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And at just the perfect and right time he snatched you from the grip of hell and he gave you eternal life.
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But I love this Jesus.
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He could have said I've done this thing, that only God can do, this impossible work.
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And he could have said let me take the napkin off your face and let me cut you out of these grave clothes.
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But he doesn't do that.
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Jesus does what only God can do and he raises him to life.
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Welcome to the City Light Church podcast.
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Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's Word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us.
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If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at CityLightNYCcom.
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That's CityLightNYCcom.
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Pastor Boyan Jansik and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds.
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As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you.
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God is so good.
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I want to talk today about life groups.
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I know we looked at the video earlier.
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It looked real good.
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The whole bunch of beautiful people in there.
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See, only she gets that.
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I was in the video.
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That's why I said that the people's is beautiful, praise God.
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But no, there's something super powerful about life groups.
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And if you don't know what life groups are, let me show you from the scriptures what they are.
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So let's go to Acts 2, we're gonna read verse 46 and 47.
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So, continuing daily with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house.
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They ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people.
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And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.
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This is life groups.
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They met in an official capacity in the temple on the Sabbath.
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Like what we're doing right now, we are in the church.
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I won't say in the temple, because you are the temple, amen.
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So they met in the church in an official capacity together.
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But I love what it says at the end in verse 19.
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People were getting saved daily.
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Well, how could they be getting saved daily if they only met in the temple on one day it was what was happening every other day as they met from house to house and they broke bread.
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See, this Christian thing that we do, this way of life, it's not meant to be relegated to this thing that you do just on Sunday.
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It's meant to be your life.
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It's meant to encapsulate all that you are, all of your relationships.
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It's meant to be a Monday through Sunday thing.
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So here on Sunday you come and the pastor and the preacher, they give you a word of encouragement and strengthen you and give you an exhortation to point you in the right direction.
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But then you need to follow that up with actual practice.
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So on a Sunday morning you don't actually do the ministering.
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I do, pastor Bo does, pastor James does.
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But in life groups you get to put to practice those Christian principles.
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You get to lay hands on people, you get to prophesy, you get to preach, you get prayer, you receive and give prayer.
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How powerful is that?
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But the thing is we don't often take advantage of that because we have a lot of Sunday Christians.
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Oh, he got heavy fast.
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What happened?
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No, I do believe that the Lord is calling us out of that place of nominal Christianity where we checked our attendance card and said I came because this is what happens.
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We're at a point in our lives where we go to church on the high holy days Mother's Day, easter and Christmas and then we graduate from there and we go.
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You know what I'm getting serious about?
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I'm gonna honor the King and I'm gonna go every Sunday and I'm gonna check my attendance card and they're gonna know I'm there because I'm gonna lift my hand and the Lord is saying I want more because and here's the reason why it's not just so that you can say that you've done something.
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God actually wants to give you something.
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As with all things, even as we were just collecting the offering just now, that's not really about you getting God money, that's about him getting you money.
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Did you catch that?
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Because when you sow, then you reap a harvest that, okay, they get it, they get it, they get it.
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So the reason we're talking about life groups today is life groups are the lifeblood of our church and I know it might seem like a misnomer.
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I'm the community pastor, so life groups are very much my heart.
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But we say it's the lifeblood of our church and I'm not the only one that says that is because, again, it's the connection, it's where community happens.
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We have this thing called fellowship and sometimes people call the services well, I'm gonna go fellowship.
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Some of the old time heads in Christianity call it that.
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It's not really fellowship.
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When you come on a Sunday morning, the only thing that you're fellowshiping with is the back of somebody's neck, and the real interaction that happens in Christianity is not meant to be with the back of somebody's neck.
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Oh, nobody's gonna say amen to the obvious.
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Okay, I love life groups because it teaches people to be great friends, friends that are like-minded, friends that are reliable friends, that are able to carry each other in discipleship.
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You know, life groups are where one another happens.
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You know, in the scriptures, the Bible says 59 separate times that we are to one another, each other, you might say one another.
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And what's that?
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Well, the Bible says that we should love one another.
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The Bible says that we should pray for one another.
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The Bible says that we should greet one another, that we should strengthen one another, that we should bear with one another.
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The one anothering happens in the context of life group.
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So, if you haven't figured it out, today, this is a big sermon inviting you to life groups, I'm inviting you to community.
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I'm inviting you out of nominal Christianity into a place called accountability.
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You know, cs Lewis once said this about friendship.
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He's a famous Christian writer.
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He said friendship is born at the moment when one man says to another what you two?
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I thought that no one but myself.
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So there's this dynamic where we get to connect with people and grow and bear fruit.
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Aka, you can't get where you wanna go by yourself.
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People don't really like hearing that, because there's a level of humility and dependence that is necessary that we don't really like.
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Your friends should motivate and inspire you.
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Your circle should be well-rounded and supportive.
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We need godly friendships in our lives.
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No one person can encompass all that we need.
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Relationally, though, how about this?
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Even your spouse for those of us privileged to be married even your spouse can't connect all of the dots of what you need relationally.
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Monica's, like you don't know my husband boo, she in the second row, like my man, is my best friend.
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Amen, amen, ah, amen, amen.
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But I've learned that sometimes you need more than just romantic relationship.
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You know why you need platonic, same gender friendship?
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Because there's not a threat of you doing to get All the married people immediately got what I was saying See, the married folk understand that.
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You know what I'm gonna keep this hair relationship nice and tight and good.
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Because, yeah well, praise God, praise God, praise God.
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There's something about the platonic friendship that you need to be able to tell each other the truth and garner things that you can't get from that romantic relationship.
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It actually causes you to become a better person because, if you didn't know, it's easy to call yourself anything in isolation.
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I am amazing and the minute I get around other people they will go nah, you all right.
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There's something about the accountability and the honesty of community that will bring out the truth Because, again, it's easy to say whatever it is that you wanna say in isolation, with nobody there to fact check to you, aka keyboard fingers on the internet.
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Somebody talk to me?
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Oh, you're not gonna talk to me about it.
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All right, all you people in the chat, you better put a fire emoji.
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Hope I'm not talking about you, if you look at it and again this is a real thing.
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You need a plethora of relationships in your life and I know this because even when I look at God, god in and of himself is relationship.
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Now, I don't know some of you have maybe heard this story before, but our city kids program that we have downstairs it is thebombcom.
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It is children's church for real.
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They don't sell a junior holy spirit down there, they are having church the same way we're having church.
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They're learning about the word of God.
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Sometimes the stuff in my door that hits me with I'm like I didn't teach you that where you got that from.
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She was like you know, I'll be going to church on Sunday.
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Right, I'm like.
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But it's funny because I've heard this said to children before and it grinds my gears in such a way where you'll have a little kid going hey, why did God create humans?
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And then you'll get some well-meaning Sunday school children's church teacher who will lie out the back of their mouth and say something that was born in the pit of hell.
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Well, god created humans because he didn't want to be lonely.
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That's a lie.
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God has never been lonely.
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God is relationship.
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He is the father, the son and the holy spirit.
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Let me show you from the scripture, so you don't just think I'm just talking.
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First, john 5.7 says for there are three that bear record in heaven the father, the word and the holy ghost.
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And these three are one.
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So again, there is no one person that can encompass all that we need relationally.
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We have friends of the same gender to help us learn how to actually love without motive or physical intimacy.
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We need to learn how to be actual friends to each other when it comes to community and kingdom.
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Amen, amen.
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Proverbs 18.24 says a man that has friends must show himself friendly, and there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
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We need to learn how to be willing to let other people's star shine.
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You can't do that in isolation.
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We need to be willing to be poured into as we pour out into others.
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There's a wonderful given taken friendship that displays God's love relationally.
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And one of the things I'm just gonna say flatly you've gone as far as you can go by yourself.
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God is going to build you up through your connections and not isolation.
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You have to be able to connect and flow with people to take it to the next level.
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You have to trust people and not just any people.
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You have to trust the right people with your vision.
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You have to get it out of your hands or it won't multiply.
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We multiply through connections.
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I'll give you a story.
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So I want to say it must have been somewhere in 2012.
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We, just because we had our services on Friday nights in the East Village, shout out to all my old schoolers who would come to hey, sheika, our Friday services were fun.
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We call them happy hour because our church was located in the East Village.
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And if you didn't know, the East Village is a very fun, weird place.
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Per capita, it has the most bars per square foot than any other place on earth.
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So just imagine we were getting quite a clientele of people coming in and getting saved and having their lives transformed on a weekly basis.
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So I remember after one Friday night, Pastor Bo and I were just conversing and we walked to his car and we got in the car and it was close to Thanksgiving and I remember I was sitting in his car and I was weeping and I remember he was trying to encourage me because there was this thing that I couldn't break past.
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I was trying to get into my destiny and I didn't know how.
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I knew I was called to lead and minister and preach and teach and serve and all of these things.
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But I had no opportunity.
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I was working full time at the YMCA counseling center and I remember just like just feeling so stuck because if you haven't known this feeling when you have a call of God on the inside of you, this is the best thing that I can akin it to it felt like a tree was growing on the inside of me Because you know, if you look at a tree it's imperceptible, you can't really gauge it from one day to the next and go you're bigger.
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You can't do that.
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But if you would put a tree right up against a piece of glass, eventually the glass would have to give way and break because of the growth, like we see this literally on the streets, where the roots of a tree can unearth concrete.
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So I felt like this thing was growing on the inside of me, but it hadn't broken through yet.
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So again I'm talking with my pastor like hey, man, how do I get to the next level?
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And it was funny because he was trying to encourage me.
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He says listen, when it comes to doing all that you can do, I can say with clarity and honesty you are doing everything that you're supposed to do.
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I know you.
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You are praying, you are fasting, you are serving, you are looking for every opportunity to pour yourself out for the sake of Jesus.
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So I don't know, bruh.
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So again I'm just crying because I'm just like God, I just want your will.
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And then he said something to me that was powerful.
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He goes when you've done everything that you know to do in order to reach your destiny but still feel stagnant.
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It could be that there are destiny partners connected to your destiny.
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And I said what?
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Because nobody really wants to hear that when you want to just go where you want to go, you want to go by yourself.
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And, in essence, what he was telling me is there are some people in your life that you haven't connected with yet that might be the key that opens the prison door.
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Oh, y'all didn't hear me.
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Sometimes you are the key that opens somebody else's prison door.
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So I'm like man God, what does that mean?
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And he says, listen, it doesn't have to be that it's a romantic relationship.
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It could just be a relationship.
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Maybe there's somebody in your life the Lord wants to put you together and both of you will get together and start an amazing business that will change the world.
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We don't know.
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Well, maybe it could be romantic.
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Hey, now Listen.
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Shortly thereafter I met my wife.
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She started out as a friend that I got to know at LifeGroup Plug.
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I got to know her at LifeGroup and she became my girlfriend at LifeGroup and from there she became my wife.
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No, you could clap a little bit better, for my wife, tiffany, is at home and she's actually driving here right now.
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She is pregnant with our third child.
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She is due March 12th.
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So, aka, she is ready to go.
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She will be here shortly to receive all of your praise.
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But it's funny that I needed to connect with my wife and it set me on such a trajectory because I was working at that job and I get married to my wife and six months into my marriage I get laid off.
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I had never been without a job since the age of 14 and I find myself all of a sudden without work at the most important time when I need work to be a provider and a husband.
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It was all like, oh, my God, jesus.
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But it's so funny that the trajectory of what happened through connecting with her, I watched as the Lord connected me with my wife, that I ended up in my dream job and both of our lives just exponentially kept growing from there forward.
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You cannot get where you want to get by yourself, because you, my friend, are a member of the body of Christ.
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I don't know about you, but my pinky does not get up and walk away and do its own thing without me.
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When my pinky wants ice cream, we want ice cream.
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It don't be me, y'all, it be the pinky.
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I still didn't hear no amen to that.
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But all right.
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Matthew 18, 19 and 20 says this again.
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I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven, for where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them.
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I'll give you another one for free.
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Leviticus 26, 8 says five of you shall chase a hundred and a hundred of you shall put 10,000 to flight man.
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That is some crazy kingdom, exponential math.
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That doesn't make sense.
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But I love it and it just reaffirms further the point that I'm making that God means for you to get where you're going by getting with his people.
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So if we can establish that life groups are the way, communities the way, getting with the people is the way, we have to ask the $10 million question and just to be clear, even if you call out the answer, I will not give you $10 million.
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People from the first service, just wait and like.
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So the $10 million question is this if we know that there is so much power in accountability and community and one another, why don't we do it?
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Why is it that when life group semester opens up, as it opened up last week, that every group has to be labeled full for this week because it is at capacity and cannot take anymore.
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You want to know why?
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I'll tell you.
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Why I'll tell you because it's actually the title of this sermon.
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The answer is that help sometimes hurts.
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See, I was trying to be nice, I was giving the media team a chance to throw it on there like the sermon title, but technically I guess we don't need it.
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Help sometimes Somebody feel me.
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Help sometimes hurts.
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You want to know how I know that this is true.
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It's February.
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Where are my athletic gym goers at?
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Oh, don't you.
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Hey, you cross fit people.
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Now You've been showing off that body.
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Don't get shy.
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Now Raise your hand, brother, all right.
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Now here's the thing.
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It's mid-February, right, a lot of the New Year's resolutions are starting to taper off.
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We had some people start and they were on fire.
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I'm going to go, I'm going to bear this fruit, I'm going to go Work the thing out.
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Everybody working out because they want to be a snack.
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Talk them out.
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But you know why.
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You only get a few people who last off, like my brother in the second row.
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Come here, oost, just come here, brother.
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Yeah, yeah, come on.
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See, oost is a former professional bodybuilder.
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You can't see it under here, not a lot.
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He married.
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So just keep yourselves.
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Keep yourselves.
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I'm just giving you the warning, but he lives a lifestyle of exercise and working out.
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He's a trainer, matter of fact.
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I'm just putting your face out so people can come as you are.
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No, you good, you got more applause than me, bro.
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Give the praise to Jesus people.