Nov. 5, 2024
The Audacity of Faith: Claiming God's Promises Through Caleb's Journey

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Unlock the transformative power of unwavering faith and learn how to claim God's promises with confidence! In our latest episode, hear an inspiring message drawn from the story of Caleb in Joshua chapter 14. Discover how Caleb's 45-year journey to claim his inheritance is not just ancient history but a living testament to audacious prayer and steadfast belief. This journey invites you to shift your perspective from being led by fleeting emotions to anchoring your life in the enduring strength of faith.
In this episode we go through Caleb's life, showcasing the power of a 'different spirit' that can lead to remarkable outcomes. By examining Caleb's wholehearted commitment to God, we uncover how seeing obstacles as divine opportunities can transform challenges into blessings. This episode encourages us to align our minds with God's will, learning to lead by first being excellent followers—just as Caleb exemplified on the mountain of Hebron. It's a call for men especially, to rise above societal pressures and embrace their roles as strong, spiritually grounded leaders within their families and communities.
The legacy doesn't stop with Caleb; it extends to his daughter and beyond, reminding us that audacity in faith can lead to extraordinary blessings. By claiming our double portion of blessings with courage and conviction, we stand on the brink of a season of abundance and fulfillment. Join us as we inspire you to step boldly into the promises of God and embrace the audacity of faith in your life.
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(00:00) An Audacious Ask
(10:58) Conquering Mountains With Faith
(21:59) Men of Faith
(35:51) The Audacity of Faith
00:00 - An Audacious Ask
10:58:00 - Conquering Mountains With Faith
21:59:00 - Men of Faith
35:51:00 - The Audacity of Faith
00:00 - Speaker 1
Greater is he that's within me than he that is in the world. You see, my mindset about me hasn't changed. I know who I am and because of that, no matter what the devil throws at me, I know that I gotta have the strength. You know what kept him strong? He had a promise that he would not let go of. It was given 45 years ago, but I'm gonna keep praying like it was given yesterday.
00:26 - Speaker 2
Welcome to the City Light Church podcast. Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's Word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us. If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Pastor Boyan Jancic and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds. As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you. That he has a real hope and a future for you.
01:05 - Speaker 1
I'm honored to be here. Let's get right into this word by this time. I've been here three weeks. I'm not a friend of this church anymore. Stop calling me that. I'm family. If I hear he's a great friend of this church, I'm not coming back. I am family now I'm uncle. You can call am family, now I'm uncle. You can call me Uncle Nate. All right, so let's get into it. Joshua, chapter 14.
01:37 - Speaker 2
Can you?
01:37 - Speaker 1
just do one thing, as they're putting the verse up on the screen.
01:43 - Speaker 2
Can you?
01:43 - Speaker 1
just clap your hands and just give God thanks for your pastor, and I know they don't use the term first lady, but I'm old school church, the first lady of this church. Thank you guys. Thank you guys, let's. Let's get into it. Joshua, chapter 14. We're going to read verse 6. Then I want to read the scripture in Luke. It's Luke 11, 6. I want to read in the NIV though, if that's okay, I know that's kind of last minute and I have a couple of verses that are last minute, but don't be mad at me, please. All right, uncle Nate. Right, right, I'm that, uncle. We're supposed to eat at three. No, we're eating at four today. Bear with me. All right, joshua, chapter 14.
We're gonna look at how people been having fun the last few weeks. Can I be honest with you? I woke up with a headache, but I was so excited to come. I woke up like man, I don't feel the best and I was like no, I'm going into the house of the lord, into an on-fire church with believers ready to receive the word. That got me. I'm telling you, it gave me the junk that I needed. If I was going to some dead church, I would have been like my head would have been down, but I knew I was coming to an on fire powerful Holy Spirit church, ready to receive the rhema word of God. So I came. I'm excited now. That headache just left me. I feel good.
It says Joshua, chapter 14, verse 6. Then the children of Judah came to Joshua in Gilgal, and Caleb, the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite, said to him you know the word which the Lord said to Moses, the man of God, concerning you and me, in Kadesh-Berna. I was 40 years old when Moses, the servant of the Lord, sent me from Kadesh-Berna to explore the land and I brought him a report according to my convictions. My fellow Israelites who went up with me made the hearts of the people melt in fear. I, however, followed the Lord, my God, wholeheartedly. Look at verse 9. So on that day, moses swore to me the land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance, my God, and that of your children forever, because you have followed the Lord, my God wholeheartedly, verse 10. Lord, my God wholeheartedly, verse 10. Now then, just as the Lord promised, he kept me alive for 45 years. Now, 45 years had passed by 45 years. He received a promise 45 years before, and this is what he says. He says 45 years since the time. He said this while Israel moved about in the wilderness. So here am I today, 85 years old, and I'm still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out. I'm just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then, verse 12. Now, give me this hill country. I like the way the, the new king James, says it. Give me this mountain that the Lord promised me that day. You yourself heard then that the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified. But, the Lord helping me, I will drive them out, just as he said. May God bless the reading of his word. Let's do that. Last verse, verse 13. Can we do that? Then Joshua blessed Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, and gave him Hebron as his inheritance. May God bless the reading of his word. Oh, we could do 14. So Hebron belonged to Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, the Chesedite, ever since, because he followed the Lord, the God of Israel, wholeheartedly. The God of Israel wholeheartedly.
The title of my sermon is an audacious ask. An audacious ask, father, I thank you right now for your word. I pray that it will go out with power, it will go out with authority, it will go out with ease and simplicity, lord, that people would be able to receive fully everything that you're speaking, everything that you're saying and everything that you're delivering. Lord, let be me hide me behind the cross and you speak clearly. Lord father, let people be edified, let people be transformed. In the name of jesus, we pray amen. Y'all, y'all with me.
So this verse in Joshua, chapter 14, is a verse about two main characters, joshua and Caleb. And when the children of Israel in the book of Numbers were giving a command, they were giving a commission to go into the promised land. You know, god told them there's a land that I'm giving you that's flowing with milk and honey. But even though the Lord had commanded them to go into the land, he commanded them to go into Canaan. He sent 12 spies before they would possess the land, and Joshua and Caleb were part of the 12 spies that were sent into the land to see if the land was a good land.
And when Joshua and Caleb went out into the land, the Bible says that Joshua and Caleb came back with a good report, while all the other spies came back with a bad report. They looked at their situation and they looked at themselves and they said we are like grasshoppers in our own sight. They saw their own limitations, they saw their own shortcomings, they saw the areas where they faltered and they failed. And they looked at that and said that's the level that we can receive from God, the level based off how we see ourselves. Can I just say something to someone in the house right now that can encourage you that the way you look, the way you talk, who you are, is not determined your victory. Your victory is determined in how big your God is.
They go into the land and when they go into the land, the Bible says they see giants in the land. The land looked good but there were giants and they got afraid because of the giants. They saw themselves as small and insignificant compared to the giants that were in the land. How can we take this land when there's giants in the land? And the Bible says that ten came back with a negative report, two came back with a good report and God says all the people who came back with the bad report they'll die in this wilderness and they end up going in a circle for 40 years until Moses dies and that generation dies. And when Moses dies and that generation dies, joshua comes on the scene and the scripture says that the children of Israel were literally waiting outside the promised land. They were able to see the promised land, but they were not able to taste of the fruit of the promised land. They were able to see the goodness, but they were not able to experience the goodness.
Can I just speak to someone right now who? You're right at the edge of your destiny, but your faith is so low that you're not able to believe that God can take you into bigger and better things. You're still content with the manna and the quail. I'm not content with manna and quail. I need to step into the promise of God that he spoke over my life. I don't care how long it takes to get there. If God spoke a word, he's going to manifest the word. I don't care how long it takes to get there. He's the same yesterday, today and forever. If he promised you something, I don't care if it takes 45 years to manifest, it will manifest in your life, because God is true and every man is a liar.
I'm looking at this story and I'm looking at Caleb in particular.
Caleb intrigues me, caleb speaks to me. Caleb, because the Bible says a few things about Caleb and this is why Caleb was able to claim his promise and walk in his inheritance. Can I tell you the first thing the scripture says about Caleb, why he was able to walk into his promise and claim what God told him that he was going to walk into? The first thing is that, even though Caleb was born a slave, even though Caleb was wandering in the wilderness, his heart was already in Canaan. His heart was already in the promised land. His heart was already on the promise of God and thinking about the promise of God.
Some of you, your heart is stuck on where you're at and not where you're going. Your heart is stuck on man. I just feel like I can't make it. I just feel like I don't have the resources. I just feel like I don't have the money. I just feel like no one supports me. I just feel like I can't finish my education. I just feel like my family would never get out of this situation.
Stop living by feelings and start living by faith. Your feelings will trick you. Your feelings will deceive you, your feelings are fleeting. One moment you'll feel good. Next moment you'll feel depressed. One moment you've got to speak to yourself. Why are you downcast, oh my soul? Why are you sad? Why are you downcast? Hope in God, trust in God, believe the word of God. I'd rather stand on the promise of God and look crazy than believe the report of man. I feel this in my spirit Because some of you have been living a life based off feelings.
But feelings and faith sometimes contradict each other. And guess what? Caleb was not living by feelings Because, can I tell you, the feeling was there's actual giants in the land. No, the reality was there were people way bigger than them, way stronger than them, had more resources than them. These were slaves that were coming out of a land and literally walking around for 40 years in a circle, wearing the same exact clothes, eating the same exact food, going to the same exact place over and over. It seemed crazy that Caleb thought that these little misfits could actually take on giants, but that's what made him who he was. He wouldn't look at the children of Israel like they were a bunch of misfits. He looked at them like they were the promised people of God, the covenant people of Israel. They got something that's greater than the nations. They may not have the height, they may not have the weapons, they may not have the strength, but they got the Lord on their side. There's something when God's with you on their side. There's something when God's with you.
I'm looking at Caleb and his life intrigues me, because Caleb's heart the Bible says he he wholeheartedly followed the Lord. Some of you want to be leaders, but you're not a good follower. I realize, oh, that was good, that was a shot. It wasn't meant to be a shot, it was just meant to be the truth. But the only way you can be a good leader is if you're first a good follower. Caleb and Joshua you know what the Bible says. They wholeheartedly follow the lord. One scripture says it like this they had a different spirit. When I looked up that word different spirit in the hebrew you know what it means. It means a following spirit. They followed the lord lord. Okay, you're going in this direction, I'll go in that direction. God, you're moving like this, then I'm gonna move like this, god.
They said the church is going on a 21-day fast. I'm going to go on a 21-day fast. They said they need people to volunteer, I'm going to volunteer. Well, I'm preaching good. They said sign up for life groups. I'm going to sign up for life groups.
I'm not following man, I'm following God. I'm not led by the crowd, I'm led by the cloud. I'm following after Jesus. Wherever he goes, I go. Whatever he says, I say whatever. However he tells me to do it, I'll do it, even if it makes me look a little bit crazy. Jesus, I'm gonna follow you wholeheartedly. That was Caleb's commitment. I got to follow God all the way. Some of you have been doing the half step. Okay, God, I'll go this far, but if you tell me to give this much, that's just way too much. God, ooh, this is good preaching. God, I'll do this much. But a missions trip, I can't do that. God, I'll do this much. But getting baptized, that's for the super saved people. I'll go this far, but God, I won't volunteer. God, I'll go this far, but I won't volunteer. God, I'll go this far, but I won't really read my word.
During the week. Some of you have half committed to God. The Bible didn't say Caleb half committed, he wholly followed the Lord, which means every part. Body and soul were so attentive to doing God's will, that every part of him did it, some of you. There's a disconnect between your mind and your spirit, and so you're doing certain things and don't even realize why you're doing it. That's why the Bible says you need to renew your mind. Then you'll know what the good and perfect and acceptable will of God is. You want to know God's will Start changing the way you think. Your mind many of you is the reason why you don't know what God wants you to do, how he wants you to do it and how he wants you to live. You still got an old mindset, you still got old wineskins, you still got an old way of thinking, and the Holy Spirit right now wants to purge your mind so that you start thinking like heaven thinks.
The Bible says my God, all right, can I go to the next point, because I took way too long on that point? Wholeheartedly followed God. Right, he had a different spirit. All right, here's. Here's my second point. My God, my God, whoo, this is gonna be good. The second, my second point is this so so, caleb, different spirit, he moved, completely different.
But then Caleb is presented with something, a mountain, hebron. He sees the mountain, and this is what made Caleb completely different, because some of you look at mountains and you see it as a problem. Caleb saw the mountain and he saw it as his portion. See, you got two different. When a mountain comes, you can either see it as a problem or you can see it as this is what God promised me. You got a decision to make Either you complain about the mountain or you conquer the mountain.
Either you complain about how big the giants are and how difficult it is and how. No one in this world is going through what I'm going through. No one's facing the challenges I'm facing. No one's going through family issues like I'm going through. No one's dealing with financial issues like I'm dealing with. No one's dealing with faith issues like me. It's only me. You got an Elijah mindset. It's only me. I'm the only one and God says there's 450 hiding out in a cave who got the same mindset you have. You got to see this. You got to see this. Caleb looks at the impossible situation and doesn't see it as impossible. He sees it as this is my food, this is my food, these enemies here they're for the taking.
45 years before he had that mindset, 45 years later, he got the same mindset the Bible says Caleb was as strong as he was 45. You know what kept him strong having the same mindset about the enemy that the enemy was already a defeated foe. You know what's gonna keep you strong when you have the same mindset about you and the same mindset about the devil. See, my mindset about the devil hasn't changed. He's still a lying, disgusting thief. He still comes to kill, steal and destroy. And my mindset about me hasn't changed I'm more than a conqueror in jesus. Greater is he that's within me than he that is in the world. You see, my mindset about me hasn't changed. I know who I am and of that, no matter what the devil throws at me, I know that I got to have the strength. You know what kept him strong. He had a promise that he would not let go of. It was given 45 years ago, but I'm going to keep praying like it was given yesterday. It was given 45 years ago, but I'm going to keep myself strong and in shape, he said. I still got the same strength for battle, which means I've been practicing. I'm ready.
Some of you get ready when they call on you. You don't stay ready. Oh, can I talk right now? Preachers do this all the time. Can I speak now? Preachers do this all the time. Can I speak? They get ready. Oh, they asked me to preach a month from now. You can't get ready. You got to stay ready. If I call you the night before and you got to minister the next day, you got to be ready. There got to be a word that's burning in your spirit. Some of you are not ready. There gotta be a word that's burning in your spirit. Some of you are not ready. The investor calls you and you don't even have a presentation ready. They're ready to actually pour millions of dollars into your business, but your lack of preparation is why you can't conquer that mountain. Oh, this is good. Your lack of preparation in life. A lot of the times they're calling you hey, I want you to play here. I want you to do this. You haven't been practicing Caleb's like nope.
45 years, I'm ready, let's go. I got my boxing gloves out. 45 years, I'm still in the same position. 45 years later. I'm still ready to get everything God has for me. 45 years later, I'm still as strong as I was 45 years ago, because I believe the promise of God. You know what keeps you strong when you got something to fight for. You know, a lot of men have nothing to fight for anymore. They become content with life being the way that it is.
I don't mean to pick on men, but I gotta pick on men a little bit because I've seen a bunch of weak, pusillanimous men in this generation, men with no backbone, men who just let the culture tell them how they should live and what they should do, instead of living by what the scriptures say and the word says. As a man, you have to be strong. You can't be led by emotions and feelings. You have to be led by the spirit of the living God. We need men who are going to lead their families and be strong. I know the culture says it's 50-50. No man. The scripture says you are the head, you are the leader of the household. Then you need to lead with boldness and with strength, with prayer and perseverance, with love and grace. You need to. The bible says you need to look at your wife as the weaker vessel and lead through grace and compassion. This is good stuff right here.
I believe god's raising up strong men in this generation, men who will not waver when attack comes, when trials come. Their feet will be flat-footed and firm. Their face will be turned like flint and they'll say God, I will die for the cause of Christ. Come on, where are the bold men? I don't hear you. Where are the bold men? Where, don't hear you? Where are the bold men? Where are the lions in this place? These people shout for the Mets and the Knicks and the Jets and the Yankees louder than they shout for Jesus. They are the worst. They're on my teams. I know he said those are the worst. They're all my teams. I know he said those are the worst teams. You got to start seeing the mountain and not seeing it as what's hindering you. You have to start seeing it as this is my food. This is what god's promised me. All right, can I tell you the third thing? I won't be too long. Good preaching is like, let me not say it. Look at this. Oh, this is good Caleb.
If you actually do some research on Caleb, caleb was actually not qualified for inheritance. Caleb's name actually meant dog Caleb. The Bible says that Caleb was the son of Jephunneh, the Chesonite. They have a complex political and social history with Israel. They were actually the descendants of Edom, which is Esau, which means he technically was not part of the promise. He technically was not part of the lineage. He technically was not part. His family were actually proselytes. His family were actually proselytes. He technically was not part of that elite status of the Abraham seed. But he looked at the promise and said it's mine, but your resume don't look right. It's mine but you sinned yesterday. It's mine, but you're not in israel, like I'm grafted. This man got grafted before grafting was even a thing.
Oh man, you can step into realities of things that aren't things yet because of faith. Faith will make you step into things that you weren't even supposed to have any type of inheritance to gain. Faith will make you step through doors that were supposed to be open three years from now. Faith will let you walk into territories that were supposed to be for someone else. But because you have faith, you can step into doors and see things manifest. I prophesy now you're going to step into areas that people couldn't even step into because it was reserved for your faith. God is see this. He technically wasn't part of the promise and he goes. I've been waiting 45 years for this.
Moses the prophet. If you know anything about Moses, the Bible calls him a prophet. The prophet gave me a word. What's interesting is he didn't say God gave me a word. He said I received a prophetic word and I'm not moving until my prophetic word comes to pass. God, I'm not going to stop praying until that prophetic word comes to pass.
God, you got to be audacious. You got to be a little audacious. Show me Luke, chapter 11, verse 8. You got to be a little bit audacious. Show me that scripture in the NIV. I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you bread, because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity. This is talking about the person who goes to their friend's house, knocks on the door at midnight and says I need bread for one of my friends who came on a long trip and he's like I'm not opening the door, my kids are sleeping. I'm not. He says, even though he won't get up and give you the bread because he's your friend, because you keep shamelessly knocking on the door, you say it doesn't matter how many times I get a no, it doesn't matter how many times I prayed about it.
You ever seen them take down a house? And they use that wrecking ball. Sometimes the first hit, nothing happens. The second hit, a couple of bricks come off. You got to be like that wrecking ball in the spirit and you got to keep on hitting against it and hitting against it, and hitting against it, and hitting against it, yep, yep.
As soon as you do it, the floodgates are going to start opening up. As soon as you do it, one family member is going to get saved, then a second family member is going to get saved, then the third family member. Then ask for me in my house. We shall serve the Lord. You got to keep on hitting it because the first time the miracle may not happen. You still may have the cancer cells in your body. But keep on, keep on praying, keep on praying, keep on praying that second time something is shifting. The third time the doctor says something looks different. The fourth time we can't find a trace of cancer in your body. You've got to keep praying, keep on praying. I won't stop, I won't stop, I won't stop. See, this is Caleb's mentality.
Caleb had the kind of mentality, even though I'm not qualified for this, even though I'm not qualified to get everything God has. I don't have the right qualifications, but I got a promise. I don't got the right qualifications, but God got a promise. I don't got the right qualifications, but God spoke to me, he said it and if he said it, he's going to do it. I love that. I love how God doesn't care. All he cares about is faith. There are people who are at the front of the line. Think about it. Caleb was at the back of the line and Caleb made it to the front of the line because of faith. God literally was like this is the back of the line. All right, everyone turn around. Everyone turn around. Can I give someone a word? God is about to do that turnaround for you in your life, where you are at the back of the line but faith is going to bring you to the front of the line. I dare somebody to give God a shout if that is your story, if you believe that as soon as you leave this place, you are at the back of the line for a miracle. But God just said I'm expediting your miracle, I'm expediting your open door, I'm expediting oh, somebody better give God a shout, like you really believe it? All right, I'm almost done.
Here's what made Caleb different. He didn't ask for a small thing. He asked for the biggest thing. Okay, caleb could have asked for any land. Caleb asked for the land that he actually spied out, which was Hebron. That was the land he actually spied out. That's the land he went to because everyone had their responsibility to go to a specific part of the promised land land. His land he stepped on was he brought.
You have to understand something about he brought. He brought has a deep history in the Jewish culture. He brought was the place Abraham was buried, isaac was buried, jacob was buried, sarah was buried, and you understand about Jewish people. Burial sites are super significant. They have so much meaning for Jewish people, people, jewish people would literally go travel for miles just to go to burial sites. It was a significant thing and this was Hebron. This was the place where in in Genesis, chapter 13, the first place, god said hey, abraham, where you're standing on right now Hebron, I've given it to you as an inheritance for your family. I've given so. This was a holy place. This was a place of encounter. This was a place of the spirit of God and Caleb could have asked for any little small morsel.
He didn't deserve the best, he didn't deserve to get anything, but he said I don't want any small territory, I don't want any insignificant plot of land. Give me Hebron, give me the. Hebron was the land of giants. He went there. He saw a bunch of giants. He said I don't want the land of shrimps, I want the land of giants. It was the land where the Bible says two people had to carry one piece of fruit. He said that's the land I want Now. That's boldness, that's audacity. I want the best, not because I'm the best, but because he's the best. I want what's good, not because I'm good, but because he's good. And if I serve him, then everything that's in his kingdom is allotted to me as inheritance.
Oh, you got to start fighting for what belongs to you as a believer and stop letting the devil tell you to settle for the job that's not paying you what you deserve. Settle for the apartment that's I won't settle in life. I serve a God that's too big to settle. I serve a God that's too big to still be collecting welfare checks my whole life, and it's not a knock. Sometimes people need it for a season, but it's not going to be my lifestyle. I don't need the government, I got a God who provides. I felt that in my spirit Some people got quiet, but you got to go after what's big. I'm not going to settle for the small. I'm going to ask God for the big. And when I moved to my house, the Holy said I'm gonna give you multiple properties on this block. I started asking for big six months later after I moved into my house. Guess what? I brought the house right next door because I'm asking for big.
See, some of y'all are still asking for small. You know, I don't just want a house, I want to own a community. You see, I don't want a house. I want to be a lender and not a borrower. Come on somebody. I want to be the head and not the tail. I don't want to just settle in life and be content and mundane.
No, there's more for my life than this. You got to start asking big. Asking you'll receive, seeking you'll find. Knocking, the door will be open. You haven't asked enough. If you ask, you'll get it. Amen, all right, here's my last point. Jesus, thank you. This is the point where I was like, can I say one last thing before my last point, please? All right, you know, the Holy Spirit started speaking to me and he started saying. He started telling me, just talking to me about wealth and inheritance and possessions. And then the holy spirit was telling me he's like wealth and prosperity isn't just about possessions, it's about perspective. He said it's not just about money, it's about mentality. At this point, caleb had nothing, except for a mindset, caleb had nothing except a perspective.
Caleb was a slave who was walking around in a wilderness for 40 years. At this point he had nothing except for the clothes on his back, but he had a perspective, and so his prosperity began here, before it began, before it started here, before it started affecting here. It had to start with him changing this. I know who I am. I know what God's given me. I know the intelligence he's given me. I know the wisdom he's given me. I know that I'm not just a grasshopper. I'm not just limited in my thoughts, I'm not just limited in my life. And guess what? This started to change after this started to change.
The problem is a lot of us try to do the opposite way around. Try and get a bunch of money in my pocket, but you still got the same mindset. And that's why people, they got big bank statements. Let me not go there. I'm going to say it. They got big bank statements, but they have a small state of mind. That's why 90% of people who win the lotto guess what? They end up broke Because this filled up, but this didn't. Y'all with me? All right, can I give y'all my last point? So I had so much more to say. Second service. I'm gonna say, I'm gonna try to say all of you, but everything that needed to be said today was said. The holy spirit ministered whatever needed to be said. Here's my last point. Caleb goes. He possessed the land. He gets what god has for him years later his daughter gets married, is about to get married.
She's engaged because caleb said whoever can take this land, they'll have my daughter as an inheritance. I I'll give my daughter to them in marriage. And so his daughter was about to get married and she's like Dad, I know you have this land for me. And the land that Caleb was going to give her was a desert land, no water, and guess what? And guess what? She said I want the upper springs and I want the lower springs.
See, in that culture, a woman did not have the audacity can I talk right now to To ask for certain things. She said I don't care what the culture says. That's when the Holy Spirit began to speak to me and say you know why she had the audacity? She got it from her daddy. She got the audacity from her father. She got the audacity to ask for big things from her dad. And then that's when God started speaking to me and saying Jesus, you're my father and Jesus, you asked for big things and I have your DNA on the inside of me, which means, if you live inside of me and I have your DNA, I have an audacity to ask for big things.
Devil, get your hands off my stuff and God give me the upper and the lower springs. Oh, I just don't want a little bit, god, I need a double portion. I just don't want a small amount, I need a double portion. How many double portion people we have in the house who believe that this is your season of double portion? This is your season where God is not just giving you the rain, he's giving you the rain on top of the rain. He's not just giving you a promotion, he's giving you the CEO position. I believe this is your season where everything you've been believing God for is going to come to pass in your life.
If you believe it, lift up your hands and give God a shout Come on. Shout, shout, come on. I got this audacity from my daddy. I got this audacity from my father. I got to ask big things. I serve a big God. I can't ask a big God for small things. Stand to your feet. We're about to go. Lift up your hands, father.
I thank you for every person in this room and I thank you for the anointing over their lives, the anointing to believe you for big, that they will not put any limitations on you and limitations on what you want to do in their lives. I thank you for audacious askers. I thank you for audacious askers, people who are going to believe you for healings, believe you for miracles, believe you for restoration, believe you for family salvations, believe you for healings, believe you for breakthrough, believe that you are the same God yesterday, today and forever. If you did it for Caleb, you'll do it for us. We say give us our mountain, give us our place. Give us the thing you promised us the mountain of entertainment. Give it to us the mountain of business. Give it to us the mountain of industry. Give it to us. Give us to us the mountain of industry. Give it to us. Give us this mountain. We claim it and we receive it in Jesus' name. If you believe it, give God a shout.
41:56 - Speaker 2
Come on, Give God a shout of victory. We pray that you have been encouraged today, that you have been reminded how much God loves you and that you are surrounded by grace. Thank you for listening. Make sure that you subscribe to City Light Church Podcast wherever you find your favorite podcasts worldwide.
Greater is he that's within me than he that is in the world. You see, my mindset about me hasn't changed. I know who I am and because of that, no matter what the devil throws at me, I know that I gotta have the strength. You know what kept him strong? He had a promise that he would not let go of. It was given 45 years ago, but I'm gonna keep praying like it was given yesterday.
00:26 - Speaker 2
Welcome to the City Light Church podcast. Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's Word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us. If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Pastor Boyan Jancic and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds. As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you. That he has a real hope and a future for you.
01:05 - Speaker 1
I'm honored to be here. Let's get right into this word by this time. I've been here three weeks. I'm not a friend of this church anymore. Stop calling me that. I'm family. If I hear he's a great friend of this church, I'm not coming back. I am family now I'm uncle. You can call am family, now I'm uncle. You can call me Uncle Nate. All right, so let's get into it. Joshua, chapter 14.
01:37 - Speaker 2
Can you?
01:37 - Speaker 1
just do one thing, as they're putting the verse up on the screen.
01:43 - Speaker 2
Can you?
01:43 - Speaker 1
just clap your hands and just give God thanks for your pastor, and I know they don't use the term first lady, but I'm old school church, the first lady of this church. Thank you guys. Thank you guys, let's. Let's get into it. Joshua, chapter 14. We're going to read verse 6. Then I want to read the scripture in Luke. It's Luke 11, 6. I want to read in the NIV though, if that's okay, I know that's kind of last minute and I have a couple of verses that are last minute, but don't be mad at me, please. All right, uncle Nate. Right, right, I'm that, uncle. We're supposed to eat at three. No, we're eating at four today. Bear with me. All right, joshua, chapter 14.
We're gonna look at how people been having fun the last few weeks. Can I be honest with you? I woke up with a headache, but I was so excited to come. I woke up like man, I don't feel the best and I was like no, I'm going into the house of the lord, into an on-fire church with believers ready to receive the word. That got me. I'm telling you, it gave me the junk that I needed. If I was going to some dead church, I would have been like my head would have been down, but I knew I was coming to an on fire powerful Holy Spirit church, ready to receive the rhema word of God. So I came. I'm excited now. That headache just left me. I feel good.
It says Joshua, chapter 14, verse 6. Then the children of Judah came to Joshua in Gilgal, and Caleb, the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite, said to him you know the word which the Lord said to Moses, the man of God, concerning you and me, in Kadesh-Berna. I was 40 years old when Moses, the servant of the Lord, sent me from Kadesh-Berna to explore the land and I brought him a report according to my convictions. My fellow Israelites who went up with me made the hearts of the people melt in fear. I, however, followed the Lord, my God, wholeheartedly. Look at verse 9. So on that day, moses swore to me the land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance, my God, and that of your children forever, because you have followed the Lord, my God wholeheartedly, verse 10. Lord, my God wholeheartedly, verse 10. Now then, just as the Lord promised, he kept me alive for 45 years. Now, 45 years had passed by 45 years. He received a promise 45 years before, and this is what he says. He says 45 years since the time. He said this while Israel moved about in the wilderness. So here am I today, 85 years old, and I'm still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out. I'm just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then, verse 12. Now, give me this hill country. I like the way the, the new king James, says it. Give me this mountain that the Lord promised me that day. You yourself heard then that the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified. But, the Lord helping me, I will drive them out, just as he said. May God bless the reading of his word. Let's do that. Last verse, verse 13. Can we do that? Then Joshua blessed Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, and gave him Hebron as his inheritance. May God bless the reading of his word. Oh, we could do 14. So Hebron belonged to Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, the Chesedite, ever since, because he followed the Lord, the God of Israel, wholeheartedly. The God of Israel wholeheartedly.
The title of my sermon is an audacious ask. An audacious ask, father, I thank you right now for your word. I pray that it will go out with power, it will go out with authority, it will go out with ease and simplicity, lord, that people would be able to receive fully everything that you're speaking, everything that you're saying and everything that you're delivering. Lord, let be me hide me behind the cross and you speak clearly. Lord father, let people be edified, let people be transformed. In the name of jesus, we pray amen. Y'all, y'all with me.
So this verse in Joshua, chapter 14, is a verse about two main characters, joshua and Caleb. And when the children of Israel in the book of Numbers were giving a command, they were giving a commission to go into the promised land. You know, god told them there's a land that I'm giving you that's flowing with milk and honey. But even though the Lord had commanded them to go into the land, he commanded them to go into Canaan. He sent 12 spies before they would possess the land, and Joshua and Caleb were part of the 12 spies that were sent into the land to see if the land was a good land.
And when Joshua and Caleb went out into the land, the Bible says that Joshua and Caleb came back with a good report, while all the other spies came back with a bad report. They looked at their situation and they looked at themselves and they said we are like grasshoppers in our own sight. They saw their own limitations, they saw their own shortcomings, they saw the areas where they faltered and they failed. And they looked at that and said that's the level that we can receive from God, the level based off how we see ourselves. Can I just say something to someone in the house right now that can encourage you that the way you look, the way you talk, who you are, is not determined your victory. Your victory is determined in how big your God is.
They go into the land and when they go into the land, the Bible says they see giants in the land. The land looked good but there were giants and they got afraid because of the giants. They saw themselves as small and insignificant compared to the giants that were in the land. How can we take this land when there's giants in the land? And the Bible says that ten came back with a negative report, two came back with a good report and God says all the people who came back with the bad report they'll die in this wilderness and they end up going in a circle for 40 years until Moses dies and that generation dies. And when Moses dies and that generation dies, joshua comes on the scene and the scripture says that the children of Israel were literally waiting outside the promised land. They were able to see the promised land, but they were not able to taste of the fruit of the promised land. They were able to see the goodness, but they were not able to experience the goodness.
Can I just speak to someone right now who? You're right at the edge of your destiny, but your faith is so low that you're not able to believe that God can take you into bigger and better things. You're still content with the manna and the quail. I'm not content with manna and quail. I need to step into the promise of God that he spoke over my life. I don't care how long it takes to get there. If God spoke a word, he's going to manifest the word. I don't care how long it takes to get there. He's the same yesterday, today and forever. If he promised you something, I don't care if it takes 45 years to manifest, it will manifest in your life, because God is true and every man is a liar.
I'm looking at this story and I'm looking at Caleb in particular.
Caleb intrigues me, caleb speaks to me. Caleb, because the Bible says a few things about Caleb and this is why Caleb was able to claim his promise and walk in his inheritance. Can I tell you the first thing the scripture says about Caleb, why he was able to walk into his promise and claim what God told him that he was going to walk into? The first thing is that, even though Caleb was born a slave, even though Caleb was wandering in the wilderness, his heart was already in Canaan. His heart was already in the promised land. His heart was already on the promise of God and thinking about the promise of God.
Some of you, your heart is stuck on where you're at and not where you're going. Your heart is stuck on man. I just feel like I can't make it. I just feel like I don't have the resources. I just feel like I don't have the money. I just feel like no one supports me. I just feel like I can't finish my education. I just feel like my family would never get out of this situation.
Stop living by feelings and start living by faith. Your feelings will trick you. Your feelings will deceive you, your feelings are fleeting. One moment you'll feel good. Next moment you'll feel depressed. One moment you've got to speak to yourself. Why are you downcast, oh my soul? Why are you sad? Why are you downcast? Hope in God, trust in God, believe the word of God. I'd rather stand on the promise of God and look crazy than believe the report of man. I feel this in my spirit Because some of you have been living a life based off feelings.
But feelings and faith sometimes contradict each other. And guess what? Caleb was not living by feelings Because, can I tell you, the feeling was there's actual giants in the land. No, the reality was there were people way bigger than them, way stronger than them, had more resources than them. These were slaves that were coming out of a land and literally walking around for 40 years in a circle, wearing the same exact clothes, eating the same exact food, going to the same exact place over and over. It seemed crazy that Caleb thought that these little misfits could actually take on giants, but that's what made him who he was. He wouldn't look at the children of Israel like they were a bunch of misfits. He looked at them like they were the promised people of God, the covenant people of Israel. They got something that's greater than the nations. They may not have the height, they may not have the weapons, they may not have the strength, but they got the Lord on their side. There's something when God's with you on their side. There's something when God's with you.
I'm looking at Caleb and his life intrigues me, because Caleb's heart the Bible says he he wholeheartedly followed the Lord. Some of you want to be leaders, but you're not a good follower. I realize, oh, that was good, that was a shot. It wasn't meant to be a shot, it was just meant to be the truth. But the only way you can be a good leader is if you're first a good follower. Caleb and Joshua you know what the Bible says. They wholeheartedly follow the lord. One scripture says it like this they had a different spirit. When I looked up that word different spirit in the hebrew you know what it means. It means a following spirit. They followed the lord lord. Okay, you're going in this direction, I'll go in that direction. God, you're moving like this, then I'm gonna move like this, god.
They said the church is going on a 21-day fast. I'm going to go on a 21-day fast. They said they need people to volunteer, I'm going to volunteer. Well, I'm preaching good. They said sign up for life groups. I'm going to sign up for life groups.
I'm not following man, I'm following God. I'm not led by the crowd, I'm led by the cloud. I'm following after Jesus. Wherever he goes, I go. Whatever he says, I say whatever. However he tells me to do it, I'll do it, even if it makes me look a little bit crazy. Jesus, I'm gonna follow you wholeheartedly. That was Caleb's commitment. I got to follow God all the way. Some of you have been doing the half step. Okay, God, I'll go this far, but if you tell me to give this much, that's just way too much. God, ooh, this is good preaching. God, I'll do this much. But a missions trip, I can't do that. God, I'll do this much. But getting baptized, that's for the super saved people. I'll go this far, but God, I won't volunteer. God, I'll go this far, but I won't volunteer. God, I'll go this far, but I won't really read my word.
During the week. Some of you have half committed to God. The Bible didn't say Caleb half committed, he wholly followed the Lord, which means every part. Body and soul were so attentive to doing God's will, that every part of him did it, some of you. There's a disconnect between your mind and your spirit, and so you're doing certain things and don't even realize why you're doing it. That's why the Bible says you need to renew your mind. Then you'll know what the good and perfect and acceptable will of God is. You want to know God's will Start changing the way you think. Your mind many of you is the reason why you don't know what God wants you to do, how he wants you to do it and how he wants you to live. You still got an old mindset, you still got old wineskins, you still got an old way of thinking, and the Holy Spirit right now wants to purge your mind so that you start thinking like heaven thinks.
The Bible says my God, all right, can I go to the next point, because I took way too long on that point? Wholeheartedly followed God. Right, he had a different spirit. All right, here's. Here's my second point. My God, my God, whoo, this is gonna be good. The second, my second point is this so so, caleb, different spirit, he moved, completely different.
But then Caleb is presented with something, a mountain, hebron. He sees the mountain, and this is what made Caleb completely different, because some of you look at mountains and you see it as a problem. Caleb saw the mountain and he saw it as his portion. See, you got two different. When a mountain comes, you can either see it as a problem or you can see it as this is what God promised me. You got a decision to make Either you complain about the mountain or you conquer the mountain.
Either you complain about how big the giants are and how difficult it is and how. No one in this world is going through what I'm going through. No one's facing the challenges I'm facing. No one's going through family issues like I'm going through. No one's dealing with financial issues like I'm dealing with. No one's dealing with faith issues like me. It's only me. You got an Elijah mindset. It's only me. I'm the only one and God says there's 450 hiding out in a cave who got the same mindset you have. You got to see this. You got to see this. Caleb looks at the impossible situation and doesn't see it as impossible. He sees it as this is my food, this is my food, these enemies here they're for the taking.
45 years before he had that mindset, 45 years later, he got the same mindset the Bible says Caleb was as strong as he was 45. You know what kept him strong having the same mindset about the enemy that the enemy was already a defeated foe. You know what's gonna keep you strong when you have the same mindset about you and the same mindset about the devil. See, my mindset about the devil hasn't changed. He's still a lying, disgusting thief. He still comes to kill, steal and destroy. And my mindset about me hasn't changed I'm more than a conqueror in jesus. Greater is he that's within me than he that is in the world. You see, my mindset about me hasn't changed. I know who I am and of that, no matter what the devil throws at me, I know that I got to have the strength. You know what kept him strong. He had a promise that he would not let go of. It was given 45 years ago, but I'm going to keep praying like it was given yesterday. It was given 45 years ago, but I'm going to keep myself strong and in shape, he said. I still got the same strength for battle, which means I've been practicing. I'm ready.
Some of you get ready when they call on you. You don't stay ready. Oh, can I talk right now? Preachers do this all the time. Can I speak now? Preachers do this all the time. Can I speak? They get ready. Oh, they asked me to preach a month from now. You can't get ready. You got to stay ready. If I call you the night before and you got to minister the next day, you got to be ready. There got to be a word that's burning in your spirit. Some of you are not ready. There gotta be a word that's burning in your spirit. Some of you are not ready. The investor calls you and you don't even have a presentation ready. They're ready to actually pour millions of dollars into your business, but your lack of preparation is why you can't conquer that mountain. Oh, this is good. Your lack of preparation in life. A lot of the times they're calling you hey, I want you to play here. I want you to do this. You haven't been practicing Caleb's like nope.
45 years, I'm ready, let's go. I got my boxing gloves out. 45 years, I'm still in the same position. 45 years later. I'm still ready to get everything God has for me. 45 years later, I'm still as strong as I was 45 years ago, because I believe the promise of God. You know what keeps you strong when you got something to fight for. You know, a lot of men have nothing to fight for anymore. They become content with life being the way that it is.
I don't mean to pick on men, but I gotta pick on men a little bit because I've seen a bunch of weak, pusillanimous men in this generation, men with no backbone, men who just let the culture tell them how they should live and what they should do, instead of living by what the scriptures say and the word says. As a man, you have to be strong. You can't be led by emotions and feelings. You have to be led by the spirit of the living God. We need men who are going to lead their families and be strong. I know the culture says it's 50-50. No man. The scripture says you are the head, you are the leader of the household. Then you need to lead with boldness and with strength, with prayer and perseverance, with love and grace. You need to. The bible says you need to look at your wife as the weaker vessel and lead through grace and compassion. This is good stuff right here.
I believe god's raising up strong men in this generation, men who will not waver when attack comes, when trials come. Their feet will be flat-footed and firm. Their face will be turned like flint and they'll say God, I will die for the cause of Christ. Come on, where are the bold men? I don't hear you. Where are the bold men? Where, don't hear you? Where are the bold men? Where are the lions in this place? These people shout for the Mets and the Knicks and the Jets and the Yankees louder than they shout for Jesus. They are the worst. They're on my teams. I know he said those are the worst. They're all my teams. I know he said those are the worst teams. You got to start seeing the mountain and not seeing it as what's hindering you. You have to start seeing it as this is my food. This is what god's promised me. All right, can I tell you the third thing? I won't be too long. Good preaching is like, let me not say it. Look at this. Oh, this is good Caleb.
If you actually do some research on Caleb, caleb was actually not qualified for inheritance. Caleb's name actually meant dog Caleb. The Bible says that Caleb was the son of Jephunneh, the Chesonite. They have a complex political and social history with Israel. They were actually the descendants of Edom, which is Esau, which means he technically was not part of the promise. He technically was not part of the lineage. He technically was not part. His family were actually proselytes. His family were actually proselytes. He technically was not part of that elite status of the Abraham seed. But he looked at the promise and said it's mine, but your resume don't look right. It's mine but you sinned yesterday. It's mine, but you're not in israel, like I'm grafted. This man got grafted before grafting was even a thing.
Oh man, you can step into realities of things that aren't things yet because of faith. Faith will make you step into things that you weren't even supposed to have any type of inheritance to gain. Faith will make you step through doors that were supposed to be open three years from now. Faith will let you walk into territories that were supposed to be for someone else. But because you have faith, you can step into doors and see things manifest. I prophesy now you're going to step into areas that people couldn't even step into because it was reserved for your faith. God is see this. He technically wasn't part of the promise and he goes. I've been waiting 45 years for this.
Moses the prophet. If you know anything about Moses, the Bible calls him a prophet. The prophet gave me a word. What's interesting is he didn't say God gave me a word. He said I received a prophetic word and I'm not moving until my prophetic word comes to pass. God, I'm not going to stop praying until that prophetic word comes to pass.
God, you got to be audacious. You got to be a little audacious. Show me Luke, chapter 11, verse 8. You got to be a little bit audacious. Show me that scripture in the NIV. I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you bread, because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity. This is talking about the person who goes to their friend's house, knocks on the door at midnight and says I need bread for one of my friends who came on a long trip and he's like I'm not opening the door, my kids are sleeping. I'm not. He says, even though he won't get up and give you the bread because he's your friend, because you keep shamelessly knocking on the door, you say it doesn't matter how many times I get a no, it doesn't matter how many times I prayed about it.
You ever seen them take down a house? And they use that wrecking ball. Sometimes the first hit, nothing happens. The second hit, a couple of bricks come off. You got to be like that wrecking ball in the spirit and you got to keep on hitting against it and hitting against it, and hitting against it, and hitting against it, yep, yep.
As soon as you do it, the floodgates are going to start opening up. As soon as you do it, one family member is going to get saved, then a second family member is going to get saved, then the third family member. Then ask for me in my house. We shall serve the Lord. You got to keep on hitting it because the first time the miracle may not happen. You still may have the cancer cells in your body. But keep on, keep on praying, keep on praying, keep on praying that second time something is shifting. The third time the doctor says something looks different. The fourth time we can't find a trace of cancer in your body. You've got to keep praying, keep on praying. I won't stop, I won't stop, I won't stop. See, this is Caleb's mentality.
Caleb had the kind of mentality, even though I'm not qualified for this, even though I'm not qualified to get everything God has. I don't have the right qualifications, but I got a promise. I don't got the right qualifications, but God got a promise. I don't got the right qualifications, but God spoke to me, he said it and if he said it, he's going to do it. I love that. I love how God doesn't care. All he cares about is faith. There are people who are at the front of the line. Think about it. Caleb was at the back of the line and Caleb made it to the front of the line because of faith. God literally was like this is the back of the line. All right, everyone turn around. Everyone turn around. Can I give someone a word? God is about to do that turnaround for you in your life, where you are at the back of the line but faith is going to bring you to the front of the line. I dare somebody to give God a shout if that is your story, if you believe that as soon as you leave this place, you are at the back of the line for a miracle. But God just said I'm expediting your miracle, I'm expediting your open door, I'm expediting oh, somebody better give God a shout, like you really believe it? All right, I'm almost done.
Here's what made Caleb different. He didn't ask for a small thing. He asked for the biggest thing. Okay, caleb could have asked for any land. Caleb asked for the land that he actually spied out, which was Hebron. That was the land he actually spied out. That's the land he went to because everyone had their responsibility to go to a specific part of the promised land land. His land he stepped on was he brought.
You have to understand something about he brought. He brought has a deep history in the Jewish culture. He brought was the place Abraham was buried, isaac was buried, jacob was buried, sarah was buried, and you understand about Jewish people. Burial sites are super significant. They have so much meaning for Jewish people, people, jewish people would literally go travel for miles just to go to burial sites. It was a significant thing and this was Hebron. This was the place where in in Genesis, chapter 13, the first place, god said hey, abraham, where you're standing on right now Hebron, I've given it to you as an inheritance for your family. I've given so. This was a holy place. This was a place of encounter. This was a place of the spirit of God and Caleb could have asked for any little small morsel.
He didn't deserve the best, he didn't deserve to get anything, but he said I don't want any small territory, I don't want any insignificant plot of land. Give me Hebron, give me the. Hebron was the land of giants. He went there. He saw a bunch of giants. He said I don't want the land of shrimps, I want the land of giants. It was the land where the Bible says two people had to carry one piece of fruit. He said that's the land I want Now. That's boldness, that's audacity. I want the best, not because I'm the best, but because he's the best. I want what's good, not because I'm good, but because he's good. And if I serve him, then everything that's in his kingdom is allotted to me as inheritance.
Oh, you got to start fighting for what belongs to you as a believer and stop letting the devil tell you to settle for the job that's not paying you what you deserve. Settle for the apartment that's I won't settle in life. I serve a God that's too big to settle. I serve a God that's too big to still be collecting welfare checks my whole life, and it's not a knock. Sometimes people need it for a season, but it's not going to be my lifestyle. I don't need the government, I got a God who provides. I felt that in my spirit Some people got quiet, but you got to go after what's big. I'm not going to settle for the small. I'm going to ask God for the big. And when I moved to my house, the Holy said I'm gonna give you multiple properties on this block. I started asking for big six months later after I moved into my house. Guess what? I brought the house right next door because I'm asking for big.
See, some of y'all are still asking for small. You know, I don't just want a house, I want to own a community. You see, I don't want a house. I want to be a lender and not a borrower. Come on somebody. I want to be the head and not the tail. I don't want to just settle in life and be content and mundane.
No, there's more for my life than this. You got to start asking big. Asking you'll receive, seeking you'll find. Knocking, the door will be open. You haven't asked enough. If you ask, you'll get it. Amen, all right, here's my last point. Jesus, thank you. This is the point where I was like, can I say one last thing before my last point, please? All right, you know, the Holy Spirit started speaking to me and he started saying. He started telling me, just talking to me about wealth and inheritance and possessions. And then the holy spirit was telling me he's like wealth and prosperity isn't just about possessions, it's about perspective. He said it's not just about money, it's about mentality. At this point, caleb had nothing, except for a mindset, caleb had nothing except a perspective.
Caleb was a slave who was walking around in a wilderness for 40 years. At this point he had nothing except for the clothes on his back, but he had a perspective, and so his prosperity began here, before it began, before it started here, before it started affecting here. It had to start with him changing this. I know who I am. I know what God's given me. I know the intelligence he's given me. I know the wisdom he's given me. I know that I'm not just a grasshopper. I'm not just limited in my thoughts, I'm not just limited in my life. And guess what? This started to change after this started to change.
The problem is a lot of us try to do the opposite way around. Try and get a bunch of money in my pocket, but you still got the same mindset. And that's why people, they got big bank statements. Let me not go there. I'm going to say it. They got big bank statements, but they have a small state of mind. That's why 90% of people who win the lotto guess what? They end up broke Because this filled up, but this didn't. Y'all with me? All right, can I give y'all my last point? So I had so much more to say. Second service. I'm gonna say, I'm gonna try to say all of you, but everything that needed to be said today was said. The holy spirit ministered whatever needed to be said. Here's my last point. Caleb goes. He possessed the land. He gets what god has for him years later his daughter gets married, is about to get married.
She's engaged because caleb said whoever can take this land, they'll have my daughter as an inheritance. I I'll give my daughter to them in marriage. And so his daughter was about to get married and she's like Dad, I know you have this land for me. And the land that Caleb was going to give her was a desert land, no water, and guess what? And guess what? She said I want the upper springs and I want the lower springs.
See, in that culture, a woman did not have the audacity can I talk right now to To ask for certain things. She said I don't care what the culture says. That's when the Holy Spirit began to speak to me and say you know why she had the audacity? She got it from her daddy. She got the audacity from her father. She got the audacity to ask for big things from her dad. And then that's when God started speaking to me and saying Jesus, you're my father and Jesus, you asked for big things and I have your DNA on the inside of me, which means, if you live inside of me and I have your DNA, I have an audacity to ask for big things.
Devil, get your hands off my stuff and God give me the upper and the lower springs. Oh, I just don't want a little bit, god, I need a double portion. I just don't want a small amount, I need a double portion. How many double portion people we have in the house who believe that this is your season of double portion? This is your season where God is not just giving you the rain, he's giving you the rain on top of the rain. He's not just giving you a promotion, he's giving you the CEO position. I believe this is your season where everything you've been believing God for is going to come to pass in your life.
If you believe it, lift up your hands and give God a shout Come on. Shout, shout, come on. I got this audacity from my daddy. I got this audacity from my father. I got to ask big things. I serve a big God. I can't ask a big God for small things. Stand to your feet. We're about to go. Lift up your hands, father.
I thank you for every person in this room and I thank you for the anointing over their lives, the anointing to believe you for big, that they will not put any limitations on you and limitations on what you want to do in their lives. I thank you for audacious askers. I thank you for audacious askers, people who are going to believe you for healings, believe you for miracles, believe you for restoration, believe you for family salvations, believe you for healings, believe you for breakthrough, believe that you are the same God yesterday, today and forever. If you did it for Caleb, you'll do it for us. We say give us our mountain, give us our place. Give us the thing you promised us the mountain of entertainment. Give it to us the mountain of business. Give it to us the mountain of industry. Give it to us. Give us to us the mountain of industry. Give it to us. Give us this mountain. We claim it and we receive it in Jesus' name. If you believe it, give God a shout.
41:56 - Speaker 2
Come on, Give God a shout of victory. We pray that you have been encouraged today, that you have been reminded how much God loves you and that you are surrounded by grace. Thank you for listening. Make sure that you subscribe to City Light Church Podcast wherever you find your favorite podcasts worldwide.