Feb. 6, 2025

Manifested Abundance – Part 2

Manifested Abundance – Part 2
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Manifested Abundance – Part 2

Pastor Bo continues to expound on God’s desire to prosper his people in part two of the Manifested Abundance series.  While unpacking the story of the rich young ruler in Matthew 19, his dispels the idea that God wants us to be poor.  And in Matthew 25, the parable of the talents, he shows that “we have a divine responsibility to prosper and multiply”. This teaching, along with some practical advice on handling finances, will be a benefit to all who listen.




(00:00) Year of Breakthrough and Prosperity
(04:32) God's Multifaceted Abundance and Blessings
(21:07) Abundance, Prosperity, and Misinterpretations
(26:42) Gospel Message on Wealth and Stewardship
(38:48) Trust and Gratitude in Abundance


00:00 - Year of Breakthrough and Prosperity

04:32:00 - God's Multifaceted Abundance and Blessings

21:07:00 - Abundance, Prosperity, and Misinterpretations

26:42:00 - Gospel Message on Wealth and Stewardship

38:48:00 - Trust and Gratitude in Abundance

00:00 - Speaker 1
The Word is true regardless of whatever circumstance you find yourself in. Too many people interpret the Word of God through a lens of what they're going through at that present moment. I preached on this just as hard when I was 26 years old, totally broke, living in a windowless basement, preaching that God is a loving Father who loves His kids and that we should fear not, because it's his good pleasure to give to us the kingdom.

00:26 - Speaker 2
Welcome to the City Light Church podcast. Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's Word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us. If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightNYCcom. Pastor Boyan Jancic and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds. As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you.

01:05 - Speaker 1
Stretch them up real high, like you're ready to receive, and make this declaration In the name of Jesus. 2025 is my year. The hand of the Lord is upon me and it will increase upon me. This year is blessed. I will do things, by the power of the Holy Spirit, that have never been done before. Through my faith, I will receive in Jesus' name Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen.

So that's what the year is promised to be a different kind of year, and I have to point out that I have not normally or usually spoken about entire years. Some years are just years. The Lord is always doing something, but there's not necessarily one specific theme every year, to the dismay of many preachers who preach a series based on a theme they got. But you know, some years are just years, but this year is not, and so this is why you're probably hearing me speak like this for the first time. This is a year of taking new ground. This is a year of expansion, of extending the tent pegs, the year of breakthrough, the year where the hand of God comes upon you and you run further than you've ever run before. The year where you overcome self-sabotage, the year where you just he lays his hand upon you and you leap with the strength of 10 men and get it done, breaking through those limiting barriers and obstacles and hindrances that Satan and just plain old life have put around you. It's going to be a good year, so I'm preaching to help facilitate that, because the entrance of his word brings light, and faith comes only one way Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. So the more word you get in you, the more that spiritual force known as faith increases in you. Your spirit, man, produces faith when it feasts on the word of God. So you eat the word of God and your spirit produces faith. Well, why is faith important? Because faith is the invisible hand that reaches up into heaven and brings down into this natural realm what you need Amen. Everything you ever receive from God, it's received by faith. And so these are abundance meetings, these are increase of faith meetings and these are anointed meetings, where there is an anointing for prosperity.

You see it in Deuteronomy 8.18. He says I'll give you power to get wealth. I'll give you power, or anointing creative ability to get wealth, amen. And if you're a guest and you're wondering what did I just walk into? He's already talking about wealth. Oh my God, and his sweater has batteries. What am I? What? What's good? Listen, our number one message here is Jesus, and Jesus crucified. There is no greater pleasure or privilege in life than relationship with him. That's it and that's why we talk about the vast majority of the time, but it also helps if you're not dead broke. I love my relationship with Lord. I wouldn't trade it for anything, wouldn't trade it for all the money in the world. But why?

Why is it hard for believers to be multifaceted, like they only want to focus in on one attribute of God and camp around that and make that their thing, when God is pretty deep? In fact, in Corinthians it says that the things of God are bottomless and he's multifaceted. A diamond is precious and beautiful. It has 67 facets. God has even more. That's why you'll never be bored in heaven. He's just going to turn around a little bit and you're going to go oh glory to God and the 24 elders and the four living creatures, and you'll do that for like a million years and then he'll go. Yeah, check this out. All right.

This is why Jacob gave Joseph a coat of many colors. God likes lots and lots of colors. If you look at the book of Revelation and it shows you heaven. It's very, very colorful. In fact. There's a rainbow behind the throne of God, because one color, one color is salvation. Oh, that's a rainbow behind the throne of God, because one color, one color is salvation. Oh, that's a nice color. But then there's another color, called the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Then there's another color, called healing, and then there's another color which Christians seem to hate. This color, they resist this color. It's called prosperity, it's called abundance. It's called abundance, it's called the color of overflow. And he has billions and billions of colors. He's a colorful God, amen, no, no, with lots of attributes.

And that's where Christians miss it, because they only focus on one and they forget all the other attributes or they forget his benefits. How do I know? Because the scripture says bless the Lord, oh my soul. He's encouraging himself. And don't, he's not really not talking to you, he's talking to himself. You get to read it, the psalmist thing, and don't forget his benefits. What does that mean? Oh, you just focused on the blue. Oh, you're obsessed with the, but now you're missing out on the yellow. Don't forget Some people, you know they forgot what's in the benefits package. Or, if they didn't forget, they never knew Jesus was presented in a monochromatic way. I'm sorry, what a terrible way to perceive Jesus Monochromatic. He's deep and he's got a lot in store for you, and part of my job is making sure you don't miss out on the Benny package, the benefits. You don't forget all his benefits, amen. So we're talking about finances and we're talking about biblical abundance.

Let's go to Ecclesiastes 10, 19. Hallelujah, now, really, what the Lord showed me would be happening in these meetings. Although I'm preaching the word and when you preach the word, minds are changed. There is an anointing here. Yeah, you're listening to me. You're looking this way, you're moving around in the seat a little bit right, but the Lord is in the invisible realm working on your life and making a grace deposit in you to put you on the right track so that, come December of 2025, you're going that was the best year of my life.

Hallelujah, a feast. This verse is me explaining why I'm talking about this in only one verse. I could choose from hundreds. I like this one Because already I know I really kind of felt it in the first service. Because already I know I really kind of felt it in the first service.

You got to cleanse the service with some scripture and some sayings and right now you know, with the moment you mention money, especially straight out the gate, you're like why is he talking about money? Well, because you used some, probably just to get here and you probably, if you didn't steal breakfast, you probably used some to eat breakfast this morning. And it's pretty important and Jesus knew it was important. That's why he spoke so much about it, because money on this side of heaven is important, in heaven not important. That's why the pavement, the sidewalks are made of gold. You don't need it in heaven, but here you do.

The Bible says the feast is made for laughter and wine makes merry. Good night, let me try. Abide in that spirit of distraction. When was the last time you snuck into a place? It's been a while. Your sneaking skills are off. He came in like a whirlwind, threw his coat in the front. When I looked at him he went my other son and then my real son. It's like they're working in tandem. A feast is made for laughter and wine makes merry. Look, this sounds like a lyric from a late 90s hip-hop song. I was shocked when I read this in the Bible Money answers everything.

What's that doing in the Bible? That sounds so carnal, that sounds so terrible. Yet it's in the scriptures and it's true, because on this side of heaven you need money and money answers everything. You just saw that when there's a problem, well, money will solve it. You just saw in the LA fires houses burning down, people losing their entire net worth. But then you probably also heard about a small percentage that had enough money we're talking about centimillionaires in the hundreds of millions, billionaires. They hired private firefighting forces. You know how much those cost $20,000 to $100,000 per hour to fight the fire and stave it off and keep it from burning their house down. Money answered that problem. Well, that would have been nice to afford 10 of those guys at 20 to 100 grand a piece an hour. Why do Christians resist this message? For some reason they do, you know.

A couple of years ago, the missionary, pastor Jovica, when he visited us this August, you know him. He phoned up. He was telling me his wife was ill and she needed to have surgery, and over there in Montenegro, in Serbia, they're not technically under a socialist communist system, but a lot of their systems that are in place still are like that. And so she needed to have surgery. But she had to wait for a year and it would have been like next to nothing in cost but she could have been dead in a year. He didn't ask that we do anything. It was just because I asked how are you doing? He let me know. I said well, how much would a private doctor, how much would that cost? He said a lot like $5,000. And I'm thinking what you just described would cost 300,000 minimum in the States. So we sent him $5,000 for his wife. She had the procedure done. You saw her here right as rain. They thanked you, money answered that problem.

So you know it is possible to receive God in a multifaceted way, not go off track, but receive everything that he has and not resist. But for some reason I have an inkling as to some of the reasons. It's still somewhat mysterious to me. Christians, they push away from it. They move away, they resist it, they resist biblical prosperity. It's like they love their poverty. They'll fight you, look at you suspiciously and, just in the spirit, resist it, make all sorts of excuses of why. Yeah, that might be true, but it's not really true for me. Look, the word is true, regardless of whatever circumstance you find yourself in. Too many people interpret the word of God through a lens of what they're going through at that present moment. You may not be living it, but the word doesn't change.

I preached on this just as hard when I was 26 years old, totally broke. I was broke, living in a windowless basement in the East Village, preaching on how God will supply all of my need according to his riches in Christ's glory. Preaching on how God will supply all of my need according to his riches in Christ's glory. Preaching his abundance, preaching prosperity, preaching that God is a loving father who loves his kids and that we should fear not because it's his good pleasure to give to us the kingdom. I wasn't living it, but what does that matter? My living it or not doesn't change the word of God and the veracity of God's word. Hallelujah, thank you, jesus.

So let's go through some of these scriptures, let's go in Matthew, matthew 19. Matthew 19. Matthew 19, because I do believe that we, just by virtue of living in this world, and especially the way some of us were raised, we have a lack mindset. My mom encouraged me Maybe she's watching right now, but we get into this all the time and just the other day I said, mom, that's a poverty spirit. I forget what it was, for it was something little, but the thing will come up. And she laughed. She said oh, can you say something else? That really upsets me when you use that word. I said I know that's why I use it, because that's what it really is. But I said okay, if it'll help you digest better, let's call it a scarcity mindset, but it's the same thing Scarcity mindset, lack mentality, poverty spirit. You can pick it up just from your parents.

Victor, have you ever heard us say we can't afford it? No, right, because you've never heard it, because we never say it. Even if we couldn't afford it, I'm not going to say that. You know his sister might come and say hey, I want a tiger, I want to be like ooh, we have no place to put him. I was just going to go to the tiger store and get you a couple, but we don't have any place, but no, but they're not going to hear you can't afford it, you can't afford it, oh, we don't have enough money, we don't have enough money. They're not going to have their head filled with that and then come out in their early 20s all scared and nervous with this lack, stinking poverty spirit, where they see the world as a scarce, cold place, where they got to sharpen their elbows and grab for theirs. No, they're being raised to know they serve the god of abundance, the god of overflow, hallelujah. I know because I grew up with that.

I went to my friend's house as a kid. Back then we didn't call them play dates. I tell my sister can I have a play date? I'm like no, you can go and hang out with your friends, everything's a play date. Now, no, go and hang out, have fun, go crazy. But when I was hanging out young with one of my friends, I'll never forget I saw their toilet. They hanging out young with one of my friends, I'll never forget I saw their toilet. They had blue water in the toilet. I just oh, because last time I saw blue water in the toilet was on the flight to America and it kept, you know, in the airplane and I never seen anything like it, kept the toilet bowl pretty clean, smelled good and it was just unique. I went to my parents and said, hey, how do we get that blue toilet water? My parents, oh, those are those tablets they put in. We're not getting that. That's just flushing your money away. Do you know? When I became an adult, got my own place, the first thing I did was buy 2,000 flushes. I bought so many tablets of 2,000 flushes because that's what prosperity was to me back in my early 20s 2,000 flushes. Today.

Actually, the thing with this sweater I was telling Pastor Mo is, yeah, it looks like Joseph's coat of many colors. But my pastor before he was my pastor almost 30 years ago had this exact same brand, this exact same pattern. And I was 21 years old and I took a Greyhound bus, my first and last long Greyhound bus. I didn't know back then you couldn't look at like TripAdvisor and read reviews. I didn't know, I didn't. I was just like that's all I can afford. I'm taking Greyhound, but you're like, oh my gosh, it was eight hours to Delaware.

I felt like I was like you know, I thought I was back in Montenegro on one of those chicken buses you know riding and anyway, show up in the meetings and he's wearing one of these. And I was like, and when he was, there were prayer you know how we do prayer lines, except they did them correctly. And so this prayer line and I was like waiting to receive, waiting to receive. And he was walking right behind me and I saw that sweater and I thought I'm going to grab some anointing. And I saw that sweater and I thought I'm, I'm gonna grab some anointing and I went like that. I just brushed up against his sweater and, um, it was, it was. It was. It was so buttery. My broke balkan butt had never touched something so buttery. I didn't even know what it was.

And then, like a later, I was just wandering around Manhattan before kids just sat at home and scrolled. I'm like 21. You know, you just go out. What are you going to do? You go out and walk Manhattan all day, lint in your pockets, but you're walking and I'm on Fifth Avenue and I'm in one of those stores and I see the sweater and I'm like this. I was sharing with Pastor Mo these thoughts like how could anybody buy one of these sweaters. How could anyone ever afford one of these sweaters? It's impossible For me. It would be like a month's rent back then. Anyway, that's why I bought the sweater, instead of 2,000 flushes, in fact. Pastor Mo, come on up here. Come on up here, victor. Why don't you give him that? Open it up. Open it up. This is on behalf of City Light Church. We love you, we're grateful. Kick it, put it on.

20:37 - Speaker 2
Put it on, you cut it off. Living better now, coochie sweater, now I'm living better now coochie sweater.

20:43 - Speaker 1
Now you cut it off just at the right time so YouTube wouldn't kick us off for pirating. Love you, pastor Mo. Looks good on you. Looks good on you Yesterday. His kids are all sick. One of them has pink eye. He's just telling me I, me, I'm like well, you got to come to church. Man, I'm thinking he's probably thinking this is the hardest pastor in the world and making me because he's never out. You know he never has issues on, but that's why you had to come to church. Amen, we love you, pastor mo. All right, I went off there. I didn't know how I was going to work the gift into the sermon, but it worked out. We are in Matthew.

Oh, for those who love poverty, all right, those who love scarcity this is probably one of your life passages People who will buck against increase. And yes, by the way, yes, I know, I know the love of money is the root of all evil. I don't love it. I love Jesus. I use money. It's a wonderful servant, a terrible master. But it's amazing how Christians will make like this one cautionary verse their life verse. Oh, my life is defined by not loving money. How about? Your life is defined by who you do love, not what you don't love. Well, oh, the Bible says those who pursue riches pierce themselves through with many sorrows. Okay, don't make that your number one pursuit. No one's telling you to Make Jesus and knowing him your number one pursuit. But don't throw out the other colors. You with your gray sweater, you love gray. He loves gray too, but he loves a lot of other colors also. Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Now behold, one came and said to him good teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life? So Jesus said to him why do you call me good? No one is good, but one that is God. This isn't really what I'm about to say. It's not in the line of what I'm preaching, but I have to say this because there's this question that comes up of did Jesus ever claim to be God? Some people say, oh, he never himself. Muslims believe that he never himself claimed to be God, and I'm like. He always claimed to be God. In fact, they crucified him specifically because he made himself equal to God. That's what the scriptures tell you. That's what history tells you. He did it in sneaky, cool ways too, like he said hey. He said. In other parts, he said the Father is going to resurrect me, the Holy Spirit is going to resurrect me. Then he said I can feel the anointing. He said destroy this temple, meaning the temple of his body. Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up. So who did the resurrection? The Father or Jesus? The answer is yes. What about the Holy Spirit? Yes, he always was showing his divinity.

So here here comes this rich young ruler, going good teacher. And Jesus says oh, why do you call me good, don't you know? Only one is good, god. In other words, I am God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments. He's ministering to someone who's living under the law. He's ministering to him with the law.

The rich young ruler says which ones? Jesus said you shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness, honor your father and your mother and you shall love your neighbor as yourself. And then the rich young man said to him all these things I have kept from my youth. He knew something was missing. He says what do I still lack Now? How many of you believe he kept all those things since his youth? Exactly? No one, not one hand raised. No one believes. Right, he missed it somewhere. So why would he say he kept the whole of the commandments? Because he's proud? Yeah, he kept the whole of the commandments because he's proud. Yeah, he's religiously proud and he maybe in his own head, believes he kept all of the commandments.

So Jesus comes in expertly and says OK, you want to boast about you keeping the law? I'm going to use the law like a surgeon and put my finger on that one thing, that Jesus is flowing in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and with the word of knowledge. He knew this rich young ruler loved his stuff too much. Jesus said to him if you want to be perfect, go sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. And come follow me. Keep that verse up there, please, everybody. Look at that verse. It's a great verse, right? Okay, that verse is to the rich young ruler, because the rich young ruler boasted in how he keeps the commandments. So Jesus is challenging him now. Let me ask you a question have you heard Jesus say this to anybody else in the gospels? Have you heard the apostle Paul say this to anybody else in the Gospels? Have you heard the Apostle Paul say this to anybody else. No, so this is for the rich young ruler.

Why am I camping around this? Because Christians will resist abundance, they'll resist overflow, they'll resist prosperity and they'll find passages like this, misinterpret them and make it their whole life verse. He didn't tell you go and sell everything you have, live like a pauper. Get a potato sack, walk around barefoot, maybe a sandwich board with a bell. The end is near. Don't provide anything for your kids. Don't believe in generational wealth. Don't have your money making money so you can build churches. You can host crusades. No, just be dirt poor so you can build churches. You can host crusades. No, just be dirt poor.

And Christians believed it. You know Peter and John are walking to the temple. A sick man comes and goes. Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have. And they make it their life verse. Ha ha, silver and gold have I none. Thank you Lord. Silver and gold. They left their wallet at home that day and people think that's just how they lived all the time. Silver and gold have I none. You come into their house, there's a plaque silver and gold we have none. We really, really believe this scripture and we're internalizing and appropriating. You know, people keep trying to give me money. I said get away no silver and gold, have I none? I don't want to keep it that way, have I none? And I want to keep it that way, verse 22, please.

But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful for he had great possessions, then Jesus said to his disciples assuredly, I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Why? Because when you're rich you have to hold things loosely. And when God says give you give. I mean when you're poor. The reality is, when you're poor you have to live that way. And if you want the promotion of God, you hold things loosely. And when God says give you give, he molds you to be generous. He makes sure your heart, you yield to him, so your heart isn't controlled by things. And once that greed, that possessiveness, that materialism is broken in your life, then the abundance of heaven comes. And by the way, a lot of people don't know what the definition of materialism is. Materialism is not having things, materialism is wanting things to fill a spiritual need in your life.

Hallelujah, all right, let's read another fun verse. Thank you Jesus. Thank you, jesus. Thank you, lord. Matthew 19, matthew 25 the parable of the talents hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. I'm just taking my time. I know what I want to say next Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. I'm just taking my time, I know what I want to say next. I really do, I really do.

The Lord Jesus on the cross has taken away all of your sins. He has taken away all of your sins. Let me say that again the lord jesus on the cross has taken away all your sins. You receive that by faith, so go ahead and receive by faith. Because of what he did on the cross, there is no condemnation for the believer and it is important, vital, vital that guilt, shame, condemnation be taken out of your psyche, out of your life, because that will keep you from entering into what God has for you. Oh, yes, it will, because God will try to promote you and bless you. And you will subconsciously self-sabotage and resist, because the voice is saying your own inward monologue going oh, you don't deserve this, because you're feeling guilty, you're feeling condemned. And now the Lord is anointing you, right now, in the service. His anointing comes upon you. There is an anointing for prosperity. There is an anointing, according to Deuteronomy 8.18, an anointing to create wealth, to move you ahead, to have you positioned, being at the right place at the right time. There's an anointing to even heal your body and fill you with get up and go.

You know a year I was just rejoicing a year ago I got hit so hard physically I couldn't walk half a block. I went to the gym, I did five minutes on the elliptical. My whole body was on fire for the next two days. The Lord healed me Because the turnaround was like this. The Lord healed me. I was stuck for several weeks there, just stuck, like stuck, stuck, like alarmingly stuck, Like not even wanting to tell my wife how bad it is because it was alarming. She figured it out. You can't fake some of this stuff. She's like hey, babe where are you?

31:48 - Speaker 2
I'm over here.

31:49 - Speaker 1
She figured it out. I'm there in the fetal position in the corner. Oh, you're not at your best, are you Okay? Better pray for you. You're not at your best, are you okay? Better pray for you. So I'm letting you know.

This service, this meeting, isn't just about a, a knowledge transfer. Catch what the Lord is doing and receive it for yourself. It doesn't matter how far away you are from the truth that's being preached right now. God could work his God stuff and do what he's famous for in seconds, Seconds, hallelujah. The only one who can get in the way is you going? Nah, not me, that's not for me. This is for everyone else except me. And some people are bold, they have faith in the blood of Jesus and they'll go. Oh, I'm a child of God. This is for me, this is mine. Hallelujah, all right.

You know I come from a communist country. That is why I hate socialism in all its forms, because I escaped from that. And I believe in capitalism because God is a capitalist, but I'm not. But, oh, okay, oh, okay, because capitalism when you look around the world, that system has lifted more people out of illiteracy and out of poverty than any other system. I'm not really getting a cheer here in New York City. I'm not feeling this. Maybe a lot of you were born here. Yet here we are in Queens and we have 80 nations represented just in this church. Okay, if you like communism, maybe you can come work in my house. You'll do all the work. I'll pay someone else, I'll pay your sister. If you like socialism, I mean, I'll pay someone else, I'll pay your sister.

If you like socialism, I mean you got one system that's failed everywhere, that it's been tried in every format, that it's been tried. And then you have one system yeah, it has its faults, but it's done infinitely more good and people go. What about the robber barons? What about Rockefeller and what he did? All right, it had some kinks. It's still being worked out, amen. But even with the kinks, it lifted up a whole nation.

You are blessed. Am I in a? This is the most diverse place in America. Do you know that? 161 nations and Queens, 80 of them in our church. Just go. Thank you, jesus, because over 50% of all global immigrants you know where they come to America. They want to come here. It's pretty nice to live in a place that 50 plus percent of all immigrants want to get to. Yeah, I am one of them, and so are you. So let's just praise the Lord.

And here in Matthew 25, I joke, god is a cap, but it's the most capitalistic passage from the mouth of Jesus you'll ever, ever read. For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them, and to the one he gave five talents. Now the word talented, and america's got talent and you got talent, and my kid could sneak away in the middle of a sermon without me noticing you're so talented. That word talent, it actually comes from what it really means as it's used in this passage it's a weight. It's a weight for money, for gold, yeah. So when somebody said, oh, the way the word evolved was oh, you're so talented. It means you're weighed down with the gifting of heaven. You're weighed with the charis, the gift of heaven.

Here he's talking Jesus, by the way, I know I can't show you that it's in the red, but it's the red and to one he gave five talents, to another two. So he's saying there was this master and he's giving these talents A talent is 75 pounds, by the way Giving these measures of gold to three of his servants. One got five, one got two, one got one To each according to his own ability, and immediately he went on a journey. Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them and made another five talents, and likewise he who had received two gained two more also. That's not a bad return. Both of them got 100%, beating the S&P average for the last 15 years. Wow. But he who had received one went and dug in the ground and hid his Lord's money. After a long time the Lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them. So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying Lord, you delivered to me five talents. Look, I have gained five more talents besides them. And his Lord said to him well done, good and faithful servant. You were faithful over a few things. I will make you ruler over many things. Are you catching what the Lord is teaching here? All right? By the way, this is a key I had.

My first car was a 1986. I didn't get it in 86. I got it in 99. It was a 1986 Chevy Spectrum that I bought I'm not kidding in Tampa for $1,000. Inflation isn't that bad. $1,000 was little back then. It's little now. It was like the Flintstone mobile. It was a clunker. My feet would come out the bottom. I'd actually walk the car. It was horrible and I despised that car because it was my poor mobile. It was terrible and I despised it.

And a friend in Bible school I'll never forget this he said you shouldn't despise it. I said how can you tell? I just hate it. He said, bro, like this, on my dashboard it was full of. I never washed it, I never cleaned it because I hated it. I thought it was a piece of junk and and and and why am I gonna take care of this piece of junk? Is God's gonna bless me with another one? And he said you know God's not gonna get you another one until you take care of what he's already given you. I'm looking at him and he's opening. You know when somebody just blows your mind because I didn't know this coming from my background. Oh, he said you need to write. And he said have you ever washed the car? I'm in Queens, we don't have like driveways to wash cars, and so I'm like no, I've never. He's like all right, go to AutoZone, you're gonna get this.

And I washed my first car, right, still a junk car, but now it was a clean junk car. And do you know, shortly after that someone gave me the red truck, the, the Sanford and Sons Mobile, and I took care of that, gave that away. And then my third car was a BMW. That was given to me. But you have to, it was used, but nevertheless. I'm just saying it wasn't like okay, definitely better than an 86. I mean, like the 86 Chevy Spectra. I'm not people think I'm, I'm not. Several times I would hit the brake and the brake just went all the way through, didn't work. I had to pump it to get it to work. So it was better than that, no matter how used it was.

The point, the moral of the story is take care now and love what the Lord has given you. Don't complain about it. If you got a, if you hate your home, but make it a clean home, and when you walk in don't let your energy be oh, I hate this place, go. Thank you, jesus, that I'm not living under a bridge. Thank you, lord, for your goodness, thank you for what you have given me, and be faithful with what he's given you, and then he'll make you ruler over more.

I've come to realize a lot of this stuff with prosperity is that God is waiting to trust you. You go, okay, you've convinced me. I've seen the scriptures. God is a God of abundance, god is a God of excess. God is a good God. How come I'm not seeing it in my life? He's waiting, I believe, nine out of ten times, for us to show him that he can trust us and we won't become out of control jerks when he brings his prosperity on us, but we'll stay low and hold the stuff loosely and love him and love people. Amen, hallelujah, hallelujah, verse 22.

He also, who had received two talents, came and said Lord, you delivered to me two talents.

Look, I have gained two more talents besides them. His lord said to him well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things. I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of the Lord. Then he who had received the one talent came and said Lord, did you get why I'm calling this the most capitalistic passage in the Bible? Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed, and I was afraid and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look there, you have what is yours. But his Lord answered and said to him you wicked and lazy servant, you didn't press in for more, you didn't multiply, you didn't expand. You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed. So you ought to have deposited my money in at least a money market account. You could have put it in a CD at least, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. Now, listen to this. Therefore, jesus is saying. This master said therefore, take the talent from him and give it to him who has 10 talents, for to everyone who has, more will be given and he will have abundance. But from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away and cast the unprofitable servant into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Why am I reading this? I am reading this because I want every Christian who names the name of Christ to understand that we have a responsibility. It's not just a benefit, it's a divine responsibility to prosper and to multiply. That is our responsibility. Why? Why? Because to get the job of the kingdom done. This isn't hard math. To get the job of the kingdom done. It actually requires money. It's not hard math, right, but it's very hard for Christians for some reason to connect those dots. That God wants to expand his kingdom, but on earth that costs money. So he wants to prosper and multiply his people to get the job done. And some people tilt, tilt, error 404, does not compute, does not compute. And then they find holy ways of wrapping their lack of faith, like they'll say oh, you know, I'm good, I got my bills paid, I'm good, I'm glad you're good. How many churches have you built? How many crusades have you funded? How many missions projects do you support? Well then, you're not good. Because God wants you to be so good and there's people out there crying for help who need you to be gooder. You have a responsibility to multiply. Amen. That's good news. You know why that's good news? Because when God puts a responsibility on you, he will undergird you with the strength and the grace and the power to fulfill that responsibility and that obligation. And this is going to be the greatest year of our lives, hallelujah. This is the time to lock in, that right now, to say Lord, this is for me, lord, I believe this, lord, I love you, lord, I trust you and I loveesus, and I believe he's the original prosperity preacher. Because you say are you a process? Is you know? Yeah, I'll do the preaching, though. Amen. What was the last thing I said? Good Lord, jesus who multiplied bread is the ultimate prosperity preacher. But the word prosperity preacher because of weirdnesses, and that always happens. Whenever there's a truth that God brings to the body of Christ, you're always going to have the disciples of the disciples of the disciples saying weird stuff and bringing confusion and carrying truth to an excess, to an extreme, and then it becomes error. But one of the ways that I believe that whole quote-unquote prosperity movement missed it was they talked about God's desire for his people to be prosperous. That's good, and they talked about the necessity of giving, being generous, sowing and reaping. That's good, but they only made it about sowing and reaping. So you can have a person who is completely ignorant, stays home, doesn't have a job, doesn't take any risks, doesn't take any risks, doesn't use their faith. But they're a giver and they're wondering oh, this isn't working for me. Well, giving is huge, giving is vital. Giving is so important. But you know what else is important. For example, you got to add the other stuff. It's a lot of colors. You want to grow in biblical prosperity. You know what else is important. How about this? Staying out of debt, not buying things that you can't afford to impress people you don't like, that's a good start. Don't get in debt. Don't da-da-da-da-da charge. Stop doing that. How about this? Read a book. Read a book, not just any book. If you're looking for increasing finances, read a financial book, not the boring ones. There's great ones, classics they're classics. Now, when I was in my early 20s they'd just come out. Now they're classics. Rich Dad, poor Dad, everybody should read that book. The Millionaire Next Door Read that book. Let it expand and challenge your mind. Book I read about 10 years ago one of my favorite books Shoe Dog, by the CEO, former CEO of Nike, the founder of Nike, phil Knight. I would read eight, 10 hours of that. Couldn't get enough of that book. It'll expand your mind and challenge you, and I love it. When they share all their failures and most people don't do that. They share their mistakes. You know they say it's great to learn from your mistakes, it's even better to learn from someone else's. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale, these guys I don't know if they're saved or not. Probably a chunk of them aren't. That's okay. We can have the sense of an old cow and eat the hay and spit out the sticks. So to receive biblical prosperity, giving is important, but so is reading, learning, not overspending, taking some risks, staying at home and scrolling Nobody got a breakthrough that way. But going out there by faith, yeah, it gets tiring sometimes. You know how many buildings I knocked on when we first started meeting in a hotel ballroom, how many church doors I had to knock on? I'd be 26 years old. You know how goofy I looked when I was 26? I looked like I was 12. I look at pictures of myself now and I'm like I look like Victor and I'd be like hi, my name is Pastor Boyan, like I'd use the title and everything, so they wouldn't think I was just a kid asking for money. I was wondering can we rent your building? I went around church building, got very boring, no, no, until one said yes. So you go around and you beat the bushes. See what birds are in there. Is this too practical? All right, oh, we need to take communion. All right, come on. Thank you guys. See if I didn't see you standing like communion sentinels in the back there. God bless you. Let's honor the Lord and partake of communion. Thank you, it was in the back. Can I just feel the Mmm? Oh, it was in the back. Can I just feel the oh, hallelujah, we're going to receive communion. Go ahead and just hold on to the communion elements and we'll receive all together. Let's read John, chapter 10, verse 10. John 10. The thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come that they might have life and that they may have it more. What? Say it again One more time. When you think of God, I want you to think big Abundance. When you think of how God gives, think big Abundance. You never see Jesus giving just enough. That's why he made 120 to 150 gallons of wine at the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee. That's enough for an army to drink on. He made it for a wedding party. Why, big God? That's why, when he caused Peter to catch the fish, he didn't throw him six or seven fish. The nets began to break, the boats began to sink. What does that mean? Big God, abundant God. When he fed the 5,000, it took up 12 baskets of leftovers. You know what he's really doing when he does that. He's winking at humanity and going this is my way. My style Big God. That's what he's doing Looks much better than how I just did it. My style Big God, that's what he's doing Looks much better than how I just did it. But you get the idea I'm big, I give big, I am big, I'm abundant. And then we're not that way. And then we transfer that over on God and think he's not that way. How dare we? This is why, listen. When the queen of Sheba visited Solomon, she was so impressed with him and what God had given him. Read the scripture when Solomon meets Sheba and she comes in and it says she looked at his palates and was like, oh. And then she looked at his servants and how they were dressed and she was like, oh. Then she looked at his banqueting table. Oh. Then she looked at the golden shields that stood in the door in the palace, oh. And then it says when she looked at everything, there was no more spirit within her. You know what that means she fainted. It was like his house, big God. His banqueting table, big god. His servants. Not just that he has servants, but they all look like kings. It's one thing to have servants, but the servants look like kings. Oh, big, big, oh big god. And she hit the deck and jesus here is proclaiming his bigness. This is what perisos, which means means abundant. This is the definition of it from the Greek, and then we'll take communion to that. Huh, hallelujah, perissos. Abundant means super abundance, excessive. You walked in you thought, oh, pastor's wearing an excessive sweater today. I know I want to be more like God. Excessive, religious people always want balance. Can we have it balanced? Well, yeah, but it has to be according to God's balance, all right. So God's balance. If you look at Jesus' message, it wasn't a balanced message, it was pretty radical and extreme. So I want God's balance, and sometimes his balance is excessive in our eyes. I mean super abundant, excessive, overflowing, surplus, over and above, more than enough. It's one of the names of God More than enough, jehovah, jireh, profuse, extraordinary, above the ordinary, more than sufficient, superior in quality and overflowing in quantity. Shout hallelujah and partake of the body and blood of Jesus. Hallelujah, oh, thank you, lord. 2 Chronicles 31.10. And we'll worship the Lord with our tithes and offerings as we read this verse and receive its truths by faith. If you really really love poverty. Don't come next two Sundays. Don't do it. You're going to freak out. Nathaniel, st Eloy, fresh from Israel, will be with us and we're getting somewhere in the spirit. Hallelujah, how many of you feel it? It's happening. You know, whatever a preacher preaches about, that's what he brings about, right? I'm telling you, whatever church you go to, whether you receive the pastor or not, over time you're going to have the flavor of that pastor, right? So if I didn't mention this, this wouldn't be spiritually interwoven in the DNA of our church. But when I get this over you and into you and into the very air here, it becomes a part of your spiritual identity and then you reap the benefits of that. That's why we're doing these four weeks. I want you to be ready for 2025 and recognize the opportunities that God's going to put in front of you. And Azariah, the high priest from the family of Zadok, replied since the people began bringing their gifts to the Lord's temple, we have had enough to eat and plenty to spare. The Lord has blessed his people, and all this is what Leftover it says. When they came to give, they realized oh, we're giving, but we're actually multiplying as we're giving and now we have leftovers. When you're a giver, what you've given is returned to you, and abundance on top of that. So you have leftover. Give with a glad heart. The giving information is on either screen to me give in faith and give expecting a glad heart. The giving information is an either screen to me given faith and give, expecting a return. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Oh, don't say not me. Oh, don't roll your eyes at yourself and go. Oh, if the Lord were to open up the windows in heaven, could these things be? A guy in the Bible said that and was trampled at the gate of Samaria Because he didn't believe the word of the Lord concerning abundance, because he limited God. I'm not limiting God, no, no, no, he's the limitless God. Hallelujah. Ministry team. Won't you go into the ministry area? The ministry area church is right there, to my left, your right, right, behind the lights. If you want prayer for anything, you want someone to lay hands on you, you want to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. You just want prayer. You want to experience God's presence, go over there and our ministry team would love to pray with you and for you. May the Lord bless you and keep you and cause his face to shine upon you, give you peace. May you enjoy him, first and foremost. May you enjoy him. Enjoy whispering to him as you drift off to sleep, enjoy praising him throughout the day, enjoy talking to him he's your very best friend and, at the same time, really lean into this truth. Grab it for yourself that God wants to promote you. He's for you, not against you. You'll be the head and not the tail Above, not beneath. You'll be the head and not the tail, above, not beneath. And you'll be the lender, not the bower. If you believe it, shout amen, amen.

57:28 - Speaker 2
This is the City Light Church podcast. If you've missed any part of today's message or if you would like to find out more about Pastor Boyan Jancic and City Light Church, visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Feel free to visit us online or in person anytime. We would love to connect with you. We pray that you have been encouraged today, that you have been reminded how much God loves you and that you are surrounded by grace. Thank you for listening. Make sure that you subscribe to City Light Church Podcast wherever you find your favorite podcasts worldwide.