New Episodes Weekly!
Oct. 1, 2024

Finding Hope and Restoration in Life's Valleys with Pastor Bonny Andrews

Finding Hope and Restoration in Life's Valleys with Pastor Bonny Andrews
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CityLight NYC Church
Fresh out of a challenging season, Pastor Bonny Andrews joins us to share his transformative journey of discovering God's presence in life's valleys. His personal anecdotes shine a light on how difficult times can become opportunities for divine intervention and growth. Together, we explore how CityLight Church fosters a supportive and spiritually enriching environment through good leadership and the power of worship, creating a community where genuine connections and shared experiences bring joy and gratitude.
Our travels take us across the globe, from Stanford University to the University of Bahamas, Hong Kong, the Middle East, and India, as we embrace the powerful theme of restoration. 
By drawing from biblical teachings and real-life examples of generosity, we encourage listeners to see themselves through God's eyes and to unlock their true identity and divine purpose through prayer and scripture reading.
Finally, we touch upon the concept of the "Valley of Refinement and Restoration," exploring how challenges shape us into better versions of ourselves. Pastor Bonny recounts how a recent fast led to a deeper surrender to God's will, emphasizing the importance of wise counsel and mentorship. We discuss the power of prophesying life over seemingly dead situations, drawing inspiration from the imagery of dry bones in Ezekiel 37. Tune in for a message of hope and encouragement that will inspire you to speak God's word over your challenges and witness the miraculous changes that follow.

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(00:00) Powerful Message of Hope and Restoration
(09:38) Global Ministry and Message of Restoration
(19:41) Valley of Refinement and Restoration
(26:03) Prophesying Life Over Dead Situations



00:00 - Powerful Message of Hope and Restoration

09:38:00 - Global Ministry and Message of Restoration

19:41:00 - Valley of Refinement and Restoration

26:03:00 - Prophesying Life Over Dead Situations

00:00 - Speaker 1
Nobody tells on social media how crazy their day was. They will always talk about they were crying till they lifted up that cup and said, oh my God, that coffee. And they're gonna talk about the bagels in New York and they're gonna talk about their style and stuff. But they've been going through the valley. Let me tell you. The scripture says God meets you in the valley. The valleys are the making places. Every time that God has done something in my life, it has been in the valley, not on the mountain top.

00:26 - Speaker 2
Welcome to the City Light Church podcast. Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's Word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us. If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Pastor Boyan Jancic and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds. As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you. Bonnie Andrews is with us here this morning.

01:10 - Speaker 1
Open up your heart. By the way, welcome to those of you joining us online. I didn't forget about you. Open your hearts too. Open your laptop wide and your heart extra big and put your hands together one more time as we welcome Pastor Bonnie big. And put your hands together one more time as we welcome pastor bonnie.

Come on in city light, make some noise. Come on, as pastor said, I hear the sound of victory. Let me tell you one more sound that I hear is the sound of restoration church. Did you hear me right? I hear the sound of restoration Church. Did you hear me right? I hear the sound of restoration. Did you hear me right? I hear the sound of restoration. Everything that is broken, everything that is dead, it is coming back to life and if you believe it, say amen and amen, amen.

I'm telling you I'm so honored to be here in this church. This is one of my favorite places to preach and you're going to help me preach right, church and in ministry. You know that you have, you know you feel like you know. I was checking my contact list the other day on my phone there. There's over 5,000 people out there and many times you know that you have. Many of them are acquaintances and you have few friends. And this is my brother right here, pastor Bo. You know we've been joined in the Spirit, joined in mission, you know, and I get to hang out. We're neighbors and we get to hang out for coffee. I haven't been here for a New York minute, right, pastor James, it's been a New York minute since I got here. But Pastor and I, you know, we get to hang out, we do live, we talk stuff, and he's my valley brother, he's my brother that I can talk and chat and pray. And I'm so grateful, I want you guys to put your hands together for Pastor Bo, anointed, handsome, good looking, put your hands together one more time. And the most elegant, graceful Emily, come on, give it up. And I want to say, hey, listen, I'm so grateful. I just want to start off with Graham just rubbing on to Pastor Bo right here, but I want to say I'm so grateful for the leadership of this church. I want to honor the deacons, the leaders, the people that serve in this church. You know, they bring me the best coffee, hallelujah. They know that if it's good coffee it's good, anointing Hallelujah. They know that if it's good coffee it's good, anointing Amen. I want to thank God for the pastors, the good looking pastors out here.

Every time I come here I feel convicted in my spirit about upping my shoe game. Like many circles I go to, they're like bro, come here. I'm like bro, I'm I'm repenting, lord, I'm repenting, I need to go to the next level. So if you need that impartation, these pastors will be here to pray for you and upgrade your, uh, your shoe game. But uh, and then I tell people I come from the land of Curry. I'm officially known in some circles as the Curry man and I was in NYU and I said some jokes and the guys called up and said I want to thank God for Curry and he thought my last name is Curry.

Listen, I tell people I come from the land of Curry, I live in the land of Curry, but today we're going to receive from the Holy Spirit and that reminds me to. You know, thank God for the worship team. Come on, guys, listen, oh my God, some churches that I go, it's like a bulldozer. I'm like you know, the worship leader is like. It's like trying to take everybody on a journey here. I'm telling you they are. They come prayed in, they come prepared in and they come to the altar. They don't have to rake up the fire. There's already fire in the altar. There's a hungry group of people.

I want to thank God for Sean. I love him more because we come from the same holy land and you know, sean, thank you. Thank you for your anointing, thank you for your heart. Thank you for you know he. You. Thank you for your anointing, thank you for your heart. Thank you for uh, you know he's got three girls. I've got three boys.

I said at some point we're going to be talking because where, from where I come from, there is the dowry and we don't give men just like that. We gotta talk, right, we gotta talk. What is it? It's going to come in houses, in cars. Uh, bitcoin, is that bitcoin? We're going to talk. What is it? Is it going to come in houses, in cars? Bitcoin, is that Bitcoin? I mean, we don't know. I mean I'm just learning. So I am so happy to be here. I feel like I just told the Lord. God, you know, help me to have fun preaching the gospel this morning. I just want to bring greetings from my ministry.

Before that, my wife and my is my wife somewhere here. She was here came with my boys. You know, I keep reading the word and the Bible says be fruitful and multiply. That word multiply just keeps popping up to me and I'm like, baby, we got to multiply. And she's like we got three boys. And she's like we time out. She didn't say no, she said time out. You can say no, she said time out. So she's here, she was here, uh, you know.

And a couple that shares a coffee. Uh, lives together, happy ever after. So, uh, the guys got me the coffee, I just like shared it with her and she was, she's good. And also have my great family visiting from philadelphia, john paulus, and, uh, the family give it up for these guys, philadelphia, john Paulus and the family Give it up for these guys. Sometimes you're friends for two years, five years, and I remember my mentor, dr Eric Bernard, says some people come in fora season, some come in for a reason and some come in for a lifetime. This is over 25, I don't know if it's over 25 years of friendship and doing life together. Life means like I don't have to hide anything, everything is bare open. So I'm so grateful for this great family. Business leader Leads a corporation, now sits on our boat.

So just giving you a quick update. I'm doing the elongated version because we got time Right, pastor James, okay, the timer is working. The last time I was here it was like Joshua he prayed and the sun stood still. The timer was still at 30. I'm like Lord, you have done it again, so I'm so grateful for what God is doing.

Listen, I'm an evangelist Evangelist, go. Okay. So we keep going and preaching the gospel. I'm a missionary from India to America. Okay, god loves America so much that he's pushing people that look like us. When your parents are in their seventies and you want to hang in tight with them and you want to be closer to them, god has taken us away to be on mission.

So here we are in New York and reaching the college campuses. For the last 20 years, we've reached over 3.2 million students in 186 cities around the world. And then here, come on, give it up for the lord. Each of those numbers represent a person, right, uh, you know, and? And those kids have listened and heard the gospel. But in, in this season, we've been here in America. God's given us a deep burden for the college students. Over 70% of the kids, my kids, are going to school, like in the next three years. My eldest one is just officially a teenager. He's going to be in college. 70% of the kids that walk in from a Christian home will lose their faith when the moment they step into a college. I heard a Catholic father say it's not about even 70% healing. He caught even a higher number of the, the Catholic priests, telling about the status of the, of the American church and the kids.

So we get to go to these college campuses and share the gospels. We were in Queens College anybody from Queens College right around the corner here. You know One of the reasons. So we got to share the gospel and over 250 students Came to this event and the campus ministries in that college said this is for the first time we have done such a large event, a big production, you know, and publicly proclaiming the gospel and 17 documented decisions and working with some of the top five campus ministries, crew, intervarsity Navigators, chi, alpha and you know, and all of these great guys. We had a great time.

And October 9th we're going to be in Stanford University Praise the Lord On the other side of the world, like we're on the West Coast. Like I was telling somebody, it's like a seven-hour flight to get to SFO. You know, it's like on this side I'm probably in London eating some scones and sipping some tea, right, but we are here on the West side preaching the gospel. We're going to be in the Bahamas in one of the key universities the University of Bahamas October 28th and November 2nd. In one of the key universities, the University of Bahamas October 28th and November 2nd. We're going to be in Hong Kong. We're going to be in the Middle East. We're going to be in India before the end of the year.

We believe that either you go big or you go bigger. We don't go home, we just go bigger. Amen, so you know, and so that's just a quick update about all that's happening in the ministry. Are you ready for the word of God? I'm excited because I feel like I'm bringing a word from the Lord for you this season, and when I was praying for this church and as Pastor and I was talking, you know, I heard the word restoration. I have no idea what you're going through, but let me tell you something. At the end of of the service, there's only one word that you would take back. It would be the word. Can you say that again, the word is restoration. You can do better. The word is this side, this side, this side, all right, the word is restoration.

I want you to get your attention to ezekiel, chapter 37. This is uh, you know, let me just give you the big picture. This is about the people of israel. You know, let me just give you the big picture. This is about the people of Israel. You know, the people of Israel were in captivity in Babylon. You know, they've been separated, they've been beaten and they've been, like, scattered all over the place. And Ezekiel begins to prophesy Every time a prophetic word comes, it is probably the prophetic word is always the opposite of what you're going through.

When you you're broke, there's going to be a word about abundance amen. When you're full, there's going to be a word about generosity amen. When you got, like you feel like, oh lord, thank you for blessing me. And then the next time that you walk in, you're hearing about generosity. I was listening to the happiness guru, which is a great I I forgot his name, he is, he's based out of Harvard and he said just forget about the scripture, just logic, just logic, calculation. Every time you give a dollar for charity, not just for church just cross the board. Every time you give a dollar it comes back as 1.6. So not just the bible saying given, you know, pastor james telling all about, like you know, given, it'll come back to you. This is just stats around every person that is generous to people, you know, it comes back. It comes back 1.6.

So here we are talking about the fact, uh, that, uh, you know we are, we are together. This word, the prophetic word, is and Ezekiel prophesies over the people of Israel that no matter how dead you are, you're going to come back together. Now look at this 1947. There was no nation called Israel, there was no official state. And in 1947, all of these start coming together and finally we have an official state, which is the nation of Israel. This is the fulfillment, or partial fulfillment, of this scripture. So I'm here to tell you every word that you're going to hear is going to be the word of God, and the word of God as it has been declared and as you receive it, it will not come back until it has accomplished the purpose for which it has been sent. Amen, and for all the people who are there, the first service, help me preach the word, say hallelujahs more. Amen. Do you believe it? Amen.

So here we are in this book, so let's just pray together. Father, thank you in the name of Jesus. I ask every heart to be open right now. In the name of Jesus, every mind-blinding spirit, every distraction, every thought about tomorrow that is weighing them, every depressing thought, every anxious thought, everything, I cancel it right now, in the name of Jesus, I pray for open hearts, for this word to be falling in fertile soil to bring about an exponential harvest in Jesus' mighty name, amen.

All right, let's go to Ezekiel, chapter one. Let's start reading the scripture and I want you to read it with me. Let's go. Ezekiel 37, verse one. The hand of the Lord was on me and he brought me by the spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley. It was full of bones. Okay, let me tell you something. The Bible says those who are led by the spirit of God are the sons and if you want to say sons and daughters of the living God, amen. So if you know, I'm telling him, I feel like I need, I need to talk to a few people here and if you want to say sons and daughters of the living God, amen. So, if you know, I'm telling you, I feel like I need to talk to a few people here.

You grew up in such abusive backgrounds or you grew up in environments that people said names over you, they declared things over you, they had nicknames for you and you have been a recipient of the words that are being spoken over you. And this morning I want to declare, with the authority that is on me, that you are not what other people think you are. You are not what you think you are. You are what god thinks you are. For all the women in the room, that feels, like everybody, that you're looking at social media and all of these things and putting on the craziest makeups to be attractive, you are not what the makeup says you are. You are not what social media says you are.

The Bible says. Let me just tell you, for every woman in this room, you are precious and priceless. Precious and priceless. You are beautiful. You don't have to be weighing down by the spirit of comparison, which is the spirit of this world. It's more so in the spirit of New York. For all the men, you feel like beaten down. Let me tell you something you are bold and handsome and you are more than a conqueror in Jesus name. But the scripture says the hand of the Lord was upon me and he brought me by the spirit right in the middle of a valley.

Now, listen, we live in this world where social media glorifies victories, right, every Instagram reel. I mean I was telling somebody this in the first service. I'm going through a major. Now. What is formal for all the gen z people? Fear of fear of missing out. Yeah, fear, oh, yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, got it. Fear of missing out.

So all my mates, all the people that I know that in in the larger world, across the world, they're all at this place called the lausanne gathering, having 5 000 leaders coming in from 225 countries, and this is probably the largest gathering every decade that billy graham started and they're all there and everybody and I prayed much for it for the last couple of months. God, should I go? I don't get a word from the lord to go, so I stayed back. But now I cannot even switch on instagram because they're talking about korean barbecue. People are sending me videos of the large giant led screens and they have like spiritual term. It is going to be like the taste of heaven. It's going to be like every people from every tribe and tongue, and you know all of that stuff and I'm going to. So I deleted the Instagram app because I don't want to be.

You know, I'm telling that it's the, the, the, the plan of the enemies to always get you distracted. You got to live in the now, the obedient. Now I got to do what God is asking me to do. I cannot be distracted by the people. I cannot be distracted. Everything else, the devil and everything else in this world, wants to stay and take you away from the focus.

Hebrews, chapter 12. Looking at Jesus, the author and the perfecter. Sometimes that means I have to say no to a lot of things, if I need to say yes to something that god wants me to do. And now in the last one week, in the last 10 days, I know why I didn't go because there's greater things happening in the life of my family that is happening now that I need to be here, not in seoul, k Korea, talking about the greatest Korean barbecue. So we live in a world that people talk about victories than valleys. Nobody tells on social media how crazy their day was. They will always talk about they were crying till they lifted up that cup and said, oh my God, that coffee. And they're going to talk about the bagels in New York and they're going to talk about their style and stuff, but they've been going through the valley.

Let me tell you, the scripture says God meets you in the valley. The valleys are the making places. Every time that God has done something in my life it has been in the valley, not on the mountaintops. The mountaintops are places to celebrate. You know what Pastor James is to wave the flag and say we got here, we climbed out of the valley. But let me tell you, the valley is a dry place. The valley is a dark place. The valley is a place where you're running alone. Sometimes A valley is a place where God is like you in the processing room. Back in the day, before digital photography, they had to actually take, click a film, take it into the back end and develop it right and you know, turn the negative. You are that going through in the life of god. It is the valleys that make you.

My first point is god meets you in the valley, god meets you in the valley. The word valley in the Hebrew word is the word emek. It just doesn't describe not just describes a geographical location. It talks about our lives, our place of difficulty, suffering, spiritual dryness. Is anybody feeling that? I felt it. I felt it where my spirit is dry. I feel like I can't pray anymore. I feel like I don't have the energy to read the word. But let me tell you something. You are going through a valley where God is working in you. Is anybody with me? Four things that happen in the valley. The valley is the most fertile place. The valley is where the growth is. The valley is where God builds you Number.

One thing I want to say is that God reveals His presence in the valley For all the people making notes. God reveals His presence in the valley. You feel like you're all alone, but God is saying my hand is upon you as you go through the valley Psalms 23. Even though I walk through the valley of shadow of death, I will fear no evil because you are with me. God is literally hold my hand, pastor Mo, don't leave me hanging. God is holding your hand as you go through this valley because his presence is more than enough. His presence is more than enough. I feel like I'm telling you I prayed more when I go through the valley. I've I fasted more when I go through the valley. I feel the presence of God more when I'm going through the valley.

Number two God refines you in the valley. Does anybody know what I'm talking about? The valley valley is a place where you feel like there's nothing left. You feel like in the dumps, you feel depressed, you feel lonely, you feel frustrated. Every fourth person in new york is going through depression. This is stats. But when you are going through it, I want to let you know that god is with you and he's not against you. He's for you, he's with you and he's holding your hand. And the bible says he will never leave you. No, forsake you. People will leave you, husbands will leave you, friends will leave you. The bible says he will never leave me, no, forsake me. Somebody needs to hear that if you believe. It's an amen.

Number three god refined. Number two god refines you in the valley refining, refining, refining. It's like when you see the original form of the diamond. It's, it's a piece of rock, but when it gets cut and it gets cut and it gets cut and finally comes to that final product and it gets stuck on a ring and it lands up at fifth avenue at Tiffany's, it becomes like a $50,000 ring that somebody's going to use a credit card and get into debt. That's New York, because they wanted that packaging, the green box, that's all it is. Brother, please you buy a green box, I put your ring in it and make you feel like, and use a printer, tiffany and coke, don't get into debt, all right. But before you got into that ring, god has been shaping you, he's been cutting you, he's been like, I tell people, you, the private testings will be turned into public testimonies. But when, when you go through testing, the scripture says in James, you know, consider it pure joy when you go through trials, because out of it comes perseverance and out of perseverance comes maturity. God is maturing you In the valley, god restores you.

I was telling people the other day early this morning I feel like the other day early this morning that the Lord recently led me through a fast, a 10, 21 day fast, and during this time, for the most of my fast, I was like fully surrendered. When you're fasting, you are, you are surrendering, you are, you are humbling yourself and you're saying god, not my will, your will, not my plans, your plans. But for the most of my fast. I was saying that until the lord began to speak to me. But one thing that I was holding on so tight and I said, lord, you know what this is how you're going to use. I'm telling god how this thing that I'm holding so close, and I'm telling god I'm hard to let go because I feel that I'm teaching god that he will use this tool to help me. I'm teaching God Hallelujah, oh my God, my plants, my brain, his brain. I'm telling him that. I am telling him a strategy that you are going to use this to. I mean, not just change my life. I mean I'm talking about everything that we do is about changing the world. It's about preaching to God. I'm telling God, god, this how are you going to use this city, how are you going to use this tool to change the world?

Until the last few days, the Lord said you know, he used and he uses people. He was a very wise man around me and I was talking listen, get mentoring, get coaching, get people to speak in your life. And I said, you know, he just brought another perspective. I'm like, oh my God. And the next four or five days, I just began to be fully surrendered and some of the decisions that I'm making right now comes from the last five days of being fully surrendered and being aligned. So let me tell you something Hold, let go, let go and let God take over the reign of your life.

You're saying, god, it is this girl. I know it, I feel it, I know it's this guy. And the Lord? You know that the Lord is telling you it is not and you're like Lord, this is how you're going to use her, you're going to use him and you know this is how we're going to change the world. But God is telling you let go.

Oh no, I'm in New York. This is a land of single people. You know, I'm advancing in age and I don't think I, I don't think you can find another suitable person for me. So I need to help god, using bumblecom and some you know site to help god find the right match for me. Let go. I don't know if I'm preaching to somebody. It is a hurting message. But let me tell you something, bro, two weeks from now you'll be hugging me like thank you, jesus. That Indian curry boy came that word and I was released and set free.

But let me tell you something. All I'm trying to say the Bible's. You know, after I got married to my wife, I'm telling you your life, your marriage, your life partner, after your salvation, is the most important decision of your life. It's a make it or break it. And I want to say, after I got married to my beautiful wife, you know we were in three to five cities, but in the last 10 years after I got married, we scaled it to 186 cities around the world, reaching millions of kids. One will chase 1,000. Two will chase 10,000.

So God is speaking to people in the room. Let go and let God, let the Holy Spirit lead your decisions. Let the Holy Spirit direct you. The Bible says I will instruct you in the way you should go, whether you should take to the left or to the right. People are nodding their head. I feel like God is moving. God is speaking in the room. I feel it Don't sleep on me. God resurrects dreams in the valley. When you begin to surrender and say, god, I don't have it in me, it is not my plan, it is your plan. And guess what? God does it. We haven't even reached the next. Let me go.

The next scripture says Ezekiel, chapter 37, 2 to 3. Right. Ezekiel, chapter 37. He said he led me back and forth among them and I saw a great many bones. Guess what guys Somebody's been looking at. I got some bones here. My Pentecostal mother was almost getting ready to rebuke it. I said no, mommy, this is for me to preach the gospel. Don't rebuke me and don't rebuke the devil. This is for the priest. You know, this is where your life looks like. Your finances are dead. I know it's funny, let me just get to the point here. Your finances are so dry and so dead. Your marriage is so dry and dead. It was two years of great stuff but it came dead and crashing down. Your career looks dead. And the scriptures? He's led me back and forth and I saw a great moment. Man, you're looking at your balance sheet of your company. You're looking at your ministry bank account. You're looking at your balance sheet of your enterprise. You're looking at your personal resources. You're looking at the relationship. It is dead and it is dry.

And the scripture says can these bones come to life? Can these bones come to life? And sometimes you just have to say God, I don't know, you know. And the next scripture he says Lord, only you know, let's get going. I'm telling you something. You go through places. I feel like I'm speaking to people in this room where your relationships, your marriage, your womb, somebody tell you. Let me just tell you something. I gotta prophesy to somebody in the room. There is room in your womb for more, but it now looks like sarah's womb. Sarah was 90. Her uterus was probably shrunk like a raisin. There was no room for nothing in that. Can these bones live? And the Lord spoke to Abraham You're going to be the father to nations. Womb prophetic word. Womb reality prophetic word. You know craziness. Prophetic prophetic word. What do you want to believe? Are you with me? Verse number three. Verse number four let's keep going.

Ezekiel, chapter 37, 46. Then he said to me prophesy to these bones and say to these bones I will make breath into you and you will come to life. Say to these bones I will make breath into you and you will come to life. God wants to give the key to your breakthrough in your mouth. He wants you to declare the word of God over your life. You don't need no man of God this morning. I'm training you. There will be no altar call that. You need somebody to pray for you. You will prophesy over yourself. You will prophesy.

What is prophecy? It is speaking in faith the word of god to a situation that doesn't exist. Speaking in faith the word of god to a situation that doesn't exist. Speaking in faith the word of god to a situation that doesn't exist. You're going to speak the word of God. He wants your word. His word in your mouth is as if God is speaking. So, ezekiel, god speaks to Ezekiel and says I want you to prophesy. And this morning I'm saying I feel like looking at people and saying you need to start prophesying over your bank accounts. You need to prophesy over work situation. You need to prophesy over your relationship. You need to prophesy over your living condition. You need to prophesy life into those dead situations in your life.

I was telling people this morning, like you know, I was living in a small town in India. God spoke to me. I will take you to the nations of the world. No money, no contacts. I got my passport. Okay, I got my passport. I'm like Lord, what am I going to do? Read the scripture. The scripture says prophesy. Guess what happened? I took my mother, my partner in crime, and I said mom, I'm believing god for the nations, because the bible says take, I will you know, ask of me and I will take you to the nations of the world. So I'm like here we are, laying hands on every page in that brand new passport and speaking nations speaking the word of god, isaiah 55 and verses 5. It says you will go to nations that you do not know and nations that do not know you will come to. You begin to prophesy the word of god. Today, by the grace of god, every time I go to a immigration counter I carry books of passports with me and the immigration guy is looking for a place to put a stamp, because it is filled with visas, and stamp for the glory of God, because these dry bones will come to life.

You're looking at the living testimony of dry bones coming to life and if God can do it for me, he can do it for you. But it will only happen when you begin to prophesy, when you begin to speak over the dry situation. You are speaking over dead situations. You are looking at the impossibility and God is asking is anything too hard for the Lord? Nothing? The Bible says I can do all things through Christ Jesus, who strengthens me. God spoke to Joshua. Nobody will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Be strong and courageous. Is anybody listening to my word? So this morning, the Lord is asking you to speak. And Ezekiel began to speak and guess what happened? There was a sound. All these bones started rattling and it started falling into place and it started lining up. And I'm telling you, when you begin to speak over your situation, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom things are going to start lining up and it's going to start falling into order, because it has to respond to the frequency of the Word of God. You don't need no man of God. You speak to your situation, you prophesy over your situation, you prophesy over your dry bones. Amen.

And the last piece Ezekiel, chapter 37, 9 to 10. It all started lining up and then, finally, it was all ready. It's like everything has fallen into place but there's no life. And the scripture says can we go to he said, prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to it this is what the sovereign Lord says come, breathe from the four winds and breathe into these slain that they may live. The word is Ruah, the wind of the Holy Spirit, the wind that we breathe, the breath of god. You need to ask the holy spirit, lord. I have prophesied, I have done everything in my capacity. Now I want the holy spirit to breathe over these situations this morning. Are you ready to love the lord, love the holy spirit, to breathe, to bring and blow the wind of the Holy Spirit into those places so that it will lay to life?

Worship team, I want you to come up here, and this morning I'm feeling my heart. I feel in my heart that the Lord is going to restore things that have been broken, things that have have been dead, things that you've thrown as useless. God wants to turn it around. The bible says I will restore the years. There's only one person in this world who can redeem time nobody, because god is outside time and he's the only one who can. You feel like, oh god, I've wasted my time, I've lost time. I wasted time. I feel like I don't have enough things in me. I'm graying, I feel like my time's up, but god is saying I am going to restore, I'm going to restore the years that the enemy has stolen from your life, but all you need to do is to prophesy and allow the wind of the Holy Spirit to breathe over your death situation.

I want everybody standing up right now and I want you to get into this moment. I want you to get into this moment where you're saying God, here I am, surrendering my plans to your plans. My brain that's trying to cook up ideas and strategies, but there is nothing compared to what you can do. I want every hand lifted up right now and just say God, here I am, one more time Surrendering. Just begin to talk, jesus, lord, my life, my family, my children, my finances, my situation, lord, I'm surrendering. Come on all over this place. Hi, hi, hi, bye, bye, bye. Come on All over this place. Just saying surrender, verbally, saying open up your mouth. I believe the Holy Spirit is telling you situations, things that you've been holding so tight. God is saying let go. God is saying surrender. Yes, lord, I surrender my ministry, surrender my finances, my plans, my donors, my partners, my board. It's not of me, it's of you, lord, I am surrendering.

36:04 - Speaker 2
This is the City Light Church Podcast. If you've missed any part of today's message or if you would like to find out more about Pastor Boyan Jancic and City Light Church, visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Feel free to visit us online or in person anytime. We would love to connect with you. We pray that you have been encouraged today, that you have been reminded how much God loves you and that you are surrounded by grace. Thank you for listening. Make sure that you subscribe to City Light Church Podcast wherever you find your favorite podcasts worldwide.