some people, their hindrance is a fear of love. There's people and right now I know in my spirit there's people here. You actually are afraid of God's love. You don't even know. You argue with me, but really I've been doing this a while. You're afraid of God's love because people have hurt you. People that were close to you have hurt you, so you put walls around to keep them out, but that same wall that you put to keep people out is going to keep God out too.

This is the ask that I'm asking you is to open up your heart and surrender to the Lord and to his anointing. Come, for, as I know, you can't maybe make it to all three, but majority of you can. This is a journey you need to go on. A quick hit won't do you? A Friday night, a Saturday of deep marination, asking the Lord to bring his supernatural touch into your life? Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. And then be on the lookout for the Lord doing things in your day to day, as you go to sleep, as you wake up, when you're going for a walk.

When the Lord first started touching me, I'd be on the Long Island Railroad. I'd have to hide my head so people wouldn't think I'm insane. I'd just start thinking about Jesus. I'd start weeping. I'd just hide my head because I didn't want them to think I was like having an episode or something. But what I'm saying is I could get touched on the train. Be on the lookout for him In prayer. Open up your heart, because this year is going to be year of the supernatural. Hallelujah, hallelujah, thank you Lord. Hallelujah, thank you, lord.

Listen when, when you're flowing in the Holy Spirit and you're in this relationship with him, he'll give you instructions. Weird things will happen. He'll speak to you at funny times, tell you what to do next. When he speaks, pay attention, do what he tells you to do. Success is attached to it.

This morning, as I'm driving, brian, I saw your face and I heard something I haven't heard ever and he said he showed me some things about you, about your future, and he said I want him to preach on a Sunday. Amen, and I sense it. I want him to preach on a Sunday, amen, and I sense it needs to be before Easter. So, and why, the Lord's hand will come upon you. This is in you, he's put it in you and I know you know that, even as I'm saying that right now. But you're going to preach and it's going to be like fire. Hallelujah, it's going to be awesome.

I was just minding my business with my son singing worship. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Just close your eyes. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. A blessed 2025. A year that's sopping, soaking wet with the presence of God. Hallelujah, thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you, jesus. Thank you, jesus, hallelujah.

Ministry team. I want you to go to my left, your right. That's the ministry area, beyond those lights. If you want prayer for anything, our ministry team, including the hitchhikers and campers, will meet you there. They're people who love the Lord, anders, We'll meet you there. There are people who love the Lord and people who want to see you blessed. Let's all stand. If you want prayer, go and meet them. Meet them in that ministry area. We'll see you every night at 7 pm for our prayer meetings. And then do not miss next Friday and also know next Friday won't be here. It's all on our website. It's all in the email you'll receive and have received. Lift up your hands and just say this Holy Spirit, whatever you want, do it in my life. I'm hungry. I'm desperate for more of you and your will. In Jesus' name, shout an amen, hallelujah.

53:58 - Speaker 2
This is the City Light Church podcast. If you've missed any part of today's message, or if you would like to find out more about Pastor Boyan Jancic and City Light Church podcast, if you've missed any part of today's message or if you would like to find out more about Pastor Boyan Jancic and City Light Church, visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Feel free to visit us online or in person anytime. We would love to connect with you. We pray that you have been encouraged today, that you have been reminded how much God loves you and that you are surrounded by grace. Thank you for listening. Make sure that you subscribe to City Light Church Podcast wherever you find your favorite podcasts worldwide.