Dec. 12, 2023

Exploring Financial Wisdom: Overcoming Poverty Spirit and Embracing Abundance

Exploring Financial Wisdom: Overcoming Poverty Spirit and Embracing Abundance
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Exploring Financial Wisdom: Overcoming Poverty Spirit and Embracing Abundance
Uncover life-changing insights about your financial health and wisdom in today's economy. Guaranteed, you'll finish this episode more informed and prepared to navigate the choppy waters of substantial debt and inflation. We tackle the concept of scarcity impacting the value of money and highlight the importance of seeking diverse sources of information rather than wholly depending on mainstream media.
Venturing deeper, we expose the detrimental effects of a 'poverty spirit' on your perspective of wealth and success. Sharing personal experiences, we uncover how bearing grudges against the rich can obstruct your pathway to financial prosperity. We also address the baseless belief that poverty correlates with holiness, emphasizing our collective responsibility to employ financial resources for the common good. It's time to cast away this poverty spirit, embracing a mindset of abundance and generosity instead.
We urge you to confront your financial realities without neglecting any debts. Above all, we echo the importance of practising gratitude and responsibility for our assets while fostering a positive belief in better things to come. So buckle up and join us on this enlightening exploration of financial wisdom.
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Please note that your answer is in Jesus.

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Please know that he loves you and that he will set you free.

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There's all different types of addictions.

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I've had various.

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He will set you free.

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It won't be by your strength, it'll be by His.

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It won't be your power, it'll be His.

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You say what do I do?

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There's things I've been addicted to.

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You come and you tell God you're powerless on your own and you say Lord, I trust you, lord, I lean into you.

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Welcome to the City Light Church podcast.

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Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us.

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If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at citylightnyccom.

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That's citylightnyccom.

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Pastor Boyan Jansik and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds.

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As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you.

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We have concluded now, for the last eight plus weeks, our series on Galatians, and we have talked about the different covenants, the differences between the old and the new.

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Over and over again we've read the words of the apostle Paul anointed by the Holy Spirit, because it's not just some guy Paul writing, it's the very word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit.

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As you let us know, we're no longer under the curse of the law, and the curse of the law is that you have to keep doing the law and if you're guilty in one part, you're guilty of all.

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But now you've been invited into a covenant of grace.

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That's God's unmerited favor and it's yours for free.

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And hopefully, if you've walked away with anything, you've walked away with a greater sense of God's love, that he loves you.

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And that's not cheap.

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It's not a cheap love and it's not just an emotional love.

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It's a love that springs into action.

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It's a demonstrative love.

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Love can mean so many different things for people.

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It could be God loves you and they think God from a distance, just waving, sending good vibes and good energy.

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But the Bible says God so loved the world that he sprung into action and gave his only begotten Son.

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His love does something.

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His love is a love of action, his love is a love of movement, and so the scriptures declare over us over and over again that God loves us.

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It means that he is acting on your behalf, he's moving on your behalf, amen.

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And so if you're a guest here, I just wanna say welcome.

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And also, we have waxed incredibly theological over the last eight weeks.

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We dove into the deep stuff and I went line upon line, precept upon precept, verse by verse, through the entire book of Galatians.

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But today's gonna be a little different.

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I wanna talk about a different subject matter, but something that's been brewing in my heart for some time now.

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But something that's been brewing in my heart for some time and something that I believe, if you're a good shepherd, you'll want your people to be aware of and to know, because my job is to be an under shepherd to Jesus and to feed you the word of God and to protect you and to issue a warning if necessary.

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And it's in the realm today that I wanna discuss.

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It's in the realm of finances, cause you may not be paying attention.

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Some people subscribe to the ignorance is bliss model of living their lives, and then some people may be paying attention to the wrong things.

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Let me just say this right now, it's 2023,.

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We're going into 2024.

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This the media was always full of lies, but never so much like today.

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So some of you you may think you be you're paying attention to what's going on.

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I would just question where you're getting your sources?

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I have to get my sources from dozens of different places and then come up with my own conclusion.

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The days of sitting in front of any media and just saying, oh, that's what's going on, those days are gone.

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I'm telling you you're gonna be brainwashed within three weeks, tops Amen.

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Cause they're not just reporting the news, they're telling you what to think about them, how to respond.

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Sometimes, within 10 seconds of meeting someone, I just feel like saying your programming is showing, excuse me, your programming is sticking out.

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Yeah, please tuck that away.

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I mean, I can just tell exactly where you're coming from because of and in the natural I stress, in the natural.

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Thank God, we're not in the natural, we're in the spirit, but in the natural the situation doesn't look too good financially for the country.

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If you haven't been paying attention.

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The country is massively in debt.

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This has been the story for years, but now it's really approaching, if it hasn't already reached a critical point, a breaking point 30 plus trillion in debt during 2020,.

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The country printed four plus trillion dollars, just created it out of thin air.

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If you follow me on social media, I've posted the videos of Powell just talking about how they created the money out of thin air and the guy on 60 Minutes says well, you printed the money.

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They don't even print it anymore.

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It is no, we just basically clicked on the keyboard and added several trillion and people are now wondering where does the inflation come from and arguing about what inflation is.

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Inflation comes from inflating the money supply.

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Money gets its value from a thing called scarcity and if you can just add four plus trillion, make it rain on the nation now, it loses the value.

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Hey man, I remember in 2020 I started talking about inflation and people looked at me like I had two heads Pre-COVID.

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Majority of Americans, I feel just from the responses I got, didn't even know what inflation was.

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It wasn't in the vernacular.

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Then you have it, maybe as a distant economic concept, and now you hear about it all the time and you've experienced it.

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When you go to buy a dozen eggs, this thing is on right, she hit the jackpot.

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If you can just dial that volume down, it's just a smidgen.

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It reminds me when I go through the airports and the jackpot.

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They don't have that in American airports but in other ones.

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They have slot machines in different dependable country lines.

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I understand.

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I got Keto's too.

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I get it.

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Just the volume, just the smidgen, because I get so easily distracted when I preach.

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I'm going to come alongside her and play.

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Are we dismissed?

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Is it the end of the survey?

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Where am I?

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I'm just getting started okay, I want you to be prepared, and this doesn't have to be the story for you.

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I want you to be financially sound, amen.

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And I want you to be prepared going into 2024.

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And so, just to set the foundation, I want to read to you from Deuteronomy 8.

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Deuteronomy 8.10.

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When you have eaten and are full, say full, just.

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I want you to catch God's heart for prosperity.

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He doesn't say when you have eaten, just enough, but when you have eaten and are full, just a shout out one more time, full.

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That means you're waddling away from the table, you're full.

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This is God's heart, this is Jesus.

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When he fed the multitudes, they took up 12 baskets of leftovers.

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That's his way, that's his style.

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When you have eaten and are full, then you shall bless the Lord, your God for the good land shall good land, good land which he has given you.

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Beware that you do not forget the Lord, your God, by not keeping his commandments, his judgments and his statutes, which I command you today, lest, when you are eaten and are full and have built beautiful houses, shall beautiful houses, not shacks.

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I just want you to catch God's heart.

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Look, you can either read this and go, that's nice or you can say what?

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When I first saw this in the Bible, I was shocked.

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I was blown away, because somehow I was taught to equate poverty with godliness, and poverty has nothing to do with godliness.

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Poverty is not something anybody should be welcoming into their lives.

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You're not some 15th century monk going up into the hills taking a vow of poverty, which I don't know why they did that.

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I mean, I know historically why, but I don't really see the fruit.

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You can find God in wealth.

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You can find him in spite of poverty.

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But I've tried both and I'm telling you wealthy is better.

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I promise you, when you have eaten and are full and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them, and when your herds and your flocks multiply back then they used herds and flocks instead of bank accounts when your herds and your flocks multiply and your silver and your gold are multiplied and all that you have is multiplied, shout, multiply when your heart is lifted up.

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And this is the danger, as the Lord begins to bless you that your heart is lifted up and you think that it's you who did it.

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And it really is a real temptation.

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You want to lean into the humility of the Lord and show your dependence on him when your heart is lifted up and you forget the Lord, your God.

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Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage?

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Who led you through that great and terrible wilderness in which were fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty land where there was no water?

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Who brought water for you out of the flinty rock?

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Who fed you in the wilderness with manna which your fathers did not know?

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This is talking about that wilderness season that he might humble you and that he might test you.

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Why To do you good.

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In the end, your end state will be better than your beginning state, and I've been serving the Lord for 30 plus years and I think I've had about six in 30 plus years actual wilderness seasons.

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I'm not talking about a bad day, a bad week, but I'm talking about a wilderness season.

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Practically, you're having a crisis of faith.

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You ever been through a wilderness season?

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That's when you want to just jump out of your skin.

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You don't even want to be you.

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You even have the thought Lord, take me up.

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Nothing makes sense and you're in the crushing had about six.

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I didn't think this when I was going through it.

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When I was going through it, I'd do anything to not be going through it.

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But having gone through it, I look back and I think, yeah, I wouldn't trade those for anything.

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How many of you can relate?

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You have made it through a wilderness.

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I wouldn't trade it for anything.

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Because I will look back then and see that there was a promotion associated with that.

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Usually, months to up to a year and a half later I look back and go, wow, my life is in a totally different place.

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After that wilderness season, I went through a crushing, I went through a pressing, I was tested.

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Humility means your dependence, your neediness for God that he might humble you and that he might test you become more humble.

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And then he did you good in the end.

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Hallelujah, next verse.

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Then you say in your heart my power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth.

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No, don't do that.

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Don't do that and you shall remember the Lord, your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth.

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When I first read this verse, it had an impact on me and you can read this and go isn't that sweet?

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Or you can say this is God and this is God.

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For me, power is anointing, creative ability, power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant which he swore to your fathers.

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As it is this day, the covenant is established.

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When you increase, hey, it's part of the covenant.

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Say that belongs to me, it belongs to you.

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Increase Hallelujah that he may establish his covenant which he swore to your fathers.

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As it is this day, so God is on your side.

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You're not a citizen of earth.

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The Bible says your citizenship is in heaven and I want to provoke your faith as we go into 2024.

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That, no matter what is happening, I want to see you on the increase and in a better place financially.

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Can we all agree to that?

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I know for some people to talk about finances in church he's almost sacrilege because they just think the two don't go together.

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That's not my fault that you don't think the two go together.

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Jesus put them together all the time.

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Do you know?

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Jesus talked twice as much about hell as he did about heaven, but he talked about finances, offerings, talents Talents not like I'm talented, I can sing but talent as a unit of measurement for precious metal and real estate.

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He talked about all that more than heaven and hell combined.

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Because he knows that's important to you.

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Isn't it crazy how people can come to church and then separate and think that's not important.

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But it is important because you still live on earth, although your citizenship is in heaven and your son of God and a daughter of God, but you still have to interact with the earth.

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You can't go to the grocery store and buy a dozen eggs for $8.

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And when it's time to pay, say, you know, my citizenship is in heaven and actually I don't talk about finances.

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I should talk about it more.

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The more I talk to people in the church, the more I realize I should talk about it more Because, honestly, some things I've done my homework, I've dove into this and the practicality of this and the Lord has blessed me.

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And then I'm shocked that some people still I say this with love, but it really sends a shutter through my heart they're in a high school level.

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They could be over 50, but they're in a high school level in understanding how finances work and they're wondering why they're always broke, why they're always on barely get along street and just barely have enough.

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And it shouldn't be your silver and your gold.

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She'll be multiplying and your oxen multiplying and all that you have multiplying.

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That's God's heart.

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So let's get out of his way and allow him to do that in our lives.

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Amen, and don't let the news out there scare you.

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Yeah, in the natural it is bleak, but that's when we just rev it up.

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I'm giving more, I'm not giving less.

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I'm believing more.

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I'm not believing less.

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I'm expecting for more, I'm not expecting for less.

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Hallelujah, please, don't make me be the only one, please.

16:52.355 --> 17:00.688
I don't wanna be here in a year apologizing, oh for my wealth, I won't do it anyway.

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But I don't wanna be here a year from now having to explain Let me not say having to explain oh, 2024 is gonna be delicious For me and my family.

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That's my thing.

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It's gonna be amazing If you could do it back then and cause water to come out of a dry and flinty rock, furnish a table in the wilderness.

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2024 is gonna be our best year yet.

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Declare that over yourself, over your family, the best year, hallelujah.

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So what comes in the way of this kind of thinking probably what I'm facing a little bit right now as a ministering, is something called a poverty spirit or poverty mentality.

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Cause when I say poverty spirit, don't think of a broke demon, like a shoeless demon with a coat and holes it goes around.

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Is that what you thought?

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You must have read Christian books in the 90s illustrated ones, did you See?

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I know?

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I've been in the biz long enough.

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I know exactly where it comes from.

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Yes, there is a demonic spirit, but in order for it to function it has to be a mentality first.

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We're transformed by the renewing of our minds, the principalities and the powers.

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They can only function when there is this particular thought that runs through people.

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And if enough people have the same thought, that's when you get a stronghold.

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A stronghold is a house made of thoughts.

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So poverty spirit, and I just hate it.

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It's disgusting and it's a mentality that afflicts people.

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I've been to over 50 different countries.

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I can sometimes feel it.

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The moment the plane touches ground, you can feel the poverty spirit.

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I love poor people, by the way.

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I just hate the poverty spirit.

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Jesus loved poor people but didn't glorify the poverty spirit.

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Some people think the poverty spirit equates to holiness.

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We have, by the way, missions programs in some of the poorest countries on earth.

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We spend years working over in Liberia, fourth poorest nation on the earth.

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I never, ever got off that plane and said, wow, the holiness of God is in this place.

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You just feel because of the poverty you know it's so holy.

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Oh, it's the exact opposite, oh Lord.

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So I wanna give you some characteristics so that you can be open and find where you are aligning yourself or agreeing with this poverty spirit in your own life and let's put an end to it.

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Let's say no, it's in for all.

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19:38.780 --> 19:39.914
I believe with all my heart.

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It is our responsibility to be financially blessed.

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It's not just something we can indulge in, but it's our responsibility.

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It's our responsibility to have a cup that overflows.

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I don't want him to come to me and say, hey, you just buried your talents, what did you do?

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You did nothing, but no, you grew.

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And now with more financial support?

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No, you grew, and now, with more finances, you can help more people, hallelujah.

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So this should never anything I say, by the way, it may be to provoke you, it's never to condemn you.

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If you get upset at me, I welcome that good.

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But just know I'm on your side and I'm never, ever condemning you.

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But I may be provoking you, but we live under no condemnation, thanks to the blood of Jesus, amen.

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So you ready?

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Let's go through some characteristics of the poverty spirit, in no particular order of importance, but number one, a characteristic of the poverty spirit is resentment, specifically towards people, of means, towards wealthy people.

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If you find that you resent people who are better off than you, that is a type of the poverty spirit.

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And usually in the media, wealthy people, when they are presented as like evil.

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And I'm telling you right now they're not.

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There are some, but you know what this might blow your mind.

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Just hang on.

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Did you know there's evil poor people?

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Did you know that there's wealthy people that'll harm you?

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Did you know there's poor people that'll harm you?

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I know there's wealthy people who are proud and selfish.

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Did you know there's poor people that are proud and selfish?

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But, statistically speaking, percentage-wise, wealthy people give way more and relieve way more suffering than poor people.

21:45.876 --> 21:46.079
I don't.

21:46.100 --> 21:47.757
You're saying, of course they're wealthy, they have more money.

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No, I mean percentage-wise, they'll give a greater percentage of money that they have.

21:55.035 --> 21:57.515
This country has done so much good concerning Christianity.

21:57.615 --> 22:04.843
We were at the height, responsible for over 91% of the missionaries in the world before Korea came.

22:06.595 --> 22:20.821
Now Korea is sending out missionaries wholesale into the world, but we were responsible for 91% Orphanages being built, churches being built, people doing good with their finances.

22:21.575 --> 22:28.664
Where I come from, there's a severe poverty mentality that's still from the old communist days and they just think every poor, rich person is evil.

22:29.015 --> 22:29.677
I'll never forget.

22:29.777 --> 22:33.277
This is nearly 20 years ago now, after the war ended.

22:33.337 --> 22:43.839
I came and I'm taking a boat ride off the coast and I see this beautiful house and I asked the boat operator whose house is that he goes ah, mafia.

22:45.996 --> 22:49.079
Everybody who seems to have money, they just say mafia, mafia.

22:49.581 --> 22:52.382
They don't even know them, just must be evil because they have money, mafia.

22:53.016 --> 22:54.555
I just said wow, mob is big here.

22:54.655 --> 22:56.623
Mind you, it's like the safest place in Eastern Europe.

22:56.815 --> 22:57.117
There's no.

22:58.564 --> 23:10.283
Later, after my trip, I'm on the airplane and I open up the In-Flight Magazine and I see the same house and it's a woman who sells perfume and has her own perfume factory, has a huge cosmetics line.

23:11.515 --> 23:14.825
Not mafia, just a business owner.

23:15.535 --> 23:18.398
But when you're under the poverty spirit, everything is mafia.

23:20.455 --> 23:21.539
Now the Bible does.

23:21.619 --> 23:29.383
When the Bible condemns rich people, it always qualifies specifically, like in the book of James rich people who keep back by, defraud.

23:29.975 --> 23:35.143
Rich people who, specifically, are becoming wealthy because they're defrauding poor people.

23:35.595 --> 23:37.140
But that's not all wealthy people.

23:37.221 --> 23:46.778
Amen, and, by the way, you can't become something you're cursing under your breath Amen, hallelujah.

23:48.075 --> 23:49.179
So give it to that resentment.

23:51.036 --> 24:08.897
If you have instant resentment, if you see someone in a nice car, well-dressed, in a nice home, repented that Hallelujah or don't, and it'll be another round around the mountain.

24:11.421 --> 24:12.747
Don't do another round around the mountain.

24:14.301 --> 24:14.602
You know what?

24:14.622 --> 24:16.568
That's a reference to the children of Israel.

24:16.869 --> 24:20.385
40 years Should have been an 11-day journey.

24:20.866 --> 24:22.792
The walk is like here, from here to Rhode Island.

24:23.981 --> 24:24.664
Did you imagine that?

24:24.684 --> 24:31.631
Taking you 40 years Going around Central Park 20 times for a few months going?

24:31.951 --> 24:37.540
Yeah, this is, this is getting monotonous, but that's you literally have some people still live their lives.

24:39.505 --> 24:41.952
Another round, oh, we, oh.

24:45.821 --> 24:58.253
Number two part of the spirit of poverty Is always having an idea of what rich people should do with their money.

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Like Judas, the woman came with an alabaster box.

25:04.056 --> 25:08.992
Inside the alabaster box, precious perfume worth a year's wages.

25:09.902 --> 25:11.026
Think of that in today's term.

25:12.802 --> 25:15.247
And Judas says, oh, what a great waste.

25:15.407 --> 25:15.647

25:15.688 --> 25:17.471
She got wasted on Jesus.

25:18.112 --> 25:19.234
But he says what a great waste.

25:20.161 --> 25:22.187
This should have been sold and given to the poor.

25:22.748 --> 25:26.425
Seems so noble, right, this could have been sold and given to the poor.

25:26.947 --> 25:27.789
And Jesus has.

25:27.849 --> 25:29.072
Only Jesus could.

25:30.002 --> 25:32.920
So Christ like, because after all, he is Jesus the Christ.

25:34.002 --> 25:38.972
He, in a very nice way, says mind your business to Judas.

25:39.353 --> 25:40.074
Mind your business.

25:40.761 --> 25:42.769
What do you care what she did with her stuff?

25:45.601 --> 25:56.245
If you want to spray it around, bathe in it, play catch with it or anoint me with it before my, my burial, that's her business.

25:59.105 --> 26:00.268
Is this resonating with anyone?

26:00.689 --> 26:01.531
I don't know if you've noticed.

26:01.552 --> 26:06.971
There's this whole cry of People telling wealthy people what they should do with their money.

26:08.381 --> 26:11.469
Right, tax the rich, tax them, tax them into oblivion.

26:11.690 --> 26:12.512
It sounds so nice.

26:13.541 --> 26:13.942
Do you know?

26:14.062 --> 26:14.824
If you took this?

26:14.865 --> 26:24.420
700 billionaires in America, 700 of them If you confiscate it, all their wealth, it wouldn't be worth more than three trillion dollars.

26:25.024 --> 26:27.560
That's less than a tenth of our national deficit.

26:28.101 --> 26:28.382
It wouldn't.

26:28.402 --> 26:29.866
It wouldn't be a drop in the bucket.

26:30.668 --> 26:36.011
And they're telling you they're the problem, while they're hiding their absolute, reckless, out of control spending.

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And, by the way, the best way to demoralize and destabilize a country is to incite class warfare.

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America was doing the best and everybody was on the increase when we were all cheering each other on and everybody could Believe that they could make it here.

26:53.544 --> 26:58.253
But no, the really evil, bad rich people, mwah, they're getting in your way.

26:58.574 --> 27:05.654
No, this is still the best country on the planet for upward mobility on planet earth.

27:06.722 --> 27:10.192
And if you don't believe that, go find a country that's better.

27:11.501 --> 27:20.260
Tell me a country that's better and then and then back it up Words, achieve, back it up, move, and I'll be happy to receive postcards from you of how well you're doing.

27:20.280 --> 27:20.400

27:21.565 --> 27:25.029
I will be, we will pray for you to for success.

27:30.044 --> 27:41.206
Oh hallelujah, oh praise God.

27:46.305 --> 28:15.986
Number three, and this is key part of the poverty spirit, is living above your means, living above your means, letting your outflow be more than your income, and I would say that right now I say this with love in my heart as high as 80% of the people right here You're living above your means.

28:18.001 --> 28:20.788
Part of the reason why I'm preaching this message is before COVID.

28:21.289 --> 28:37.754
Right before COVID hit, the amount of savings in America Was in the trillions, not not national savings, but I'm talking about all the US citizens and how much they had in their savings account.

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Now, not even four years later, it's a tenth of that.

28:44.681 --> 28:45.886
What happened to the savings?

28:47.822 --> 28:52.103
And at the same time, credit card debt has Increased.

28:53.222 --> 28:56.413
Have you ever gone out of a supermarket and walked out with a bag and gone?

28:56.815 --> 28:57.357
How is that?

28:57.437 --> 28:58.220
62 dollars.

28:59.003 --> 29:03.445
It's like six items jingling in there and then I would ask how are people making it?

29:03.545 --> 29:04.327
How are they doing it?

29:05.309 --> 29:07.073
And then I then I realized they're not.

29:08.061 --> 29:09.827
It's the same old song, did it?

29:09.887 --> 29:22.314
A data charge and living off credit and they're living above their means.

29:22.334 --> 29:29.040
I Encourage you, before any of the other things I mentioned, even if you're married, to get together with your spouse.

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If you're single, to get together with yourself in Jesus and do some real inner work.

29:39.584 --> 29:45.569
Get, get, get, do some real, take an inventory of yourself and see what expenses you can cut off.

29:50.397 --> 29:52.141
And it actually comes from a spirit of poverty.

29:53.190 --> 29:58.600
I'm familiar with it because of my former country and how they operate.

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You see it everywhere, really Everywhere.

30:00.643 --> 30:00.824
There's a.

30:01.490 --> 30:11.958
When I was in Bible school down south, I would drive by a trailer park and there'd be three kids running around in their underwear, dirty feet, but there's a brand new, sparkling Ford F-150 right in front of the.

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Where I'm from, the big thing was gold chains.

30:17.530 --> 30:20.635
It was this whole thing where every you weren't a man if you didn't have a gold chain.

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It was a particular kind too.

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And good shoes, good sneakers.

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My cousins were like that.

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I'd always pay for lunch but they had the gold chain and the fancy sneakers.

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And then I'd go into their house and they have a bottle of ketchup in the fridge.

30:38.660 --> 30:39.081
But you have.

30:41.313 --> 30:45.422
You know that scripture that says you have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof.

30:45.930 --> 30:46.631
Well, too many people.

30:47.132 --> 30:50.599
They have a form of prosperity but deny the actual money thereof.

30:53.130 --> 30:58.958
So the Instagram feed is fire and they look so good but really they're broke.

30:59.390 --> 31:01.516
They're broke hooked up to their eyebrows.

31:03.330 --> 31:04.514
That is not God's best for you.

31:06.890 --> 31:18.836
You know how I and I know this and I can recognize it so quickly because I was there, I was afflicted by it and when I dug deep, I realized that's just pride.

31:20.530 --> 31:30.339
Many of you know our story and I've shared my family and the journey we've been on, and I got into Bitcoin back in 2019.

31:31.454 --> 31:40.817
It was the best decision I ever did and we did a whole seminar here in the church and I this is not financial advice, but I'm giving financial advice.

31:42.170 --> 31:43.313
I believe in it with all my heart.

31:45.830 --> 32:05.637
I believe in it because you can't make any more of them and 11 will only be 21 million of them, but anyway, I won't give you a Bitcoin lecture, but we got Our whole finances changed as a result of that and we got flooded in that condo that we had in Williamsburg and moved to a beautiful house out in Long Island and then we needed a second car.

32:05.870 --> 32:08.860
Well, we have a second car, but it's really a 2011 clunker.

32:09.733 --> 32:15.156
I mean, it's a Lexus, but I'm telling you, it's like there's no air conditioning that works, like you've got to put the windows down.

32:15.718 --> 32:21.873
The house is beautiful and now my pride started getting activated and started thinking you know, I need a car to match the house.

32:25.955 --> 32:27.719
Thank God I have such an amazing wife.

32:28.060 --> 32:31.756
Really, she's never once said you know, I deserve.

32:32.579 --> 32:32.960
She was just.

32:33.710 --> 32:41.600
In fact, when I'm the one who gets heated up and she has to talk me down off the ledge Because I'm sitting there and I'm going, you know you start fantasizing.

32:41.630 --> 32:46.160
I'm like oh, I wonder what a 2024 would feel like.

32:48.191 --> 32:50.378
I bet the leather is extra buttery.

32:53.435 --> 32:55.841
I bet my phone completely syncs up with it.

32:56.270 --> 32:57.857
I mean, do I even have to drive that thing?

32:57.930 --> 33:00.900
I bet I just lay back and make this espresso for me and I sip.

33:01.331 --> 33:02.595
It just takes me where I need to go.

33:03.490 --> 33:06.580
And then I do the math and I realize this will be the worst decision.

33:06.890 --> 33:18.998
No, financially we could buy it right now, but I'm going to end up buying the worst possible asset you could possibly own An ice cube that's melting and just losing value every single day.

33:21.863 --> 33:24.637
So we opted and she talked me off the ledge.

33:24.770 --> 33:27.797
I said thank goodness for wives, through whom the Holy Spirit speaks.

33:30.610 --> 33:33.218
Now I'm not suggesting look, there's a balance here.

33:33.890 --> 33:40.577
I'm not suggesting that any luxury items are bad, but I'm saying that to get into debt over them is bad and will keep you broke.

33:41.831 --> 33:46.639
But luxury items if you save up for them, if you believe for them, knock yourself out.

33:49.650 --> 33:56.337
Quality items don't get suckered in by just what's with the bumper stick, the supreme bumper sticks on Honda Civics.

33:59.676 --> 34:06.840
I guess I'll ask my questions later, but I'm just like okay, I guess they became a hit, but you know, anyway, that's a whole nother thing.

34:08.491 --> 34:11.155
Toyota Camry held together by Supreme bumper stickers.

34:20.210 --> 34:22.197
If that's you, I will see you after service.

34:23.090 --> 34:25.674
We can commune, make up if we need to.

34:32.144 --> 34:35.598
Okay, number four a victim mentality.

34:36.370 --> 34:39.539
That is an expression of the poverty spirit.

34:40.230 --> 34:48.621
Do not allow yourself, no matter what you've been through, no matter what you've got Look, newsflash every single one of us has a sob story.

34:49.290 --> 34:52.840
Every single one of us, every single one of us, can play the victim.

34:53.690 --> 34:54.835
It gets you nowhere.

34:55.150 --> 34:57.256
All you get is cheap sympathy.

34:57.557 --> 35:02.653
That's all you get, and it's cheap because it's given to you for a little bit of and then you're going to seek out for more.

35:04.290 --> 35:14.399
It doesn't help you, it keeps you stuck and, yes, it is a manifestation of the poverty mindset and wherever you see a victim mindset, you're going to find it's cousin.

35:15.250 --> 35:16.915
Actually, it's twin brother poverty.

35:21.959 --> 35:24.195
Sean, thank you, you're playing such beautiful music.

35:25.330 --> 35:34.432
This message would be I feel like it would come across so much harsher if Sean wasn't back there.

35:35.254 --> 35:36.197
Just so sweet.

35:37.971 --> 35:42.917
I'm like Supreme bumper stickers and he's like the psalmist, the bard of God.

35:45.250 --> 35:48.838
Lord, speak to us, your people.

35:51.650 --> 35:54.836
Oh, hey, number five.

35:56.138 --> 36:00.631
We're talking about characteristics of the poverty spirit Envy.

36:02.970 --> 36:08.062
When somebody that you know gets blessed with something, what is your knee jerk response?

36:08.490 --> 36:09.695
What comes out of your belly?

36:10.210 --> 36:14.700
What should come out is an understanding that God does not run out.

36:16.050 --> 36:19.272
What he did for someone else, he can do for you, the people.

36:19.413 --> 36:38.352
If you feel envy yeah, if you feel envy about anything, what you really deep down in your heart thinking because of that poverty mindset, that scarcity mentality, you're thinking that God is going to run out, or that he blessed someone that you know and now there's none left for you and he's not.

36:38.432 --> 36:41.574
He doesn't run out, hallelujah.

36:42.370 --> 36:48.012
You should champion anyone around you who's promoted, who gets success, or who do.

36:48.032 --> 36:48.775
You know what I've done?

36:49.490 --> 36:53.211
I have financially blessed people who didn't need it at all, by the way.

36:53.231 --> 36:55.497
That's good, that's right, that's healthy.

36:55.738 --> 36:56.379
They didn't need it.

36:57.210 --> 37:00.194
I needed to bless them, I needed to sow into them.

37:01.410 --> 37:01.570
To them.

37:01.631 --> 37:13.458
It was just a little more on the top, but I wanted to set my heart free and I wanted to bless them, and I'm honoring the one that God has blessed and acknowledging that what he did for them, he can do for me.

37:15.830 --> 37:22.215
Hallelujah, for these next few, we might need the whole band up there.

37:26.230 --> 37:28.774
Proverbs, chapter six, verse 10 through 11.

37:37.590 --> 37:41.520
Manifestation of poverty, spirit, laziness, slackness and love of sleep.

37:42.530 --> 37:55.300
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man.

37:57.410 --> 37:58.292
Proverbs 2013,.

37:59.815 --> 38:02.821
Do not love sleep or you will grow poor.

38:04.010 --> 38:07.318
Stay awake and you will have food to spare.

38:09.730 --> 38:15.623
Verse seven, and this is a big one for me sloppiness and disorganization.

38:15.970 --> 38:17.155
Let me just show you the scripture for this?

38:17.970 --> 38:20.037
There's many, but Proverbs 27, 23.

38:20.930 --> 38:30.981
Daniel stuck out and all his friends stuck out because they had a spirit of excellence Be diligent to know the state of your flocks and attend to your herds.

38:31.950 --> 38:35.656
You have to know the state of your flocks, you have to know what's coming in, what's going out.

38:36.410 --> 38:38.457
And that has to transfer into every area of your life.

38:39.690 --> 38:49.974
Lackness, messiness, uncleanness, disorganization, it's all a manifestation of the poverty spirit and it will keep you poor, it'll keep you in a place of lack.

38:51.450 --> 39:03.652
Kenneth Hagen tells the wonderful story of the president of the Bible school not his, but years before that, even how he would to all the young potential pastors, all the ministers, the candidates that were going through the school.

39:03.993 --> 39:11.517
He had a habit of just showing up to their house unannounced and then he would just go and he was like mind, if I come in and look around a little bit, what are you going to?

39:11.537 --> 39:22.574
Say no, and he would just look around and he said to those that were sloppy, to those that were disorganized, to those that are like open drawers and stocks and it was all just a mess he said not a one of them.

39:22.614 --> 39:23.657
Did I see them succeed?

39:24.670 --> 39:24.991
Not a one.

39:29.036 --> 39:29.797
Is this making sense?

39:32.170 --> 39:38.877
I know people on all areas of the economic spectrum and with wealthy people you get in, their car smells nice, is nice, all clean.

39:40.801 --> 39:47.998
Poor people it's like a 7-Eleven and a Walmart exploded inside of them.

39:51.382 --> 39:52.804
But they're waiting, right, they're waiting.

39:53.545 --> 39:54.006
They're waiting.

39:54.671 --> 39:58.176
It's going to change somehow and oftentimes they'll Christianize it.

40:01.636 --> 40:09.434
They'll Christianize their breaking of biblical principles and have this power ball lottery mentality, like I just know.

40:09.695 --> 40:14.799
My breakthroughs are coming and it's not a coming if you don't align with the Word of God.

40:15.530 --> 40:16.856
And it'll always be in the future.

40:17.330 --> 40:19.196
And I don't want to be 95 years old.

40:20.330 --> 40:21.354
My bike people are coming.

40:22.890 --> 40:24.314
We're not getting any younger, any of them.

40:24.595 --> 40:26.060
I want it now, amen.

40:26.670 --> 40:30.612
I want to move forward now, hallelujah.

40:35.450 --> 40:41.103
My first car was a $1,000 Chevy Spectrum.

40:41.170 --> 40:43.278
I learned to drive way too late.

40:43.830 --> 40:44.654
I was age 22.

40:45.770 --> 40:48.796
Because I was raised in New York City so I didn't need to drive.

40:49.770 --> 40:51.718
Then I found out after college I'm going to Bible school.

40:51.870 --> 40:53.356
I was like I got to learn to drive.

40:54.330 --> 41:01.279
But I learned to drive that spring and that summer I went off to Tampa, florida, to the River Bible Institute and I didn't have any money.

41:01.930 --> 41:04.639
So my first car was a 1986 Chevy Spectrum.

41:04.710 --> 41:06.776
I got $4,000 and it was bad.

41:07.538 --> 41:09.804
It was just no, I didn't.

41:10.287 --> 41:11.170
It had permistink.

41:12.065 --> 41:16.606
There was no amount of glade, no amount of air fresheners, it's just in a steering wheel Smell.

41:16.667 --> 41:18.152
So I don't know what they did to that thing.

41:18.965 --> 41:28.251
And then I would always have to wash my hands after I drove my car because my hands would smell and I hated that car and I was asking God to get me another car.

41:29.185 --> 41:33.553
Yet I disdained and despised this car and because I hated it I didn't take care of it at all.

41:35.085 --> 41:39.493
I mean, what's the point of paying for a car wash when at that point the car wash cost more than the car?

41:42.145 --> 41:53.753
But I got corrected on my attitude and another brother in the Bible school who had a greater revelation than me on this, he said you know, god's not gonna get you a better car until you are grateful and take care of what he's gotten you.

41:54.425 --> 41:56.593
And he showed me you're sloppy or disorganized.

41:56.685 --> 41:58.953
I'm like not in any other area of my life I'm not.

41:59.365 --> 42:02.349
But with my car, because I hated it, I just let it go to hell.

42:03.085 --> 42:04.068
Kind of a ride from hell.

42:04.108 --> 42:04.669
But I let it go.

42:07.785 --> 42:08.950
And I said what do you suggest I do.

42:09.385 --> 42:13.717
He says you need to go to the whatever it was, not the car wash.

42:13.885 --> 42:14.146
No, no, no.

42:14.186 --> 42:17.809
He wanted me to wax it myself and he told me the thought.

42:17.829 --> 42:18.311
He says no, no, no.

42:18.385 --> 42:25.494
You need to feel every inch of the car and thank God for every inch of the car I'll never forget $50 was a lot of money back then.

42:25.725 --> 42:28.154
The auto zone I went to the auto zone.

42:28.205 --> 42:29.049
I thought this is all funny.

42:29.305 --> 42:44.215
Now, 23 years old, my first time going into an auto zone and I'm picking up the wax and the sponges and he's teaching me how to all the different things you got to do to properly clean a car and then wax it and you can't just use any old towel.

42:44.285 --> 42:51.150
He got me the microfiber and not to scratch it, like you know, the thing had gashes in it like it'd been through World War III.

42:51.445 --> 42:52.067
But he got me the.

42:52.889 --> 43:07.593
I spent, he killed me to spend $50 on it and I spent the whole afternoon in that hot Florida sun washing it, then waxing it, then buffing it, then two coats and finally this old clunky car.

43:07.633 --> 43:27.376
Though it shone like a pearl and it looked like I cared, and soon after that I wasn't driving to Chevy Spectrum, I'd upgraded Not by much but by a little, at least it didn't have perma-stink in it to a red truck.

43:29.045 --> 43:32.515
It was a San Fernando Sun type red truck, but it was a red truck.

43:32.745 --> 43:35.513
Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.

43:35.533 --> 43:36.095
That's how I felt.

43:36.405 --> 43:37.791
But I was high and lifted up.

43:40.866 --> 43:42.627
And I'm not kidding people, don't believe me, but this is true.

43:42.667 --> 43:53.530
With the Chevy Spectrum there was at least half a dozen times where I would hit on the brake and my foot would just go right through, yeah, and then I'd pump it and then it would get to working again.

43:54.025 --> 43:55.752
So at least the truck had a functioning brake.

43:59.613 --> 44:00.315
No, you don't.

44:00.355 --> 44:02.390
She said you need to whisper it, it's dangerous.

44:02.505 --> 44:03.408
You have no idea.

44:03.428 --> 44:12.568
You have no idea when I tell you I'm grateful to the Lord and the stupid stuff I've done and how I lived in my early 20s.

44:12.648 --> 44:19.230
It's amazing I'm here ministering to you, amazing what he's delivered and rescued me from Cause I stayed on the road.

44:19.290 --> 44:20.867
I was like, well, I'll just pump it, I have no choice.

44:25.692 --> 44:26.955
I can feel your disappointment.

44:27.016 --> 44:29.469
It's crushing me, it's.

44:30.110 --> 44:31.654
I thought I'm going to go minister over here.

44:31.895 --> 44:32.096

44:35.285 --> 44:39.409
But after the truck, after the Zanford and Sun Truck, I took care of that too.

44:39.885 --> 44:43.235
I was given a 325I BMW, hallelujah.

44:44.945 --> 44:54.994
The point of my story is take care of what you have and take care of the apartment or the home that you have, hallelujah, and love it and thank God for it.

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Do you know it's possible to be grateful for what you have while still believing for an upgrade.

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You don't have to hate the thing you have Then the upgrade won't come but taking care and thanking God for what you have and knowing the state of your flocks when it comes to finances.

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I've shared this before.

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I'll share it again.

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If you come to me for financial help, the first thing I'm going to ask you is how much debt do you have?

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And over 80% of the people I meet with their response is I don't really know.

45:29.405 --> 45:29.626

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Do you know the emu bird that people think it's an ostrich, but it's really the emu bird?

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It sticks its head in a hole.

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Do you know why it does that?

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It does that?

45:40.465 --> 45:41.329
It's not looking for food.

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It stays like that because it believes that if it can't see its enemies, its enemies can't see it.

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So it sticks its head in the sand.

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That's how people are with their debt.

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They stick their head in the sand, like if I can't see it, maybe it'll just magically go away and it can't see me, it'll find you, trust me, it knows.

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And while your head is in the sand, it's growing.

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That's not the growth that you want.

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You don't want the penalties.

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You don't want the 29% APR.

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That would make a true mobster blush at the amount that they're ripping and scamming the American public for.

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But being I remember when I first had to figure out how much debt I had, and we've been consumer debt free for all our marriage and before then.

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But there was a time when I had over $60,000 of consumer debt spread across 16, 16 different credit cards.

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I just keep getting new credit card offers in the mail and saying yes, and then robbing Peter to play Paul, and a little voice, the voice of the Holy Spirit, would say you know, this will catch up one day.

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I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah, that day will come.

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I'll get a breakthrough.

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By the way, the breakthrough came, and came in the form of me waking up and then paying it off slowly.

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And do you know what?

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As I stayed faithful and played it off slowly, then some true, genuine breakthroughs came, some surprises, but you got to put one foot in front of the other and do the right thing.

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Get that thing in motion.

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Hallelujah, we're gonna be receiving communion soon, right about right around.

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Now is a great time to read Proverbs 5, 11, 13, number eight Hating, correction and instruction.

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Hating correction and instruction is a form of the poverty spirit.

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Do you know, when I'm with wealthy people, one thing they ask me a lot of questions and I've had people who are struggling with their finances, struggling struggling.

48:08.823 --> 48:13.632
Meet with me, meet with me, come to my new house, spend hours with me and not ask me a single question.

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Not one question, just look out of curiosity.

48:18.085 --> 48:19.571
Hey, tell me about Bitcoin.

48:19.805 --> 48:21.671
Tell me about isn't it too late?

48:22.605 --> 48:23.628
Tell me any question.

48:24.190 --> 48:24.872
What's the weather like?

48:25.013 --> 48:28.489
Any, no, there's no questions asked.

48:29.065 --> 48:31.908
I hear a lot of what they have to say, but no questions.

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A type of the poverty spirit is hating any kind of instruction, any kind of correction, and you mourn at last, when you're flesh and your body are consumed, and say how I have hated instruction and my heart despised correction.

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I've not obeyed the voice of my teachers nor inclined my ear to those who instructed me.

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I feel like I have a lot of people over and some people are looking at me funny.

49:07.365 --> 49:07.546
I'm not.

49:07.586 --> 49:08.811
If you're here, I'm not talking about you.

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I'm not talking about anybody from the church.

49:12.409 --> 49:15.196
So next time I'll make sure I ask them all these questions.

49:15.405 --> 49:15.505

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I'm not talking about you.

49:17.285 --> 49:18.570
Look at people outside of the church.

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Jesus, lord, this is why communion's coming up.

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My point here was people think rich people are proud.

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I actually find a lot of rich people to be very, very humble and inquisitive and curious, and when I hang out with poor people, I find them to be incredibly proud.

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There's a uh-uh you can't tell me nothing attitude there's.

49:51.666 --> 49:53.331
I know it, I got it, I don't wanna.

49:53.432 --> 49:58.610
Uh, no, you need to sit and learn, but I'm not gonna shove it down.

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You need to ask them questions, my God, you need to love instruction.

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Keep quit pushing away people who are there, who can help you.

50:20.267 --> 50:31.321
Addictive behavior is a lack of temperance as a type or is associated I don't say a type, excuse me is affiliated and associated and reinforces the poverty spirit.

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Proverbs 23 21, for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty and drowsiness will clothe a man with rags.

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Now, if you're suffering from any kind of addiction, any kind of addiction at all, please note that your answer is in Jesus.

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Please know that he loves you and that he will set you free.

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There's all different types of addictions.

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I've had various.

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He will set you free.

51:00.554 --> 51:02.720
It won't be by your strength, it'll be by his.

51:03.021 --> 51:04.765
It won't be your power, it'll be his.

51:05.386 --> 51:06.328
You say what do I do?

51:06.369 --> 51:07.611
There's things I've been addicted to.

51:07.912 --> 51:16.076
You come and you tell God you're powerless on your own and you say Lord, I trust you, lord, I lean into you.

51:17.098 --> 51:18.120
I renounce Satan.

51:18.180 --> 51:19.122
In Jesus' name.

51:19.523 --> 51:20.765
I receive grace from you.

51:21.186 --> 51:26.715
Oh God, I believe you transform me from the inside out and every addiction falls off of me.

51:26.835 --> 51:30.809
Now, in Jesus' name, boom, he's.

51:30.970 --> 51:31.873
Oh, I did that.

51:32.014 --> 51:32.596
Do it again.

51:33.299 --> 51:42.699
And then praise him for it, and then do it again, and a righteous man falls down seven times, but each time gets back up again and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

51:43.547 --> 51:47.675
He's big enough, he will do it, hallelujah.

51:50.846 --> 52:02.561
And finally, following frivolous people and pursuits, proverbs 28-19,.

52:04.109 --> 52:12.632
He who tells his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows frivolity Just say that with me frivolity, frivolity, frivolity.

52:13.033 --> 52:16.261
That was hundreds of years before the New Testament was written.

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Nearly a thousand years before the New Testament was written, there still was something called frivolity, but now we live in the age of frivolity, where you can burn hours and hours in a day just by scrolling.

52:28.727 --> 52:31.273
Now that I'm in Long Island, I went to this place called the Mall.

52:31.493 --> 52:32.295
It's an amazing place.

52:34.226 --> 52:39.413
Just yesterday went to the mall first time since I moved.

52:40.314 --> 52:44.139
I visited a few other times in my life but honestly I felt like something changed.

52:46.426 --> 52:49.151
I'm walking around and Emily said it first I kept it on the inside.

52:49.852 --> 52:57.372
I don't know if it's the legalized weed everywhere or the devices or both, but everyone looked like a space cadet.

52:58.575 --> 52:59.497
I just felt.

52:59.517 --> 53:02.765
I thought like remember that old show, the Walking Dead, or whatever.

53:03.627 --> 53:15.417
It looked like the Walking Dead, except their flesh wasn't falling apart, just Everybody's just shuffling their feet, looking like the lights are on and no one's home.

53:18.590 --> 53:32.112
I think people are just totally burning their brain out on devices and it tends to poverty and it's by design.

53:32.132 --> 53:33.715
You know how many of you remember?

53:33.735 --> 53:46.960
Several years ago those articles came out that the top Silicon Valley executives who invented this stuff and invented the apps don't let their kids on it, but they put it out into the world and there's kids addicted to the stuff.

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We limited our kids' iPad time to one hour a day and we thought that was awesome, big breakthrough.

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But just about a week and a half ago I won't get into details it wasn't really that bad, but we just, honestly.

54:04.484 --> 54:04.765
We snagged it.

54:06.008 --> 54:12.765
Victor messed up Not bad, just a little mess up but we took it as an opportunity and said we're removing your iPad indefinitely.

54:13.606 --> 54:17.512
First time we ever did that Within 72 hours.

54:18.133 --> 54:18.994
We couldn't believe it.

54:19.094 --> 54:32.434
He was always a good boy, but it was like his attention span and his creativity and he just looked more contented and happier.

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And now he's painting and drawing.

54:35.379 --> 54:38.745
And now when I tell a long story, he listens and he asks questions.

54:39.627 --> 54:41.550
It's like someone flipped the switch back on.

54:42.512 --> 54:43.113
I couldn't believe it.

54:43.133 --> 54:45.337
I thought I was doing good within an hour a day and I go.

54:45.818 --> 54:46.459
He doesn't need it.

54:47.907 --> 54:48.167

54:48.187 --> 54:58.765
The only reason we I'm going to be honest here the only reason we would give it to him is out of selfishness, because now I have to think of a way for something him to do.

54:58.805 --> 55:05.938
It's so much easier to say here, here's a pad, here's a screen, go, zone out for a few hours.

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Let me pray for you.

55:15.535 --> 55:16.836
Listen, hey, good news here.

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God is on your side.

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Before we pray, put your hand on your heart.

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Say this out loud God, you're God of abundance, you're God of prosperity.

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I renounce the spirit of poverty, the mentality.

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In Jesus name, lord, I trust you for 2024.

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It's going to be my best year yet.

55:44.521 --> 55:46.982
In Jesus name, amen.

55:50.028 --> 55:52.230
This is the City Light Church podcast.

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If you've missed any part of today's message or if you would like to find out more about Pastor Boyan Jansic and City Light Church, visit us at citylightnyccom.

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That's citylightnyccom.

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Feel free to visit us online or in person anytime.

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We would love to connect with you.

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We pray that you have been encouraged today, that you have been reminded how much God loves you and that you are surrounded by grace.

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Thank you for listening.

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