Jan. 30, 2025

Manifest Abundance – Part 1

Manifest Abundance – Part 1
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Manifest Abundance – Part 1

Pastor Bo shares insights on 2025 as a year of divine promotion and breakthrough. We explore how financial prosperity aligns with God's purpose, challenging misconceptions about wealth. With biblical examples and testimonies, this episode highlights the joy of generosity and the transformative power of faith in embracing abundance as part of a spiritual journey.




(00:00) Year of Acceleration and Breakthrough
(09:29) The Power of Biblical Prosperity
(19:37) Biblical Prosperity and God's Character
(29:11) Jesus
(37:57) Miraculous Financial Blessings and Generosity
(44:34) Manifesting God's Abundance and Prosperity


00:00 - Year of Acceleration and Breakthrough

09:29:00 - The Power of Biblical Prosperity

19:37:00 - Biblical Prosperity and God's Character

29:11:00 - Jesus

37:57:00 - Miraculous Financial Blessings and Generosity

44:34:00 - Manifesting God's Abundance and Prosperity

00:00 - Speaker 1
2025 is going to be the year of promotion, of acceleration, of breakthrough, of getting to that next place. God is causing us to come and possess the land. That's what 2025 is about Taking new ground for the Lord. That stuff that's been in you, locked inside of you, God is going to get it out of you. God is going to cause it to be made manifest.

00:26 - Speaker 2
Welcome to the City Light Church podcast. Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's Word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us. If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Pastor Boyan Jancic and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds. As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you, that he has a real hope and a future for you.

01:07 - Speaker 1
Say this with me I'm getting better. Christ is perfecting me. This is my year, amen. And speaking of the year, what a year we've had so far. We're off to a great start, just finished 21 days of prayer and fasting Hallelujah, hallelujah, yeah, meeting every night and praying, fasting as he leads us. We just had John Arnott with us. That was just an incredible three days. What a guy, what an amazing Christian. And that's what I said to my wife this is the most unique Christian I've ever met. I didn't say this is the most unique minister, just as a Christian, just his own relationship with the Lord, which is so constant, which is all the time.

We dropped him off at LaGuardia Airport last Sunday and you know they were talking about snow, but there were no cancellations. So we dropped him off and everything looked fine. My phone never rang, he never called to tell me his flight got canceled. But when we started snowing, I said let me just make sure he got out. And his flight was canceled and I couldn't get a hold of him. Well, I got a hold of his assistant. She said okay, we already rerouted him. He's going to Atlanta where it got canceled again, he had to spend the night in Atlanta. When I finally got through to him, you couldn't have found a happier man. Yeah, I'm in Atlanta, gonna have to spend the night. God is good, isn't he? I'll get in Tulsa by tomorrow. 84 years old, I mean, I'm 49. And when?

02:43 - Speaker 2
I mean.

02:43 - Speaker 1
I'm 49, and when you know it's like I'm at Terminal B, oh, the transfer is in another terminal. You start confessing scripture. You know the Lord is my strength, he is the help of my life. Lord, I know your hand came upon Elijah and he ran so many miles Supernaturally. May your hand come on for physical endurance and strength.

Meanwhile, 84 year old john is like praise the lord, it's all wonderful and what a what a message of god's love he brought, which I'm delighted in having him, because that's one of the core messages that comes, hopefully, from this pulpit as well. I hope, hopefully it didn't. My wife's like yeah, encouraging, thank you. Hopefully it wasn't too much. We never heard this before. God calls us friends, wow. No, because Jesus is our everything and relationship with him is the greatest, and intimacy with him is what this is all about. It's a restoration of what we lost in the Garden of Eden, the intimacy that was broken because of sin, and now we're restored back to the Lord through the blood of Jesus and we can have a friendship with him and enjoy him. Yes, salvation should be enjoyed, not endured. He didn't save you from an eternal hell to give you hell on earth, amen. And so, if you're a guest, I want to welcome you especially and I want to welcome those people that are online and just before I begin today's message, I just want to restate that that our foundation here is Jesus and relationship with him, knowing him and making him known. All right, I wanted to say that because the rest of what I'm going to talk about is going to be about money. Hallelujah, because if you come midway, you know you're like I went to this church and the pastor just talked about money the whole time. I knew it. That was my. Some guest is thinking that was my worst fear. You'll be glad you came today, unless you really, really love poverty, then the next hour or so is going to be tough for you, and there are some people like that.

But 2025, I'm telling you, is a special year. I have never, ever said something like that at the start of a new year. I've never been excited for a year like 2025. Like that at the start of a new year, I've never been excited for a year like 2025. 2025 is going to be the year of promotion, of acceleration, of breakthrough, of getting to that next place. God is causing us to come and possess the land. That's what 2025 is about, taking new ground for the Lord. That stuff that's been in you, locked inside of you, god's going to get it out of you. That stuff that's just so far been on a vision board or in your journal or in your inner musings, god is going to cause it to be made manifest.

So we have to know and be grounded in what the word of God has to say about money, why I'll show you from the word of God has to say about money, why I'll show you from the word of God, proverbs, chapter something and verse another. But it's in Proverbs because it's not. It's in Ecclesiastes. Hester, did I do that to you in the first service too? And then it didn't go up and I said can you please put that verse from Proverbs up? And then you still figured it out and put up Ecclesiastes. God bless the media team. Ecclesiastes 10.19.

You say why did I come to church today and the pastor's going to talk about money? Because I'm evil, selfish, because I love you and the Lord loves you way more and he cares about your life, and on this side of heaven you're going to have to deal with money. It's only in church that people have like an allergic reaction to discussion about money. Jesus didn't have such an allergic reaction. He talked about it all the time. You say I don't remember that Exactly. That's why I'm preaching it this Sunday Because you don't remember that. Because when you got to all those parts, you zoned out Satan made sure, got you distracted and you didn't realize and this is a real stat that Jesus spoke about hell twice as much as he did about heaven. But he spoke about money, giving talents, lands, good stewardship. He spoke about those things more than heaven and hell combined, but only in church. Do you hear, people?

Why is it always about the money? First of all, it's not always about the money, but I'm going to make sure you're not robbed of an essential truth. Nobody goes to the dentist and then goes to the receptionist and they hand them the bill. Why is it always about the money? With this guy Going to Whole Foods oh, you're ringing me up, what you know, you people, it's always about the money. They're fine with living in a world that requires money, but coming to church and the pastor shouldn't talk about the most important thing you're going to deal with, how could he say that? The most important thing? Because the anointing, the manifest presence of God is power. That's real power, that's power in the spirit. I want more of his anointing. I can do more good and relieve more suffering. But money is the power in the natural realm. You say money is power in. Christian Rappers in the 90s got it right and Christians today still. Well, money is power. Shit, I'm one-wheeling, I don't. Yeah, money is power.

Yet Christians have systematically cut themselves off from earthly power by loving poverty. For some reason, getting theology that tends to poverty. You say no, not me. Yeah, some of you. I just got done 21 days of prayer and fasting, praying with you every night, and some of you scared me. No, but it comes in, it sneaks in there. You're praying and then you're praying this great prayer for 60 seconds and last 10 seconds stuff comes out of your mouth and you undo the whole prayer.

We're reading verses on biblical prosperity, like, specifically, prosperity that has to do with material wealth and provision, and then people will turn it into, but not just my financial prosperity. Lord, you know you give me peace and you give me joy and you give me contentment. You know you give me peace and you give me joy and you give me contentment. You know I love those things too. But specifically the scripture there is talking about money. Honey, your silence is going to make me more offensive. The quieter you are, the more offensive I get Money, honey, dough, joe, bread, fred, and Christians run from it because Satan made it a dirty word.

Why? Why would he do that? Because he hates you and he wants to cut you off from power. At the same time, you've rationalized it and developed some kind of theology around it that makes you seem uppity and special. No, being broke is not special. Money is a terrible master but a wonderful servant. And here's what the word of God has to say about money. A feast is made for laughter and wine makes merry, but money answers everything.

Now we saw that real time just now with the LA fires. A lot of people lost their homes, millionaires lost their homes. But if you were a centimillionaire with 100 million or more, or a billionaire somewhere in the nine to ten figure range, have you seen this? They hired private firemen, private fire force, because it's not so much about the $20 million villa as it is about the 50 million dollar Monet inside, next to that jewelry your great-grandfather stole from the royal crown or whatever it is, you know the pieces that can't be replaced. So other people's houses burnt down, but for them, money answered everything. I saw that in 2020, during COVID, we were all shut up, locked down, kids bouncing off four walls, masked up, some people double masking. I'm in PTSD just remembering those times.

Some people triple masking. But you know, if you had money you didn't have to go through any of that. A minister friend, he flies private Masking. But you know, if you had money you didn't have to go through any of that. A minister friend, he flies private. So he said come meet me while I'm in town at the airport. I go to a private airport. Nobody's wearing a mask. Well, the flight attendants are wearing masks and some of the pilots are wearing masks, but the people with money, they didn't feel like it. Who's going to tell them to wear a mask? I bought the plane, I charted it. I don't feel like wearing a mask.

12:33 - Speaker 4
This message might be for five people, but bless God, hallelujah, hallelujah.

12:46 - Speaker 1
God is in the problem-solving business and it's okay to understand that. We live on earth right now, on our way to heaven. And while we're on this side of heaven, we can do more good with money and solve more problems with money, and money in and of itself is not evil, hallelujah, all right, I want to just read to you some stats. These are fresh off the press. Why I'm talking about this? Well, for one thing, I got to tell you I feel like this is going to go on for weeks, because that's what it takes. If I was making a meal, this would be just like I'm putting the oven on preheat.

No, because when God does a deep work, you don't get one sermon and go praise God. No, you got to be marinated in the word of God. You got to be stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey with the word of God. It's got to be over and over and over again and your mind has to be changed and faith is produced from the word of God. I'm not letting this year slide by. This is the year. I feel it in my bones. I know it like I know my own name Both of them. This is the year of breakthrough and acceleration.

Hallelujah. Right now, total household debt is at $7.98 trillion as of Q1 2024. You say, is that a lot? Yes, it's a lot. And this isn't like national debt. You know how you have the national debt clock and it shows the debt of the country, then it divides it by every family. Every person says this is your family. No, this is credit card debt, student loan debt, mortgages, that kind of stuff. So this is the highest it's ever been. So, as a people, we're the most indebted we ever were. Average debt per person $104,215.

The sheer amount can cause significant stress, with individuals feeling trapped by their financial obligations, leading to depression and a lowered sense of self-worth as they struggle to see a way out of debt. This is why the Bible says you're the head and not the tail. Above only and not beneath. You'll be the lender, not the borrower, because God does not want you living in that state of anxiety, in that state of oppression, in that state of feeling these horrid negative emotions about yourself. He wants your cup to overflow, amen. But that second stat that the average debt per person is 104 grand per person. That's the highest we've ever been.

You know, the Bible says there is a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof. Talking about like a religious church and they have the songs and the motions, but there's no anointing there. They'll have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof. America has a form of prosperity, but denies the actual money thereof. So there's this form of prosperity, but the people are broke in general, in debt, and this is the year for change. This is the year. Why this year? I don't know and I don't prophesy over years, but there's something about this year. God's always in the abundance business. God's always in the blessing business. It's just this year business is going to be a booming. It's going to be awesome, Hallelujah.

Credit card debt 1.66 trillion in Q3 of 2024, the highest it's ever been. High credit card balances often lead to constant reminders of financial strain through interest rates and minimum payments. This can result in emotional turmoil. No, that's not peace, including guilt, overspending, fear of creditor calls and the stress of managing monthly finances. Delinquency rates are at 8.9 percent. That means almost one out of ten people saw the credit card bill and said you know what I'm stopping paying? This thing Wrecks your credit, wrecks your self-esteem. God has a better way and this is also just for folks and you should be asking why is pastor talking about this? Yeah, to avoid this. Amen, amen.

17:27 - Speaker 4

17:32 - Speaker 1
Let's read Deuteronomy 8, 11. Because we need to see the heart of God and how God operates and receive it for ourselves. There is an anointing here. I feel it Sometimes I go by faith, it's always by faith, but it's nice. Here I feel it Sometimes I go by faith, it's always by faith, but it's nice when you can feel it. I feel it Up and down my back, down my arms and it's coming on you and he's shifting, he's rearranging and if I were you, I would make like a sponge and just receive and let the word of God renew my mind.

Because we all have unbiblical thinking, stinking thinking. We all, we get it, we pick it up and then we pray and it kind of comes out when the music fades and all is stripped away. What do you really believe about God's will for you? Is his will just to keep you alive, just to keep you alive and barely get along street? Or you look at the scriptures and you see that his will is always grand. And he's the God who makes the cup overflow. He's the God when he feeds 5,000, they take up 12 baskets of leftovers. He's the God when he makes them catch fish. The net breaks, the boat sinks. He's the God who blessed Abraham. And then Abraham was like I don't, the grass can't keep up with how quickly my flocks are multiplying. That's the God we serve. So what we're doing is we're just undergoing some programming here, deprogramming and reprogramming. It reminds me when I first got saved, my parents were like you've been brainwashed. I'm like I know I needed my brain to be washed. Well, those of you joining us online, welcome to the brainwashing sesh. Well, those of you joining us online, welcome to the brainwashing sesh. We've been brainwashed. We've believed a lot of lies. Now, let the word of God undo the lies and let the lies be replaced with his truth.

Verse 11,. Beware that you do not forget the Lord, your God, by not keeping his commandments, his judgments and his statutes, which I command you today. So this is just for you to catch the character of God. What is God like? That's a great question. You can only use the scripture to support what you believe are the qualities of God. God is holy yes, we see the script. God is love. We see the scriptures about that. This will show you that God is a God of multiplication, of abundance, of prosperity and of blessing, and it's for you, not sometime in the distant future. Now. Now it's going to begin.

Now, beware that you do not forget the Lord, your God, by not keeping his commandments, his judgments and his statutes, which I command you today, lest, when you are eaten and are full, shout full. And have built beautiful houses, shout beautiful houses and dwell in them. I was just going to say that part when your herds and your flocks shall multiply. See, we like addition, don't like subtraction. God likes multiplication. And when your herds and your flocks multiply and your silver and your gold are multiplied and all that you have is multiplied. That's God's will, and 2025 is the year of multiplication.

21:18 - Speaker 4

21:23 - Speaker 1
Verse 14, when your heart is lifted up because he's multiplied you so much, there's a temptation to be proud and you forget the Lord, your God. Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage, who led you through that great and terrible wilderness in which were fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty land where there was no water. Who brought water for you out of the flinty rock? Say, what's God's like? That's what he's like. Someone looks at a flinty rock. It's funny, you know, it doesn't just say rock, flinty rock Like, not that there's usually much moisture in a rock, but a flinty rock is particularly devoid of H2O. But God will get water out of a flinty rock. You say my job, pastor, is a flinty rock One. He gets water out of a flinty rock.

Two stop looking at your job. One of the biggest problems is you're looking at your job, you're looking at your paycheck and you're bound by that. God wants to come outside of the box and shake things up. Get out of your job and you're steady every two weeks, drip, drip, drip. God is going to bring new avenues of revenue. Holy ghost, surprises, ravens, unexpected sources of supply. Open yourself up to it, hallelujah to it. Hallelujah, that he might humble you and that he might test you to do you good. And then, oh, he fed you wilderness in the wilderness with manna. Be careful that then you don't say in your heart my power and the heart of God.

Notice what God didn't. Let me just take a pause here. Notice that, what he didn't say there. Some of you Hebrews, in fact the majority of you, have gotten really wealthy and I, the Lord, your God, don't really like that. So give it all away. I mean, did you know there's poor people? So give it all away and I've blessed you. But now go back to broke, because that's my way. Notice he didn't say that there are so many scriptures that Christians abuse and twist so they can stay broke. I needed her healing. I need a hug, emily.

You don't know what they do to themselves. They'll take one scripture in the book of Acts, how the apostles held all things in common, and go full communist on you, like this one unique thing that happened in this one point in history, and they think God's will is for all of us to just share everything and live in a commune. And kumbaya, that's one example. People who love poverty. Well, they don't know any scripture except the poverty scriptures. Well, you know, jesus said it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven. They love that verse. They have it in a plaque over their entryway. The eye of the needle was actually a gate in Jerusalem. Jerusalem had 12. It was actually a gate and camels heavy laden with treasures, spices and everything nice and all that would come and they would have to get on their knees and the bags would have to be taken off of them and then they could eat. Look it up, google eye of the needle gate. It's a very narrow gate. So Jesus is just saying it's easier for that. If you're a rich person and you're unwilling to bow down and bend your knees and be free to take this, have the stuff taken from you. You hold it loosely then it's actually easier for that camel to go in through the eye of the needle than for you to enter the kingdom of heaven. And, of course, the most famous one. Well, money is the root of all evil. That's like their foundational verse for their life. And the scripture says the love of money is the root of all evil, not money.

Next verse, please. And you shall remember the Lord, your God. What about him? For it is he who gives you power, power Anointing, creative ability. It comes from heaven and God wants to give it to every one of his people. You say okay, he wants to, why hasn't he then? Well, it's not his problem, it's our problem.

I found that the Lord will entrust you how much you're capable of handling. That means there's a responsibility to number one to be a giver, because if you're a giver, he'll get you more to give. Amen, also, not just and this is where I had a problem with some prosperity teaching. They just stop at giving, like, just give and that's it. That's a very important part, a vital part, but it's not the only part, because if you've never read a book really you don't read books. You don't take any risks, you're not going to experience biblical prosperity. You're alone, you know, scrolling your phone in your house.

There's other important steps here. Another important step is we're talking about showing trustworthiness to the Lord so he can bless us is what are you doing with the money you have now? If you're just acting like a drunken count, god isn't pleased with that. Handle it now with respect. Spend it the way he wants you to spend it. Give how he wants you to give it, and then what you're communicating is Lord, I don't treat this like my money, but as it is, in truth, your money, and he'll entrust you with more Hallelujah. You shall remember the Lord, your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant, which he swore to your fathers, as it is this day now, listen. This means that part of the covenant is wealth, and you know whose life you see this covenant in working in Well all of the patriarchs, all of your biblical heroes, but especially Jesus. Now, this is what I want to talk about, because so many believers, depending on where you've come from, they're affected in their ability to receive increase from heaven because they have the wrong picture of Jesus.

They believe that Jesus was a homeless, broke hippie, a vagabond, a vagabond, a vagabond. I wish you felt what I just felt. You have no idea. I say that and you just feel Like this spirit just screeching like a stuck pig. Some of you, you love broke Jesus. You do. Don't dare anybody tell me he wasn't broke. I like him broke, because then he reminds me more of me. I'm sorry he wasn't. You're going to get offended, but you're going to get set free. Woo, all right, let me just.

Let's go to John, chapter eight, or Luke, chapter eight. I could have said any. You would have gotten it. You're so good. Hester actually writes all my sermons for me. Luke, chapter eight. This is so important. We have to have the right view of God and his operations and Jesus. How else will we believe for it? Now, it came to pass afterward that he went through every city and village preaching and bringing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God, and the twelve were with him and certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities.

Mary called Magdalene, out of whom had come seven demons. You know, again speaking about how religion messes us up and traditional teaching, how many of you heard that Mary was a prostitute? But the scripture never says that. They just assume because she had seven demons. Maybe she was just at home scrolling all day. They just assumed because she had seven demons. Maybe she was just at home scrolling all day. Then she would have had 12 demons, not seven. Just letting you know there's some things we believe yet the scripture is silent on. She says she had seven, only seven. By today's standards those are rookie numbers. And Joanna, the wife of Huza, herod, stuart and Susanna and many others who provided for him from their substance. So Jesus was a money magnet. I wish we had an organ right now.

30:47 - Speaker 2
Jesus was a money man, he was a magnet for money.

30:59 - Speaker 1
Everywhere he went he couldn't help it. Who's that was like. I want to give you why. We just read why in Deuteronomy 8, 18. Because it's part of the covenant and God said I will give you power to create wealth. That is his way. You'll just draw it. That's his way. Now you say no, not Jesus, especially Jesus. Satan fears this because it costs money to build church buildings and fund orphanages and hire staff and propagate the gospel. He loves Christians broke and harmless. But anointing is power in the spirit and money is power in the natural. And when he's lost you to the anointing, he wants to keep you broke. Well, this ends 2025. Hallelujah, I see it so clearly. There is an anointing coming upon city like church. There's going to be breakthrough.

32:10 - Speaker 4

32:13 - Speaker 1
I'll go through my 10 points here quickly. This isn't like the sermon 10 points, just 10 points that show you that Jesus wasn't broke. Yet you know how many people believe this. Number one at his birth they brought him enough gold to support his family in Egypt. I want to show you how he was a money magnet from when he was born to even after his death. Number one he's like a little baby, all right.

The Magi are coming. How many of them? We don't know. They always show three. It's three gifts. They didn't travel in groups of three, they traveled in groups of 300.

You're coming from India, the Far East. You come in a caravan. When they came in Herod and everybody knew, hey, they're here, those three dudes no one would have noticed. When the whole caravan comes in, oh, the whole city was in an uproar. And they bring Jesus gifts gold, frankincense and myrrh. All right, the more valuable of all those is gold. How much, we don't know, but I know how much it wasn't. It wasn't like the old artists portray. Or even today, like in the, you get a Hallmark card, you know, for Christmas, and it's always about the size of a shoe box. The Magi's there and he's like opening up a little shoebox thing and there's like this little stack of gold. We don't know how much it was, but we do know that his stepdad, joseph, took Mary and his new virgin birth son and they fled to Egypt for several years. How do you think they pay for that Gold? So he can't even speak yet and the anointing is working and magneting that thing.

In Hallelujah Number two All right, here's a big one. Well, you know, jesus was homeless, right? Oh, and another verse they have memorized. Jesus said it's funny because you see the Christians, they get excited. They said it's funny because you see the Christians, they get excited. They get excited to fight. You Don't rob me of my poverty, it's the one thing I have left. Well, jesus said the birds of the air have nests and the foxes have holes, but the son of man is homeless, you know, and has nowhere to lay his head. You read that in context.

He was in Samaria. He was talking to the Samaritans, to the woman at the well who was a Samaritan, he just flat out said hey, I've come to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. First he was just passing through. So he said I'm just passing through in Samaria, but look at John, chapter two, and they said where do you live? He didn't say nowhere, because I'm a bum. He said come and see. Come and see, amen. Some of you are more frozen now because I said bum. Some of you are more frozen now because I said bum and you missed the point of what I'm saying, which is bummy behavior.

Number three we read that wealthy, influential woman financially provided for him. You never see Jesus, ever go. You know, I'd like to do this but I can't because we can't afford it. And that's what prosperity is. Say what's prosperity? Prosperity is you having more than enough God's ways, more than enough. More than enough to fulfill your assignment from heaven. Jesus had more than enough to fulfill his assignment from heaven. So number one gold. At birth he wasn't homeless. Three wealthy people gave to him from their substance.

Four Judas could steal from the treasury and nobody noticed. You know that, that Judas was in charge. If you read the Gospels, you'll know that he was in charge of the money bag and he was stealing. Now, if you have five coins in a money bag and someone steals one, all the other 11 disciples are going to go, huh. But if you have lots and lots of coins and there's clinkage and jingle, jangle-age galore, there's lots of coins and someone skims off the top. Nobody notices. I don't know.

This was a big deal to me when I stumbled upon it. I didn't hear this preached anywhere, this list of 10, I was 20 something years old, I was in prayer, I sat down, the anointing hit me. I still have the list, the Lord. The Lord spoke to my heart and said I will show you how. I was a money magnet, one of the most profound. I wish I always got sermon topic matter like that. And he led me through and I went boom, boom, boom. Lord. This is it's right there in the word. Always just drew it to himself. And I like saying Jesus was a money magnet because it just irks the poverty spirit. You know, there's like a more sophisticated way of saying it. I'm choosing the baser route. There's like a more sophisticated way of saying it. I'm choosing the baser route.

Hey, number five, he wore costly garments. How do we know that? Because Roman soldiers gambled for his clothing. Why did they gamble for his clothing? Someone once said well, you know, it was a collector's item. They were going to put it on eBay. That night, signed, autographed robes of the Messiah, sell it at a huge premium. They didn't respect him. They thought he was a common criminal. These were the same people who just finished spitting on him and beating him, blindfolding him and smacking him and saying prophesy, son of man, which one of us was it that hit you? There was nothing but disdain. And then they wanted to take his Armani Six. He was such a money magnet that when the IRS came and his tax bill was due, he said Peter, go fishing the first coin, first fish you catch. Look in its mouth. There's gold in the mouth. Pay my taxes and yours. That's how a money magnet operates. Never stress, never worry. Which one, which number are we on? Or which point? Seven, six, six, hallelujah.

38:30 - Speaker 4
Which one.

38:31 - Speaker 1
Which number are we on? Or which point? Seven, six, hallelujah. I know what it's like to be in debt. I know the pain of it. I know the stress of it. I shared 16 credit cards, over $20,000 of debt. It was a nightmare. It was torturous. I kept getting new cards and I would do the transfer. You know robbing Peter, paying Paul. Get the 0% APR transfer until it isn't 0, until it goes up to 29.9, which would make, you know, vinny on the corner blush, because even the mafia doesn't charge interest rates like that, but they will when you get your free six-month introductory period out of the way.

39:19 - Speaker 4
I love you, sweetie.

39:23 - Speaker 1
What God has done in our lives. Sometimes when we share about it and it's difficult to share sometimes because some people may misconstrue it as bragging, as showing off, and it's not that I care so much, I just don't want you to miss the message. I really, if you don't know that I don't care what people think by now you don't know me, but I just don't want you to miss because some people you mentioned what God has done. People are so awful. No, I want you to know that what I am preaching is not philosophical and I'm not in the place of still believing, but I've experienced it and I shouldn't have, just like in the natural. I shouldn't have, but I did, because he put a super over my natural and he did that and I was open about it, so that you know, hey, god is no respecter of man, and what he did for him he'll do for me and I believe with all of my heart he's doing it in our church. What you, first of all, what you preach about you bring about and as we go on this journey for several weeks, an actual anointing will cultivate, it'll brew here where it'll just get on you and you'll start things popping into place in your life. So I want to just, I want to just skip some of the details.

Got a house, huge mortgage, nearly seven figure mortgage. I almost felt bad paying off the mortgage because it cost me 90 grand just to get the mortgage. But I didn't feel bad. But from my thought, look I just. I got this mortgage like eight months ago and of course, if you never bought a house, it's not just the interest they get you on, it's the upfront closing cost they have. The more syllables are in the definition, the more they're just stealing from you. Well, close it, we'll break down the closing cost. Okay, all I see is it cost me 90 grand to get this loan that the Lord then supernaturally paid off eight months later.

Amen, oh, oh, oh, wait, wait, wait. So let me not. So I actually don't like it when ministers the Lord's supernatural, you're like well, what are the details? It's always super like what Did he send? A dog with a paper bag full of $100 bills scratching on your door at 3 am. Specifically, I bought call options and MicroStrategy. Microstrategy is a corporation that's the single biggest holder of Bitcoin moves in tandem with it, but I bought far out call options in the middle of the bear market, when everybody was saying Bitcoin is dead. And you're nodding, like you know.

41:56 - Speaker 2
No he knows.

41:58 - Speaker 1
And do you smell lettuce? I smell no, they went exponential. Thank you, I'm not that smart. He did that. And then the first thing we did was tithe. Then we gave offerings, then we gave to other men. Whoever God said give to, I would give. There were several times envelopes with 10,000 cash here God said boom, boom. Then I bought a car for wait first. Then I bought a car for my wife, and you know how wonderful, how wonderful it is when you're not leasing and it's not used. Also, jesus went in on a colt on which never a man sat. That means he doesn't believe in previously owned, got her some things that I've always wanted to get her but couldn't like I want, and she never asks for anything, ladies. That's, there's a lesson there. But but she doesn't get a certain sparkle. And there was some movie and someone was wearing I didn't know what a tennis bracelet was, I don't care and I saw the sparkle was like you want one?

43:11 - Speaker 4
of those.

43:12 - Speaker 1
She said, yeah, so this was years ago. I looked it up, I went whoa, I mean we can get you the QVC version. You know I can do four payments of $19.95. But then the Lord does this. I get the tennis bracelet and then, but this is all going somewhere Just to show you the goodness of God, and no, but this is all going somewhere just to show you the goodness of God, and no, god is, he's over the top, he is. You look at the miracles all of them are over the top. You look at the miracles of provision they're over the top.

Why did Jesus make 120 to 150 gallons of wine? That's enough for a small town, an entire village times 10. He did it for one wedding an entire village times 10. He did it for one wedding. Why? Because he's too much. He's too much, that's his heart.

So we did some work and then he put on my heart to purchase another minister, a car $100,000 for a Tesla. I'm not saying this to be cheesy or anything, but I just remember when giving somebody $20,000 was a big deal. But when you're faithful in that, god will build you up and build you up and build you up. And I'm not kidding, I don't care, I love you but I don't care what you think. But if you believe me you'll catch something. Then I felt the Lord tell me to buy a certain car. Now I'm driving a Toyota now, very happy with it I actually love it because you don't care. Something on the 495 they call the Long Island Swipe, you know if you've ever driven on the LIE. But I felt I needed to get a statement car and there's no other way to put this unless someone can help me with my vocabulary. I felt I'm not blaming God, I'll take all the, but I felt he wanted me to get a car that made a statement of something you're not supposed to have, like basically a middle finger To Satan, to religion, to that whole system that says we like you, broke, we like you harmless, ineffective, quiet Christian, just know your place tucked away in a corner.

So I bought a Maybach SUV. You gotta see this thing. It hasn't arrived yet. They're building it. You know about it. It bounces, but not, like you know, in a California way, but it does bounce. I'm not going to be out there, you know, but it does bounce.

And then the cup holders They'll cool it, they'll warm it. A massage chair, not just for me but for everyone. A fridge in the back. This, the rear seats, are the seats from a first class passenger airplane. They come all the way out, like my kids are going to be horizontal in the back. The only thing, the only thing I said no to. I got it fully loaded. The only thing I said to no, no to was the screens. No screens, amen. Look how long it takes him to high five. So this is so wonderful because I paid for it with holy money, money that's been tied down, money that offerings have been given from it.

I bought other people cars and it's not from the ministry, and still people will be upset and that's okay. Some people love poverty. By the way, if you don't like, just for no reason, quote unquote wealthy people. That's a good way to stay broke. A lot of times, people just I don't like, you know, because they believe whatever they read. There's evil wealthy people very good, christian wealthy people. Evil poor people very good, christian wealthy people. Evil poor people, very good poor people. Hallelujah. So God is doing that and it's a sign and a wonder to us. And I feel funny saying all this out loud, but it's actually preposterous and I feel funny saying all this out loud, but it's actually preposterous. Funny how God works.

I'm preaching this. This place is packed, but it's like my laptop's resting on a $20 side table. The paint is peeling off this. What looks like this is the same color wood. My public school in Regal Park had that chandelier and these seats are straight out of the 70s. And your God is doing this to me personally. He's you get what I. He's putting me in a place that's ahead. He's showing the church it's going to come along and he's doing this on full display because it's your part and your portion too, and you must believe that and receive that. It's your part. Abundance. Don't take my word for it. Take it as the word of the Lord spoken through Moses, who said he will give you power, anointing creative ability for wealth. This is part of the covenant.

Look at the life of Jesus and see how he just attracted providence and provision and abundance to himself. What number were we on? Six Goldfish to pay taxes. Seven was actually the colt, the triumphant entry which we just look at Jesus and we think, oh, he rode in on a donkey. No, he rode in on a colt and he was the top 0.01% in doing that because nobody else could do that, only the very wealthy. When he needed it, he didn't beg, he didn't plead, he said just loose the coat. If anyone asks, you say the master has need of it. What's that? What's that operation there? The anointing to get wealth, the money magnet, anointing Eight. Looking at the life of Jesus, he got the upper room where the last supper was. Did you know? That's the same upper room in Acts, chapter 2? How many did it fit in Acts, chapter 2? 120. So that's a big room that he got for just him and his 12. You think it's hard to get good rental space in NYC? In Jerusalem too, during Passover Not even a much advanced notice the night before Nine he was such a money magnet that he was anointed with a year's worth of wages.

We skip over this part. But look at the nature of God. A woman came, broke an alabaster box. The perfume cost a year's worth of wages. Jesus didn't stop her, she poured it over his feet, judas, right away. Oh, look at this waste. That's what some people thought when I told them about the new car. Oh, the waste.

What about the poor? What have you done for the poor? I know what I've done for the poor. I've done a lot for the poor my whole life. Now I'm doing this and guess what it's going to do? It's going to bring me to a higher place and I'll be able to do even more for the poor.

But Judas is always trying to tell you how you should spend your money. Really, what's behind it is jealousy and envy and a poverty spirit of smallness and lack. By the way, when somebody gets blessed by you, that's an opportunity for you. God is watching you rejoice. If you ever suffer from envy, jealousy, that emotion, what you're really saying is oh God, I believe you're going to run out. So you gave to someone else. Now there's less for me, and I know maybe that was how it was when you were growing up. Your brother got the bigger size of the cookie. He ate it all. And now there's not enough for you because mom ran out. Well, god isn't like her. It's not like your dad who ran out. He has a limitless supply. Amen.

51:42 - Speaker 4

51:50 - Speaker 1
And then 10, he dies and is on his way to get buried. Where? In the potter's field where criminals get buried a no-name grave and Joseph of Arimathea jumps in and says no, he's going to be buried in a rich man's tomb. This is Jesus, who you thought was poor because you believed the propaganda that he was a homeless hippie who just slept in the dirt. And you actually look at his life and you'll see miracle provision following him all throughout, at birth and then, even after his death. Regular people didn't get tombs. You know, christians never ask hey, why was jesus buried in a tomb? Well, they hated him, they didn't respect him, they were going to throw him in a hole in the. In the A tomb was somebody who had generational wealth. They bought a tomb not just for themselves but for the children and the children's children, and that's where he was buried. All by himself, joseph of Arimathea recognized who he was, but that same anointing to attract wealth into him was an operation.

52:54 - Speaker 4

52:58 - Speaker 1
Amen, amen. Lots more scriptures here, but I feel like that's good. Worship team, will you come up?

Hallelujah, hallelujah up, hallelujah, hallelujah thank you, jesus, break small mindedness off of us. The blood of Jesus, lord, help us get out of your way, position us, position us for your increase, hyperbolic increase. Hallelujah, hallelujah. I just feel like the Lord is saying trust my times and seasons. Sometimes it'll seem, only seem, like he's taken forever. Sometimes it'll seem like everything you're praying about is happening to the person next to you and you're like Lord, you're not even jealous, but you're like Lord. You know what about me? Just trust him, ignore that noise. God will cause years to happen in weeks. Some of you I see in the spirit right now laughing your heads off, hugging your husband laughing. I sort of just saw my spirit laughing your head off at how God just came in and hallelujah.

54:45 - Speaker 4
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

54:55 - Speaker 1
Thank you, thank you, thank you, jesus. Thank you, jesus, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. It's coming off of you Hindrances to the full blessing of God, ripped off of you. In Jesus' name, I hear the word of the Lord Extend your tent pegs. You've made that tent too small. You made it for three. I'm stretching it out to fit a dozen. Extend your tent too small. You made it for three. I'm stretching it out to fit a dozen. Extend your tent pegs. Break out to the north, the south, east and west. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

55:42 - Speaker 4
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

56:19 - Speaker 1
For God. So loved he, so loved the world that he gave. He's a lover and he's a giver. What's your God like? Well, he's a lover and he's a giver.

56:38 - Speaker 4
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

56:55 - Speaker 1
Yeah, lord, we open ourselves up to the year of the miraculous, a year of divine promotion. I just heard the Lord say and I'm helping some of you you're afraid you're going to mess it up because you know you. You know, when he called you he factored in your silliness. I'm so glad that's true for me. He factored in my stupidity, my goofiness, my fact, and said you know what I'm going to make? Hallelujah, thank you, Jesus.

Well, if you're really addicted to poverty, you're probably going to want to stay away the next few weeks, because I'm surfing this wave. I really believe with all my heart this is what the Lord wants, because the future is bright and I won't be held responsible because I kept quiet or was afraid to speak God's truth. I didn't want someone to misinterpret me. No, we're all going with the Lord. We're not going to miss out.

58:10 - Speaker 4

58:14 - Speaker 1
Oh yeah, we should receive the tithes and offerings too, so give with a glad heart. The giving information is on either screen of me. Thank you, jesus. You know what I'm going to read this scripture it's the one from 2 Corinthians in the Amplified, and then we'll close.

58:40 - Speaker 4
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

58:47 - Speaker 1
Thank you, jesus. Thank you, jesus. Can you just put that? I believe that's the only scripture I got right today 2 Corinthians, chapter 9. This is Paul finishing off a two chapter long offering. Thank you, lord.

I just challenge you to jump out of bed, no matter how you're feeling every morning, and say God, I thank you, this is my year. You're good, your way is abundance. Your way is abundance, your way is prosperity. You're working behind the scenes. How many wonderful things in your life happen.

And you think back and you go man, if I didn't respond to that email, that wouldn't have happened. If I didn't go to that event and shake those hands, that wouldn't have happened. God is going to have you. He's going to make sure as you yield to him and believe him. He's going to make sure you're in the right place at the right time, saying the right thing, executing the right move.

Fear not, remember this. He who sows sparingly and grudgingly will also reap sparingly and grudgingly. And he who sows generously that blessing may come to someone will also reap generously and with blessings. Let each one give as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion. And this is the part I want you to focus on, for God loves. He takes pleasure in prizes above others and is unwilling to abandon or do without. God is unwilling to abandon or to do without a cheerful, joyous, prompt-to-do-it giver whose heart is in his giving. So God is unwilling to do without a joyous, prompt-to-do-it giver whose heart is in his giving. Do you know what? The Greek word for joyful there is Hilarious. Forgive my Greek accent, it's more like hilaria, but it's where we get the word hilarious from. So a joyous giver is a hilarious giver when you give and your spirit is so filled with joy that it's almost preposterous and hilarious to you. That's where I want you to be in your giving.

01:01:28 - Speaker 4

01:01:32 - Speaker 1
You ready for a good week? Amen. Ministry team. Won't you go over to the blue lights? If you want prayer, hands laid on you, the ministry team to minister to you, they'll meet you over there. If this message didn't make total sense to you, just hang on. That's how it was when I first heard a message on God's abundance. It's like does not compute. I mean, I see it, I hear it, but the wheels in my head needed heavenly WD-40. The gears just couldn't turn. It was like tilt, tilt, error code 404, you know, file not found. It took some time. So come back next Sunday. We love you Again. If you want prayer, go over to by the blue lights. There'll be an Altoid-filled mouth smiling over there to pray for you and bless you. Go with joy.

01:02:29 - Speaker 2
This is the City Light Church podcast. If you've missed any part of today's message or if you would like to find out more about Pastor Boyan Jancic and City Light Church, visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightNYCcom. Feel free to visit us online or in person anytime. We would love to connect with you. We pray that you have been encouraged today, that you have been reminded how much God loves you and that you are surrounded by grace. Thank you for listening. Make sure that you subscribe to City Light Church Podcast wherever you find your favorite podcasts worldwide.