Dec. 12, 2023
Exploring Financial Wisdom: Overcoming Poverty Spirit and Embracing Abundance

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Uncover life-changing insights about your financial health and wisdom in today's economy. Guaranteed, you'll finish this episode more informed and prepared to navigate the choppy waters of substantial debt and inflation. We tackle the concept of scarcity impacting the value of money and highlight the importance of seeking diverse sources of information rather than wholly depending on mainstream media.
Venturing deeper, we expose the detrimental effects of a 'poverty spirit' on your perspective of wealth and success. Sharing personal experiences, we uncover how bearing grudges against the rich can obstruct your pathway to financial prosperity. We also address the baseless belief that poverty correlates with holiness, emphasizing our collective responsibility to employ financial resources for the common good. It's time to cast away this poverty spirit, embracing a mindset of abundance and generosity instead.
We urge you to confront your financial realities without neglecting any debts. Above all, we echo the importance of practising gratitude and responsibility for our assets while fostering a positive belief in better things to come. So buckle up and join us on this enlightening exploration of financial wisdom.
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Please note that your answer is in Jesus.
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Please know that he loves you and that he will set you free.
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There's all different types of addictions.
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I've had various.
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He will set you free.
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It won't be by your strength, it'll be by His.
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It won't be your power, it'll be His.
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You say what do I do?
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There's things I've been addicted to.
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You come and you tell God you're powerless on your own and you say Lord, I trust you, lord, I lean into you.
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Welcome to the City Light Church podcast.
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Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us.
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If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at citylightnyccom.
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That's citylightnyccom.
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Pastor Boyan Jansik and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds.
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As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you.
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We have concluded now, for the last eight plus weeks, our series on Galatians, and we have talked about the different covenants, the differences between the old and the new.
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Over and over again we've read the words of the apostle Paul anointed by the Holy Spirit, because it's not just some guy Paul writing, it's the very word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
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As you let us know, we're no longer under the curse of the law, and the curse of the law is that you have to keep doing the law and if you're guilty in one part, you're guilty of all.
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But now you've been invited into a covenant of grace.
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That's God's unmerited favor and it's yours for free.
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And hopefully, if you've walked away with anything, you've walked away with a greater sense of God's love, that he loves you.
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And that's not cheap.
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It's not a cheap love and it's not just an emotional love.
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It's a love that springs into action.
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It's a demonstrative love.
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Love can mean so many different things for people.
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It could be God loves you and they think God from a distance, just waving, sending good vibes and good energy.
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But the Bible says God so loved the world that he sprung into action and gave his only begotten Son.
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His love does something.
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His love is a love of action, his love is a love of movement, and so the scriptures declare over us over and over again that God loves us.
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It means that he is acting on your behalf, he's moving on your behalf, amen.
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And so if you're a guest here, I just wanna say welcome.
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And also, we have waxed incredibly theological over the last eight weeks.
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We dove into the deep stuff and I went line upon line, precept upon precept, verse by verse, through the entire book of Galatians.
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But today's gonna be a little different.
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I wanna talk about a different subject matter, but something that's been brewing in my heart for some time now.
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But something that's been brewing in my heart for some time and something that I believe, if you're a good shepherd, you'll want your people to be aware of and to know, because my job is to be an under shepherd to Jesus and to feed you the word of God and to protect you and to issue a warning if necessary.
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And it's in the realm today that I wanna discuss.
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It's in the realm of finances, cause you may not be paying attention.
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Some people subscribe to the ignorance is bliss model of living their lives, and then some people may be paying attention to the wrong things.
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Let me just say this right now, it's 2023,.
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We're going into 2024.
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This the media was always full of lies, but never so much like today.
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So some of you you may think you be you're paying attention to what's going on.
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I would just question where you're getting your sources?
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I have to get my sources from dozens of different places and then come up with my own conclusion.
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The days of sitting in front of any media and just saying, oh, that's what's going on, those days are gone.
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I'm telling you you're gonna be brainwashed within three weeks, tops Amen.
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Cause they're not just reporting the news, they're telling you what to think about them, how to respond.
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Sometimes, within 10 seconds of meeting someone, I just feel like saying your programming is showing, excuse me, your programming is sticking out.
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Yeah, please tuck that away.
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I mean, I can just tell exactly where you're coming from because of and in the natural I stress, in the natural.
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Thank God, we're not in the natural, we're in the spirit, but in the natural the situation doesn't look too good financially for the country.
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If you haven't been paying attention.
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The country is massively in debt.
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This has been the story for years, but now it's really approaching, if it hasn't already reached a critical point, a breaking point 30 plus trillion in debt during 2020,.
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The country printed four plus trillion dollars, just created it out of thin air.
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If you follow me on social media, I've posted the videos of Powell just talking about how they created the money out of thin air and the guy on 60 Minutes says well, you printed the money.
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They don't even print it anymore.
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It is no, we just basically clicked on the keyboard and added several trillion and people are now wondering where does the inflation come from and arguing about what inflation is.
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Inflation comes from inflating the money supply.
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Money gets its value from a thing called scarcity and if you can just add four plus trillion, make it rain on the nation now, it loses the value.
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Hey man, I remember in 2020 I started talking about inflation and people looked at me like I had two heads Pre-COVID.
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Majority of Americans, I feel just from the responses I got, didn't even know what inflation was.
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It wasn't in the vernacular.
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Then you have it, maybe as a distant economic concept, and now you hear about it all the time and you've experienced it.
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When you go to buy a dozen eggs, this thing is on right, she hit the jackpot.
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If you can just dial that volume down, it's just a smidgen.
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It reminds me when I go through the airports and the jackpot.
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They don't have that in American airports but in other ones.
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They have slot machines in different dependable country lines.
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I understand.
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I got Keto's too.
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I get it.
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Just the volume, just the smidgen, because I get so easily distracted when I preach.
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I'm going to come alongside her and play.
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Are we dismissed?
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Is it the end of the survey?
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Where am I?
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I'm just getting started okay, I want you to be prepared, and this doesn't have to be the story for you.
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I want you to be financially sound, amen.
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And I want you to be prepared going into 2024.
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And so, just to set the foundation, I want to read to you from Deuteronomy 8.
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Deuteronomy 8.10.
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When you have eaten and are full, say full, just.
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I want you to catch God's heart for prosperity.
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He doesn't say when you have eaten, just enough, but when you have eaten and are full, just a shout out one more time, full.
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That means you're waddling away from the table, you're full.
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This is God's heart, this is Jesus.
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When he fed the multitudes, they took up 12 baskets of leftovers.
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That's his way, that's his style.
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When you have eaten and are full, then you shall bless the Lord, your God for the good land shall good land, good land which he has given you.
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Beware that you do not forget the Lord, your God, by not keeping his commandments, his judgments and his statutes, which I command you today, lest, when you are eaten and are full and have built beautiful houses, shall beautiful houses, not shacks.
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I just want you to catch God's heart.
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Look, you can either read this and go, that's nice or you can say what?
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When I first saw this in the Bible, I was shocked.
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I was blown away, because somehow I was taught to equate poverty with godliness, and poverty has nothing to do with godliness.
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Poverty is not something anybody should be welcoming into their lives.
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You're not some 15th century monk going up into the hills taking a vow of poverty, which I don't know why they did that.
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I mean, I know historically why, but I don't really see the fruit.
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You can find God in wealth.
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You can find him in spite of poverty.
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But I've tried both and I'm telling you wealthy is better.
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I promise you, when you have eaten and are full and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them, and when your herds and your flocks multiply back then they used herds and flocks instead of bank accounts when your herds and your flocks multiply and your silver and your gold are multiplied and all that you have is multiplied, shout, multiply when your heart is lifted up.
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And this is the danger, as the Lord begins to bless you that your heart is lifted up and you think that it's you who did it.
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And it really is a real temptation.
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You want to lean into the humility of the Lord and show your dependence on him when your heart is lifted up and you forget the Lord, your God.
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Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage?
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Who led you through that great and terrible wilderness in which were fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty land where there was no water?
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Who brought water for you out of the flinty rock?
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Who fed you in the wilderness with manna which your fathers did not know?
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This is talking about that wilderness season that he might humble you and that he might test you.
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Why To do you good.
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In the end, your end state will be better than your beginning state, and I've been serving the Lord for 30 plus years and I think I've had about six in 30 plus years actual wilderness seasons.
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I'm not talking about a bad day, a bad week, but I'm talking about a wilderness season.
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Practically, you're having a crisis of faith.
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You ever been through a wilderness season?
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That's when you want to just jump out of your skin.
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You don't even want to be you.
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You even have the thought Lord, take me up.
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Nothing makes sense and you're in the crushing had about six.
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I didn't think this when I was going through it.
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When I was going through it, I'd do anything to not be going through it.
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But having gone through it, I look back and I think, yeah, I wouldn't trade those for anything.
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How many of you can relate?
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You have made it through a wilderness.
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I wouldn't trade it for anything.
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Because I will look back then and see that there was a promotion associated with that.
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Usually, months to up to a year and a half later I look back and go, wow, my life is in a totally different place.
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After that wilderness season, I went through a crushing, I went through a pressing, I was tested.
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Humility means your dependence, your neediness for God that he might humble you and that he might test you become more humble.
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And then he did you good in the end.
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Hallelujah, next verse.
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Then you say in your heart my power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth.
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No, don't do that.
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Don't do that and you shall remember the Lord, your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth.
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When I first read this verse, it had an impact on me and you can read this and go isn't that sweet?
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Or you can say this is God and this is God.
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For me, power is anointing, creative ability, power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant which he swore to your fathers.
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As it is this day, the covenant is established.
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When you increase, hey, it's part of the covenant.
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Say that belongs to me, it belongs to you.
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Increase Hallelujah that he may establish his covenant which he swore to your fathers.
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As it is this day, so God is on your side.
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You're not a citizen of earth.
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The Bible says your citizenship is in heaven and I want to provoke your faith as we go into 2024.
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That, no matter what is happening, I want to see you on the increase and in a better place financially.
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Can we all agree to that?
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I know for some people to talk about finances in church he's almost sacrilege because they just think the two don't go together.
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That's not my fault that you don't think the two go together.
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Jesus put them together all the time.
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Do you know?
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Jesus talked twice as much about hell as he did about heaven, but he talked about finances, offerings, talents Talents not like I'm talented, I can sing but talent as a unit of measurement for precious metal and real estate.
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He talked about all that more than heaven and hell combined.
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Because he knows that's important to you.
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Isn't it crazy how people can come to church and then separate and think that's not important.
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But it is important because you still live on earth, although your citizenship is in heaven and your son of God and a daughter of God, but you still have to interact with the earth.
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You can't go to the grocery store and buy a dozen eggs for $8.
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And when it's time to pay, say, you know, my citizenship is in heaven and actually I don't talk about finances.
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I should talk about it more.
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The more I talk to people in the church, the more I realize I should talk about it more Because, honestly, some things I've done my homework, I've dove into this and the practicality of this and the Lord has blessed me.
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And then I'm shocked that some people still I say this with love, but it really sends a shutter through my heart they're in a high school level.
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They could be over 50, but they're in a high school level in understanding how finances work and they're wondering why they're always broke, why they're always on barely get along street and just barely have enough.
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And it shouldn't be your silver and your gold.
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She'll be multiplying and your oxen multiplying and all that you have multiplying.
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That's God's heart.
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So let's get out of his way and allow him to do that in our lives.
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Amen, and don't let the news out there scare you.
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Yeah, in the natural it is bleak, but that's when we just rev it up.
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I'm giving more, I'm not giving less.
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I'm believing more.
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I'm not believing less.
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I'm expecting for more, I'm not expecting for less.
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Hallelujah, please, don't make me be the only one, please.
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I don't wanna be here in a year apologizing, oh for my wealth, I won't do it anyway.
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But I don't wanna be here a year from now having to explain Let me not say having to explain oh, 2024 is gonna be delicious For me and my family.
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That's my thing.
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It's gonna be amazing If you could do it back then and cause water to come out of a dry and flinty rock, furnish a table in the wilderness.
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2024 is gonna be our best year yet.
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Declare that over yourself, over your family, the best year, hallelujah.
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So what comes in the way of this kind of thinking probably what I'm facing a little bit right now as a ministering, is something called a poverty spirit or poverty mentality.
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Cause when I say poverty spirit, don't think of a broke demon, like a shoeless demon with a coat and holes it goes around.
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Is that what you thought?
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You must have read Christian books in the 90s illustrated ones, did you See?
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I know?
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I've been in the biz long enough.
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I know exactly where it comes from.
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Yes, there is a demonic spirit, but in order for it to function it has to be a mentality first.
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We're transformed by the renewing of our minds, the principalities and the powers.
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They can only function when there is this particular thought that runs through people.
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And if enough people have the same thought, that's when you get a stronghold.
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A stronghold is a house made of thoughts.
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So poverty spirit, and I just hate it.
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It's disgusting and it's a mentality that afflicts people.
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I've been to over 50 different countries.
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I can sometimes feel it.
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The moment the plane touches ground, you can feel the poverty spirit.
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I love poor people, by the way.
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I just hate the poverty spirit.
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Jesus loved poor people but didn't glorify the poverty spirit.
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Some people think the poverty spirit equates to holiness.
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We have, by the way, missions programs in some of the poorest countries on earth.
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We spend years working over in Liberia, fourth poorest nation on the earth.
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I never, ever got off that plane and said, wow, the holiness of God is in this place.
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You just feel because of the poverty you know it's so holy.
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Oh, it's the exact opposite, oh Lord.
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So I wanna give you some characteristics so that you can be open and find where you are aligning yourself or agreeing with this poverty spirit in your own life and let's put an end to it.
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Let's say no, it's in for all.
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I believe with all my heart.
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It is our responsibility to be financially blessed.
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It's not just something we can indulge in, but it's our responsibility.
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It's our responsibility to have a cup that overflows.
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I don't want him to come to me and say, hey, you just buried your talents, what did you do?
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You did nothing, but no, you grew.
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And now with more financial support?
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No, you grew, and now, with more finances, you can help more people, hallelujah.
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So this should never anything I say, by the way, it may be to provoke you, it's never to condemn you.
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If you get upset at me, I welcome that good.
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But just know I'm on your side and I'm never, ever condemning you.
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But I may be provoking you, but we live under no condemnation, thanks to the blood of Jesus, amen.
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So you ready?
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Let's go through some characteristics of the poverty spirit, in no particular order of importance, but number one, a characteristic of the poverty spirit is resentment, specifically towards people, of means, towards wealthy people.
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If you find that you resent people who are better off than you, that is a type of the poverty spirit.
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And usually in the media, wealthy people, when they are presented as like evil.
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And I'm telling you right now they're not.
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There are some, but you know what this might blow your mind.
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Just hang on.
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Did you know there's evil poor people?
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Did you know that there's wealthy people that'll harm you?
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Did you know there's poor people that'll harm you?
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I know there's wealthy people who are proud and selfish.
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Did you know there's poor people that are proud and selfish?
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But, statistically speaking, percentage-wise, wealthy people give way more and relieve way more suffering than poor people.
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