Oct. 29, 2024
Navigating Life's Seasons with Grace

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Unlock the secrets of aligning your life with spiritual principles as we contrast worldly culture with the timeless wisdom of the scriptures. Journey with us through the themes of faith, spiritual preparedness, and the transformative power of expectation. Our discussion kicks off with the inspiring spiritual awakening at CityLight Church, emphasizing the need for faith to experience profound transformations and breakthroughs in your life. By approaching God with anticipation and aligning with His promises, discover how to elevate your spiritual and natural circumstances.
Immerse yourself in the story of Noah, a testament to unwavering faith amidst uncertainty and opposition. As we explore this powerful narrative, you'll find encouragement to trust divine guidance, even when the path seems illogical. Just like Noah built the ark in obedience to God's command, we're encouraged to construct our own spiritual arks, focusing on Jesus and nurturing our families through prayer, fasting, and scripture. Embrace the challenge of prioritizing your spiritual life, and learn how perseverance through criticism or doubt can lead to divine provision and opportunities.
Reconnect with CityLight Church to explore the message of love and grace, and find a community ready to support your spiritual growth.
For more information and resources, visit www.citylightnyc.com
(00:00) Embracing Faith and Biblical Culture
(10:24) Building Through Faith and Opposition
(22:01) Building a Spiritual Ark
(25:44) Preparation and Closed Doors
(40:34) Raven or Dove
(54:45) Connecting With City Light Church
00:00 - Embracing Faith and Biblical Culture
10:24:00 - Building Through Faith and Opposition
22:01:00 - Building a Spiritual Ark
25:44:00 - Preparation and Closed Doors
40:34:00 - Raven or Dove
54:45:00 - Connecting With City Light Church
00:00 - Speaker 1
I love how Christians do that. They take the culture of the world. They dress it up, make it look like it's a Christian, put a nice outfit on it. Ooh, it looks cute. But it's still the culture of the world. It's still the system of the world, it's still the way the world does things. I won't marry myself to the culture of the world. I will marry myself to the culture of the scriptures and the culture of the spirit.
00:26 - Speaker 2
Welcome to the City Light Church podcast. Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's Word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us. If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyCcom. Pastor Boyan Jancic and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds. As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you. Put your hands together for Nathaniel St Eloy.
01:11 - Speaker 1
Pastor Boyan forgot one thing I love him and his family, so they're amazing. Can you just make some noise for your senior leaders and what the Lord's doing with them? They are, aren't they just a good-looking family? Y'all laughed. You didn't say amen, these kids, they're cute, like God is good. Amen, I'm excited to be here, man.
There's a word that is burning in my spirit. I preached it this morning, but I just feel such a stirring for this church that this church is at the precipice of something supernatural, something different, something fresh. It's an awakening happening, it's a revival culture and I'm so grateful that I get to be a part of that and impart into the revival culture that the Lord is building here. How many people believe that God is doing something fresh here at City Light Church? How many people are glad to be a part of what the Lord is doing here at City Light Church? How many people are glad to be a part of what the Lord is doing here at City Light Church? And if you have not connected, you need to connect with this house. This is a house of favor and blessing and I'm telling you, everyone who connects with this house, their spiritual life goes to the next level. Their prayer life goes to the next level, their hunger for souls goes to the next level. They just get a passion for the things of god and for the word of god and the spirit of god. I don't know, I didn't say that, I didn't say this in first service, but I really feel like there are people here you're not connected yet to this house. You're kind of on the outskirts. You're kind of dating. You're flirting oh you look good. You're kind of dating. You're flirting oh you look good, you're cute. Stop flirting, make the commitment, buy the ring, say I'm your partner's house, start giving your money. Tides for those who don't know 10%. All right, let's get into the word, because I'm about to lose the people very quickly because I'm talking very pastoral right now. They said we called an evangelist, not a pastor. Let's get. Let's get into it. Uh, let's.
Let's open up to Hebrews, chapter 11. Before you get there, it's going to be up on the screen. Can you just lift up your hands and I just want to speak a blessing over you. I declare that this is your season of increase, overflow and multiplication. As this word comes forth, you will reign and rule on the earth. You will experience the blessing of the Lord. You will walk in the blessing of Abraham and you will encounter the presence of God in a fresh way, in Jesus name. And everyone say all right, let's get into this. Hebrews, chapter 11. I'm going to read two verses Hebrews 11, and I'm going to read a chapter 8, verses 16 to 19,. And then we're going to get into this word.
In the first service I said this you can come in two ways. You can come in with expectation, you can come in with expectance or acceptance. Anytime you get into the presence of God, there's two ways to come in. You can come expecting God to do something or just accepting that life is the way that it is. I'm sick in my body, it's cool, I'm just going to accept it. Oh, I don't got any money in my bank account and I'm struggling. I'm just going to accept it. Oh, I'm not walking in my purpose and my destiny. I'm just going to accept it. I will not accept my life not looking like what the word says. All three of us said amen on that. I will not accept my purpose not being exactly what God spoke over my life. I have an expectation that everything that doesn't match God's word, that doesn't match God's promise. That doesn't look like what God spoke over my life that before this service is over, something is shifting in the spiritual realm that's about to affect me in the natural and I'm going to see things completely turn around in my life. My family's getting ready to be delivered, my situation's getting ready to shift and to change and God's getting ready to shift and to change, and God's getting ready to bring me into a new place. How many expected faith-filled Holy Ghost people do I have in the house saying I believe this is my season of breakthrough. Come on, I don't need you to be stoic today. I need some Holy Ghost people who will lift up their hands, open up their mouth and say God arise. All right, let's go.
Hebrews 11, verse 7 here it says by faith. The Bible says in the book of Romans if you don't do it by faith, it's sin. Anything not done by faith is sin. Anything you do has to be done by faith. The Bible says without faith it's impossible to please God. He who comes to him must come, knowing that he is and he is the reward of those who diligently seek him. So everything I do has to be by faith. The Bible says we walk by faith and not by All right. So y'all with me on this faith thing, all right. I mean, this is the faith chapter, right? This is hebrews 11, if you, if you've never read it before, you got to go read it when you get home. This is the chapter of faith. This is where god is like.
Let me tell you a little bit about a few people who walk by faith and how you can emulate their lives and walk by faith. And if you have something that most of these people don't have, you have the holy spirit inside of you. He's had the holy spirit come on them for special things. You got the holy spirit in you. You got a river of living water deep in your. Oh my gosh. The bible says there is a spring springing up in you in john chapter 4, springing up to eternal life. I'm not dead. There's life on the inside of me, resurrection power. That's what I'm talking about. You are living. You got life on the inside. The devil's telling you man, just accept it. Oh, man, this situation's never going to turn around. No, no, no. When I opened up my mouth, everything got to turn around, like Jesus when he stood on that boat and he looked at the storm and said peace be still. Because he had a river of life on the inside of him and a storm could not stand in the way.
I'm preaching too early, hebrews 11, 7. Let me read the verse. I got excited. Yes, that's what I'm talking about. I like you. You need to come up closer. You too far. People in the front looking at me like a deer in headlights Say he's in the back. Yes, I'm like. Yes, come closer man. I'm just kidding, but I'm serious by faith.
Noah built a ship in the middle of dry, in the middle of dry, in the middle of dry, in the middle in the middle. I don't know why that just hit me that sometimes the Holy Spirit tells you in the middle of the driest season of your life. Build In the middle of your start the business In the middle of the driest season. Now it's time for another church plant In the middle of the driest season. Now I want you to expand. This doesn't make sense. I'm in a dry land.
He was warned about something he couldn't see and acted on what he was told. The result His family was saved. His act of faith drew a sharp line between the evil of the unbelieving world and the rightness of the believing world. As a result, noah became intimate with God. All right, let's go to the Genesis. We're going to read from 16 to 19.
I want you to look at this. I'll probably stop at 18, but let's see how far we go. Is that cool with everyone? All right, go out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and your sons' wives with you. Verse 17,. Bring out with you every living thing of all flesh that is with you, birds and cattle and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, so that they may abound on the earth and be fruitful and multiply on the earth Verse 18.
So Noah went out and his sons and his wife and his son's wife with him. Let's go back to verse 16. I want to read that one more time. Here's what the Lord commanded him. He said go out of the ark. He said go out of the ark. So the title of my sermon is Get Out of the Ark. All right, y'all ready, all right.
So reading these two texts the first text, like I said, is from Hebrews, chapter 11, which is the faith chapter, which shows me that what Noah did in building this ark took something called All right, y'all, y'all, y'all got to help me preach. It took something called faith. You know, it's very interesting because when I look at Noah's situation, it's it never rained before, it didn't rain yet on the earth and God was telling Noah to build an ark because rain was about to come. You see, it doesn't make sense in the natural when God tells you to do certain things but you've never seen why God told you to do it. But God says I want you to move to this city and I want you to marry this person and I want you to go to this church and I want you to be a part of this thing.
But the Holy Spirit has a purpose, even in the midst of what he's telling you to do, but in the in the time you're doing it. It doesn't make sense until you take a step back and you see heaven strategically put you in the place he put you to because he wants to do something in your life. Have you ever been in the place where heaven tells you to do something that's radical, that's crazy, that's out the box, and then everything he tells you to do matches with the divine purpose and call that god placed on your life? Has he ever told you to build in the midst of dry land, to build in the midst where nothing is going right. You're in wilderness, god. Why do I want to build in the midst of wilderness? I've never seen rain before, why? Why am I going to build an ark? This doesn't make sense. But here's the thing A lot of the times the Holy Spirit will place in your heart to build when nothing looks like your future.
Because a lot of the times, here's how we build. We build based off where we are, while the holy spirit is trying to make you build prophetically. What that means is the holy spirit wants you not to just build for where you are, but to build for your future. That's why he will say I want you to go to school, go back to school, but, god, I already got. I'm not having you build for now, I'm having you build for five years from now, because the doors I'm about to open, you need this particular degree in order to walk in it.
It doesn't make sense in the natural Lord. Why am I moving to this particular city? Why am I moving to this apartment? Why am I moving into this house? Because there's a divine purpose. You don't realize that your destiny is attached to this.
I'm not talking like I did in the first service, but here's my point in all of this is that when the Holy Spirit tells you to build, a lot of the time there's going to be opposition. There's going to be opposition of the flesh, because your flesh is going to tell you you're crazy, this doesn't make sense. There's going to be opposition of people. People are going to criticize you any time. You're doing something great for God. Just be watchful, because there's going to be people who are going to tell you you can't do it, you don't have the resources. You don't have the resources, you don't have the skills, you don't have the pedigree, you don't have the money, you don't have what it takes to do it.
You see, even when Jesus was on the cross, they said Jesus, he was doing something great for God. He was doing something great for humanity. He was literally shifting the culture, shifting the world, shifting generations, and they looked at him and said if you were God, you would call 10,000 angels from heaven. They didn't realize his assignment, looked crazy at the moment, but it was exactly what God wanted him to build at that time. Look at Nehemiah. He came back to build a wall and the Bible says Sam Ballett and Tobiah stood up on the wall and said even if a fox climbs up on this wall, you will fall down. What you're doing, nehemiah, you don't have the capacity to do it, you don't have the strength to do it, you don't have the wisdom to do it. You see, when you're called to do something great for God, there will be opposition. Oh, somebody say there will be opposition. There will be people telling you you, why are you doing it? Why are you going there? Why are you speaking that? Why are you moving into that community city light church?
I believe that this is your season to build. I know it doesn't feel like it in the moment, but I believe this is the season. The holy spirit says if you build, I'll send them, because when I read the text, I didn't share. This is the season. The Holy Spirit says if you build, I'll send them, because when I read the text, I didn't share this in the first service. So y'all getting something really special. It says straight in the text Genesis, chapter 7,.
You're probably not going to find the verse, but it's okay. I'm talking about the people in the back. They're amazing, so they're probably going to find it and laugh at me, because they always find it in the the verses. I say a verse and they're like, yeah, we got it. But here's what it says. It says noah built the ark and the animals came to noah, two by two. I always thought, I always thought that he went out and got the animals. No, god commanded the animals to come to Noah and this is what the Holy Spirit told me.
You build and I'll send them. You build and I'll send the clients. You build and I'll make it a million dollar business. You build and I'll send the husband. You build. Oh, I feel this in my spirit City Light. If you would just build, I'll bring the souls. If you would just build, I'll bring harvest. If you would just build, I'll do my part, because I'm the God.
Some of you are like man, I don't got what it takes. I'm just gonna wait for god to send the people. If you don't build first, god ain't sending no one. I love people. Man, if the lord wants me to build a church and he wants me to plant a church, that he's gonna send the people. No, you build and then he sends them.
This is good stuff right here. Oh Lord, send them first, send the money first. No, you build and I'll send the money, send the resources, I'm going to send it, but you build first, because if you build, I'll do my part, you do the natural and he'll do the super. You want supernatural in your life? You do the natural and let the holy spirit do the super. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. I do my part, and then the holy spirit gotta step in and do the rest, because there's some stuff that the holy spirit wants you to do and there's other things he wants you to wait, and you gotta be able to discern when the Holy Spirit is saying this ain't your time yet, this ain't your season, rest, wait, all right.
So look at this Noah is building this ark. And when you read the Bible and you read the scriptures, noah was literally building this ark for 100 years. This is not no one-day assignment. This is not a bunch of builders coming and then, two months later, a house is up. I don't know how they're doing it these days, these there's not a bunch of builders coming in and two months later, houses up. I don't know how they're doing it these days. These houses have no, ain't got nothing, cuz it'd be like two weeks later like there was nothing. How they built that in two weeks. Oh, that house is definitely coming down if there's a storm. God, I don't want to live there, but but this was a hundred year project for 40 days of rain. It's a. It's a hundred year project for 40 days of rain. Imagine a hundred years.
The bible says noah was a preacher of righteousness. Second peter, chapter two, verse five, says he was a preacher of righteousness. Imagine preaching for a hundred years. Imagine building for a hundred years and you see no fruit in what you're building. Imagine heaven gives you instructions to do something and then you don't see the rain yet, but he keeps promising you rain. Imagine you keep doing what god's told you, but there's no rain to it.
You know, sometimes we don't have enough long suffering in what heaven told us to do. We want instantaneous results because we live in a culture where everything happens exactly the way we want it and we have not mastered the art of waiting on the lord. So that's how we get into relationships. But, lord, I'm already 35. I should already. Oh, no, no, wait on me, because I got something for you that's gonna be a blessing, but you gotta wait. It's in the waiting that heaven shows up. So he's building this thing, he's building this thing, he's building this thing and you could imagine a hundred years, the criticism. A hundred years, the naysayers. A hundred years, the people talking about him. A hundred years, he and people saying, oh noah, you're crazy, it's never rained before. We've never seen this thing you're talking about. Imagine a hundred years.
What I realized is that the people who say the most about what you're building have never built anything. I realized in church, the most critical people are the people who have no investment. Can I say something? And I don't care if it gets me in trouble or it gets me canceled or people get upset at me, because that's why I'm a guest speaker. I say the things your pastor wants to say, but y'all are going to get all sensitive and send him emails about. So I can send you my email address and you can forward it to me.
Amen, don't go to him. Don't go to him. I'm Amen, don't go to him. Don't go to. I'm warning you, don't go to him. I still got some Brooklyn in me. Don't go to him. Don't email him. Email me. All right, we'll have a conversation. In the name of the Lord, amen, amen, I'm just kidding. Y'all can laugh, y''all. It's like you've been baptized in lemon juice. Put a smile on your face. No, but here's what I want to say.
A lot of the times in church, the people with the most to say have no investment. It's all the people who aren't givers. Yeah, I think we should do things like this. You don't have investment. It's like when you go to a shareholders meeting, right, who has the most votes? The people with the most invested in the company. Their vote has more weight than the people who have one share. You have one share, cool, I have one share at Nike. They call me hey, we want to know what your vote is. Do you have this prospectus? We want to know what your vote is. Do you have this prospectus? We want to know what your vote is. Blah, blah, blah, cool, I give my vote. My vote means nothing, but the person who owns 50, 60, 30, 40% of the company, when they vote, their vote has weight. Some people who criticize give the lease. They serve the lease. They've invested the least. Oh, I knew it was going to get quiet. It's tight, but it's right.
I was talking to someone this week. Literally I was having a conversation. They were like all these preachers are thieves. All these preachers, all they want is money. All these preachers and they were so critical of the church and I said what church do you go to? Bedside Baptist, all these preachers, and they were so critical of the church and I said what church do you go to? Bedside baptist? I said who's your pastor in your spiritual covering, pastor sheets? So you're not invested in something that you think you can criticize. People who are not building anything are the biggest critics. They're the ones who will talk the most about what you're building City Light Church. Don't get discouraged when they talk about you. Keep on building when they criticize.
You have an assignment. Keep your eyes on Jesus, keep your eyes focused. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Keep your eyes focused, keep your feet flat-footed and firm and your face turned like flint toward the promise of God, and don't stop doing what Jesus told you to do. The winds are going to come, the rain is going to come, the warfare is going to come. The enemy is going to attack, but you have a promise from God. Stay faithful. This is nothing like the first service, right, but I think it's good. It's what the Lord is trying to say. A hundred years building this thing for 40 days of rain. To me it doesn't make any sense, god. But I want you to build, I want you to build, I want you to build. And so he builds.
And the Bible says the animals come into the ark and as soon as his whole family's in there. Can I say this one thing, because I think we've weighed success wrongly. You know, what made noah successful it wasn't that he was able to save the world. It was able to is that he was able to save his family. And most of you see ministry as success, as how many people are in your church or how many members you have, and yet that's a form of success. But real success is if your family's on the ark with you. You see, real success is when your 10-year-old son says I want to be baptized, not because you're a pastor, but because I love God. Come on. If you can bring your family in the ark, you are successful. The Bible says there was a sharp line between him and the world because he was able to bring his family in.
You have to look at this. Imagine Noah never seen rain before, never seen anything, and he's persuading his family Something's about to come. Something's about to come. I'm looking at this nation right now and I'm saying something's about to come. Have you built your ark? Yet Something's about to hit this nation. It's gonna be crazy. Have you built your ark yet?
I know we sound crazy when we talk about it. I know we sound crazy when we say that there's gonna be a fight in this nation. I know we sound crazy when we say that there's a shifting happening in the nations of the world, when we say that there's wars and rumors of wars, when we say we're in the last days, when we say things are shifting. When jesus said he said it. He said in luke, chapter 17. He was talking about the days of noah and he says in these last days are going to be like the days of noah. They're going to be just like the days of noah. They're going to be eating, they're going to be drinking, they're going to be marrying wives. They're going to be doing all of this stuff until noah entered the ark.
I don't want you to get so distracted with carnal things that you don't realize you're building a spiritual ark through your prayers. Every time you pray, you're building a spiritual ark. I know you're not like noah. You're not coming with a hammer and you're not coming with with instruments, but you're coming with spiritual things and you're not like Noah. You're not coming with a hammer and you're not coming with instruments, but you're coming with spiritual things and you're building a spiritual ark. Every time you fast. You're building a spiritual ark every time you read the word. You're building a spiritual ark every time you go to life group. You're building a spiritual ark every time you connect with godly people and you decide not to succumb to the system of this world, succumb to the flesh and carnal desires. You are building a spiritual ark. He's building this spiritual. He's building this natural ark. But you're building the spiritual ark.
He says it's going to be just like the days of Noah.
People are going to get so distracted with what they eat, what they drink, what they wear, marriage, life, and they don't realize a flood's coming.
They don't realize what's happening is just prophetic. God already spoke it. There's a flood coming, but some of you are so blinded you can't see that the flood is coming. God already spoke it. There's a flood coming, but some of you are so blinded you can't see that the flood is coming. The flood is coming. I want to warn America. The flood is coming. I want to warn the nations of the world. A flood is coming. I want to warn you. These are the last days.
There's a flood coming, but I have good news for you. While the world dies in the flood, you live in the flood. While the world has destruction in the flood, you have protection in the flood. That's why I want to get as many people on the spiritual boat as I can and say if you would just repent, you will be saved from the wrath to come. I'm so glad I'm a Christian, because the wrath is not for me. But if I leave it like that, there's a world out there that's gonna die. I gotta tell them that there's salvation. In the name of the Lord. Let them know this. Every, every day, I'm building my ark and I'm gonna be like Noah, second Peter, chapter 2, verse 5. I'm gonna be a preacher of righteousness. I'm going to be like Noah, 2, peter 2, verse 5. I'm going to be a preacher of righteousness. I'm going to let them know there's a flood coming. There's destruction coming. You can be saved. There's destruction. Look what it says. It says and did he not spare the ancient world? But he did not spare the ancient world but saved Noah.
One of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly. You want to know how people go from being ungodly to being godly. Jesus Not good works, not perfection. Jesus, noah had an assignment. I have to preach righteousness. You know what the New Testament believer, new Testament preacher that's every one of you guys.
Amen Scripture says do the work of an evangelist. Every one of you guys are preachers. You know what your assignment is. It's to let the world know righteousness has come and if you're connected to Jesus, you're no longer a sinner but you're righteous. That's why I don't talk that talk. I'm just a sinner. I'm not a sinner. I was a sinner. Oh, I knew they were going to say amen. Now I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I messed up. I'm still the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I sinned yesterday. I'm still the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Why? Because my identity is not what I do. My identity isn't what Jesus did Enough. People didn't say amen because they think their identities and how good they are, oh, I didn't mess up this week, so I'm righteous, I'm holy.
Holiness has nothing to do with what you did. It has everything to do with what you did. It has everything to do with what he did and because he died he made you a hundred percent righteous. It's not like a 90% scale and the 85% scale. You're a hundred percent righteous. You can make a decision to be a tormented, righteous person like lot, or be a happy, righteous person. You have a choice. You could be a torment. The bible says lot was a tormented, righteous person because he wanted to live like the world lived. You could be righteous and be tormented, or you could be righteous and you could be like abraham blessed. Chilling. Is that good y'all, y'all with me. I promise you give me 10 minutes and I'm going to get to the point that I want to get to. Y'all think I could do it. They don't got faith.
So Noah gets in the ark with his whole entire family and the next thing that happens is pretty crazy. The Bible says God closes the door of the ark. Noah did not close the door of the ark. God closed the door of the ark. Noah did not close the door of the ark. God closed the door of the ark and I'm like this is insane. Noah didn't close his door, god closed the door and I want to just encourage some people, because some of y'all have been discouraged about certain relationships that didn't work out and situations. If God closes the door, let it stay closed. Ooh, this is good. If God closes the door on the friendship, the relationship, the connection, the business, just it's okay, let it stay closed, because if god closes the door, guess what? He has a bigger door for you.
If god closes the door, like, like you know, paul the apostle, he was preaching all over and he said there was much opposition, but then he said this he says but great and effective doors are open for me and some of you have been facing much opposition, much attack, much warfare. The enemy's thrown everything he can at you. But I have good news for you this is your season of great and effective doors opening. I declare, like it says in the book of Isaiah, double doors are getting ready to open for you, doors that no man can close are getting ready to open for you. Doors for your family, doors for your business, doors for your ministry, doors for your situation. I decree and declare this is the season of open doors.
If you believe in shout, I believe the doors are opening for you. It's okay. If the Lord closes the door, it's all right. Let that door stay closed. Amen, because here's the thing On the other side, there's something better. On the other side of the closed door is a miracle. With your name on it, oh, city Light Church, I believe that there's some doors that closed on you. You were supposed to go here and supposed to go there and supposed to do this, and oh, we were thinking about this and the door closed. It's okay, let it stay closed, because there's something that God wants to do in the closed door that is going to blow your mind. All right, so now I'm reading the text.
Door closes, rain starts and how long did it rain for? Okay, y'all read the Bible. And how long would Noah and his family in the ark? Y'all were here in first service. So y'all cheated Because some of y'all was, like my neighbor said, a year. He was in first service. No, he wasn't in the ark for 40 days and 40 nights. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights, but he was in the ark for over a year.
Oh, you have to see how uncomfortable this place is. Imagine being stuck in an ark with dirty animals not being able to shower. Oh, the level of uncleanness in that place. Imagine eating the same food, looking at the same people over and over. But this is exactly where heaven wanted them to be. It seemed like this place was punishment. It wasn't punishment, it was consecration. It wasn't punishment, it was preparation for their next level. It wasn't punishment, it was preparation for their next level. It wasn't punishment.
I know you look at the ark and you're like man. God, why would you put me here for an entire year? Have you ever been in that place in your spiritual life? You're praying, you're fasting, you're seeking, and it's like God didn't tell you anything new. Same old word. I'm sitting on this promise.
Noah had a promise it's going to rain and he's still sitting in that promise. A year later, a year after it rained, he's still sitting in it. A year after it rained, and there's still no husband. I knew y'all going to say man, y'all going to like that point A year after the promise. And guess what? My business still hasn't taken off A year after the promise and my kids are still acting crazy.
But you said, lord, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. You gave me that promise, you spoke it into my spirit. He said my children shall be taught by the lord, and grace shall be the peace of my children. You spoke the word over my life. He said. My children are like arrows in the hand of a warrior and I can turn it which way I will.
How come nothing's turning around? Have you ever been sitting in the ark and you're just like? You said something and I'm not seeing it manifest. But guess what? You're sitting right in the promise, but it don't feel like a promise because it's tight, it's uncomfortable. You got eight other people with you. It doesn't seem right. You got all these animals around you and you're trapped up in an ark. And she's like god, where are you in the midst of all this? But I want to prophesy something to you your season to get out is here, and on the other side of what you've gone through in the ark is favor like you've never imagined. Oh, people, three people said amen, but I know there's more people who know. Right now I feel like I'm in a tight place, but the Holy Spirit is about to bring me into an enlarged place, into a favored place, into a place of glory, into a place of open doors, into a place where these menial small things won't hold me back anymore. Imagine this he's in this ark One year.
And then the Bible says Genesis, chapter 8, verse 1. It says the Holy Spirit, god remembered him. God remembered him. God remembered you. All your prayer, all your seeking, he's remembered you.
And here's what the Bible says, just eight, verse one. It says God remembered him in every living thing that was in the ark. And God made a wind pass over the earth and the water started subsiding. I declare this is the hour where God's sending his wind in your life. City Light Church. God's remembered you. Oh my God, everything in your life that's been out of order and chaotic. I decree and declare that the waters are getting ready to subside in your life.
Oh man, I believe the wind of the Holy Spirit is getting ready to be released over your life, like it did in Ezekiel, chapter 37. When there was a valley of dry bones and the Bible says that the wind of God came from the north, the south, the east and the west and it blew and a mighty army came. I believe the same wind like in Acts, chapter 2, verse 1 and 2, where it says on the day of Pentecost there was a mighty rushing wind that filled the whole house where they were sitting and then tongues of fire came on their heads and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. I believe that the same wind of the Holy Spirit is getting ready to blow now in your situation, getting ready to blow now in your situation, getting ready to blow now in the nations, getting ready to blow now in city life and everything that's been out of order. God's getting ready to bring back into alignment.
Oh, somebody say Holy Ghost, send the wind. I want the wind of the spirit, I want the Ruach of the spirit. I want the same wind that Adam had no life in him and he breathed the Ruach into him and he became a living soul. Everything that's dead in you. I prophesy the wind of heaven is getting ready to blow on you. You know what made, because, guess what? Adam was a body but had no life, had no soul. You know what put life into him the wind of God. I declare everything that has damaged your soul, whether it's sin, whether it's things in your past, whether it's rejection. I declare that God's getting ready to blow on you and everything that didn't live is coming alive now. In the name of Jesus, come on. Somebody say God, blow on me, holy Spirit, blow Even Jesus.
The Bible says he blew on his disciples at the end of the scriptures. In Luke, chapter 24, it says he blew on his disciples and he said be filled with the Holy Spirit. I decree and declare that, as the Spirit of God blows on you, there's a fresh wind of the Holy Ghost coming in this house, in this church, in this ministry. There's a fresh wind. Oh, I believe three people believe it in the house that there's a fresh wind coming to this church and the Holy Ghost says you're going to win in the wind. Okay, three people said amen, you're going to win in the wind. As his wind begins to blow, that's when your victory's coming.
Oh, say, holy Spirit, blow on me. I want the wind of the Spirit, I want the wind of the Holy Ghost. I want the wind of the Spirit. I want the wind of the Holy Ghost. Blow your breath in me. Blow your breath on me. Blow your breath on my family. Blow your breath on my wife. Blow your breath on my husband. Blow your breath on my ministry. Blow your breath on my business. I need to live. Let's get them ready to blow on you. My God, I feel that, come on, lift up your hands. I feel a mighty rushing wind getting ready to fill. I dare you, on the count of three, just to release a shout, because I feel a fresh wind of breakthrough, healing and deliverance. One, two, three shout, hey. Of breakthrough, healing and deliverance. One, two, three shout, hey, send the wind, send the wind, send the wind, come on, send the wind.
The Bible says God sent the wind and he released manna on the earth. I prophesy that he's sending the wind and everything you need is being provided for right now. I decree and declare he's sending a wind over this church. You're gonna win in the wind. You're gonna win in the wind, says the Lord. My God, I felt that.
So think about it. They're in in this contained place. They're in this limited place. They're in this place where nothing seems like it's going the way they expected it. God sends the wind and the water starts subsiding and noah was like I gotta know when to step out of this season. I gotta know when is my next season. So he's like here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna send a raven. He opens up the windows of the ark and he sends a raven out. He sends two animals out, he sends a raven and after the raven he sends a dove. And you know what the bible says about the raven the raven just going to and fro, to and fro to.
There's something about ravens is that ravens are vultures. They feed on dead things. They feed on garbage. You can never know when to come out of the ark if you're still living a life of a raven. See, we got a lot of Christian ravens. This is good.
Oh, man of God. God, you preaching tough, but you feed on dead things in the culture. You're, you're, you're a, a culture vulture. You know they say that like you know, you're stealing people's culture. You keep stealing the world's culture and trying to dress it up in Christianity and present it to God. This is good, my God. I love how Christians do that. They take the culture of the world. They dress it up, make it look like it's a Christian, put a nice outfit on it. Oh, it looks cute. But it's still the culture of the world. It's still the system of the world. It's still the culture of the world. It's still the system of the world. It's still the way the world does things. I won't marry myself to the culture of the world. I will marry myself to the culture of the scriptures and the culture of the spirit. Think about it. The raven just keeps going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And then the raven is just feeding on dead things, eating dead things, focusing his attention on dead things, seeking dead things, going after dead things.
I want to ask you what kind of Christian are you? Are you a raven Christian? Are you a dove Christian? Christians where God lives in you, the Holy Spirit, but you grieve the Holy Spirit because all you're doing is vulture, culture, vulture. Oh, this is what the world likes, yeah, this is what I'm going to do. And you try to dress it up in Christianity and nice Christianese and you put all the Christian lingo around secular things. I love how gospel artists they love dressing up, doing all these collabs with ungodly people and say, oh, yeah, but we're trying to represent Christ. You're a culture vulture and the culture you're stealing is the culture of the world and trying to dress it up like it's church and like it's God.
They got quiet on me. I lost my people. There has to be at least three of y'all still with me. My sister, right there, was like yes, thank you. Am I preaching that's the Holy Spirit. Yes, raven or dove. He says the dove out and the dove doesn't go to and fro. He's not all confused, he's not.
And you know something about ravens they're loud, they're obnoxious, they make a lot of noise. No substance but noise. Always learning but never being able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Back and forth, back and forth, a raven. They could never find a home church. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, a raven. One day they're here next month. They're not a raven. They love to gossip.
It's always about what we're not doing and not focusing on what we are doing, not focusing. A bunch of people get baptized every year in this church. This church gives hundreds of thousands of dollars to missions not focusing on the good things. Oh, but City Light doesn't do this and this and this, and that my old church didn't go back to your old church. You're not there for a reason. That's a boy. I don't want to say amen too loud, but he's like yes, lord, yes. He said like this yes, jesus, yes, thank you for the man of God like this. Yes, jesus, yes, thank you for the man of God. Gotta make a decision. And so now.
Now the Raven never comes back because the Raven's feeding on all the dead stuff. He likes to rest his feet on dead stuff. He sends out the dove and guess what? The dove. There's no place for me to rest my feet, everything is dead there. He comes right back. So he goes. I'm going to send the dove out again. Sends the dove, and guess what? The dove. There's no place for me to rest my feet, everything is dead there. He comes right back. So he goes. I'm gonna send the dove out again. Sends the dove out again. Dove comes back. There's no place for me to rest my feet, there's only dead things here. The raven's happy, I'm eating off all the dead things, but the dove's like no, no, no, I'm a christian who's gonna live by the dove. I can't feed off dead things.
Finally, the third time he sends out the dove. When he sends out the dove, the Bible says that the dove takes an olive from the tree, he has the olive in the tree from his mouth and he gives it to Noah. And we all know what the olive represents and the oil from the olive represents. It represents the anointing. And at that moment, when the dove was sent out and came back with the olive and then the dove leaves and he never comes back. It was a sign the Holy Spirit was letting him know it's time to get out the ark. Look at what it says.
Genesis, chapter eight, verse 17. Look what it says. I want you to see it. Let's go back to verse 16. Get out of the ark. It's time now, because you're not just being led by yourself. You're being led by the dove, you're being led by the anointing, you're being led by the spirit. Some of you, you've been in that contained place for too long. But I have a word for you. This is your season now. The Holy Spirit sent me as a spiritual midwife to let you know this is your season to step out of the ark. I don't want you in that tight, contained place, city life. Step out of the ark. It's time for you to grow and build and move to the next. It was good.
The ark was a place of training. It was a place of preparation, because the earth was not ready yet for what was about to be released. Think about it when the flood came, it shifted entirely how the earth looked. Sometimes God has to allow you to stay in the ark, and the reason why he does that is because he's shifting the earth to be ready for what he's about to stay in the ark. And the reason why he does that is because he's shifting the earth to be ready for what he's about to do in you and through you. And the earth would not be able to receive you in the condition that it was in. And so God said stay in the ark until the earth is ready. Oh, that was good. Y'all saying amen better than I'm preaching.
Get out of the ark. Get out of the ark all right now. I want you to see this, because this is the part that really blew my mind. As soon as they got out of the ark, look at the next thing that god does. As soon as they get out the ark, noah, he offers a sacrifice. The bible says there was a sweet, smelling aroma. God made a promise I'm never gonna flood the earth again. I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna send a rainbow as a sign. All of that good stuff. Look at the next thing that God does after they leave the ark and they obey him.
Chapter 9, verse 1 so God blessed. So God, let's try that again. So God, what came directly after leaving the ark was the blessing. It says. He blessed noah and his sons and he said to them be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth as soon as they leave the ark. The next thing that god says is I'm gonna allow you to multiply, I'm gonna allow you to be fruitful. I'm to allow everything that comes from you to be blessed. I'm going to allow everything that comes from you to start producing again. Now the earth is ready to give you all of its produce, now all the evil has, because the Bible says the earth was filled with evil. Now evil has been flooded out and now it's ready for the blessing of God that I'm getting ready to release over you.
City like church. New York City wasn't ready, but I prophesy that this is your hour to step out in faith, because you're not just stepping out on your own, you're stepping out in the blessing of God and as you step out, you'll be fruitful, you'll be multiplying. God's favor and hand will be on you. Can I give you all a word for this hour? You are blessed. You're blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places. You are blessed and not cursed. You are blessed in the city. You are blessed in the field. You are blessed when you come. You are blessed when you go. It's more than money. Everywhere you step your feet, I've given you the land, like Joshua. Everywhere you step your feet, you're getting ready to walk into promise. Every way you step your feet, I'm getting ready to give you as a possession. Every way you step your feet, I decree and declare city life.
You've just stepped into a season of supernatural, abundant blessing and favor. If you believe it, say yes. How are you coming out of this season? I'm going to say how are you coming out of this season? I'm not coming out messed up, I'm coming out. You were just in the season of stress, but I declare your season of stress is over. Now you're stepping into a season of bless. I decree and declare that you're stepping into blessing.
Look at this. God said blessed. He blessed Noah and his sons and he said be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. I want everyone to lift up your hands because City Light is at a precipice. City Light is at a shifting place. City Light is at a place where I'm going to use this church to reach nations. I'm going to use this church to reach this city. And guess what? Not only is he going to use the church. He's going to use every individual who's here and he's going to use you as a blessing on the earth. And wherever you go, there's going to be multiplication. There's going to use you as a blessing on the earth and wherever you go, there's going to be multiplication. There's going to be fruit, there's going to be blessing, there's going to be goodness, there's going to be mercy, there's going to be love. Souls are going to be one. People are going to be transformed. I see it, it's so clear. The next season of this church is called blessed. See it, it's so clear what the next season of this church is called blessed. The next season of this church.
I'm opening your eyes. I'm taking the scales off so that you can see how big, how mighty, how powerful this place is. I'm opening your eyes so that you can see the goodness of god. Yeah, I've been in this ark for a year. Yeah, it seems like there's been nothing new, but here's a word for you.
As soon as he stepped out the ark, here was the word of the Lord you're blessed. The cycle is over. Get ready to walk in the blessing of the Lord. Lift up your hands, father, I Release a blessing over every person in this house. I, I release a blessing over every person in this house. I declare that there will be a perpetual blessing, not one that can be stopped by human endeavors, not one that can be stopped by human expectations, not one that can be stopped by demonic disturbance, not one that can be stopped by generational curses, not one that can be stopped by anything that man places in the direction or the path of your people. They are blessed, always blessed in the city, always blessed in the field, always blessed when they come, always blessed when they go. I decree and declare the blessing over them. They are blessed, they are blessed. They are blessed Because they're seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. They are blessed and they will multiply. Heavenly places with Christ Jesus, they are blessed and they will multiply and they will be fruitful.
Can I just say one last thing about the text? Right after this, god makes a promise to Noah. He says, noah, the promise that I'm making is not for a week, is not for a day, is not for a month. It's one that's going to bypass you and your kids Not bypass, let me use another word. It's one that's going to be fulfilled and manifested beyond just you and your kids. It's one that's for generation after generation after generation. It's one for generation after generation. The promise I'm making is not just for you, it's for everything that's attached to you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not just for you. Your kids' kids, your children's children, are going to be blessed, everything attached with your name on it, with your DNA. If you got my dna, you have to be blessed, he said this blessing is not just for you and for your children.
This blessing I'm making and this covenant I'm making is for every person in your bloodline. Every person on the earth is going to experience this.
54:45 - Speaker 2
This is the City Light Church Podcast. If you've missed any part of today's message or if you would like to find out more about Pastor Boyan Jancic and City Light Church, visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Feel free to visit us online or in person anytime. We would love to connect with you. We pray that you have been encouraged today, that you have been reminded how much God loves you and that you are surrounded by grace. Thank you for listening. Make sure that you subscribe to City Light Church Podcast wherever you find your favorite podcasts worldwide.
I love how Christians do that. They take the culture of the world. They dress it up, make it look like it's a Christian, put a nice outfit on it. Ooh, it looks cute. But it's still the culture of the world. It's still the system of the world, it's still the way the world does things. I won't marry myself to the culture of the world. I will marry myself to the culture of the scriptures and the culture of the spirit.
00:26 - Speaker 2
Welcome to the City Light Church podcast. Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's Word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us. If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyCcom. Pastor Boyan Jancic and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds. As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you. Put your hands together for Nathaniel St Eloy.
01:11 - Speaker 1
Pastor Boyan forgot one thing I love him and his family, so they're amazing. Can you just make some noise for your senior leaders and what the Lord's doing with them? They are, aren't they just a good-looking family? Y'all laughed. You didn't say amen, these kids, they're cute, like God is good. Amen, I'm excited to be here, man.
There's a word that is burning in my spirit. I preached it this morning, but I just feel such a stirring for this church that this church is at the precipice of something supernatural, something different, something fresh. It's an awakening happening, it's a revival culture and I'm so grateful that I get to be a part of that and impart into the revival culture that the Lord is building here. How many people believe that God is doing something fresh here at City Light Church? How many people are glad to be a part of what the Lord is doing here at City Light Church? How many people are glad to be a part of what the Lord is doing here at City Light Church? And if you have not connected, you need to connect with this house. This is a house of favor and blessing and I'm telling you, everyone who connects with this house, their spiritual life goes to the next level. Their prayer life goes to the next level, their hunger for souls goes to the next level. They just get a passion for the things of god and for the word of god and the spirit of god. I don't know, I didn't say that, I didn't say this in first service, but I really feel like there are people here you're not connected yet to this house. You're kind of on the outskirts. You're kind of dating. You're flirting oh you look good. You're kind of dating. You're flirting oh you look good, you're cute. Stop flirting, make the commitment, buy the ring, say I'm your partner's house, start giving your money. Tides for those who don't know 10%. All right, let's get into the word, because I'm about to lose the people very quickly because I'm talking very pastoral right now. They said we called an evangelist, not a pastor. Let's get. Let's get into it. Uh, let's.
Let's open up to Hebrews, chapter 11. Before you get there, it's going to be up on the screen. Can you just lift up your hands and I just want to speak a blessing over you. I declare that this is your season of increase, overflow and multiplication. As this word comes forth, you will reign and rule on the earth. You will experience the blessing of the Lord. You will walk in the blessing of Abraham and you will encounter the presence of God in a fresh way, in Jesus name. And everyone say all right, let's get into this. Hebrews, chapter 11. I'm going to read two verses Hebrews 11, and I'm going to read a chapter 8, verses 16 to 19,. And then we're going to get into this word.
In the first service I said this you can come in two ways. You can come in with expectation, you can come in with expectance or acceptance. Anytime you get into the presence of God, there's two ways to come in. You can come expecting God to do something or just accepting that life is the way that it is. I'm sick in my body, it's cool, I'm just going to accept it. Oh, I don't got any money in my bank account and I'm struggling. I'm just going to accept it. Oh, I'm not walking in my purpose and my destiny. I'm just going to accept it. I will not accept my life not looking like what the word says. All three of us said amen on that. I will not accept my purpose not being exactly what God spoke over my life. I have an expectation that everything that doesn't match God's word, that doesn't match God's promise. That doesn't look like what God spoke over my life that before this service is over, something is shifting in the spiritual realm that's about to affect me in the natural and I'm going to see things completely turn around in my life. My family's getting ready to be delivered, my situation's getting ready to shift and to change and God's getting ready to shift and to change, and God's getting ready to bring me into a new place. How many expected faith-filled Holy Ghost people do I have in the house saying I believe this is my season of breakthrough. Come on, I don't need you to be stoic today. I need some Holy Ghost people who will lift up their hands, open up their mouth and say God arise. All right, let's go.
Hebrews 11, verse 7 here it says by faith. The Bible says in the book of Romans if you don't do it by faith, it's sin. Anything not done by faith is sin. Anything you do has to be done by faith. The Bible says without faith it's impossible to please God. He who comes to him must come, knowing that he is and he is the reward of those who diligently seek him. So everything I do has to be by faith. The Bible says we walk by faith and not by All right. So y'all with me on this faith thing, all right. I mean, this is the faith chapter, right? This is hebrews 11, if you, if you've never read it before, you got to go read it when you get home. This is the chapter of faith. This is where god is like.
Let me tell you a little bit about a few people who walk by faith and how you can emulate their lives and walk by faith. And if you have something that most of these people don't have, you have the holy spirit inside of you. He's had the holy spirit come on them for special things. You got the holy spirit in you. You got a river of living water deep in your. Oh my gosh. The bible says there is a spring springing up in you in john chapter 4, springing up to eternal life. I'm not dead. There's life on the inside of me, resurrection power. That's what I'm talking about. You are living. You got life on the inside. The devil's telling you man, just accept it. Oh, man, this situation's never going to turn around. No, no, no. When I opened up my mouth, everything got to turn around, like Jesus when he stood on that boat and he looked at the storm and said peace be still. Because he had a river of life on the inside of him and a storm could not stand in the way.
I'm preaching too early, hebrews 11, 7. Let me read the verse. I got excited. Yes, that's what I'm talking about. I like you. You need to come up closer. You too far. People in the front looking at me like a deer in headlights Say he's in the back. Yes, I'm like. Yes, come closer man. I'm just kidding, but I'm serious by faith.
Noah built a ship in the middle of dry, in the middle of dry, in the middle of dry, in the middle in the middle. I don't know why that just hit me that sometimes the Holy Spirit tells you in the middle of the driest season of your life. Build In the middle of your start the business In the middle of the driest season. Now it's time for another church plant In the middle of the driest season. Now I want you to expand. This doesn't make sense. I'm in a dry land.
He was warned about something he couldn't see and acted on what he was told. The result His family was saved. His act of faith drew a sharp line between the evil of the unbelieving world and the rightness of the believing world. As a result, noah became intimate with God. All right, let's go to the Genesis. We're going to read from 16 to 19.
I want you to look at this. I'll probably stop at 18, but let's see how far we go. Is that cool with everyone? All right, go out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and your sons' wives with you. Verse 17,. Bring out with you every living thing of all flesh that is with you, birds and cattle and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, so that they may abound on the earth and be fruitful and multiply on the earth Verse 18.
So Noah went out and his sons and his wife and his son's wife with him. Let's go back to verse 16. I want to read that one more time. Here's what the Lord commanded him. He said go out of the ark. He said go out of the ark. So the title of my sermon is Get Out of the Ark. All right, y'all ready, all right.
So reading these two texts the first text, like I said, is from Hebrews, chapter 11, which is the faith chapter, which shows me that what Noah did in building this ark took something called All right, y'all, y'all, y'all got to help me preach. It took something called faith. You know, it's very interesting because when I look at Noah's situation, it's it never rained before, it didn't rain yet on the earth and God was telling Noah to build an ark because rain was about to come. You see, it doesn't make sense in the natural when God tells you to do certain things but you've never seen why God told you to do it. But God says I want you to move to this city and I want you to marry this person and I want you to go to this church and I want you to be a part of this thing.
But the Holy Spirit has a purpose, even in the midst of what he's telling you to do, but in the in the time you're doing it. It doesn't make sense until you take a step back and you see heaven strategically put you in the place he put you to because he wants to do something in your life. Have you ever been in the place where heaven tells you to do something that's radical, that's crazy, that's out the box, and then everything he tells you to do matches with the divine purpose and call that god placed on your life? Has he ever told you to build in the midst of dry land, to build in the midst where nothing is going right. You're in wilderness, god. Why do I want to build in the midst of wilderness? I've never seen rain before, why? Why am I going to build an ark? This doesn't make sense. But here's the thing A lot of the times the Holy Spirit will place in your heart to build when nothing looks like your future.
Because a lot of the times, here's how we build. We build based off where we are, while the holy spirit is trying to make you build prophetically. What that means is the holy spirit wants you not to just build for where you are, but to build for your future. That's why he will say I want you to go to school, go back to school, but, god, I already got. I'm not having you build for now, I'm having you build for five years from now, because the doors I'm about to open, you need this particular degree in order to walk in it.
It doesn't make sense in the natural Lord. Why am I moving to this particular city? Why am I moving to this apartment? Why am I moving into this house? Because there's a divine purpose. You don't realize that your destiny is attached to this.
I'm not talking like I did in the first service, but here's my point in all of this is that when the Holy Spirit tells you to build, a lot of the time there's going to be opposition. There's going to be opposition of the flesh, because your flesh is going to tell you you're crazy, this doesn't make sense. There's going to be opposition of people. People are going to criticize you any time. You're doing something great for God. Just be watchful, because there's going to be people who are going to tell you you can't do it, you don't have the resources. You don't have the resources, you don't have the skills, you don't have the pedigree, you don't have the money, you don't have what it takes to do it.
You see, even when Jesus was on the cross, they said Jesus, he was doing something great for God. He was doing something great for humanity. He was literally shifting the culture, shifting the world, shifting generations, and they looked at him and said if you were God, you would call 10,000 angels from heaven. They didn't realize his assignment, looked crazy at the moment, but it was exactly what God wanted him to build at that time. Look at Nehemiah. He came back to build a wall and the Bible says Sam Ballett and Tobiah stood up on the wall and said even if a fox climbs up on this wall, you will fall down. What you're doing, nehemiah, you don't have the capacity to do it, you don't have the strength to do it, you don't have the wisdom to do it. You see, when you're called to do something great for God, there will be opposition. Oh, somebody say there will be opposition. There will be people telling you you, why are you doing it? Why are you going there? Why are you speaking that? Why are you moving into that community city light church?
I believe that this is your season to build. I know it doesn't feel like it in the moment, but I believe this is the season. The holy spirit says if you build, I'll send them, because when I read the text, I didn't share. This is the season. The Holy Spirit says if you build, I'll send them, because when I read the text, I didn't share this in the first service. So y'all getting something really special. It says straight in the text Genesis, chapter 7,.
You're probably not going to find the verse, but it's okay. I'm talking about the people in the back. They're amazing, so they're probably going to find it and laugh at me, because they always find it in the the verses. I say a verse and they're like, yeah, we got it. But here's what it says. It says noah built the ark and the animals came to noah, two by two. I always thought, I always thought that he went out and got the animals. No, god commanded the animals to come to Noah and this is what the Holy Spirit told me.
You build and I'll send them. You build and I'll send the clients. You build and I'll make it a million dollar business. You build and I'll send the husband. You build. Oh, I feel this in my spirit City Light. If you would just build, I'll bring the souls. If you would just build, I'll bring harvest. If you would just build, I'll do my part, because I'm the God.
Some of you are like man, I don't got what it takes. I'm just gonna wait for god to send the people. If you don't build first, god ain't sending no one. I love people. Man, if the lord wants me to build a church and he wants me to plant a church, that he's gonna send the people. No, you build and then he sends them.
This is good stuff right here. Oh Lord, send them first, send the money first. No, you build and I'll send the money, send the resources, I'm going to send it, but you build first, because if you build, I'll do my part, you do the natural and he'll do the super. You want supernatural in your life? You do the natural and let the holy spirit do the super. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. I do my part, and then the holy spirit gotta step in and do the rest, because there's some stuff that the holy spirit wants you to do and there's other things he wants you to wait, and you gotta be able to discern when the Holy Spirit is saying this ain't your time yet, this ain't your season, rest, wait, all right.
So look at this Noah is building this ark. And when you read the Bible and you read the scriptures, noah was literally building this ark for 100 years. This is not no one-day assignment. This is not a bunch of builders coming and then, two months later, a house is up. I don't know how they're doing it these days, these there's not a bunch of builders coming in and two months later, houses up. I don't know how they're doing it these days. These houses have no, ain't got nothing, cuz it'd be like two weeks later like there was nothing. How they built that in two weeks. Oh, that house is definitely coming down if there's a storm. God, I don't want to live there, but but this was a hundred year project for 40 days of rain. It's a. It's a hundred year project for 40 days of rain. Imagine a hundred years.
The bible says noah was a preacher of righteousness. Second peter, chapter two, verse five, says he was a preacher of righteousness. Imagine preaching for a hundred years. Imagine building for a hundred years and you see no fruit in what you're building. Imagine heaven gives you instructions to do something and then you don't see the rain yet, but he keeps promising you rain. Imagine you keep doing what god's told you, but there's no rain to it.
You know, sometimes we don't have enough long suffering in what heaven told us to do. We want instantaneous results because we live in a culture where everything happens exactly the way we want it and we have not mastered the art of waiting on the lord. So that's how we get into relationships. But, lord, I'm already 35. I should already. Oh, no, no, wait on me, because I got something for you that's gonna be a blessing, but you gotta wait. It's in the waiting that heaven shows up. So he's building this thing, he's building this thing, he's building this thing and you could imagine a hundred years, the criticism. A hundred years, the naysayers. A hundred years, the people talking about him. A hundred years, he and people saying, oh noah, you're crazy, it's never rained before. We've never seen this thing you're talking about. Imagine a hundred years.
What I realized is that the people who say the most about what you're building have never built anything. I realized in church, the most critical people are the people who have no investment. Can I say something? And I don't care if it gets me in trouble or it gets me canceled or people get upset at me, because that's why I'm a guest speaker. I say the things your pastor wants to say, but y'all are going to get all sensitive and send him emails about. So I can send you my email address and you can forward it to me.
Amen, don't go to him. Don't go to him. I'm Amen, don't go to him. Don't go to. I'm warning you, don't go to him. I still got some Brooklyn in me. Don't go to him. Don't email him. Email me. All right, we'll have a conversation. In the name of the Lord, amen, amen, I'm just kidding. Y'all can laugh, y''all. It's like you've been baptized in lemon juice. Put a smile on your face. No, but here's what I want to say.
A lot of the times in church, the people with the most to say have no investment. It's all the people who aren't givers. Yeah, I think we should do things like this. You don't have investment. It's like when you go to a shareholders meeting, right, who has the most votes? The people with the most invested in the company. Their vote has more weight than the people who have one share. You have one share, cool, I have one share at Nike. They call me hey, we want to know what your vote is. Do you have this prospectus? We want to know what your vote is. Do you have this prospectus? We want to know what your vote is. Blah, blah, blah, cool, I give my vote. My vote means nothing, but the person who owns 50, 60, 30, 40% of the company, when they vote, their vote has weight. Some people who criticize give the lease. They serve the lease. They've invested the least. Oh, I knew it was going to get quiet. It's tight, but it's right.
I was talking to someone this week. Literally I was having a conversation. They were like all these preachers are thieves. All these preachers, all they want is money. All these preachers and they were so critical of the church and I said what church do you go to? Bedside Baptist, all these preachers, and they were so critical of the church and I said what church do you go to? Bedside baptist? I said who's your pastor in your spiritual covering, pastor sheets? So you're not invested in something that you think you can criticize. People who are not building anything are the biggest critics. They're the ones who will talk the most about what you're building City Light Church. Don't get discouraged when they talk about you. Keep on building when they criticize.
You have an assignment. Keep your eyes on Jesus, keep your eyes focused. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Keep your eyes focused, keep your feet flat-footed and firm and your face turned like flint toward the promise of God, and don't stop doing what Jesus told you to do. The winds are going to come, the rain is going to come, the warfare is going to come. The enemy is going to attack, but you have a promise from God. Stay faithful. This is nothing like the first service, right, but I think it's good. It's what the Lord is trying to say. A hundred years building this thing for 40 days of rain. To me it doesn't make any sense, god. But I want you to build, I want you to build, I want you to build. And so he builds.
And the Bible says the animals come into the ark and as soon as his whole family's in there. Can I say this one thing, because I think we've weighed success wrongly. You know, what made noah successful it wasn't that he was able to save the world. It was able to is that he was able to save his family. And most of you see ministry as success, as how many people are in your church or how many members you have, and yet that's a form of success. But real success is if your family's on the ark with you. You see, real success is when your 10-year-old son says I want to be baptized, not because you're a pastor, but because I love God. Come on. If you can bring your family in the ark, you are successful. The Bible says there was a sharp line between him and the world because he was able to bring his family in.
You have to look at this. Imagine Noah never seen rain before, never seen anything, and he's persuading his family Something's about to come. Something's about to come. I'm looking at this nation right now and I'm saying something's about to come. Have you built your ark? Yet Something's about to hit this nation. It's gonna be crazy. Have you built your ark yet?
I know we sound crazy when we talk about it. I know we sound crazy when we say that there's gonna be a fight in this nation. I know we sound crazy when we say that there's a shifting happening in the nations of the world, when we say that there's wars and rumors of wars, when we say we're in the last days, when we say things are shifting. When jesus said he said it. He said in luke, chapter 17. He was talking about the days of noah and he says in these last days are going to be like the days of noah. They're going to be just like the days of noah. They're going to be eating, they're going to be drinking, they're going to be marrying wives. They're going to be doing all of this stuff until noah entered the ark.
I don't want you to get so distracted with carnal things that you don't realize you're building a spiritual ark through your prayers. Every time you pray, you're building a spiritual ark. I know you're not like noah. You're not coming with a hammer and you're not coming with with instruments, but you're coming with spiritual things and you're not like Noah. You're not coming with a hammer and you're not coming with instruments, but you're coming with spiritual things and you're building a spiritual ark. Every time you fast. You're building a spiritual ark every time you read the word. You're building a spiritual ark every time you go to life group. You're building a spiritual ark every time you connect with godly people and you decide not to succumb to the system of this world, succumb to the flesh and carnal desires. You are building a spiritual ark. He's building this spiritual. He's building this natural ark. But you're building the spiritual ark.
He says it's going to be just like the days of Noah.
People are going to get so distracted with what they eat, what they drink, what they wear, marriage, life, and they don't realize a flood's coming.
They don't realize what's happening is just prophetic. God already spoke it. There's a flood coming, but some of you are so blinded you can't see that the flood is coming. God already spoke it. There's a flood coming, but some of you are so blinded you can't see that the flood is coming. The flood is coming. I want to warn America. The flood is coming. I want to warn the nations of the world. A flood is coming. I want to warn you. These are the last days.
There's a flood coming, but I have good news for you. While the world dies in the flood, you live in the flood. While the world has destruction in the flood, you have protection in the flood. That's why I want to get as many people on the spiritual boat as I can and say if you would just repent, you will be saved from the wrath to come. I'm so glad I'm a Christian, because the wrath is not for me. But if I leave it like that, there's a world out there that's gonna die. I gotta tell them that there's salvation. In the name of the Lord. Let them know this. Every, every day, I'm building my ark and I'm gonna be like Noah, second Peter, chapter 2, verse 5. I'm gonna be a preacher of righteousness. I'm going to be like Noah, 2, peter 2, verse 5. I'm going to be a preacher of righteousness. I'm going to let them know there's a flood coming. There's destruction coming. You can be saved. There's destruction. Look what it says. It says and did he not spare the ancient world? But he did not spare the ancient world but saved Noah.
One of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly. You want to know how people go from being ungodly to being godly. Jesus Not good works, not perfection. Jesus, noah had an assignment. I have to preach righteousness. You know what the New Testament believer, new Testament preacher that's every one of you guys.
Amen Scripture says do the work of an evangelist. Every one of you guys are preachers. You know what your assignment is. It's to let the world know righteousness has come and if you're connected to Jesus, you're no longer a sinner but you're righteous. That's why I don't talk that talk. I'm just a sinner. I'm not a sinner. I was a sinner. Oh, I knew they were going to say amen. Now I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I messed up. I'm still the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I sinned yesterday. I'm still the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Why? Because my identity is not what I do. My identity isn't what Jesus did Enough. People didn't say amen because they think their identities and how good they are, oh, I didn't mess up this week, so I'm righteous, I'm holy.
Holiness has nothing to do with what you did. It has everything to do with what you did. It has everything to do with what he did and because he died he made you a hundred percent righteous. It's not like a 90% scale and the 85% scale. You're a hundred percent righteous. You can make a decision to be a tormented, righteous person like lot, or be a happy, righteous person. You have a choice. You could be a torment. The bible says lot was a tormented, righteous person because he wanted to live like the world lived. You could be righteous and be tormented, or you could be righteous and you could be like abraham blessed. Chilling. Is that good y'all, y'all with me. I promise you give me 10 minutes and I'm going to get to the point that I want to get to. Y'all think I could do it. They don't got faith.
So Noah gets in the ark with his whole entire family and the next thing that happens is pretty crazy. The Bible says God closes the door of the ark. Noah did not close the door of the ark. God closed the door of the ark. Noah did not close the door of the ark. God closed the door of the ark and I'm like this is insane. Noah didn't close his door, god closed the door and I want to just encourage some people, because some of y'all have been discouraged about certain relationships that didn't work out and situations. If God closes the door, let it stay closed. Ooh, this is good. If God closes the door on the friendship, the relationship, the connection, the business, just it's okay, let it stay closed, because if god closes the door, guess what? He has a bigger door for you.
If god closes the door, like, like you know, paul the apostle, he was preaching all over and he said there was much opposition, but then he said this he says but great and effective doors are open for me and some of you have been facing much opposition, much attack, much warfare. The enemy's thrown everything he can at you. But I have good news for you this is your season of great and effective doors opening. I declare, like it says in the book of Isaiah, double doors are getting ready to open for you, doors that no man can close are getting ready to open for you. Doors for your family, doors for your business, doors for your ministry, doors for your situation. I decree and declare this is the season of open doors.
If you believe in shout, I believe the doors are opening for you. It's okay. If the Lord closes the door, it's all right. Let that door stay closed. Amen, because here's the thing On the other side, there's something better. On the other side of the closed door is a miracle. With your name on it, oh, city Light Church, I believe that there's some doors that closed on you. You were supposed to go here and supposed to go there and supposed to do this, and oh, we were thinking about this and the door closed. It's okay, let it stay closed, because there's something that God wants to do in the closed door that is going to blow your mind. All right, so now I'm reading the text.
Door closes, rain starts and how long did it rain for? Okay, y'all read the Bible. And how long would Noah and his family in the ark? Y'all were here in first service. So y'all cheated Because some of y'all was, like my neighbor said, a year. He was in first service. No, he wasn't in the ark for 40 days and 40 nights. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights, but he was in the ark for over a year.
Oh, you have to see how uncomfortable this place is. Imagine being stuck in an ark with dirty animals not being able to shower. Oh, the level of uncleanness in that place. Imagine eating the same food, looking at the same people over and over. But this is exactly where heaven wanted them to be. It seemed like this place was punishment. It wasn't punishment, it was consecration. It wasn't punishment, it was preparation for their next level. It wasn't punishment, it was preparation for their next level. It wasn't punishment.
I know you look at the ark and you're like man. God, why would you put me here for an entire year? Have you ever been in that place in your spiritual life? You're praying, you're fasting, you're seeking, and it's like God didn't tell you anything new. Same old word. I'm sitting on this promise.
Noah had a promise it's going to rain and he's still sitting in that promise. A year later, a year after it rained, he's still sitting in it. A year after it rained, and there's still no husband. I knew y'all going to say man, y'all going to like that point A year after the promise. And guess what? My business still hasn't taken off A year after the promise and my kids are still acting crazy.
But you said, lord, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. You gave me that promise, you spoke it into my spirit. He said my children shall be taught by the lord, and grace shall be the peace of my children. You spoke the word over my life. He said. My children are like arrows in the hand of a warrior and I can turn it which way I will.
How come nothing's turning around? Have you ever been sitting in the ark and you're just like? You said something and I'm not seeing it manifest. But guess what? You're sitting right in the promise, but it don't feel like a promise because it's tight, it's uncomfortable. You got eight other people with you. It doesn't seem right. You got all these animals around you and you're trapped up in an ark. And she's like god, where are you in the midst of all this? But I want to prophesy something to you your season to get out is here, and on the other side of what you've gone through in the ark is favor like you've never imagined. Oh, people, three people said amen, but I know there's more people who know. Right now I feel like I'm in a tight place, but the Holy Spirit is about to bring me into an enlarged place, into a favored place, into a place of glory, into a place of open doors, into a place where these menial small things won't hold me back anymore. Imagine this he's in this ark One year.
And then the Bible says Genesis, chapter 8, verse 1. It says the Holy Spirit, god remembered him. God remembered him. God remembered you. All your prayer, all your seeking, he's remembered you.
And here's what the Bible says, just eight, verse one. It says God remembered him in every living thing that was in the ark. And God made a wind pass over the earth and the water started subsiding. I declare this is the hour where God's sending his wind in your life. City Light Church. God's remembered you. Oh my God, everything in your life that's been out of order and chaotic. I decree and declare that the waters are getting ready to subside in your life.
Oh man, I believe the wind of the Holy Spirit is getting ready to be released over your life, like it did in Ezekiel, chapter 37. When there was a valley of dry bones and the Bible says that the wind of God came from the north, the south, the east and the west and it blew and a mighty army came. I believe the same wind like in Acts, chapter 2, verse 1 and 2, where it says on the day of Pentecost there was a mighty rushing wind that filled the whole house where they were sitting and then tongues of fire came on their heads and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. I believe that the same wind of the Holy Spirit is getting ready to blow now in your situation, getting ready to blow now in your situation, getting ready to blow now in the nations, getting ready to blow now in city life and everything that's been out of order. God's getting ready to bring back into alignment.
Oh, somebody say Holy Ghost, send the wind. I want the wind of the spirit, I want the Ruach of the spirit. I want the same wind that Adam had no life in him and he breathed the Ruach into him and he became a living soul. Everything that's dead in you. I prophesy the wind of heaven is getting ready to blow on you. You know what made, because, guess what? Adam was a body but had no life, had no soul. You know what put life into him the wind of God. I declare everything that has damaged your soul, whether it's sin, whether it's things in your past, whether it's rejection. I declare that God's getting ready to blow on you and everything that didn't live is coming alive now. In the name of Jesus, come on. Somebody say God, blow on me, holy Spirit, blow Even Jesus.
The Bible says he blew on his disciples at the end of the scriptures. In Luke, chapter 24, it says he blew on his disciples and he said be filled with the Holy Spirit. I decree and declare that, as the Spirit of God blows on you, there's a fresh wind of the Holy Ghost coming in this house, in this church, in this ministry. There's a fresh wind. Oh, I believe three people believe it in the house that there's a fresh wind coming to this church and the Holy Ghost says you're going to win in the wind. Okay, three people said amen, you're going to win in the wind. As his wind begins to blow, that's when your victory's coming.
Oh, say, holy Spirit, blow on me. I want the wind of the Spirit, I want the wind of the Holy Ghost. I want the wind of the Spirit. I want the wind of the Holy Ghost. Blow your breath in me. Blow your breath on me. Blow your breath on my family. Blow your breath on my wife. Blow your breath on my husband. Blow your breath on my ministry. Blow your breath on my business. I need to live. Let's get them ready to blow on you. My God, I feel that, come on, lift up your hands. I feel a mighty rushing wind getting ready to fill. I dare you, on the count of three, just to release a shout, because I feel a fresh wind of breakthrough, healing and deliverance. One, two, three shout, hey. Of breakthrough, healing and deliverance. One, two, three shout, hey, send the wind, send the wind, send the wind, come on, send the wind.
The Bible says God sent the wind and he released manna on the earth. I prophesy that he's sending the wind and everything you need is being provided for right now. I decree and declare he's sending a wind over this church. You're gonna win in the wind. You're gonna win in the wind, says the Lord. My God, I felt that.
So think about it. They're in in this contained place. They're in this limited place. They're in this place where nothing seems like it's going the way they expected it. God sends the wind and the water starts subsiding and noah was like I gotta know when to step out of this season. I gotta know when is my next season. So he's like here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna send a raven. He opens up the windows of the ark and he sends a raven out. He sends two animals out, he sends a raven and after the raven he sends a dove. And you know what the bible says about the raven the raven just going to and fro, to and fro to.
There's something about ravens is that ravens are vultures. They feed on dead things. They feed on garbage. You can never know when to come out of the ark if you're still living a life of a raven. See, we got a lot of Christian ravens. This is good.
Oh, man of God. God, you preaching tough, but you feed on dead things in the culture. You're, you're, you're a, a culture vulture. You know they say that like you know, you're stealing people's culture. You keep stealing the world's culture and trying to dress it up in Christianity and present it to God. This is good, my God. I love how Christians do that. They take the culture of the world. They dress it up, make it look like it's a Christian, put a nice outfit on it. Oh, it looks cute. But it's still the culture of the world. It's still the system of the world. It's still the culture of the world. It's still the system of the world. It's still the way the world does things. I won't marry myself to the culture of the world. I will marry myself to the culture of the scriptures and the culture of the spirit. Think about it. The raven just keeps going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And then the raven is just feeding on dead things, eating dead things, focusing his attention on dead things, seeking dead things, going after dead things.
I want to ask you what kind of Christian are you? Are you a raven Christian? Are you a dove Christian? Christians where God lives in you, the Holy Spirit, but you grieve the Holy Spirit because all you're doing is vulture, culture, vulture. Oh, this is what the world likes, yeah, this is what I'm going to do. And you try to dress it up in Christianity and nice Christianese and you put all the Christian lingo around secular things. I love how gospel artists they love dressing up, doing all these collabs with ungodly people and say, oh, yeah, but we're trying to represent Christ. You're a culture vulture and the culture you're stealing is the culture of the world and trying to dress it up like it's church and like it's God.
They got quiet on me. I lost my people. There has to be at least three of y'all still with me. My sister, right there, was like yes, thank you. Am I preaching that's the Holy Spirit. Yes, raven or dove. He says the dove out and the dove doesn't go to and fro. He's not all confused, he's not.
And you know something about ravens they're loud, they're obnoxious, they make a lot of noise. No substance but noise. Always learning but never being able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Back and forth, back and forth, a raven. They could never find a home church. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, a raven. One day they're here next month. They're not a raven. They love to gossip.
It's always about what we're not doing and not focusing on what we are doing, not focusing. A bunch of people get baptized every year in this church. This church gives hundreds of thousands of dollars to missions not focusing on the good things. Oh, but City Light doesn't do this and this and this, and that my old church didn't go back to your old church. You're not there for a reason. That's a boy. I don't want to say amen too loud, but he's like yes, lord, yes. He said like this yes, jesus, yes, thank you for the man of God like this. Yes, jesus, yes, thank you for the man of God. Gotta make a decision. And so now.
Now the Raven never comes back because the Raven's feeding on all the dead stuff. He likes to rest his feet on dead stuff. He sends out the dove and guess what? The dove. There's no place for me to rest my feet, everything is dead there. He comes right back. So he goes. I'm going to send the dove out again. Sends the dove, and guess what? The dove. There's no place for me to rest my feet, everything is dead there. He comes right back. So he goes. I'm gonna send the dove out again. Sends the dove out again. Dove comes back. There's no place for me to rest my feet, there's only dead things here. The raven's happy, I'm eating off all the dead things, but the dove's like no, no, no, I'm a christian who's gonna live by the dove. I can't feed off dead things.
Finally, the third time he sends out the dove. When he sends out the dove, the Bible says that the dove takes an olive from the tree, he has the olive in the tree from his mouth and he gives it to Noah. And we all know what the olive represents and the oil from the olive represents. It represents the anointing. And at that moment, when the dove was sent out and came back with the olive and then the dove leaves and he never comes back. It was a sign the Holy Spirit was letting him know it's time to get out the ark. Look at what it says.
Genesis, chapter eight, verse 17. Look what it says. I want you to see it. Let's go back to verse 16. Get out of the ark. It's time now, because you're not just being led by yourself. You're being led by the dove, you're being led by the anointing, you're being led by the spirit. Some of you, you've been in that contained place for too long. But I have a word for you. This is your season now. The Holy Spirit sent me as a spiritual midwife to let you know this is your season to step out of the ark. I don't want you in that tight, contained place, city life. Step out of the ark. It's time for you to grow and build and move to the next. It was good.
The ark was a place of training. It was a place of preparation, because the earth was not ready yet for what was about to be released. Think about it when the flood came, it shifted entirely how the earth looked. Sometimes God has to allow you to stay in the ark, and the reason why he does that is because he's shifting the earth to be ready for what he's about to stay in the ark. And the reason why he does that is because he's shifting the earth to be ready for what he's about to do in you and through you. And the earth would not be able to receive you in the condition that it was in. And so God said stay in the ark until the earth is ready. Oh, that was good. Y'all saying amen better than I'm preaching.
Get out of the ark. Get out of the ark all right now. I want you to see this, because this is the part that really blew my mind. As soon as they got out of the ark, look at the next thing that god does. As soon as they get out the ark, noah, he offers a sacrifice. The bible says there was a sweet, smelling aroma. God made a promise I'm never gonna flood the earth again. I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna send a rainbow as a sign. All of that good stuff. Look at the next thing that God does after they leave the ark and they obey him.
Chapter 9, verse 1 so God blessed. So God, let's try that again. So God, what came directly after leaving the ark was the blessing. It says. He blessed noah and his sons and he said to them be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth as soon as they leave the ark. The next thing that god says is I'm gonna allow you to multiply, I'm gonna allow you to be fruitful. I'm to allow everything that comes from you to be blessed. I'm going to allow everything that comes from you to start producing again. Now the earth is ready to give you all of its produce, now all the evil has, because the Bible says the earth was filled with evil. Now evil has been flooded out and now it's ready for the blessing of God that I'm getting ready to release over you.
City like church. New York City wasn't ready, but I prophesy that this is your hour to step out in faith, because you're not just stepping out on your own, you're stepping out in the blessing of God and as you step out, you'll be fruitful, you'll be multiplying. God's favor and hand will be on you. Can I give you all a word for this hour? You are blessed. You're blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places. You are blessed and not cursed. You are blessed in the city. You are blessed in the field. You are blessed when you come. You are blessed when you go. It's more than money. Everywhere you step your feet, I've given you the land, like Joshua. Everywhere you step your feet, you're getting ready to walk into promise. Every way you step your feet, I'm getting ready to give you as a possession. Every way you step your feet, I decree and declare city life.
You've just stepped into a season of supernatural, abundant blessing and favor. If you believe it, say yes. How are you coming out of this season? I'm going to say how are you coming out of this season? I'm not coming out messed up, I'm coming out. You were just in the season of stress, but I declare your season of stress is over. Now you're stepping into a season of bless. I decree and declare that you're stepping into blessing.
Look at this. God said blessed. He blessed Noah and his sons and he said be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. I want everyone to lift up your hands because City Light is at a precipice. City Light is at a shifting place. City Light is at a place where I'm going to use this church to reach nations. I'm going to use this church to reach this city. And guess what? Not only is he going to use the church. He's going to use every individual who's here and he's going to use you as a blessing on the earth. And wherever you go, there's going to be multiplication. There's going to use you as a blessing on the earth and wherever you go, there's going to be multiplication. There's going to be fruit, there's going to be blessing, there's going to be goodness, there's going to be mercy, there's going to be love. Souls are going to be one. People are going to be transformed. I see it, it's so clear. The next season of this church is called blessed. See it, it's so clear what the next season of this church is called blessed. The next season of this church.
I'm opening your eyes. I'm taking the scales off so that you can see how big, how mighty, how powerful this place is. I'm opening your eyes so that you can see the goodness of god. Yeah, I've been in this ark for a year. Yeah, it seems like there's been nothing new, but here's a word for you.
As soon as he stepped out the ark, here was the word of the Lord you're blessed. The cycle is over. Get ready to walk in the blessing of the Lord. Lift up your hands, father, I Release a blessing over every person in this house. I, I release a blessing over every person in this house. I declare that there will be a perpetual blessing, not one that can be stopped by human endeavors, not one that can be stopped by human expectations, not one that can be stopped by demonic disturbance, not one that can be stopped by generational curses, not one that can be stopped by anything that man places in the direction or the path of your people. They are blessed, always blessed in the city, always blessed in the field, always blessed when they come, always blessed when they go. I decree and declare the blessing over them. They are blessed, they are blessed. They are blessed Because they're seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. They are blessed and they will multiply. Heavenly places with Christ Jesus, they are blessed and they will multiply and they will be fruitful.
Can I just say one last thing about the text? Right after this, god makes a promise to Noah. He says, noah, the promise that I'm making is not for a week, is not for a day, is not for a month. It's one that's going to bypass you and your kids Not bypass, let me use another word. It's one that's going to be fulfilled and manifested beyond just you and your kids. It's one that's for generation after generation after generation. It's one for generation after generation. The promise I'm making is not just for you, it's for everything that's attached to you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not just for you. Your kids' kids, your children's children, are going to be blessed, everything attached with your name on it, with your DNA. If you got my dna, you have to be blessed, he said this blessing is not just for you and for your children.
This blessing I'm making and this covenant I'm making is for every person in your bloodline. Every person on the earth is going to experience this.
54:45 - Speaker 2
This is the City Light Church Podcast. If you've missed any part of today's message or if you would like to find out more about Pastor Boyan Jancic and City Light Church, visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Feel free to visit us online or in person anytime. We would love to connect with you. We pray that you have been encouraged today, that you have been reminded how much God loves you and that you are surrounded by grace. Thank you for listening. Make sure that you subscribe to City Light Church Podcast wherever you find your favorite podcasts worldwide.