New Episodes Weekly!
Oct. 22, 2024

Renewing Spiritual Vision: Embracing Faith and Clarity

Renewing Spiritual Vision: Embracing Faith and Clarity
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CityLight NYC Church


Imagine waking up one day and realizing that your entire perspective on life was blurred, not because of your physical eyesight, but due to a lack of spiritual clarity. This episode of the CityLight Church podcast takes you on a journey of discovering what it truly means to see the world through the eyes of faith. Nathaniel Saint-Eloi, our cherished guest and board member, joins us to explore the profound concept of spiritual vision, drawing wisdom from the healing story in Mark chapter 8. Through personal anecdotes and biblical teachings, we unravel how spiritual clarity can lead to a life of purpose, discernment, and divine favor.
Drawing parallels between undiagnosed vision problems in children and the often-overlooked spiritual stagnation in adults, we highlight the importance of addressing the root causes of our spiritual blindness. With insights from Proverbs 29:18 and the story of Lot, we explore how aligning ourselves with biblical truths over cultural norms can prevent our souls from being compromised by negative influences. This conversation challenges us to reevaluate our perspectives and encourages us to seek a renewed spiritual vision that aligns with God's intentions for our lives.
Stepping out of comfort zones is a recurring theme as we discuss the miracles that await those who embrace faith over fear. Through Nathaniel's prophetic insights and stories of personal courage, we see the transformative power of the Holy Spirit at work. This episode invites you to seek a second touch from the Holy Spirit, promising a season of clarity and deeper connection with God. Whether you're looking to reignite your spiritual journey or seeking guidance in life's chaos, we welcome you to join us and experience the profound message of God's love and grace. Don't forget to explore more with us online at CityLight Church and subscribe to hear our latest inspiring messages.

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(00:00) Vision Test Sermon at City Light
(06:09) Renewed Spiritual Vision
(18:45) Personal Corrupting Influence and Righteousness
(23:27) Miracles Outside the Comfort Zone
(34:53) Clear Vision Prophecy
(40:10) Church Podcast Invitation


00:00 - Vision Test Sermon at City Light

06:09:00 - Renewed Spiritual Vision

18:45:00 - Personal Corrupting Influence and Righteousness

23:27:00 - Miracles Outside the Comfort Zone

34:53:00 - Clear Vision Prophecy

40:10:00 - Church Podcast Invitation

00:00 - Speaker 1
I believe your miracle ain't gonna look like that other person's miracle. Your story is gonna blow the minds of those around you because they're gonna start seeing the goodness of God over it. There's no way man could have done this. There's no way a human could have done this. There's no way that anything that had to do with the flesh could accomplish this. When you look at my life, I want the testimony to be it's not by power, it's not by might, but it's by my spirit, says the Lord.

00:26 - Speaker 2
Welcome to the City Light Church podcast. Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's Word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us. If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Pastor Boyan Jancic and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds. As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you that he has a real hope and a future for you.

01:10 - Speaker 3
We got a special guest this morning Nathaniel St Eloy, a dear, dear friend of this house. Been coming here for many years. He serves on our board of directors as well. He's a man of God and a brother. I just sent you those photos of your wedding. They randomly you know how iPhone will remind you and it was all your wedding. I was reminded your wedding had flavor. I was going through the videos and stuff. Your wedding. Oh, it was an awesome wedding. I was reminded your wedding had flavor. I was going through the videos and stuff. Your wedding was an awesome wedding. Come on up and bless us with the word of the Lord. Put your hands together.

01:55 - Speaker 1
Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. I preach at a lot of places and the pastors I preach for they usually don't get invited to my wedding. So we're real friends, like we're really, really friends. So I'm honored to be here. Can we just give Jesus a shout of victory in this place? I'm ready for this word. If you were here for first service, act like you weren't here and shout like you're hearing it for the first time. Amen. All right, let's get into this. We're going to get into a Mark chapter. Mark chapter eight. Mark chapter eight. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Lord.

Can we just pray? Close your eyes for a second, father, can you just put your hands right now over your eyes, every person. Put your hands over your eyes, lord. Give us fresh vision. Give us eyes that see beyond the natural and see into the realm of the spirit. Father, whatever things have been blinding us, whatever spiritual cataracts have been there, I pray you remove them now. I pray that you'll give us spiritual eyes, slav, that we'll be able to see deeper, open up our eyes into the realm of the spirit, that we would see things the way you see it, we would have your eyes, we would have your understanding and we'll have your vision in the name of Jesus. If you believe it, give God a shout of victory in here. You're getting ready to see at a deeper level.

You know Jesus even told John. He said come up higher so I can show you things which you have not seen. I prophesy, can I prophesy over three people. I prophesy God's bringing you higher and you're going to see things you've never seen before. All people said amen. When God shows you revelation, it's for your advancement, it's for your prosperity, it's for your favor. So when he shows you deeper, it's because he's going to do greater in your life. How many of you believe greater is here? All right, let's go.

All right, mark, chapter 8, let's go, verse 22. Are y'all ready? I'm excited. I'm always excited to be here. I think I misspoke earlier. I said I've been preaching here for 18 years. It's been more like 15, 16 years, but it's still been a very long time and I know I don't look that old. So God is good. Your wife told me she said do you age at all? I said this is why I love you. Your wife told me she said do you age at all? I said this is why I love you. This is why she said you still look the same way. I'm like God, I feel like I look old, but thank you for the grace, y'all ready, all right, mark, chapter eight you don't know how it feels Like you't look older. God is good because I feel it like. Oh, mark, chapter 8, let's go um.

Verse 22 says they came to beth sada and some people brought a blind man and begged jesus to touch him. Verse 23 it says he took the blind man by the hand and let him outside the village. When he had spat on the man's eyes and put his hands on him, jesus asked do you see anything? Verse 24,. He looked up and he said I see people. They look like trees walking around. Verse 25, once more, jesus put his hands on the man's eyes. Then his eyes were open, his sight was restored and he saw everything clearly. Verse 26 is the last verse, and he saw everything clearly. Verse 26 is the last verse. Jesus sent him home, saying don't even go into the village. May god bless the reading of his word.

The title of my sermon is vision test, vision test. Have you gotten a vision test yet? Have you gotten a vision test lately? I'm not talking about in the natural. Have you done a vision test lately? I'm not talking about in the natural. Have you done a vision test in the spiritual? You see, one of my favorite things when I was a kid was going to go get a vision test because I had exceptionally great vision. I still do. God is faithful, amen, amen. But my sister had terrible vision and so I would always be reading the board A, c, b, d, e, f, ha, ha, you can't see. And she'd be like I think that's a Q, like no, that's not a Q, sis, that's a P. And I would always make it a joke you can't see, I can see. And you would do these yearly vision tests to see if your vision had gotten worse. And if your vision had gotten worse, you would need to get some corrective vision, help, glasses, contacts.

Who's now five years old? He started having vision problems and the way me and my wife recognized the vision problems was that he started looking at things and he was squinting. Anytime he would look at anything, he would start squinting and we realized something is not right. But he was too young to go to the traditional route and actually read the letters on the board. So we had to wait an entire year get a specialist, an ophthalmologist, not an optometrist. This is like a whole nother level. We had to get an ophthalmologist, a pediatric ophthalmologist. It took us one year to get that appointment. Some places had a year and a half two years appointment. It took us an entire year to get the appointment.

It was during COVID and what they would do is they would put some drops in your eyes and when they put the drops in your eyes, they were able to go in. They use this machine. This technology is insane and they would be able to look into your eyes and see literally what your vision was without you having to read a board or doing any of that other stuff. And so they did this test for him because we were so concerned and worried, like what's going on with his vision. And they did this test for him where they looked right into his eyes and they were able to tell us well, his vision is plus 7.75 in both eyes. Basically, he cannot see. So he was living about three years of his life basically unable to see anything.

We saw issues in his behavior, we saw issues in his academics. We saw issues in his speech with him. He's just not right. He's not connecting properly, is he okay? And we thought, maybe it's autism, maybe it's something else. And you know, we wanted to believe the best, of course we're believers. We were praying, we were seeking God and it was something as simple as vision.

Ah, and then that's when the Holy Spirit began to speak to me and say that a lot of you have been focusing on the fruit but not the root. All right, I'm gonna say that a lot of you have been focusing on the fruit but not the root. All right, I'm going to say that again because some of y'all didn't catch what I'm trying to say, what I'm trying to say with Judah. I started looking at the fruit. He's misbehaving, he isn't doing well academically. There's all these things going on around him and I thought maybe something's wrong. It was a simple explanation. He needed correction in his vision.

And that's when the Holy Spirit said my people are the same way. They've been looking at the symptoms, but they have not gone to the root. And the root why you are where you are in life and you're not seeing any fruit spiritually, you're not seeing God move in your life, is because you lack spiritual vision. But today the Holy Spirit said I'm getting ready to open up your eyes so that you can see clearly. I'm getting ready to give you supernatural vision, so that you can see the business the way God sees it. So you can see your wife the way God sees her. So you can see your husband the way God sees him. So you can see your wife the way God sees her. So you can see your husband the way God sees him. So you can see your kids the way God sees them. So you can see City Light Church and this ministry the way God intended it for it to be.

Somebody make some noise and say I'm getting my vision back. Some of you, you've been praying, you've been fasting, but you've lost your vision. Today there's a Holy Spirit vision test. You're getting your vision back. Y'all got a shot. Like you believe it. I'm getting my vision back Spiritually. Some of you are just coasting. Like Pastor Boyan said, you're coasting through life While the world is in chaos and confusion, while there's wars and rumors of war. While Israel's in a battle right now, fighting for their lives, fighting against every nation around them. While the world is in chaos in Palestine. While the world is in chaos in Ukraine. While the world's in chaos in the United States. While there's wars and rumors of wars, while there's storms going on. Some of you guys are coasting. But I hear the Spirit of the Lord say you need a vision test because you've lost your vision in prayer. You've lost your vision for fasting. You've lost your vision for pursuit after the presence of God. But after today you're getting your vision back. After today, you're getting your vision back. I believe God's going to raise up some strong, passionate prayer warriors, those with an Elijah type of anointing who are going to pray until manifestation comes. Who's going to pray and put their head in between their knees and cry out until the rain from heaven comes. You're going to get your vision back. Come on, somebody. You're going to get your vision back.

Let's look at Proverbs 29, verse 18. Look what it says in the New King James Version. It says where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint. The word revelation there, when you look in the King James Version, is actually the word vision. The word vision doesn't just mean what you can see. It means what you can understand by the realm of the Spirit. It means a word from heaven. It means vision from God. It means God giving you insight about your future.

Some of you, you have good insight about your past, but you have no insight about your present and your future. That means you lack revelation and you lack vision. Do you know what the devil's whole intent is? It's to get you to see your past, but not for you to see your future. The devil's whole plan is for you to focus on everything that happened back there and glorify and romanticize the past, and to love the past and to think about the past so much that you don't see the vision for the future. Some of you have been is so in love with what's happened in the past that you cannot. You're married to the past and there's no room for your future. Some of you are married to your past and your future is calling you and beckoning you and you're. You haven't divorced yourself from it. But in the name of Jesus, today's a day where I'm giving an anointment letter to my past. I'm giving an anointment letter to where I used to be, what I used to do, where I used to go, who I used to hang out with, the places I used to be, and I'm no longer there anymore.

Somebody give God a shout. God's given me a vision for the future, and my future looks bright. My future looks big. My future looks magnificent. My future looks like God's goodness. My future looks like I'm reigning and ruling on the earth. My future looks I'm stepping into my promised land. My future looks good. My future looks good. My future looks good. I know what's happening in the world, but my future's bright in God. Woo, you got to get a vision, I believe City Light. This is a season where God is shifting your vision. That means you're gonna see more souls.

One, okay, how many people? Two people got excited about souls. What's going on? If I said God was gonna bless you with money, oh, hallelujah, hallelujah. God's gonna bless you with a husband, hallelujah. The church always hallelujahing with husbands and money. But once you talk about souls, praise God. If there's something we should be shouting about is souls being one. I'm going to shout for the money, too, and the blessing, but I'm going to shout for souls louder too, and the blessing, but I'm going to shout for souls louder, because it's all from God. Amen, my God, all right.

Y'all ready to get into the text a little bit? They're not ready. I'm going home. I'm just kidding Preach, I like that. Who said that? I'm just kidding preach. I like that who said that yes, help me preach, she's back there, she's ready, all right.

So so the Lord showed me there's going to be a renewed vision, a renewed hunger, a renewed passion, a renewed desire. It's going to be to the point where all that matters is Jesus. You're going to see the crowd and the crowd won't matter, because you're going to be like that woman who wanted to touch the hem of his garment. I'm going to keep going, no matter who's in my way, and I'm going to touch Jesus right. So God's going to give you a renewed vision.

So here's, here's a few things, um, that you can do to get a vision test according to this scripture. Look what it says Mark, chapter 8, verse 22 to 26. The first thing that had to happen was um, and the Lord showed me this. This is so powerful, he said. He said the way that you get vision is that you have to be careful who you're surrounded around. Ooh, this is so good. You got to be careful who you're connected to, because who you're connected to is going to determine how far you go in life. Some of you have not gone far because your connections have not allowed you to go far enough.

But when you get around the right people, something starts happening in your spirit, man. When you get around spiritual people, you get around destiny builders. Around destiny builders. You get around people who can look at you and see the God dreams and the God visions and God ideas. They can look and they can see beyond the flesh and they know you by the Spirit. Something arises in you, a passion arises when your baby begins to leap. So I want to let you know that God is about to send the friends and the connections and the network and the people who can see you beyond where you are right now, and they can begin to see the destiny on the inside of you. When you're going to get around them, your spiritual baby's going to begin to leap. The destiny in you is going to begin to leap. The call of God is going to begin to leap on the inside, where you're like I can't be mundane anymore, I can't be stagnant anymore, I can't be dead anymore.

There's something in you that starts arising when you get around the right people. When you get around the wrong people, death, destruction. When God wants to bless you, he sends someone. When the devil wants to destroy you, he sends someone. When the devil wants to destroy you, he sends someone. I'm gonna say it again when God wants to bless you, he sends someone. When the devil wants to destroy you, he sends someone. That's why you need to have spiritual eyes and you need to begin to pray prayers like God. Send me the right people. Send me people who are going to help push the destiny of God and the purpose of God, not people who are going to push me back into the things of the world, push me back into things you delivered me from. There are some people that are perfectly fine if you're doing what they're doing. Are you smoking weed? Cool, we're friends. Yeah, I want you like. Yeah, I don't do that, no more. What's wrong with you? But we always used to do this together. You don't understand. I have destiny.

When you have destiny, when you have a call of God, you realize that certain things that used to satisfy you don't satisfy you anymore. And people think you outgrew them. No, I just outgrew the sin. That's good. Oh, my God, I outgrew the sin because the more you mature in God, sin just becomes more and more disgusting. The deeper you get in God, you're like why did I even like this? Why was I even into that? It starts becoming disgusting to you, amen. Sin becomes disdainful and when you get around certain people, they will corrupt your character. The Bible says bad company corrupts good. So when you get around the wrong people, it will start skewing your way of looking at things, amen. You start looking at things that are wrong and saying it's right because you watch too much MSNBC, amen. Oh, this, everyone could get abortions 's no problem. What this person's decision? And you start looking at things that are wrong biblically. I'm not talking about politically, I'm talking about bible. Right now I'm like oh, that's republican, he's republican talking about that. I'm not talking about talking points, I'm talking about scripturally. You start looking at what the scripture says and then you start justifying well, the scripture says this, but I knew it was gonna get quiet. I'm not marrying myself to anything that's not in the word. The word is my guide to live. And once you get around certain things, it starts corrupting your mind to think well, you know what certain things are. Okay, you know. Well, I got friends who are in a certain lifestyle. I got friends who are in a certain I got, and there's no, there's no, there's no. You should love everyone. But you should live by what the word says and once you start living by the word, you're like man. There's certain things that I can't put up with. Biblically, it may be okay culturally, the culture may say there's nothing wrong with it. Everyone may be like, oh, this is okay and they pacify certain things. But I got to live by the word, because what happens is, even though you're like, it's not me, I'm not doing certain things what happens is that it starts corrupting you after a while. All right, let me prove it to you. There's a man named Lot. You know what the Bible calls Lot A righteous man. But you know what it says His righteous soul was grieved. Why was his righteous soul grieved? Because he was living among all that sin sin and it started getting into his soul. So that means you could be righteous and every person who accept jesus christ as their lord and savior. Not because of your works, not because of your goodness, not because of what you've done, but because of the finished work of jesus. You are all righteous. Okay, this? I thought this was a church that believed. Everyone who believed in jesus was righteous. You are all righteous. He who knew no sin became sin so that you can be the righteousness of god in christ jesus. You are righteous, but as a righteous person, if you get around the wrong people your soul can get tormented. The bible says lot's's soul got tormented in Sodom and Gomorrah looking at the sin, looking at the debauchery, to the point where they came to his house to try to rape the two angels that came and were fellowshipping with him. And Lot had the nerve to step out of his house because sin had become so pervasive in his soul and had tormented them. You know what? Instead of raping these two men, you guys can have my daughters. He allowed the culture to come in and change his perspective of what righteousness looked like. Have you allowed the culture? This was nothing like the first service, isn't this completely different? But there are people who are so married to the culture the culture has corrupted their minds to think that things that are not biblical are okay. It's still wrong. It's not in the Bible. This is tough, but I feel this strong though. I feel like only heaven can renew your mind. You need a vision test. See, there's the Holy Spirit giving you a vision test. I've come as a spiritual ophthalmologist. In the Holy Ghost. I'm a spiritual ophthalm, spiritual. Cover that eye right there. Cover that eye right there. Yeah, you see, right there. That's an area where the enemy can come in. You see that right there. That's an area where you're seeing things, but you're not seeing it from heaven's perspective. You're seeing it from the flesh, you're seeing it from carnality, but you're not seeing it the way God wants you to see it. Come on, see. That's why you got to get around the right people, because there are people who are going to look at you and they're going to see destiny on you when you see nothing in you. There was recently. The Lord was telling me to step out in a certain area and the fear was on me. I said God, I cannot do this. I don't have the resources, I don't have the skills, I don't have the pedigree, I don't have the resources, I don't have the skills, I don't have the pedigree, I don't have the resume, I don't have the money, I don't have the connections. I had nothing. I had nothing. All I had was God. I can't do it. I called a few friends and they cursed me out in the spirit. You ever get cussed out in the spirit. That's the best. That's worse than people saying the F word when someone cusses you out in the spirit, that's the best. That's worse than like. If people say an f word when someone cuss you out in the holy spirit, they don't use actual cuss words, they like. They cuss out the devil that's trying to. They rebuke satan that try is trying to come in. They're like let me tell you something about the god you serve. And then they need like a nice little southern accent to it and a twang. Let me tell you something the God you serve is bigger than you. He's stronger than you. You may not have the resources, but he owns cattle on a thousand hills. You may not have the money, but my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches and glory. Oh, I dare you to get a good Holy Ghost cussing out today. Cuss me out, holy Ghost, anytime. Get the fear out, get the doubt out, get the pain out and allow your spirit to speak Hallelujah. I'm tired of being down. No, I need the Holy Spirit to come in and tell me who I am. I'm a child of God. I can't lose. I can't lose. It took way too long on that first point. Here's my second point. Some miracles won't happen until God pulls you out of your comfort zone. We went from victory to everyone. Wow, jesus was brought this. This blind man was brought to Jesus in a place called Bethsaida. If you know anything about Bethsaida, the bible says that Bethsaida is the place where Philip came from, andrew came from, peter came from, james and John came from. It was the place where Jesus took five loaves and two fish and he fed 5,000. Bethsaida was a spiritual place. It was a powerful place. It was a place where Jesus did countless miracles. He did countless000. Bethsaida was a spiritual place. It was a powerful place. It was a place where Jesus did countless miracles. He did countless miracles in Bethsaida. It was a miraculous place. But a few chapters later, if you look at Matthew chapter 11, he starts cussing out Bethsaida. He said Bethsaida, if the miracles that were done in you were done in Tyre and Sidon, two evil, demonic nations, they would have repented a long time ago. You know what Cursed are you Bethsaida? Then he curses that land of Bethsaida. I'm like Jesus. This is insane when they bring this blind man to Jesus in Bethsaida. Jesus looks at Bethsaida and is like I can't do the miracle here. I can't do the miracle in the place where I used to move where you don't let me move anymore. Some of you are spiritual Bethsaidas. I knew this one was going to hurt. If you can't say amen, say ouch. There are places where Jesus used to move, where Jesus used to speak to, where Jesus used to manifest, where Jesus used to allow, used to just allow his presence, who just sit for hours in his presence. Now you're Bethsaida. I don't know if I really believe in that kind of stuff anymore. I don't know if Jesus is going to really do this. And then now you're a place of doubt. And Jesus, they try to bring Jesus, this blind man in Bethsaida. The Bible says Jesus is like you can't get the miracle here. He takes him by the hand and he pulls him out of Bethsaida. Come on, come on, the miracle can't happen here. You have to understand something. This man is blind. Jesus is like I'm going to mess up your whole concept of what I'm going to do. Pulls him out of the city. There's some stuff the Holy Spirit got to pull you out of or is going to kill you. Ask Lot. We're talking a lot about Lot here. The Bible says it got to the point. God kept telling Lot this ain't a good place for you Lot. This is not a good relationship for you Lot. This is not a good friendship for you Lot. There's not a good job for you Lot. This is not a good city for you Lot. This is not a good ministry for you, lot. This is not the right place for you, lot and Lot's like cool man, I'm cool, look at the land, look at. Oh, I'm blessed. I got money in my bank account. We all good god. Lot, lot, lot, lot. No, no, but we're good God. I'm still praying, lot, this ain't it. I'm going to pray for her salvation. You better go ahead. You better go ahead. I'm going to do some missionary dating. She eventually going to get saved, because you know I love you so much. Say ouch, ouch, say ouch. Eventually you're gonna bless me at this job, even though you told me to start the business six years ago. Eventually you're gonna bless me in this apartment, even though you told me to buy a house three years ago and I waited for the interest rates to go so high. I got to pull you out because the miracle can't happen this here, it can't happen there. It can't happen in Bethsaida. It can't happen in the place of unbelief. It has to happen in a place of belief. You know what God, pulling you out of the city, is saying I'm going to change my perspective. I'm going to change the way I think. I'm going to change from a toxic way of thinking, a toxic way of doing things. I don't want to think like this anymore. I want heavenly thoughts. I want to think on heaven's perspective. I want to repent. You know the issue with Bethsaida that the Lord kept saying over and over you see miracles, you see miracles, you see miracles. You've seen great things but you have not repented. You see miracles. You've seen great things but you have not repented. And repent doesn't mean coming to an altar and crying. It means changing the way you, because there's something miracles unless you change the way you think, you will never see it in your life. Some of you, your thinking is the thing that has literally held you captive, has made you bondage to the world and to the system of this age. It's your thinking. Once you start changing your thinking, you're going to be the perfect candidate for the supernatural. But it's your thinking, even jesus. He said repent, for the kingdom of god is at hand. You want to see the kingdom manifest. Change the way you think. Repent. Repent is two words. Read to turn Pent like the top of a building. You got to think on a higher perspective. Repent means I'm not thinking low Because the world thinks low. The world thinks here. The world thinks here. Do not be conformed to this world With the form of the world. Be transformed. Trans means over or above I can't think like the world. Be transformed. Trans means over or above. I can't think like the world thinks and get the manifestation of heaven in my life. If I want the manifestation of heaven, I got to start thinking like I'm in heaven, because the Bible says you're seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. That was a little too much. All right, can I go to the? To the next point. Yeah, some miracles can't happen in the comfort zone. You got to step out of that comfort zone. I had a lot more to say. But that's cool. God, pull him out, pull us out. He gonna pull you out of that thing. You better, you, let him, let him. He gave you all the signs red flag here. Let him pull you out. All right, okay, my next, my next point stop lecturing God on how he should do the miracle. Oh, this is my favorite point, cause a lot of us like God, please use me, god, please do the miracle. And God's like yeah, the miracle is going to come through some stuff, I'm good God. Yeah, the miracle is going to come through some stuff. I'm good God, you are Indian. Give or take a backer. Okay, god, if I got to go through this for the miracle? I don't know if I want it. Sometimes the miracle means you got to go through the process and the process sometimes doesn't feel good. You have to think about it. This blind man gets dragged out of a city. He don't know Jesus, I don't know you, I can't even see you, and you're dragging me out of a city. I don't know you. And Jesus comes and drags him out of a city and then the next thing Jesus does is he does the miracle in the weirdest way. Because if you look at verse 22, when his friends bring him to Jesus, his friends said can you just touch him and heal him? So his friends had a perspective of how the miracle should look. He's going to touch you and the miracle is going to happen. You think it's going to be some easy process? Oh, all you got to do is like 12 other times in the scriptures. Jesus just touched people and the miracle happened. He just, he just touched people and then, boom, it was that quick, that easy. And they saw all of that and they're like this is how the miracle is going to happen this time. And Jesus goes no, have you ever been in a place in life where you look at other people's life and you're like man? That miracle just seems so easy. For them it was just like a straight line for the supernatural. And for you, the Holy Spirit's like make a right, left, go down, go up, cha-cha, slide. You're like Holy Spirit, how come this is not easy for me, like it is for everyone else? I gotta go through all this for the miracle. And God's like the miracle I wanna do for you is different than the miracle I did for them. So the process won't be the same. Look, he just touched them. He just touched them. That's what you do Touch, touch, healed, cool, jesus, can you just do that for me? Why you got to come drag me out of a city? Then the next thing Jesus does is crazy. Hold on, jesus. I'm blind, but I can hear. I might be blind but I can still hear, and I know what it sounds like when someone's spitting. It doesn't seem normal, but those are the greatest miracles when God does something out of the box, it's proof that you're loved. Guess what? Jesus never healed anyone like that again in the Bible. Your miracle that God's about to do in your life is going to be unique. That shows me that God's thinking about you in a way he didn't think about anyone else. That shows me that God's thinking about you in a way he didn't think about anyone else. Oh, three people. That got me excited. I believe your miracle ain't going to look like that other person's miracle. It's going to be so. Your story is going to blow the minds of those around you because they're going to start seeing the goodness of God over. There's no way man could have done this. There's no way a human could have done this. There's no way that anything that had to do with the flesh could accomplish this. This had to be done by the Holy Spirit. When you look at my life, I want the testimony to be it's not by power, it's not by might, but it's by my spirit, says the Lord. I want my testimony to be. If it had not been for the Lord on my side, where would I be? I want it to be God arise and his enemies be scattered. I want it to be that God did it. The victory came from God. Jesus, I know it's. I know what spit sounds like what. But you couldn't just touch me, jesus. Twelve other times you should just touch people, couldn't just touch the man had leprosy. You didn't even touch the man with leprosy. Oh, jesus, you even touched. You don't want to touch me. You would have spit on me. But there was a guy with leprosy. You just spit on him. See, I put myself in the scriptures because I would have been like jesus. No, no, no, no, no. There was a man with leprosy. I heard you just touched him. I've been like this. I heard jesus where are you? I don't know, but you just touched him. Jesus, I why you got to do this to me. She spits, he makes some mud, puts it in his eyes. Hello, jesus, you were gonna touch me anyway. The Bible says he put it. Then he touched him and laid hands on him. You was going to lay hands, you was going to touch me anyway. And then you the Bible says, when he puts his hands on his eyes, he said what do you see? He said what do you see? He goes. I see men like trees. Some of you are content with that level of vision. I can kind of see, but, um, this was proof of one thing to me he used to be able to see because he knew what a tree looked like, he knew what people looked like, he was able to see before, and so he's like I can kind of see, but I can't. And some of you have been content with half vision. I'm my dad right. He had cataracts for years, I mean years, and he was just living life with cataracts, driving with cataract, I mean basically driving blind, living blind. But it became such a part of who he was. It became such a part of who he was that he didn't even realize he couldn't see until he got the surgery. Then he's like I really couldn't see and it just kept getting progressively worse and worse and worse. And he was like I'm just going to live with it, I'm just going to live with it, I'm just going to live with it, I'm just going to live with it. And he was living with vision that was thwarted, vision that wasn't clear, vision that wasn't able to allow him to live the fullness of life that he should have been living. But I'm okay with half vision, I'm okay with partial vision, I'm okay with God not speaking to me anymore. I'm okay not reading the scriptures for weeks and just coming to church, and it's okay. I'm okay just living in sin and sleeping around. It's cool, god, but you still love me. Say ouch. But here's the good news Today, the Holy Spirit is giving you a vision test and by his spirit, here's what he's gonna do. What do you see? Uh, you don't see. Full. Hold on, hold on, let me touch you again. I prophesied that this is a second touch for you. Whoo, come on somebody. I prophesied that the holy spirit is touching you in a deeper way like never before. I mean, he's gonna touch your eyes, you're gonna see so clear. The Bible says as soon as Jesus touched his eyes the second time, the man said I see clearly. I Prophesied this is your year to see clearly. Can I speak over City Light Church? City Light Church, god's giving you clarity in this season clear vision for this house, clear vision for your ministry, clear vision for your business, clear vision in your profession, clear vision for your family, clear vision in your home, clear vision for your wife, clear vision for your husband, clear vision for your children. Somebody better shout up in here if you believe that God's giving you clear vision.

40:10 - Speaker 2
This is the City Light Church podcast. If you've missed any part of today's message, or if you would like to find out more about Pastor Boyan Jancic and City Light Church message, or if you would like to find out more about Pastor Boyan Jancic and City Light Church, visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Feel free to visit us online or in person anytime. We would love to connect with you. We pray that you have been encouraged today, that you have been reminded how much God loves you and that you are surrounded by grace. Thank you for listening. Make sure that you subscribe to City Light Church Podcast wherever you find your favorite podcasts worldwide.