Feb. 14, 2025
Manifested Abundance – Part 3

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Guest speaker Nathaniel Saint-Eloi is at CityLight for part three of the Manifested Abundance series. Join us as he expounds on the idea of how God wants to prosper and bless His people with biblical teaching and his well-known humor.
Having visited Israel recently, Nathaniel takes the time to share on the Hebrew word “Shalom”, what it means in Jewish culture, and how we should receive it as Christians. He then takes us to Genesis chapter one too see God’s heart to bless his people, and onto to Luke five too consider what it means to have ‘Jesus in your boat’ and the benefits of inviting him in.
Nathaniel also shares a powerful testimony of unexpected breakthrough, demonstrating the supernatural impact of trusting God. With practical wisdom on stewarding resources and cultivating an abundance mindset, this episode will encourage all who listen.
(00:00) Year of Abundance and Prosperity
(13:13) Mindset of Abundance and Jesus' Boat
(22:45) Unusual Speed to Your Harvest
(34:55) Harvest Abundance Through Obedience
(49:19) Blessings of Abundance and Prosperity
(13:13) Mindset of Abundance and Jesus' Boat
(22:45) Unusual Speed to Your Harvest
(34:55) Harvest Abundance Through Obedience
(49:19) Blessings of Abundance and Prosperity
00:00 - Year of Abundance and Prosperity
13:13:00 - Mindset of Abundance and Jesus' Boat
22:45:00 - Unusual Speed to Your Harvest
34:55:00 - Harvest Abundance Through Obedience
49:19:00 - Blessings of Abundance and Prosperity
00:00 - Speaker 1
There's a message for you. The message is get ready for the harvest that's coming, get ready for the abundance of 2025. Get ready for the business opportunities, get ready for the promotion, get ready for the open doors, get ready for the unexpected checks, get ready for the bonuses, get ready for the increase. Get ready, get ready, get ready.
00:26 - Speaker 2
Welcome to the City Light Church podcast. Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's Word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us. If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightNYCcom. Pastor Boyan Jancic and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds. As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you.
01:05 - Speaker 3
Nathaniel, I think they're ready for you, because I'm getting nothing right now. I'm getting very, very dead. Obviously, the Lord has taken his hand off of me. I'm just here to be an usher, and so the hand of the Lord is on you, nathaniel, so won't you come bring us the word this morning? Praise the.
01:21 - Speaker 1
Lord John the Baptist preparing the way of the lord. Y'all can laugh. I'm joking, but I'm serious. Y'all ready? Amen. So I just can I get a little bit more juice on this mic? It's really hard for me to hear myself or hear anything on the monitors, maybe just. Yeah, okay, perfect, praise god. So I just came back from israel. I was there for 11 days. It was an amazing time.
I learned a lot, um, one of the things I learned is the way Jewish people greet each other. They usually do a greeting of shalom Right, we're talking about prosperity. Right, we're talking about a life of abundance, amen. So they greet each other with shalom. Most of us know that shalom means peace, but it means more than peace. It means peace and it means prosperity in every area of your life. So even just the way they introduce just the beginning of the conversation with someone doesn't start with man. Things are so bad. I'm just barely holding on and struggling. I just wish that things would be better for me. I can't pay my. The first greeting that they hear is prosperity in every area of your life. So I'm going to give you the greeting that they gave me when I was in Israel Shalom to you, which means prosperity in every area of your life. That means abundance and overflow. I just need about three witnesses because I feel like I want to preach about this abundance thing Prosperity for every area of your life, in Jesus name.
If you believe it, say amen. I believe this is your year to prosper. Three people said amen. I think. First, service we need to get them. First, service people back. I believe this is your year of abundance. I believe this is your year of overflow, and you want to know why. It isn't because we've deemed it. It's because heaven already deemed it. And all I'm doing is coming into agreement with heaven and saying that this is your year of the best, this is your year of the biggest blessing, this is your year of supernatural abundance.
Do you believe and say amen? You know it's so easy for us to believe God for salvation, the redemption of our soul. Oh, thank you Jesus. Oh, you saved me out of the pit, you saved me out of hell, you saved me out of destruction, you saved me out of that horrible place. It's so easy, man. We got enough faith for that, a lot of us. We even got enough faith. Lord, thank you for healing my body. I was sick and you healed me. We got enough faith for that. But what we struggle with is believing that God not only wants to redeem our soul and our body, he wants to redeem our finances.
From the beginning, in Genesis, chapter 1, it was always God's intention for you to be blessed. Do you know where everything got confused and convoluted and everything just got all messed up? It's the devil, because God's plan from the beginning was life, and life more abundantly. The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy, which means in the beginning, when God blessed his people in Genesis, chapter 1, verse 28, he said be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. That word fruitful means has a few meanings, but one of the meanings is fertilizer, something that causes things around it to grow. So inside of every single person there's a blessing from heaven. There's a word that's spoken over your life that you are divine fertilizer, that when you step in a place that can't have any growth or production or is barren, when you step on the scene, you have the ability to make it a fruitful place. So think about your job. That's all messed up. When you step on the scene, you got ability to bring life to it. Oh man. Think about an area of finances, think about an area of your life that's not producing. When you step on the scene, things have to change. Somebody say amen. God blessed them and said to them be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish. If you don't already have that God-given blessing inside, the blessing of being fruitful. That means the ability to be like fertilizer.
Multiply, which means when things get around me, they just don't stay at the same place. This is good. When things get around me, they just can't stay at the same place. There has to be growth. When people get around me, they can can't stay at the same place. There has to be growth. When people get around me, they can't stay the same. They have to grow because what's in me is multiplication. So even my money has to multiply, because God's already spoken a word of blessing over every area of my life to multiply.
So I prophesy over every area where you've been stagnant, where you've been in lack, where you've had less than you're supposed to, I decree and declare you will walk into the blessing of Genesis, chapter 1, verse 28. The blessing that says you will multiply. Multiplication is not for the person next to you, it's for you, it's your portion. God has divinely placed everything inside of you. You need to multiply. So I don't know what you do for work, I don't know what you do for a living, I don't know what you're invested in, but everything that you touch has to multiply. Ooh, okay, genesis, chapter 1, verse 20. All right, can we go into our text? Luke, chapter 5. Luke, the fifth chapter oh, thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus.
I'm not just going to believe for salvations this year, I'm believing for abundance. Yeah, I'm going to believe for unsafe family members to get saved. Yes, I'm going to pray hard for it, I'm going to fast hard for it. But you know what? I'm also going to believe for Money Wealth, because it's the Lord that gives us the power to be wealthy. And if God's giving me the power to be wealthy, I want everything that God has for me. God's plan.
In Genesis, chapter one, blessing the devil comes. Adam and Eve sin, get kicked out of the garden, what was supposed to be theirs. They weren't able to walk into it. And God, he cursed Adam and Eve. And you know what the curse was? The curse was Eve was going to multiply, but she was going to multiply in sorrow. So there was going to be a multiplication, but it was going to be the wrong type of multiplication. She was going to multiply in pain. She was going to multiply in sorrow. That's how I know. Multiplication of pain and sorrow is not from heaven. It's a result of a curse Amen.
Here's the second thing. Adam, everything you do, you're going to have to work super hard to get it. There's going to be a multiplication of hard work. Some of you think hard work is a blessing.
A lot of times hard work is a curse, especially when you work hard and you have nothing on the other side of your hard work. That's literally a curse. I don't believe we should be lazy as believers. We should work hard. But when you work hard and you have nothing on the other side, you're living under the curse of Adam. The curse of Adam is I'm going to keep working hard just to produce a little bit. The blessing of the kingdom is I'm going to work hard and I'm going to live in abundance.
He even said Adam, by the sweat of your brow, by the sweat of your brow, you're going to be able to eat. Then Jesus came and said I got one better. He said put the crown of thorns on my head by the blood on my brow. Okay, three people said amen. Y'all didn't catch it. The curse was by the sweat of your brow and Jesus said I got one better. I'll break the curse not with the sweat of my brow, but with the blood on my brow, and that blood is going to bring you life and life more abundantly. Amen, all right. Luke, chapter 5, verse 1. Let's go, because y'all weren't with me on that. So I got to switch gears. It was like amen, do better. Do you know who my pastor is? Do better. Luke, chapter 5, verse 1. Here's what it says.
So it was as the multitudes pressed about him to hear the word of god that he stood by the lake of the Gennesaret. I was just there. I was just there. I was in Israel. I was there. I was like, yeah, so now I get it.
And saw two boats standing by the lake, but the fishermen had gone from them and were washing their nets. Then he got into one of the boats, which was Simon's, and asked him to put out a little bit from the land, and he sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat, verse 4. When he had stopped speaking, he said to Simon Launch out into the deep and let your nets for a catch Verse 5. But Simon answered and said to him Master, we've toiled all night. We've caught nothing. Nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the net. And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their net was breaking verse 7. So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come help them. And when they had come and filled both boats so that they began to sink verse 8 when simon Simon saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees saying Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, o Lord, verse 9. For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken. May God bless the reading of his word.
Can I just say something very pivotal, important and essential when we talk about prosperity, when we talk about abundance, when we talk about the blessing of God. I just want to say something so important for us to get as a foundation, and I think the foundation principle is that prosperity and abundance was not instituted by man. Man did not come up with the idea of blessing. Man did not come up with the idea of prosperity. Man did not come up with the idea of favor. God instituted it in Genesis, chapter 1. It was God's intention from the beginning that his people would be blessed.
Even after Adam and Eve sinned, god said, all right, like your pastor said, I'm gonna put a fur coat on you. Then he came a few chapters later, in Genesis, chapter 12, and he's like, yeah, my people kind of disconnected from me, but I want to restore some of that blessing back to you. Here's how I'm going to do it, abraham, leave your mother and father's house and go to a land which you've never seen. And I'm going to promise you three things, abraham. I'm going to promise, promise you land. I'm going to promise you a seed, children. You know children are a blessing. Land is a blessing, amen. I know you live in New York City, but land is a blessing. I believe that even in New York City, god has land for you. I believe that even in New York City, god has land for you. You're not meant to be broke, busted and disgusted. I believe God has territory for you in New York City, land that's yours, land, inheritances that belong to you in Jesus' name. And then the last thing God promised Abraham blessing. Three things Land, children, blessing, financial blessing. You know what the Bible says about us. By faith, we are the seed of Abraham, which means if God promised this to Abraham as his seed, it's our inheritance as well.
All right, let's get into the text. Luke, chapter five. Look at this. This is a very important text. Most of us know it. We've read the story before, but there's elements of the story I guarantee you've never read that I'm going to try to help illuminate.
Are y'all ready? All right? How many abundant people are ready? All right? How many abundant people are ready? You know what's interesting? They didn't talk like they were abundant, they talked like they might be abundant. How many abundant people are in the house? All right? Because you know you only get as much as what you speak. Life and death is in the power of your tongue. So if you speak lack and not having enough and I'm struggling you always live a life of lack. When you want to prosper, you start talking like you want to prosper. Amen, all right. So I need you to see this. Luke, chapter five. So you know Jesus is. He has not revealed himself yet to the disciples. He has not revealed himself yet to the disciples. He's just starting his ministry and the Bible says that a few of his disciples, one in particular, Simon Peter, you know Peter, peter's the one with the big mouth, peter's the one who's always talking, peter's the one who's always coming out of line, peter. But he was a great fisherman. That was his job. And if you understand anything about the Galilee fishing industry at that time, it was a very legit industry and only a few people were able to get licensed to be fishermen at that time because the Lake of Galilee wasn't some major place. I went there so I saw it. I can testify it's very small, and so they limited the amount of fishermen who would actually get these licenses. So it was very lucrative to be a fisherman, which shows me Peter was not poor. Peter was not struggling. He had a family business where the license was passed on. It was like a liquor license. You know how valuable a liquor license is. Someone tells you a liquor license is what in the millions? Now, right, you can buy them it that that license was very, very valuable. And so peter had this license to fish. They didn't let anyone fish. It was not like, hey, I'm just gonna go out there with a line. Nope, you had to have the business. So Peter had the business, the fisherman business. And so he goes out and the Bible says all night he's trying to catch fish. He's an expert, nothing, nothing. The Bible says he toiled all night and caught nothing. Right, let's go back. Let's go back two verses, because you guys are making me go ahead. Verse two look at this. If you want to have a mindset of abundance, here's the first thing you need to do. Y'all ready? He saw two boats standing by the lake, but the fishermen had not gone from them and they were washing their nets. Look at this. Then he got into one of the boats, which was simon's, and he asked him to put it out a little bit from land and he sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat.
If you want to have a mindset, a mentality for abundance, the first thing is you have to let Jesus on your boat. All right, let me break that down, what that means, because some of y'all don't get it. Peter's boat was his business. Peter's boat was his money. Jesus being on Peter's boat means I can't make no more money right now. You're stopping me from being able to produce and Jesus goes cool, I want to sit on your boat.
I want to mess up your plans a little bit. I want to tell you to give when it's not comfortable for you to give. I want to tell you to go places where it's not comfortable for you to give. I want to tell you to go places where it's not comfortable for you to go. I want to sit on your boat. When was the last time you said, holy Spirit, sit on my boat, rock the boat a little bit, shake the things up in my life a little bit. If you want to walk in abundance, the first thing you have to do is you have to allow Jesus into your boat.
God, mess up my plans. If my plans don't match heaven's plans, mess it up. See, part of our problem is Jesus. You have my heart, you have my mind, you have my body, and then Jesus goes. But I want your money.
Oh no, took it too far. God, I'm giving you everything, and God's like you're giving me some of it, but I want your money. Why? Because where your treasure is, that's where your heart is. So does God really have your heart if he doesn't have your money? Oh my god, I knew they were gonna get quiet here. No, but I'm, I'm, I'm. I want to say this does God really have your heart if he does not have your money? Yeah, but church people, they like to steal. God never said anything about church folk.
He's asking about your obedience. You know I love people. Yeah, I'm very generous. I give 10. 10 is obedience. 11 is where you start being generous. Ooh boy, it got tight. It's tight, but it's right, because 10% is what God requires.
That's not being generous. I know it seems like it's being generous. Even at restaurants they start at 18%. God is asking for less than the restaurant is asking for. I'm so generous, god, I'm giving you 10% of something that already belongs to you. That's not being generous.
Generosity starts where obedience stops. Oh, that's good. The obedience is 10%. Anything else, you can start saying you're generous. So you start at 1%. Lord, I've been 1% generous if you give over.
But it's Jesus on your boat for real. Have you allowed him into every area? You want abundance, but it takes Jesus being on the throne of your money life. Do I have a seat on the throne of your money? Are you at the seat telling me what to do? Oh God, I got control of this part. I got my budget set up. What I love about the Holy Spirit is when he sits on the boat he messes up your budget.
Yeah, but I'm gonna say for five years and then, after the fifth year, and then God's like that's not even the avenue I wanted to bless you through. You see, because some of you think the avenue God wants to bless you through is your works. Well, if I do it like this and I do it like that, then God's gonna come into my plans and he's gonna. Well, if I do it like this and I do it like that, then God's going to come into my plans and he's going to figure out how to come in my box. And I got to be married by the time I'm 33 and I got to have children by 35 and I got to have this business. And God's like I don't even want to bless you like you think you should be blessed. I want to do abundantly, I want to exceed your expectations, right?
So let me tell you how the lord blessed me with my first house and I had one thousand two hundred thirty six dollars in my bank account. All right, they don't want to hear it. I'm leaving one thousand two. I'm not talking about just checking account, talking about checking and saving, you know, broke broke. This was years ago. Me and my wife were living in a two-bedroom apartment. I just started preaching full-time. My wife was working as a nanny. We did not have money and I remember God telling me specifically. He said I want you to sow a thousand dollar seed. I had 1,286 or 36, I can't remember. Don't fault me. All right, if I say 36 one time, say 86 the next time. Oh, he's lying, I'm not lying. And my wife left. She can't even testify.
I remember the Lord saying take $1,000 out because my pastor at that time he was buying his first house but I was living in a two-bedroom apartment. See, sometimes God will have you so into something you're not yet walking into, that's good. So I get the $1,000 out. That means I have $200 thousand dollars left in my bank account and I give it to, to to my pastor. And I was like the Lord told me to give this for your house. And then he prayed for me. He blessed me.
A couple of weeks later, maybe a week and a half later, I get a phone call from my mom. She's like I was thinking about you, son. I said, okay, the Lord wants me to do something for you. I said, okay, that's cool, like what she said. I need to give you the house in New York. I said I ain't got money for that house. That house is way beyond my budget at this time. I got $236 in my bank account. I don't have money for a down payment. I don't have money for a down payment. I don't have money for closing. I don't have money for the mortgage. No, she said I never said I need to buy a closing or a mortgage or anything. I want to give it to you as a gift. I want to give it to you as a gift.
And then the Holy Spirit said you remember when you gave your pastor $1,000 for his house, you thought I was going to bless you in the way you thought I would bless you. You would have to stay for five years and you would have to work hard. No, I bypassed all of that because of seed. All right, three people said amen, seed will have you bypass seasons that you were supposed to walk into. There were things that were supposed to take you 10 years, but you're going to sow into it and be able to walk into it in a year. There are things that were supposed to happen 15 years from now. But your seed is about to bypass seasons. Oh, baby, I got seed in the ground. I must walk in harvest. I must walk in overflow. I got seed in the ground. Him being lack, I got seed in the ground. I love how seed made me bypass a season. I didn't have to do the whole five-year plan. The Holy Spirit had a two-week plan. Oh, I just need someone to shout right there. I decree and declare that God's going to bring unusual, supernatural speed to your harvest. Things that were supposed to take forever are going to happen now. In Jesus' name, all right.
So Jesus is in the boat, messes up Peter's whole entire plan, and here's the mess of things. Jesus is in the boat and he's like push me out a little bit, I don't know you. He doesn't know Jesus at this time. They ain't friends yet. They don't know each other. They don't have that kind of relationship. Yeah, push me out a little bit so I can teach. Who's this random man coming in my boat? Some of you say you know Jesus and don't even let him in your boat. Ooh, that was good. God just gave me that one. Right there he starts teaching, and as he's teaching.
The Bible says he stopped speaking. You see, this terminology really messes me up and I didn't say this in the first service, so y'all get in some extra nuggets. Verse verse four go to verse four. So he's teaching. It says when he had stopped speaking, he said hold on, he goes from teaching. And then he has another speech that he starts giving, he goes, he had stopped speaking, he.
So he had a sermon for everyone. He had a message for the crowd, because the Bible says there was a crowd, there was multitude there, and then he has a prophetic word for Peter. So he stopped the message for everyone and he said since I'm on your boat. And he said since I'm on your boat, you know, that's why sometimes you can hear a message and everyone can hear the same message and everyone has different results, because the message was different for the person who allowed Jesus on his boat. That word to launch out wasn't for everyone, it was for the person who said all right, god, you can chill on my boat. This is why we can all be in the same place hearing the same faith message and we can receive different things from it, because some of you don't have Jesus on your boat and so you don't get that internal witness on the inside that says all right, when you show right here, I'm gonna bless you, but when Jesus on the boat, you get a message that everyone else doesn't get. When I read this it blew my mind because I'm like hold on, jesus is speaking.
And he stopped speaking. And then he said, which means within a sermon he got two sermons going on at once. There was a sermon for the multitude and it was god bless you, bless all the peacemakers, for you shall. That's a good message, right. But then he had a message for peter, and it was the gospel of the kingdom. He had a message for peter that was different than the message he had, a message for Peter that was different than the message he had for everyone else. Everyone else, bless you. Good things are gonna happen, peter, you're about to. You're about to reap crazy harvest. Peter, you're about to walk in crazy abundance. Peter, get ready for the supernatural grace that's coming over your life the rain of heaven, torrential rains are coming over your life. I hear the sounds of the abundance of rain, city light. Let me tell you there's a message for everyone, and today God sent me to let you know there's a message for you.
The message is get ready for the harvest that's coming, get ready for the abundance of 2025. Get ready for the business opportunities, get ready for the promotion, get ready for the open doors, get ready for the unexpected checks, get ready for the bonuses, get ready for the increase, get ready, get ready. Get ready for the unexpected checks, get ready for the bonuses, get ready for the increase, get ready, get ready, get ready. Something big is on its way. I love it. I got two different words General word and a prophetic word. Oh that's. You see, that's good preaching, good preaching. Got a general word, then I got a rainbow word.
31:00 - Speaker 3
You know what he was preaching. It tells you in Mark 4.
31:04 - Speaker 1
The gospel of the king.
31:05 - Speaker 3
He was preaching specifically on the power of seed he was giving the four different seeds, you helping me preach my sermon.
31:19 - Speaker 1
You need to grab this mic and preach. It's true, mark, chapter four, the four different types of seeds. And then he was like let me do an illustrative sermon here. Let me illustrate what it looks like when seeds in a good place. You help me, I'm stealing that. Let me illustrate this for a second. Oh, I did a good little teaching. Yeah, you know, the bird comes and takes the seed, and then you know some fall on thorny ground and some on rocky, and then you know the ones that fall on good ground, and then here's the harvest that comes for the ones. All right, let me illustrate it right now. Peter, launching that out, I'm gonna show you what it looks like when harvest comes.
I declare and decree your life will be an illustrative sermon. God will begin to illustrate abundance and blessing and use your life as a witness and a conduit where the world's going to look at your life and say why are you so blessed? Why are so many doors open for you? How come where you're located doesn't match your resume? How come where you live doesn't match your bank account? Baby, I'm blessed. It's called being blessed. I'm blessed. In the city, I'm blessed. In the field, I'm blessed. When they come, I'm blessed it's called being blessed. I'm blessed in the city, I'm blessed. In the field, I'm blessed when they come, I'm blessed when they go. I am the head and not the tail, woo.
When he had stopped speaking, he said to Simon launch out into the deep and let your nets fur catch. Look at verse five. But Simon answered and said to him Master, we've toiled all night and caught nothing, all right. So here's the second thing. Here's what's gonna happen when God tells you to do something. That's gonna take faith, that's gonna take you stretching out and doing and believing for the impossible. Your past is always gonna stand in the way. Look at this, he answered. He said I've toiled all night, we've tried everything and it hasn't worked. But I gave already God, but I prayed already God, but I believed already God, but I hoped already God, and I caught nothing. Not like I got one or two fish, not that I got a little something. I tried everything. I tried this marriage thing before I caught nothing. I tried this life thing before I caught nothing. I've given to you before and I believe, and I caught nothing. And God's like here's what I want to tell you, this season will not look like your last season. I don't care how bad it was, because here's the difference between your last season and this season, and it's right here in the text. Nevertheless, at your word, can I tell you the difference between last season and this season?
You got a word. You see, it's not by accident. We're preaching on abundance, because God is stirring something in the body of Christ to let us know we're not meant to be broke. The world is not meant to prosper while we're struggling. Nope, nope, that's not our portion. You were not meant to prosper while we're struggling. Nope, nope. That's not our portion. You were not meant to die in that one bedroom apartment no, no, no, cramped up with a bunch of stuff. The devil is a liar. That is not God's best for you.
You got a word. You know what makes things completely different for everyone else in the world. You got a word. You know what makes things completely different for everyone else in the world. You got a word. When the markets try to scare you and the economists try to scare you and Trump has tariffs and all this stuff, I got a word. I don't care who is president If Kamala won, I got a word.
Trump's the winner. I got a word. I don't care who's in office, I don't care who's in charge of whatever departments, I got a word. They're cutting federal funding for everything. I got a word Because my money is not predicated on the government, this earthly government. I'm part of a kingdom that cannot be shaken. I'm part of a kingdom that cannot be shaken. I'm part of that kingdom, so they can cut everything, cut it, I don't care, because I got a promise. I got a word. I got a word. Oh, I just need three people to say I got a word. I got a word. See, and you know what the word does.
The Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word. So what does the word do? It instills a level of faith in you. It activates your faith where you're, like man, I was just believing for so small. I just believe it. I just want three clients this year God and God's, like I'm trying to do exceeding abundant. A word from God activates your faith. It stirs you up to go. I got to believe for more. I got to believe for more. I got a word. Nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the net.
Verse six and when they had done this. They caught a great number of fish and their net was breaking. Go back, can we go back a little bit? Because I don't know if you saw this in the text, but I thought Peter obeyed God but he didn't. I'm proving to you like nah, he did. Look, he let down. Let me prove it to you. Go back, go back, right there.
When he had stopped speaking, he said to Simon he's given Simon a prophetic word. Simon, here's what I want you to do. I know you didn't catch anything, but you know what? Launch your nets into a deeper part. He let his net down. He said launch out into the deep and let your nets. Something has an S at the end. It's what Go to verse five. But Simon answered and said to him Master, I've toiled all night and caught nothing. Nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the hold on a second. The whole time reading the text, I thought Peter fully obeyed God and he let down the net. But Jesus didn't say let down the net. Jesus was saying there's an abundance that's in store for you. Okay, can I teach y'all a little bit about net fishing for a second?
It was very challenging to do net fishing because once you put your net in the water, it was like a two-hour process just to clean the nets, because you had to clean it in a way where you got all the salt water off of it. If you didn't, it would begin to get hard and it won't be malleable anymore. So when you try to catch another fish or catch multiple fish, what would happen is your net was so hard that it could not expand and it would begin to break, and then all the fish would start falling out of the nets. So, peter's like I don't want to go through the process anymore because last time it didn't work out the way I thought it would. Last time, god, I gave and you didn't bless me. Last time I sowed and I didn't see a harvest. Last time I believed you and I didn't experience what you said I was going to experience. I'm not doing this again. Let me just put down one net Playing it safe.
You know, when you play it safe, you get a safe harvest. Amen. When you play it safe, you only get a limited harvest, oh, amen. When you play it safe, you only get a limited harvest. You want to walk in abundance? You can't play it safe. You see, I'm not going to leave this earth not getting everything God has for me. I'm not going to leave this earth not walking in the fullness of what God has ordained for my life. No, I'm not leaving this earth without walking in abundance, the abundance God promised me in his word.
Because prosperity was not promised by some preacher on TV. It was not contrived by the word of faith movement, it was not contrived by humans, it was divine movement. It was not contrived by humans, it was divine. God instituted blessing and prosperity and if he instituted it, I want to walk in it. I don't care how many people abuse it and use it and misuse it and misappropriate it. I want everything God has for me and that's what we do a lot of times in the church. Right, people use things and misuse it and abuse it, so we just throw it to the side like it's not needed. That's what we do with prosperity, because there's a lot of preachers on TV not realizing that's the 0.1% of preachers on this earth. Yeah, there's people that abuse this. I don't care about those that abuse it.
This is a real biblical principle that allows you to walk into harvest. You can't miss it because of the few people that take advantage. I'm not going to give to church because church people steal. Okay, we know the three people that steal. Their faces are all over the place. But I'm not missing my harvest because of past hurts.
Look how Peter didn't want to put all the nets down. Because of the past I don't want to give, I don't want to be involved. I don't want to because I've been through this. That's how we sound and God's like. I have a plan of abundance and all I'm asking is for your full obedience. Oh, we don't talk about obedience anymore in church, because there's two things that bring harvest faith and obedience. And they work in tandem. It's like they're a married couple. They hold hands, can't have one without the other. If you're willing and obedient, you'll eat the good of the land. They walk, they walk in tandem. You believe and you obey, and then that's how you walk in the harvest.
So it took Peter two things. He had to believe. This man who was talking on the boat had a specific prophetic word for him, and then he had to obey. And he believed partially and then he obeyed partially. The Bible says nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the. I'm going to need y'all to do that again because y'all died on me right there. I'm going to need y'all to do that again because y'all died on me right there. Nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the net.
And then look what verse 6 says. And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their net was breaking. You know, if they had nets there because they had one net, it could not handle the harvest that God had already preordained for them to walk into. There's preordained blessings that God has for you, preordained opportunities, open doors. But one net is not enough.
But, god, I don't want to start that business. That's another net. But, God, I don't want to apply for that job. That's another net. But I know you're telling me to move, but I don't want to move because I'm comfortable. My rent is only $1,500. I'm grandfathered in. Oh, the New Yorkers know what I'm talking about.
That's a net, and god said I want to give you nets. Will you obey me and launch out into the deep? Will you obey me and completely do everything I tell you to do? It's to the point where they could have gotten more, but look what verse 7 says. So they signaled to their partners it was a harvest. That was supposed to be all for Simon, and now he had to share his harvest. You know, has the Holy Spirit ever given you an idea and then, like a year or two years later, you see someone develop the app for it? Has the Holy Spirit ever given you an idea? And then, like a year or two years later, you see someone develop the app for it? Or you see someone came up with the concept and you're like darn, I just missed it. That was Annette. That was hey, I want abundance to hit this area of your life. I gave you that idea for a reason not to just sit on it and for me to give it to someone else.
Harvest that was supposed to be for Peter. He had to share it Because he didn't let down the nets. Hey, let's hurry up, because my net's breaking. It was supposed to be nets, and I never understood this verse until now, verse 8. When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees saying Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, o Lord, I never got that verse until now.
He was saying I'm sinful because there was a harvest. I was supposed to walk into God, but I missed it by not completely obeying you. Imagine the God who owns cattle on a thousand hills. Cattle on a thousand hills. The God of the universe, who created all things, has prepared blessing for you and he's like just obey me and you'll be able to walk into it. Just believe me, you'll be able to walk into it. And then you go to heaven and God's like you only got one fifth.
Yeah, you'll get a mansion up here, but you're supposed to have a mansion down there. Boy, that feels good. Oh, you're impressed with the streets paved with gold. You're supposed to have gold all over. Oh, you're impressed by the grandeur and the opulence. Your life was supposed to be filled with grandeur and opulence, but you didn't let your nets down, so you missed out on the harvest.
I'm sorry. God see, this is the moment to be like god. I see the opportunities you've given me and I miss them. I will not miss the next moment.
Can I share a testimony? And then we're good to go. Is that cool with everyone? Oh, let's do this last verse, verse nine. For he and all who were with him were astonished. Hold on, peter. Peter, this is his job. He's a fisherman and he's like I'd never seen this much fish before. Because one word from God. You don't need anything but one word from God. You think you need man's approval. You don't even anything but one word from God. You think you need man's approval. You don't even need man's approval. One word from God can turn everything around.
I remember at the end of 2019, I shared this testimony at the earlier service the Lord challenged me to sow a five-figure seed. At the end of the year, me and my wife, we tried to sow a seed, a significant seed. It was a five-figure seed. At the end of the year, me and my wife, we tried to sow a seed, a significant seed. It was a five-figure seed. We were saving up to buy a house. We already had that first house that was given to us, but we wanted to buy another house, so we were saving up some money to buy a house. We had money saved up and the Lord said take all that money that you have saved up and I want you to sow it five figures.
I'm not talking about something small. I'm not talking like crying over $100. Amen, there's a church for you. Oh, my gosh, I had to give $200 today. Oh, my life is over. I'm talking about life-altering giving. Giving that means it costs you something. You remember when David wanted that land and he was like King, you can have it, it's yours and he goes. I will not give God something that costs me nothing. And that was the same land that they built the temple. On the land he said I'm going to pay full price. Plus was the land that God used as worship. You think your giving is nothing. No, your giving is the place where God can show up.
Alright, let me get back to my story. Y'all ready for the story? So the Lord told me to sow this five-figure seed and I was like okay, god. So I actually went to my wife and said the Lord told me to sow this significant seed, all the money we have in savings. She's like all right, if God told you to do it, do it. I love this woman. I mean, she's the best. Her name is Christ's line, she's a line to Christ. Her name says it all. I don't care, you don't have to believe it, I believe it. This woman, she's the closest person to Jesus that I know. I'm like God. Can I know you like? She knows you? No-transcript, because you go out and spend your money on nonsense. Amen. Very quiet in here.
I got a resume, I say, babe, the Lord's telling us to do this, and guess what happens on the other side of it? It may be rocky, but then on the other side, abundance. And she's like oh yeah, I think God did tell you that. So next time I say the Lord told me and I don't play around with what the Lord told me I don't do that often, right, but when I do it it's always something that's like ooh, ooh, uncomfortable. God told me. I'm like God told me. All right, babe, I remember last time he came through, so I'm ready.
So the Lord said there this five-figure seed, and I sowed it three ways. I sowed it to my spiritual father. I gave him a part of the seed. I sowed it to someone on my level in ministry and then I sowed it to someone who was up and coming in ministry. So I sowed it in three levels. I sowed that 10,000. It wasn't a tithe, it was an offering.
And the beginning of 2020, oh my gosh, blessing favor. I'm like oh god, I gotta so like this all the time. Things were just blooming, blossoming, amazing. March comes, covid boom, everything shuts down. Okay, god, I started doubting God. I could have saved my ten thousand dollars for this time. How come you had me give it? And God's like you don't gotta worry, you gotta see it in the ground. You know. I declare that, even in the midst of of famine, that the Lord's going to bless you so big it's going to blow your mind. What does the Bible say about Isaac? He sowed in a time of famine and he received a hundredfold. I declare that in the midst of whatever economic issues hit this nation, no matter how bad it gets, no matter how bleak it gets, no matter how challenging it gets, because your seed is in the ground, you will reap harvest, even in the midst of famine, in Jesus' name. Okay, and so I'm like, oh God, I started doubting, listen, going to fast. So I go on this fast. First day, I'm fasting, babe, you remember right. Second day, I'm fasting, and I'm not just fasting like not eating food, it's not a diet, I mean I'm pressing into the presence of God and it's not about money, I'm just pressing in like God, you got to speak. God, you have to move. God, you have to speak. And I'm pressing, pressing, pressing. I'm praying six, seven hours a day, pressing, pressing, pressing.
On the third day, your pastor calls me. He didn't know this story until I shared it earlier. He called me and it shocked me. He called me and it shocked me. He called me. He said I want to do something for you. Say, okay, god. He said I want our church to take up an offering for you. He says and I want you to share the offering with all your friends and your family, and whatever is given, the church will double it.
Church raised close to $20,000, doubled it, gave me a check for $40,000. I said okay, god, I see you showing out, let's go. Lord says keep fasting. I said, all right, I fast. The fourth day it was either the fourth or the fifth day I get a showing out. Let's go. Lord says keep fasting. I said all right, I fast.
The fourth day it was either the fourth or the fifth day I get a phone call. Someone called me and said hey, I have some money here from retirement. I got all my money from retirement. I wanted to give you some of the money. I was like, okay, cool, I'm thinking like a couple of thousand, whatever. Yeah, I'm gonna write you a $60,000 check. I fasted. Fifth day. Sixth day I was getting calls every day, babe. You remember this Every day, one of my ministry partners called me hey, I just wanted to give you $8,000. Okay, other ministry partners, here's 5,000, here's 2,000. By the time the week was over, I made more money in that week than I ever made in a whole entire year of work, toiling, working or believing.
You got a choice to make Let one net down and get some, or God. I don't have any other choice but to trust you. I'm going to give, like I really believe that you're the God of breakthrough and you're the God of abundance and you're the God of more than enough. I'm not just going to give something that doesn't cost me something. I'm going to give believing that you're the God who owns cattle on a thousand hills and that you're the God of overflow. That's the way to walk into this. It's not a gimmick, it's not a get-rich-quick scheme. It's a principle in the kingdom that blesses people that God instituted from Genesis all the way to Revelation.
If you want to be blessed, if you want to walk in abundance, live by faith and obey me in every area and you will be blessed. Blessed, and some of you are like but I live in New York. Your blessing's not predicated on location, it's predicated on revelation. You can live in Timbuktu you got this revelation. You'll be blessed. You can live in the most Muslim country Indonesia. You got this word inside of you. You'll be blessed. You can live in the poorest Muslim country Indonesia. You got this word inside of you. You'll be blessed. You can live in the poorest of the poorest, and you got this word on the inside of you. It will bless you. This is not about location, it's about revelation. That's why the scripture says you'll be blessed in the city, you'll be blessed in the field. You'll be blessed when you come. You'll be blessed when you go.
Hey, I'm not letting anything out of the line. Anywhere you go, blessing got to follow you. Let's lift up our hands. Father, I release the blessing of Abraham on every one of these people. You promised Abraham three things land, children and blessing.
And I declare it and speak it over every one of these people, lord, I decree and declare that they're stepping out into harvest like they've never seen before. I speak Deuteronomy 8, verse 18 over them that you are giving them power to be wealthy and to walk into abundance. I decree and declare that their cup runs over and that goodness and mercy follows them all the days of their lives. They're living in a land of abundance. Wealth and riches are in their house and they shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. God, I believe that you're pouring out fresh oil on your people, that their vats are being filled with fresh wine. I decree and declare that harvest is coming to their homes, to their businesses, to their family, to everything that they put their hands to, to their family, to everything that they put their hands to. I speak the blessing of Joshua over them, that wherever they put their feet, they shall be blessed. They shall dwell in a land flowing with milk and honey. In Jesus' name.
If you believe it, say yes Now. Can you give God just a shout for the next 30 seconds? Hallelujah, come on. Thank him for the abundance that's coming, thank him for the open doors that's coming, thank him for the supernatural he's releasing. Come on, lift up your hands and give him a praise. Hallelujah, hallelujah.
58:36 - Speaker 2
Hallelujah, hallelujah. This is the City Light Church podcast. If you've missed any part of today's message or if you would like to find out more about Pastor Boyan Jancic and City Light Church, visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Feel free to visit us online or in person anytime. We would love to connect with you. We pray that you have been encouraged today, that you have been reminded how much God loves you and that you are surrounded by grace. Thank you for listening. Make sure that you subscribe to City Light Church Podcast wherever you find your favorite podcasts worldwide.
There's a message for you. The message is get ready for the harvest that's coming, get ready for the abundance of 2025. Get ready for the business opportunities, get ready for the promotion, get ready for the open doors, get ready for the unexpected checks, get ready for the bonuses, get ready for the increase. Get ready, get ready, get ready.
00:26 - Speaker 2
Welcome to the City Light Church podcast. Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's Word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us. If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightNYCcom. Pastor Boyan Jancic and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds. As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you.
01:05 - Speaker 3
Nathaniel, I think they're ready for you, because I'm getting nothing right now. I'm getting very, very dead. Obviously, the Lord has taken his hand off of me. I'm just here to be an usher, and so the hand of the Lord is on you, nathaniel, so won't you come bring us the word this morning? Praise the.
01:21 - Speaker 1
Lord John the Baptist preparing the way of the lord. Y'all can laugh. I'm joking, but I'm serious. Y'all ready? Amen. So I just can I get a little bit more juice on this mic? It's really hard for me to hear myself or hear anything on the monitors, maybe just. Yeah, okay, perfect, praise god. So I just came back from israel. I was there for 11 days. It was an amazing time.
I learned a lot, um, one of the things I learned is the way Jewish people greet each other. They usually do a greeting of shalom Right, we're talking about prosperity. Right, we're talking about a life of abundance, amen. So they greet each other with shalom. Most of us know that shalom means peace, but it means more than peace. It means peace and it means prosperity in every area of your life. So even just the way they introduce just the beginning of the conversation with someone doesn't start with man. Things are so bad. I'm just barely holding on and struggling. I just wish that things would be better for me. I can't pay my. The first greeting that they hear is prosperity in every area of your life. So I'm going to give you the greeting that they gave me when I was in Israel Shalom to you, which means prosperity in every area of your life. That means abundance and overflow. I just need about three witnesses because I feel like I want to preach about this abundance thing Prosperity for every area of your life, in Jesus name.
If you believe it, say amen. I believe this is your year to prosper. Three people said amen. I think. First, service we need to get them. First, service people back. I believe this is your year of abundance. I believe this is your year of overflow, and you want to know why. It isn't because we've deemed it. It's because heaven already deemed it. And all I'm doing is coming into agreement with heaven and saying that this is your year of the best, this is your year of the biggest blessing, this is your year of supernatural abundance.
Do you believe and say amen? You know it's so easy for us to believe God for salvation, the redemption of our soul. Oh, thank you Jesus. Oh, you saved me out of the pit, you saved me out of hell, you saved me out of destruction, you saved me out of that horrible place. It's so easy, man. We got enough faith for that, a lot of us. We even got enough faith. Lord, thank you for healing my body. I was sick and you healed me. We got enough faith for that. But what we struggle with is believing that God not only wants to redeem our soul and our body, he wants to redeem our finances.
From the beginning, in Genesis, chapter 1, it was always God's intention for you to be blessed. Do you know where everything got confused and convoluted and everything just got all messed up? It's the devil, because God's plan from the beginning was life, and life more abundantly. The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy, which means in the beginning, when God blessed his people in Genesis, chapter 1, verse 28, he said be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. That word fruitful means has a few meanings, but one of the meanings is fertilizer, something that causes things around it to grow. So inside of every single person there's a blessing from heaven. There's a word that's spoken over your life that you are divine fertilizer, that when you step in a place that can't have any growth or production or is barren, when you step on the scene, you have the ability to make it a fruitful place. So think about your job. That's all messed up. When you step on the scene, you got ability to bring life to it. Oh man. Think about an area of finances, think about an area of your life that's not producing. When you step on the scene, things have to change. Somebody say amen. God blessed them and said to them be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish. If you don't already have that God-given blessing inside, the blessing of being fruitful. That means the ability to be like fertilizer.
Multiply, which means when things get around me, they just don't stay at the same place. This is good. When things get around me, they just can't stay at the same place. There has to be growth. When people get around me, they can can't stay at the same place. There has to be growth. When people get around me, they can't stay the same. They have to grow because what's in me is multiplication. So even my money has to multiply, because God's already spoken a word of blessing over every area of my life to multiply.
So I prophesy over every area where you've been stagnant, where you've been in lack, where you've had less than you're supposed to, I decree and declare you will walk into the blessing of Genesis, chapter 1, verse 28. The blessing that says you will multiply. Multiplication is not for the person next to you, it's for you, it's your portion. God has divinely placed everything inside of you. You need to multiply. So I don't know what you do for work, I don't know what you do for a living, I don't know what you're invested in, but everything that you touch has to multiply. Ooh, okay, genesis, chapter 1, verse 20. All right, can we go into our text? Luke, chapter 5. Luke, the fifth chapter oh, thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus.
I'm not just going to believe for salvations this year, I'm believing for abundance. Yeah, I'm going to believe for unsafe family members to get saved. Yes, I'm going to pray hard for it, I'm going to fast hard for it. But you know what? I'm also going to believe for Money Wealth, because it's the Lord that gives us the power to be wealthy. And if God's giving me the power to be wealthy, I want everything that God has for me. God's plan.
In Genesis, chapter one, blessing the devil comes. Adam and Eve sin, get kicked out of the garden, what was supposed to be theirs. They weren't able to walk into it. And God, he cursed Adam and Eve. And you know what the curse was? The curse was Eve was going to multiply, but she was going to multiply in sorrow. So there was going to be a multiplication, but it was going to be the wrong type of multiplication. She was going to multiply in pain. She was going to multiply in sorrow. That's how I know. Multiplication of pain and sorrow is not from heaven. It's a result of a curse Amen.
Here's the second thing. Adam, everything you do, you're going to have to work super hard to get it. There's going to be a multiplication of hard work. Some of you think hard work is a blessing.
A lot of times hard work is a curse, especially when you work hard and you have nothing on the other side of your hard work. That's literally a curse. I don't believe we should be lazy as believers. We should work hard. But when you work hard and you have nothing on the other side, you're living under the curse of Adam. The curse of Adam is I'm going to keep working hard just to produce a little bit. The blessing of the kingdom is I'm going to work hard and I'm going to live in abundance.
He even said Adam, by the sweat of your brow, by the sweat of your brow, you're going to be able to eat. Then Jesus came and said I got one better. He said put the crown of thorns on my head by the blood on my brow. Okay, three people said amen. Y'all didn't catch it. The curse was by the sweat of your brow and Jesus said I got one better. I'll break the curse not with the sweat of my brow, but with the blood on my brow, and that blood is going to bring you life and life more abundantly. Amen, all right. Luke, chapter 5, verse 1. Let's go, because y'all weren't with me on that. So I got to switch gears. It was like amen, do better. Do you know who my pastor is? Do better. Luke, chapter 5, verse 1. Here's what it says.
So it was as the multitudes pressed about him to hear the word of god that he stood by the lake of the Gennesaret. I was just there. I was just there. I was in Israel. I was there. I was like, yeah, so now I get it.
And saw two boats standing by the lake, but the fishermen had gone from them and were washing their nets. Then he got into one of the boats, which was Simon's, and asked him to put out a little bit from the land, and he sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat, verse 4. When he had stopped speaking, he said to Simon Launch out into the deep and let your nets for a catch Verse 5. But Simon answered and said to him Master, we've toiled all night. We've caught nothing. Nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the net. And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their net was breaking verse 7. So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come help them. And when they had come and filled both boats so that they began to sink verse 8 when simon Simon saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees saying Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, o Lord, verse 9. For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken. May God bless the reading of his word.
Can I just say something very pivotal, important and essential when we talk about prosperity, when we talk about abundance, when we talk about the blessing of God. I just want to say something so important for us to get as a foundation, and I think the foundation principle is that prosperity and abundance was not instituted by man. Man did not come up with the idea of blessing. Man did not come up with the idea of prosperity. Man did not come up with the idea of favor. God instituted it in Genesis, chapter 1. It was God's intention from the beginning that his people would be blessed.
Even after Adam and Eve sinned, god said, all right, like your pastor said, I'm gonna put a fur coat on you. Then he came a few chapters later, in Genesis, chapter 12, and he's like, yeah, my people kind of disconnected from me, but I want to restore some of that blessing back to you. Here's how I'm going to do it, abraham, leave your mother and father's house and go to a land which you've never seen. And I'm going to promise you three things, abraham. I'm going to promise, promise you land. I'm going to promise you a seed, children. You know children are a blessing. Land is a blessing, amen. I know you live in New York City, but land is a blessing. I believe that even in New York City, god has land for you. I believe that even in New York City, god has land for you. You're not meant to be broke, busted and disgusted. I believe God has territory for you in New York City, land that's yours, land, inheritances that belong to you in Jesus' name. And then the last thing God promised Abraham blessing. Three things Land, children, blessing, financial blessing. You know what the Bible says about us. By faith, we are the seed of Abraham, which means if God promised this to Abraham as his seed, it's our inheritance as well.
All right, let's get into the text. Luke, chapter five. Look at this. This is a very important text. Most of us know it. We've read the story before, but there's elements of the story I guarantee you've never read that I'm going to try to help illuminate.
Are y'all ready? All right? How many abundant people are ready? All right? How many abundant people are ready? You know what's interesting? They didn't talk like they were abundant, they talked like they might be abundant. How many abundant people are in the house? All right? Because you know you only get as much as what you speak. Life and death is in the power of your tongue. So if you speak lack and not having enough and I'm struggling you always live a life of lack. When you want to prosper, you start talking like you want to prosper. Amen, all right. So I need you to see this. Luke, chapter five. So you know Jesus is. He has not revealed himself yet to the disciples. He has not revealed himself yet to the disciples. He's just starting his ministry and the Bible says that a few of his disciples, one in particular, Simon Peter, you know Peter, peter's the one with the big mouth, peter's the one who's always talking, peter's the one who's always coming out of line, peter. But he was a great fisherman. That was his job. And if you understand anything about the Galilee fishing industry at that time, it was a very legit industry and only a few people were able to get licensed to be fishermen at that time because the Lake of Galilee wasn't some major place. I went there so I saw it. I can testify it's very small, and so they limited the amount of fishermen who would actually get these licenses. So it was very lucrative to be a fisherman, which shows me Peter was not poor. Peter was not struggling. He had a family business where the license was passed on. It was like a liquor license. You know how valuable a liquor license is. Someone tells you a liquor license is what in the millions? Now, right, you can buy them it that that license was very, very valuable. And so peter had this license to fish. They didn't let anyone fish. It was not like, hey, I'm just gonna go out there with a line. Nope, you had to have the business. So Peter had the business, the fisherman business. And so he goes out and the Bible says all night he's trying to catch fish. He's an expert, nothing, nothing. The Bible says he toiled all night and caught nothing. Right, let's go back. Let's go back two verses, because you guys are making me go ahead. Verse two look at this. If you want to have a mindset of abundance, here's the first thing you need to do. Y'all ready? He saw two boats standing by the lake, but the fishermen had not gone from them and they were washing their nets. Look at this. Then he got into one of the boats, which was simon's, and he asked him to put it out a little bit from land and he sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat.
If you want to have a mindset, a mentality for abundance, the first thing is you have to let Jesus on your boat. All right, let me break that down, what that means, because some of y'all don't get it. Peter's boat was his business. Peter's boat was his money. Jesus being on Peter's boat means I can't make no more money right now. You're stopping me from being able to produce and Jesus goes cool, I want to sit on your boat.
I want to mess up your plans a little bit. I want to tell you to give when it's not comfortable for you to give. I want to tell you to go places where it's not comfortable for you to give. I want to tell you to go places where it's not comfortable for you to go. I want to sit on your boat. When was the last time you said, holy Spirit, sit on my boat, rock the boat a little bit, shake the things up in my life a little bit. If you want to walk in abundance, the first thing you have to do is you have to allow Jesus into your boat.
God, mess up my plans. If my plans don't match heaven's plans, mess it up. See, part of our problem is Jesus. You have my heart, you have my mind, you have my body, and then Jesus goes. But I want your money.
Oh no, took it too far. God, I'm giving you everything, and God's like you're giving me some of it, but I want your money. Why? Because where your treasure is, that's where your heart is. So does God really have your heart if he doesn't have your money? Oh my god, I knew they were gonna get quiet here. No, but I'm, I'm, I'm. I want to say this does God really have your heart if he does not have your money? Yeah, but church people, they like to steal. God never said anything about church folk.
He's asking about your obedience. You know I love people. Yeah, I'm very generous. I give 10. 10 is obedience. 11 is where you start being generous. Ooh boy, it got tight. It's tight, but it's right, because 10% is what God requires.
That's not being generous. I know it seems like it's being generous. Even at restaurants they start at 18%. God is asking for less than the restaurant is asking for. I'm so generous, god, I'm giving you 10% of something that already belongs to you. That's not being generous.
Generosity starts where obedience stops. Oh, that's good. The obedience is 10%. Anything else, you can start saying you're generous. So you start at 1%. Lord, I've been 1% generous if you give over.
But it's Jesus on your boat for real. Have you allowed him into every area? You want abundance, but it takes Jesus being on the throne of your money life. Do I have a seat on the throne of your money? Are you at the seat telling me what to do? Oh God, I got control of this part. I got my budget set up. What I love about the Holy Spirit is when he sits on the boat he messes up your budget.
Yeah, but I'm gonna say for five years and then, after the fifth year, and then God's like that's not even the avenue I wanted to bless you through. You see, because some of you think the avenue God wants to bless you through is your works. Well, if I do it like this and I do it like that, then God's gonna come into my plans and he's gonna. Well, if I do it like this and I do it like that, then God's going to come into my plans and he's going to figure out how to come in my box. And I got to be married by the time I'm 33 and I got to have children by 35 and I got to have this business. And God's like I don't even want to bless you like you think you should be blessed. I want to do abundantly, I want to exceed your expectations, right?
So let me tell you how the lord blessed me with my first house and I had one thousand two hundred thirty six dollars in my bank account. All right, they don't want to hear it. I'm leaving one thousand two. I'm not talking about just checking account, talking about checking and saving, you know, broke broke. This was years ago. Me and my wife were living in a two-bedroom apartment. I just started preaching full-time. My wife was working as a nanny. We did not have money and I remember God telling me specifically. He said I want you to sow a thousand dollar seed. I had 1,286 or 36, I can't remember. Don't fault me. All right, if I say 36 one time, say 86 the next time. Oh, he's lying, I'm not lying. And my wife left. She can't even testify.
I remember the Lord saying take $1,000 out because my pastor at that time he was buying his first house but I was living in a two-bedroom apartment. See, sometimes God will have you so into something you're not yet walking into, that's good. So I get the $1,000 out. That means I have $200 thousand dollars left in my bank account and I give it to, to to my pastor. And I was like the Lord told me to give this for your house. And then he prayed for me. He blessed me.
A couple of weeks later, maybe a week and a half later, I get a phone call from my mom. She's like I was thinking about you, son. I said, okay, the Lord wants me to do something for you. I said, okay, that's cool, like what she said. I need to give you the house in New York. I said I ain't got money for that house. That house is way beyond my budget at this time. I got $236 in my bank account. I don't have money for a down payment. I don't have money for a down payment. I don't have money for closing. I don't have money for the mortgage. No, she said I never said I need to buy a closing or a mortgage or anything. I want to give it to you as a gift. I want to give it to you as a gift.
And then the Holy Spirit said you remember when you gave your pastor $1,000 for his house, you thought I was going to bless you in the way you thought I would bless you. You would have to stay for five years and you would have to work hard. No, I bypassed all of that because of seed. All right, three people said amen, seed will have you bypass seasons that you were supposed to walk into. There were things that were supposed to take you 10 years, but you're going to sow into it and be able to walk into it in a year. There are things that were supposed to happen 15 years from now. But your seed is about to bypass seasons. Oh, baby, I got seed in the ground. I must walk in harvest. I must walk in overflow. I got seed in the ground. Him being lack, I got seed in the ground. I love how seed made me bypass a season. I didn't have to do the whole five-year plan. The Holy Spirit had a two-week plan. Oh, I just need someone to shout right there. I decree and declare that God's going to bring unusual, supernatural speed to your harvest. Things that were supposed to take forever are going to happen now. In Jesus' name, all right.
So Jesus is in the boat, messes up Peter's whole entire plan, and here's the mess of things. Jesus is in the boat and he's like push me out a little bit, I don't know you. He doesn't know Jesus at this time. They ain't friends yet. They don't know each other. They don't have that kind of relationship. Yeah, push me out a little bit so I can teach. Who's this random man coming in my boat? Some of you say you know Jesus and don't even let him in your boat. Ooh, that was good. God just gave me that one. Right there he starts teaching, and as he's teaching.
The Bible says he stopped speaking. You see, this terminology really messes me up and I didn't say this in the first service, so y'all get in some extra nuggets. Verse verse four go to verse four. So he's teaching. It says when he had stopped speaking, he said hold on, he goes from teaching. And then he has another speech that he starts giving, he goes, he had stopped speaking, he.
So he had a sermon for everyone. He had a message for the crowd, because the Bible says there was a crowd, there was multitude there, and then he has a prophetic word for Peter. So he stopped the message for everyone and he said since I'm on your boat. And he said since I'm on your boat, you know, that's why sometimes you can hear a message and everyone can hear the same message and everyone has different results, because the message was different for the person who allowed Jesus on his boat. That word to launch out wasn't for everyone, it was for the person who said all right, god, you can chill on my boat. This is why we can all be in the same place hearing the same faith message and we can receive different things from it, because some of you don't have Jesus on your boat and so you don't get that internal witness on the inside that says all right, when you show right here, I'm gonna bless you, but when Jesus on the boat, you get a message that everyone else doesn't get. When I read this it blew my mind because I'm like hold on, jesus is speaking.
And he stopped speaking. And then he said, which means within a sermon he got two sermons going on at once. There was a sermon for the multitude and it was god bless you, bless all the peacemakers, for you shall. That's a good message, right. But then he had a message for peter, and it was the gospel of the kingdom. He had a message for peter that was different than the message he had, a message for Peter that was different than the message he had for everyone else. Everyone else, bless you. Good things are gonna happen, peter, you're about to. You're about to reap crazy harvest. Peter, you're about to walk in crazy abundance. Peter, get ready for the supernatural grace that's coming over your life the rain of heaven, torrential rains are coming over your life. I hear the sounds of the abundance of rain, city light. Let me tell you there's a message for everyone, and today God sent me to let you know there's a message for you.
The message is get ready for the harvest that's coming, get ready for the abundance of 2025. Get ready for the business opportunities, get ready for the promotion, get ready for the open doors, get ready for the unexpected checks, get ready for the bonuses, get ready for the increase, get ready, get ready. Get ready for the unexpected checks, get ready for the bonuses, get ready for the increase, get ready, get ready, get ready. Something big is on its way. I love it. I got two different words General word and a prophetic word. Oh that's. You see, that's good preaching, good preaching. Got a general word, then I got a rainbow word.
31:00 - Speaker 3
You know what he was preaching. It tells you in Mark 4.
31:04 - Speaker 1
The gospel of the king.
31:05 - Speaker 3
He was preaching specifically on the power of seed he was giving the four different seeds, you helping me preach my sermon.
31:19 - Speaker 1
You need to grab this mic and preach. It's true, mark, chapter four, the four different types of seeds. And then he was like let me do an illustrative sermon here. Let me illustrate what it looks like when seeds in a good place. You help me, I'm stealing that. Let me illustrate this for a second. Oh, I did a good little teaching. Yeah, you know, the bird comes and takes the seed, and then you know some fall on thorny ground and some on rocky, and then you know the ones that fall on good ground, and then here's the harvest that comes for the ones. All right, let me illustrate it right now. Peter, launching that out, I'm gonna show you what it looks like when harvest comes.
I declare and decree your life will be an illustrative sermon. God will begin to illustrate abundance and blessing and use your life as a witness and a conduit where the world's going to look at your life and say why are you so blessed? Why are so many doors open for you? How come where you're located doesn't match your resume? How come where you live doesn't match your bank account? Baby, I'm blessed. It's called being blessed. I'm blessed. In the city, I'm blessed. In the field, I'm blessed. When they come, I'm blessed it's called being blessed. I'm blessed in the city, I'm blessed. In the field, I'm blessed when they come, I'm blessed when they go. I am the head and not the tail, woo.
When he had stopped speaking, he said to Simon launch out into the deep and let your nets fur catch. Look at verse five. But Simon answered and said to him Master, we've toiled all night and caught nothing, all right. So here's the second thing. Here's what's gonna happen when God tells you to do something. That's gonna take faith, that's gonna take you stretching out and doing and believing for the impossible. Your past is always gonna stand in the way. Look at this, he answered. He said I've toiled all night, we've tried everything and it hasn't worked. But I gave already God, but I prayed already God, but I believed already God, but I hoped already God, and I caught nothing. Not like I got one or two fish, not that I got a little something. I tried everything. I tried this marriage thing before I caught nothing. I tried this life thing before I caught nothing. I've given to you before and I believe, and I caught nothing. And God's like here's what I want to tell you, this season will not look like your last season. I don't care how bad it was, because here's the difference between your last season and this season, and it's right here in the text. Nevertheless, at your word, can I tell you the difference between last season and this season?
You got a word. You see, it's not by accident. We're preaching on abundance, because God is stirring something in the body of Christ to let us know we're not meant to be broke. The world is not meant to prosper while we're struggling. Nope, nope, that's not our portion. You were not meant to prosper while we're struggling. Nope, nope. That's not our portion. You were not meant to die in that one bedroom apartment no, no, no, cramped up with a bunch of stuff. The devil is a liar. That is not God's best for you.
You got a word. You know what makes things completely different for everyone else in the world. You got a word. You know what makes things completely different for everyone else in the world. You got a word. When the markets try to scare you and the economists try to scare you and Trump has tariffs and all this stuff, I got a word. I don't care who is president If Kamala won, I got a word.
Trump's the winner. I got a word. I don't care who's in office, I don't care who's in charge of whatever departments, I got a word. They're cutting federal funding for everything. I got a word Because my money is not predicated on the government, this earthly government. I'm part of a kingdom that cannot be shaken. I'm part of a kingdom that cannot be shaken. I'm part of that kingdom, so they can cut everything, cut it, I don't care, because I got a promise. I got a word. I got a word. Oh, I just need three people to say I got a word. I got a word. See, and you know what the word does.
The Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word. So what does the word do? It instills a level of faith in you. It activates your faith where you're, like man, I was just believing for so small. I just believe it. I just want three clients this year God and God's, like I'm trying to do exceeding abundant. A word from God activates your faith. It stirs you up to go. I got to believe for more. I got to believe for more. I got a word. Nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the net.
Verse six and when they had done this. They caught a great number of fish and their net was breaking. Go back, can we go back a little bit? Because I don't know if you saw this in the text, but I thought Peter obeyed God but he didn't. I'm proving to you like nah, he did. Look, he let down. Let me prove it to you. Go back, go back, right there.
When he had stopped speaking, he said to Simon he's given Simon a prophetic word. Simon, here's what I want you to do. I know you didn't catch anything, but you know what? Launch your nets into a deeper part. He let his net down. He said launch out into the deep and let your nets. Something has an S at the end. It's what Go to verse five. But Simon answered and said to him Master, I've toiled all night and caught nothing. Nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the hold on a second. The whole time reading the text, I thought Peter fully obeyed God and he let down the net. But Jesus didn't say let down the net. Jesus was saying there's an abundance that's in store for you. Okay, can I teach y'all a little bit about net fishing for a second?
It was very challenging to do net fishing because once you put your net in the water, it was like a two-hour process just to clean the nets, because you had to clean it in a way where you got all the salt water off of it. If you didn't, it would begin to get hard and it won't be malleable anymore. So when you try to catch another fish or catch multiple fish, what would happen is your net was so hard that it could not expand and it would begin to break, and then all the fish would start falling out of the nets. So, peter's like I don't want to go through the process anymore because last time it didn't work out the way I thought it would. Last time, god, I gave and you didn't bless me. Last time I sowed and I didn't see a harvest. Last time I believed you and I didn't experience what you said I was going to experience. I'm not doing this again. Let me just put down one net Playing it safe.
You know, when you play it safe, you get a safe harvest. Amen. When you play it safe, you only get a limited harvest, oh, amen. When you play it safe, you only get a limited harvest. You want to walk in abundance? You can't play it safe. You see, I'm not going to leave this earth not getting everything God has for me. I'm not going to leave this earth not walking in the fullness of what God has ordained for my life. No, I'm not leaving this earth without walking in abundance, the abundance God promised me in his word.
Because prosperity was not promised by some preacher on TV. It was not contrived by the word of faith movement, it was not contrived by humans, it was divine movement. It was not contrived by humans, it was divine. God instituted blessing and prosperity and if he instituted it, I want to walk in it. I don't care how many people abuse it and use it and misuse it and misappropriate it. I want everything God has for me and that's what we do a lot of times in the church. Right, people use things and misuse it and abuse it, so we just throw it to the side like it's not needed. That's what we do with prosperity, because there's a lot of preachers on TV not realizing that's the 0.1% of preachers on this earth. Yeah, there's people that abuse this. I don't care about those that abuse it.
This is a real biblical principle that allows you to walk into harvest. You can't miss it because of the few people that take advantage. I'm not going to give to church because church people steal. Okay, we know the three people that steal. Their faces are all over the place. But I'm not missing my harvest because of past hurts.
Look how Peter didn't want to put all the nets down. Because of the past I don't want to give, I don't want to be involved. I don't want to because I've been through this. That's how we sound and God's like. I have a plan of abundance and all I'm asking is for your full obedience. Oh, we don't talk about obedience anymore in church, because there's two things that bring harvest faith and obedience. And they work in tandem. It's like they're a married couple. They hold hands, can't have one without the other. If you're willing and obedient, you'll eat the good of the land. They walk, they walk in tandem. You believe and you obey, and then that's how you walk in the harvest.
So it took Peter two things. He had to believe. This man who was talking on the boat had a specific prophetic word for him, and then he had to obey. And he believed partially and then he obeyed partially. The Bible says nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the. I'm going to need y'all to do that again because y'all died on me right there. I'm going to need y'all to do that again because y'all died on me right there. Nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the net.
And then look what verse 6 says. And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their net was breaking. You know, if they had nets there because they had one net, it could not handle the harvest that God had already preordained for them to walk into. There's preordained blessings that God has for you, preordained opportunities, open doors. But one net is not enough.
But, god, I don't want to start that business. That's another net. But, God, I don't want to apply for that job. That's another net. But I know you're telling me to move, but I don't want to move because I'm comfortable. My rent is only $1,500. I'm grandfathered in. Oh, the New Yorkers know what I'm talking about.
That's a net, and god said I want to give you nets. Will you obey me and launch out into the deep? Will you obey me and completely do everything I tell you to do? It's to the point where they could have gotten more, but look what verse 7 says. So they signaled to their partners it was a harvest. That was supposed to be all for Simon, and now he had to share his harvest. You know, has the Holy Spirit ever given you an idea and then, like a year or two years later, you see someone develop the app for it? Has the Holy Spirit ever given you an idea? And then, like a year or two years later, you see someone develop the app for it? Or you see someone came up with the concept and you're like darn, I just missed it. That was Annette. That was hey, I want abundance to hit this area of your life. I gave you that idea for a reason not to just sit on it and for me to give it to someone else.
Harvest that was supposed to be for Peter. He had to share it Because he didn't let down the nets. Hey, let's hurry up, because my net's breaking. It was supposed to be nets, and I never understood this verse until now, verse 8. When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees saying Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, o Lord, I never got that verse until now.
He was saying I'm sinful because there was a harvest. I was supposed to walk into God, but I missed it by not completely obeying you. Imagine the God who owns cattle on a thousand hills. Cattle on a thousand hills. The God of the universe, who created all things, has prepared blessing for you and he's like just obey me and you'll be able to walk into it. Just believe me, you'll be able to walk into it. And then you go to heaven and God's like you only got one fifth.
Yeah, you'll get a mansion up here, but you're supposed to have a mansion down there. Boy, that feels good. Oh, you're impressed with the streets paved with gold. You're supposed to have gold all over. Oh, you're impressed by the grandeur and the opulence. Your life was supposed to be filled with grandeur and opulence, but you didn't let your nets down, so you missed out on the harvest.
I'm sorry. God see, this is the moment to be like god. I see the opportunities you've given me and I miss them. I will not miss the next moment.
Can I share a testimony? And then we're good to go. Is that cool with everyone? Oh, let's do this last verse, verse nine. For he and all who were with him were astonished. Hold on, peter. Peter, this is his job. He's a fisherman and he's like I'd never seen this much fish before. Because one word from God. You don't need anything but one word from God. You think you need man's approval. You don't even anything but one word from God. You think you need man's approval. You don't even need man's approval. One word from God can turn everything around.
I remember at the end of 2019, I shared this testimony at the earlier service the Lord challenged me to sow a five-figure seed. At the end of the year, me and my wife, we tried to sow a seed, a significant seed. It was a five-figure seed. At the end of the year, me and my wife, we tried to sow a seed, a significant seed. It was a five-figure seed. We were saving up to buy a house. We already had that first house that was given to us, but we wanted to buy another house, so we were saving up some money to buy a house. We had money saved up and the Lord said take all that money that you have saved up and I want you to sow it five figures.
I'm not talking about something small. I'm not talking like crying over $100. Amen, there's a church for you. Oh, my gosh, I had to give $200 today. Oh, my life is over. I'm talking about life-altering giving. Giving that means it costs you something. You remember when David wanted that land and he was like King, you can have it, it's yours and he goes. I will not give God something that costs me nothing. And that was the same land that they built the temple. On the land he said I'm going to pay full price. Plus was the land that God used as worship. You think your giving is nothing. No, your giving is the place where God can show up.
Alright, let me get back to my story. Y'all ready for the story? So the Lord told me to sow this five-figure seed and I was like okay, god. So I actually went to my wife and said the Lord told me to sow this significant seed, all the money we have in savings. She's like all right, if God told you to do it, do it. I love this woman. I mean, she's the best. Her name is Christ's line, she's a line to Christ. Her name says it all. I don't care, you don't have to believe it, I believe it. This woman, she's the closest person to Jesus that I know. I'm like God. Can I know you like? She knows you? No-transcript, because you go out and spend your money on nonsense. Amen. Very quiet in here.
I got a resume, I say, babe, the Lord's telling us to do this, and guess what happens on the other side of it? It may be rocky, but then on the other side, abundance. And she's like oh yeah, I think God did tell you that. So next time I say the Lord told me and I don't play around with what the Lord told me I don't do that often, right, but when I do it it's always something that's like ooh, ooh, uncomfortable. God told me. I'm like God told me. All right, babe, I remember last time he came through, so I'm ready.
So the Lord said there this five-figure seed, and I sowed it three ways. I sowed it to my spiritual father. I gave him a part of the seed. I sowed it to someone on my level in ministry and then I sowed it to someone who was up and coming in ministry. So I sowed it in three levels. I sowed that 10,000. It wasn't a tithe, it was an offering.
And the beginning of 2020, oh my gosh, blessing favor. I'm like oh god, I gotta so like this all the time. Things were just blooming, blossoming, amazing. March comes, covid boom, everything shuts down. Okay, god, I started doubting God. I could have saved my ten thousand dollars for this time. How come you had me give it? And God's like you don't gotta worry, you gotta see it in the ground. You know. I declare that, even in the midst of of famine, that the Lord's going to bless you so big it's going to blow your mind. What does the Bible say about Isaac? He sowed in a time of famine and he received a hundredfold. I declare that in the midst of whatever economic issues hit this nation, no matter how bad it gets, no matter how bleak it gets, no matter how challenging it gets, because your seed is in the ground, you will reap harvest, even in the midst of famine, in Jesus' name. Okay, and so I'm like, oh God, I started doubting, listen, going to fast. So I go on this fast. First day, I'm fasting, babe, you remember right. Second day, I'm fasting, and I'm not just fasting like not eating food, it's not a diet, I mean I'm pressing into the presence of God and it's not about money, I'm just pressing in like God, you got to speak. God, you have to move. God, you have to speak. And I'm pressing, pressing, pressing. I'm praying six, seven hours a day, pressing, pressing, pressing.
On the third day, your pastor calls me. He didn't know this story until I shared it earlier. He called me and it shocked me. He called me and it shocked me. He called me. He said I want to do something for you. Say, okay, god. He said I want our church to take up an offering for you. He says and I want you to share the offering with all your friends and your family, and whatever is given, the church will double it.
Church raised close to $20,000, doubled it, gave me a check for $40,000. I said okay, god, I see you showing out, let's go. Lord says keep fasting. I said, all right, I fast. The fourth day it was either the fourth or the fifth day I get a showing out. Let's go. Lord says keep fasting. I said all right, I fast.
The fourth day it was either the fourth or the fifth day I get a phone call. Someone called me and said hey, I have some money here from retirement. I got all my money from retirement. I wanted to give you some of the money. I was like, okay, cool, I'm thinking like a couple of thousand, whatever. Yeah, I'm gonna write you a $60,000 check. I fasted. Fifth day. Sixth day I was getting calls every day, babe. You remember this Every day, one of my ministry partners called me hey, I just wanted to give you $8,000. Okay, other ministry partners, here's 5,000, here's 2,000. By the time the week was over, I made more money in that week than I ever made in a whole entire year of work, toiling, working or believing.
You got a choice to make Let one net down and get some, or God. I don't have any other choice but to trust you. I'm going to give, like I really believe that you're the God of breakthrough and you're the God of abundance and you're the God of more than enough. I'm not just going to give something that doesn't cost me something. I'm going to give believing that you're the God who owns cattle on a thousand hills and that you're the God of overflow. That's the way to walk into this. It's not a gimmick, it's not a get-rich-quick scheme. It's a principle in the kingdom that blesses people that God instituted from Genesis all the way to Revelation.
If you want to be blessed, if you want to walk in abundance, live by faith and obey me in every area and you will be blessed. Blessed, and some of you are like but I live in New York. Your blessing's not predicated on location, it's predicated on revelation. You can live in Timbuktu you got this revelation. You'll be blessed. You can live in the most Muslim country Indonesia. You got this word inside of you. You'll be blessed. You can live in the poorest Muslim country Indonesia. You got this word inside of you. You'll be blessed. You can live in the poorest of the poorest, and you got this word on the inside of you. It will bless you. This is not about location, it's about revelation. That's why the scripture says you'll be blessed in the city, you'll be blessed in the field. You'll be blessed when you come. You'll be blessed when you go.
Hey, I'm not letting anything out of the line. Anywhere you go, blessing got to follow you. Let's lift up our hands. Father, I release the blessing of Abraham on every one of these people. You promised Abraham three things land, children and blessing.
And I declare it and speak it over every one of these people, lord, I decree and declare that they're stepping out into harvest like they've never seen before. I speak Deuteronomy 8, verse 18 over them that you are giving them power to be wealthy and to walk into abundance. I decree and declare that their cup runs over and that goodness and mercy follows them all the days of their lives. They're living in a land of abundance. Wealth and riches are in their house and they shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. God, I believe that you're pouring out fresh oil on your people, that their vats are being filled with fresh wine. I decree and declare that harvest is coming to their homes, to their businesses, to their family, to everything that they put their hands to, to their family, to everything that they put their hands to. I speak the blessing of Joshua over them, that wherever they put their feet, they shall be blessed. They shall dwell in a land flowing with milk and honey. In Jesus' name.
If you believe it, say yes Now. Can you give God just a shout for the next 30 seconds? Hallelujah, come on. Thank him for the abundance that's coming, thank him for the open doors that's coming, thank him for the supernatural he's releasing. Come on, lift up your hands and give him a praise. Hallelujah, hallelujah.
58:36 - Speaker 2
Hallelujah, hallelujah. This is the City Light Church podcast. If you've missed any part of today's message or if you would like to find out more about Pastor Boyan Jancic and City Light Church, visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Feel free to visit us online or in person anytime. We would love to connect with you. We pray that you have been encouraged today, that you have been reminded how much God loves you and that you are surrounded by grace. Thank you for listening. Make sure that you subscribe to City Light Church Podcast wherever you find your favorite podcasts worldwide.