New Episodes Weekly!
April 2, 2024

Steadfast Faith Amidst Trials: The Journey from Fan to Follower on the Road to Easter

Steadfast Faith Amidst Trials: The Journey from Fan to Follower on the Road to Easter
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CityLight NYC Church

Unlock the true meaning of steadfast faith and discover how to rise above the fickleness of human approval in our latest CityLight Church podcast. Embrace the hope of being cherished by an eternal God as we take you on a journey from Palm Sunday's paradox to the enduring truth of Christ's sacrifice. Our reflection on the events of Holy Week serves as a powerful reminder of the fragile nature of human adoration and the significance of an unwavering commitment to spiritual convictions.

Wrestle with the complexities of loyalty and devotion as we dissect what it means to be not just a fan, but a true follower of Christ. Through the lens of Peter's transformation and the tale of Lot's wife, we uncover the virtues of staying true to our beliefs amidst life's trials. Let the anticipation of Easter's message of rebirth and redemption resonate with you as we highlight the importance of holding steadfast to a faith-driven life, even when faced with adversity.
Journey with us as we fortify our understanding of the Gospel's unchanging truths in a world that constantly tests our faith.


00:00 - From Fan to Follower

10:30:00 - Importance of Loyalty and Commitment

18:32:00 - Six Tools of the Enemy

32:03:00 - The Cost of Following Jesus

37:31:00 - Kanye West, Faith, and False Doctrine

47:38:00 - The Importance of Sound Doctrine

59:02:00 - City Light Church Podcast Subscription