The Power of Belief in Overcoming Life's Trials

Years come and go, but the words of truth stand as a beacon through the passing of time. During our heartfelt exchange with Evangelist Nathaniel Saint-Éloi, marking a milestone 15-year ministry partnership, we delve into the potent influence of Scripture and its role in shaping our discernment between truth and deception. Nathaniel's vivid anecdotes and our discussion on not conforming to worldly pressures but instead seeking renewal through God's Word underscore the transformative journey of faith that awaits each of us.
Contemplating the ultimate equalizer, we find common ground in life's shared destiny—death. Our exploration into the contrasting responses of the two thieves crucified with Jesus provides a stirring narrative on the power of perspective in the midst of tribulation. Through this moving dialogue, we reflect on how the presence of Jesus can pivot our lives from despair to hope, igniting a passion to focus on the eternal promises of our faith rather than the transitory trials.
We live in a world teeming with temporal distractions, yet this episode is your reminder to lift your gaze to the eternal, forging a life of meaning and purpose grounded in faith.
00:00 - Two Crosses
07:41:00 - Life as the Great Equalizer
23:22:00 - Taking Accountability for Redemption
28:45:00 - Focus on Eternity, Not Temporal Matters
44:13:00 - City Light Church Podcast Connection
The Bible says do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. I'm not part of this culture. I'm above this culture. I think at a higher level than this culture. I'm not conformed with the form. I'm transformed, which means over and above. This culture thinks on this level. I think on this level because I have perspective they don't have. I can see into the future because I see what the Word says about things.
00:26 - Speaker 2
Welcome to the City Light Church podcast. Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's Word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us. If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Citylightnyccom. That's CityLightNYCcom. Pastor Boyan Jancic and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds. As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you.
01:05 - Speaker 3
Let's put our hands together for Evangelist Nathaniel Saint-Éloi, a dear friend of this house. I just realized 15 years now. It went by like that, huh. For 15 years he's been a dear friend, and when I say friend of this house, he's ministered here throughout the last 15 years, and thank you that I really have the day off and I'm just able to enjoy Easter Sunday. Appreciate it. But he's got a word for you that's going to bless you this morning. Put your hands together one more time 15 years.
01:39 - Speaker 1
Wow, wow, that's a long time. Wow, wow, that's a long time. I didn't get to do this this morning because I was kind of like rushing for service. I wanted to finish on time. I gave my word I was going to finish in 25 minutes. I finished in 25 minutes but I didn't get to. My wife is here with me, baby. My wife is here with me, baby. She's the greatest part of my life other than Jesus. She's really the bomb. I'm not going to have her stand up because she's eight and a half months pregnant. Doesn't she look good for eight and a half months, my God, I'm blessed. Y'all ready for the word? I shared this in the first service because it just came to my mind and the Holy Spirit just dropped it.
Have y'all ever gotten one of those scam calls? This is the IRS you ever get that one, because there's a lot of different ones. The car warranty is the IRS. You ever get that one, because there's a lot of different ones. The car warranty is my favorite your car warranty. I was like never had car warranty.
I don't know what you're talking about, but I got an IRS one a few years ago and they called me hey, is this, nathaniel St Deloy. I was like, yes, it's the IRS Number, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, okay, you owe this amount of money. I was like, okay, I started getting a little nervous. Okay, do I owe the IRS money? I don't pay my taxes. What's going on? Then I went online going on and then I went online as the person was talking to me and I Googled does the IRS call you? Google said no and then that's when the Holy Spirit, years later, gave me a revelation. Because the IRS doesn't call you. The IRS writes you. The IRS could call you if you're like a major client, but they always have to write you first.
If it's not written, it's a scam. That's when the Holy Spirit gave me a revelation that if it's not written in the word, I don't care who's saying it, I don't care if it's your favorite preacher, I don't care if it's your mama, I don't care if it's your daddy, I don't care if it's your friends, I don't care who said it. If it's not written, I don't believe it. It's a scam. I only believe what's in the book. I need about three people to say, if it's not written, I don't want it. I only believe what's in the word. I only believe what he said. Alright, y'all ready to get in the word? Y'all ready to get in the written word? Because if it's not written it's a scam. I'm telling you we should only preach what's in the book. If it's not written, it's a scam. Alright, let's go All right.
Luke, chapter 23. Let's get into this. Luke, chapter 23. I'm going to read a few verses here and then we're going to get right into the word. Are y'all here with me? Can I see this? How many people here? It's your first time ever at City Light Church? Just raise your hand. If this is your first time ever, oh, wow, wow. How many people are like? This is your second, third time? You just don't come often. You are an Easter and Christmas Christian. Don't lie, because God sees you. Oh yeah, a few, raise your hand. I like that honesty. I like that. I like that they were being honest. Luke 23,.
We're going to look at verse 33. Here's what it says when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified him and the criminals, one to the right hand and the other to the left. Then Jesus said, father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do, and they divided his garments and cast lots. The people stood looking on, but even the rulers with them sneered, saying he saved others. Let him save himself if he is the Christ, the chosen of God. The soldiers also mocked him, coming and offering him sour wine and saying if you are the king of the Jews, save yourself. And an inscription also was written over him in the letters of Greek, latin and Hebrew this is the king of the Jews.
Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed him saying if you are the Christ, save yourself and us, verse 40. But the other answered, rebuking him, saying do you not even fear God, seeing that you are under the same condemnation? Verse 41. And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds. But this man has done nothing wrong. Then he said to Jesus Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom. And Jesus said to him surely I say to you today, you will be with me in paradise. May God bless the reading of his word.
I want to talk about two crosses, even though there were three crosses in this story. Jesus was beaten, he was scorched, he was taken up to the mountain, he was crucified. I want to actually talk about the two other crosses, because I think a lot of us have heard the story of Jesus' cross but we haven't heard the story of the two other crosses that were with Jesus when he was being crucified. These two other crosses were two men. They were two men who the Bible calls criminals. They were robbers, they were thieves.
One thing I realized about life is that life is the great equalizer. I don't care where you come from, I don't care what you do. You're going to go through what other people have gone through in life. I know your upbringing may be different, I know your family may be different, I know maybe you weren't even born here, but life is a great equalizer and that it's a lot of the times at the end brings us to the same place death. In that a lot of the times at the end brings us to the same place death. I don't care how much money you have, you will die, amen. I don't care how poor you are, you will die. Life is this great equalizer where it brings everyone to the same place. It may take a little longer for one person to get there than another person to get there, but you end up in the same place.
So there's these two men and I don't know how they end up thieves. I don't know how they end up robbers. I don't know how they end up with this severe punishment of crucifixion, but they must have done something wrong, they must have done something illegal. Life brought them to this place of crime. Life has brought them to a place of them being accused and guess what? They're going through this process with each other and with Jesus.
You see, these men had the privilege, if I can call it, to see Jesus beaten, scourged, jesus crucified, a crown of thorns on his head. They had this encounter where they saw all of this stuff. They had an encounter where they saw Jesus saying Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. They were able to see the Roman soldiers trying to give Jesus an assentative wine, this vinegar and wine mixture, so that the pain wouldn't be as severe, and Jesus saying no, it's okay, I'm willing to take all of the beating. Okay, I'm willing to take all of the beatings, I'm willing to take all of the pain, I'm willing to take all of it so that my people could have redemption.
You see, jesus didn't even take a shortcut when it came to your salvation. He didn't take the easy way out when it came to giving you eternal life. I'm so glad he suffered so that I can live. I'm so glad he suffered so that I can live. I'm so glad he suffered so I could be healed. I'm so glad he suffered so I don't have to be depressed. I'm so glad he suffered so that I don't have to be down and out. I'm glad that I serve a God who went through the process of the cross to give me eternal life.
I'm looking at this story and there are two men. When I say life is the great equalizer, I really mean it. We're all on an equal playing field, because we all end up in a place in life where we're lost, depraved, hopeless, no life. These men ended up in the same place, crucified. On one side there was one thief, in the middle was Jesus and on the other side was another thief, and life had brought them there. But can I tell you something? Even though these two men were being crucified for the same crime, they had a different reaction to what they were going through. I'm going to say it like this I don't care who you are, you're going to go through some stuff. Amen. You're going to go through similar things that other people have gone through before you. There's nothing new on the earth what you've gone through people have gone through.
I know you think, oh, I'm so unique. I know you think, oh, I'm so unique. No one's had a parent who's abused them. Okay, people have had that right, amen. No one has gone through a divorce like my divorce. Yes, someone has. I know you think so highly of yourself.
Y'all can laugh. I'm joking's tight right first service. He was ha ha ha kiki-ing with me. Everyone's like it's Easter. He should not be telling jokes. Serious, it's interesting.
Life had brought them to the same place, but they had two different reactions to what they were going through. They had two different perspectives, even though they ended up in the same place. Can I tell you something? There are people all over this church who have gone through stuff, but you don't want to know why their perspective is not a perspective of death and is a perspective of life. Why their perspective is one of a future and a hope and not one of being depressed and feeling like they're hopeless is because they have Jesus. Can I tell you what's going to change your perspective?
I know some of you right now you're looking like I don't feel like I have a future. I don't feel like I'm good enough. I don't feel like I'm ever going to get out of this. I don't feel like I'm ever going to break free from this addiction. I don't ever feel like my family's going to get saved. I don't ever feel like things are going to turn around.
Can I tell you the difference? You have hope in Jesus. The culture can't give you hope. Only Jesus oh, don't be tight with me. Only Jesus, all right. So I'm going to tell you three differences. Oh, wow, that time went by quick. Okay, I'm going to tell you three differences between these two men. You know what's interesting? You don't even know their names. There's no way the scripture even distinguishes who they are.
Two criminals, two robbers. Same crime. The only difference was the one in the middle. It's so interesting that there's two robbers and one is focused on his cross and the other one's focused on Jesus' cross. In life. You can focus on how bad things are for me, or you can focus on how bad things were for him. Oh, this is so good. The lord just dropped this in my spirit. You can focus on how bad things are for him, were for him, and that means things have to be good for me. Oh, only three people said amen, because things were bad for Jesus. That means things will be good for me, because Jesus suffered, because the chastisement of my peace was upon him and by his stripes I am healed. He didn't suffer so I could suffer. He suffered so I could have eternal life. He suffered so I could have eternal life. He suffered so I could have peace. Three differences Number one one followed the crowd and the other changed the culture.
You have two options while you're going through. You could either follow what the crowd says…. One of the robbers followed the crowd. The crowd was screaming at Jesus "'If you are God, you would just come down from that cross. If you're God, you would just save yourself. You would call angels, you would save yourself'". Guess what happened? The man on the cross started repeating what they said. Instead of being different, he followed what the culture told him.
Oh, we have a lot of culture vultures here. I know I'm not using the context. Most people use it, but can y'all stick with me? We got a lot of culture vultures who are Christians, so-called. We have a lot of people that are married to the culture and not married to the scriptures. They only echo what they hear on TV. They only echo what they see on social media.
Blind following the blind Sheep oh yeah, this is what they told me about COVID. Oh my gosh, I got to follow the culture. I'm not following the culture, I'm following the word. That's why you know what the culture always has to do. They always have to come back and say they were wrong about something. What's one thing the culture ever said they were right about? Yeah, now we're looking at this, and if kids actually take these hormones, it's going to destroy them. Duh, amen, duh. Oh yeah, yeah, kids who are transgender. They have more of a risk of suicide like 50 times as much Duh.
This is not an attack on any group. This is just saying that the culture's always wrong, because the culture does not get their foundation from scripture. They get it from feeling. They get it from what feels right in the moment, and what feels right in the moment is not what the word says, and so if you live by what feels right in the moment, you will always be a slave to that. Then you'll always have to change your opinion about something because someone says something different about it and someone feels something different about it. Your foundation can't be what the culture says, because the culture is going to change every week. Now, covid is not a big deal, it's just like a cold Right, because the culture is changing every week about something.
That's why I don't live by culture. That's why when Pastor Boyan under the the detriment of New York City, the advice of Dr Fauci, he said I'm going to keep these doors open, while all the churches in New York were running afraid. I'm not going to do this. He was not a slave to the culture. That's the type of pastor I want to be. Culture. That's the type of pastor I want to be under. I want to be under these Pee Wee Herman preachers, these Pusillatumists no backbone.
I want a preacher who's going to stand on the word of God and say I won't be moved. Some of you are easily moved. You're like Jell-O man. I feel like preaching like this because the Holy Spirit is saying there's people in here. The reason you're like Jell-O is because you're not. Your foundation isn't on Jesus and when your foundation is on Jesus, you're everywhere. One day you're into this oh yeah, so I'm into this energy now. Next day, oh yeah, so I'm into Buddhism and Hindu. You have to get foundation of who Jesus is for real, because if you do, your life will never be the same.
One was like man. I, life will never be the same, all right. So one was like man. I'm going to follow the crowd. Whatever the crowd says just repeats what the crowd says. Just repeats what the crowd says.
I'm not repeating what they tell me. Msnbcs don't have their story. I'm not repeating it. Fox News has their story. I'm not repeating it. Cnn no one watches that. You can't repeat something. No one watches.
I'm not going to echo the culture. I'm not going to repeat what the culture says. I'm going to speak what the word says. There was one thief echoing the crowd. The other thief spoke up and was like no, I know what the crowd says, but this man's innocent.
You look crazy when you speak opposite to what the culture tells you. You look nuts. You know what the scripture says Broad is the way to death. It's easy. Everyone goes that way. Everyone goes to the way of smoking weed to feel comfort when things aren't going right. Oh, I knew they were saying that they get quiet with weed. When you talk about marijuana here, last service, he's the same. Oh, pastor, you can't talk about that, some of you. You're controlled by the culture. The culture tells you you need these pills. You start taking the pills. The culture says you need to do this, this, remedy this thing. You follow it. No, I'm going to live by what the scripture says. Says, because that's anti-culture.
The bible says do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. I'm not part of this culture. I'm above this culture. I think at a higher level than this culture. I'm not conformed with the form. I'm transformed, which means over and above. This culture thinks on this level. I think on this level because I have perspective they don't have. I can see into the future because I see what the word says about things. The word gives me a perspective they don't have.
Here's my second point Five minutes to go. Let's do it. Here's my second point the difference between these two men. One was accountable and took accountability and the other didn't take accountability. Oh, this is good. We have a culture that likes to run away, a generation that likes to run away from accountability. You know how many people stopped being my friends because I called them out. Accountability is one of the things that will save your life, some of you.
The reason why your marriage is a failure is because you have no accountability in your marriage. You're the end-all, be be all. When it comes to your marriage. I say, do this, you do it, yeah, but what does the word say? If a man or a woman can't live by the scriptures before the marriage, they're not going to after. If a man or a woman can't be accountable to someone before the marriage, they will not be accountable to anyone during the marriage. Oh, this is so good. I'm giving some good wisdom here. Can I say this? I don't trust any man who's never been accountable to another man. Trust any man who's never been accountable to another man. This is some good stuff, women. If he's a man and he can't be accountable to his father, he can't be accountable to his spiritual father. He can't be accountable to a pastor, a leader don't trust him that weak clap.
They're making a decision. Should I be with him? I'm about to break up Because that man ain't accountable to no one. Yep, peace out. One took accountability. He saw his sin, he saw what he did. And he even looked at the other man who didn't take accountability and rebuked him and like, hey, I'm here because I messed up. We're here because we sin. He did nothing wrong and we sin. We made a mistake. We're here because of our failure. He took accountability.
The holy spirit wants you to take accountability. God wants you to take accountability. Once God wants you to take accountability, once you take accountability, then you open the door for Jesus to come in and fully cleanse you. You know what's interesting Most lawyers.
You tell them the truth of what happens. Then they spin the story how they want to. You tell them yo, I'm really guilty, this is what really happened. Then the lawyer finds a way to spin the story to make it seem like you're not guilty. Jesus doesn't do that, amen.
You tell Jesus I'm guilty. Jesus looks at the devil, he's guilty. This is the worst, jesus. How do you tell them I'm guilty? Jesus goes oh, oh, they're guilty, but because they received me, we gotta throw out the sentence because it doesn't stand up in court. Because you know what Jesus does when you say you're guilty, he superimposes his image. You know, like they do on cameras, they superimpose the person's image and it's someone completely different. And then you got the videotape. I got the videotape right here, look. And then once they show the videotape to the devil, there's a superimposed image of Jesus now on the camera doing the crime and you're no longer guilty.
Oh, I want to tell you something today not guilty because of what Jesus did on the cross. Not guilty because he rose on the third day. Not guilty Because he resurrected to new. He's resurrecting you to new life. Not guilty, oh, I just need some not guilty people to give God a praise that I was supposed to get the punishment of death. I was supposed to get the punishment of eternal judgment. I was supposed to get the punishment, but because of the cross, now I'm redeemed. Somebody say not guilty.
25:50 - Speaker 3
Not guilty.
25:53 - Speaker 1
The culture. You got to take accountability. Here's how I know people have really been saved when they take accountability. Because the spirit of the first Adam is not taking accountability. Right, adam sins First of all. God tells Adam Adam don't eat of this tree right here. He didn't tell Eve oh, this is so good A bit of accountability. Because God doesn't get at the woman, he gets at the man, because the man had the responsibility to tell the woman and the Bible says that Adam was literally with her the whole time the temptation was happening, because the scripture says she took the fruit and gave it to her husband, who was with her, which means the whole time. The devil is doing this whole temptation, the serpent is doing this whole temptation and Adam's standing right there the whole time and not fighting for his family. Okay, so as soon as he sins, eve eats first. But God comes to Adam first and and says Adam, why did you do this? Adam says it was the woman. Then God comes to Eve and Eve goes it was the serpent, and the serpent's like, yep, it was me. But here's how I know people are operating in.
The spirit of the first Adam is, when you can't take accountability, blaming everyone. The second, adam never blamed anyone, but took everyone's blame. He never blamed you. He never. This is your fault. He goes. This is my fault. Now, I did the crime. It's okay, I'll do the time. Oh, I love it. You did the crime. Jesus did the time. Amen. Honestly, that would have made me shout.
Can we get to the last point? Y'all ready? Y'all still with me? Some people sleeping? Wake up, in the name of the resurrect, I do a resurrection prayer. Resurrect from the dead. Those who sleep arise. If I find you sleeping, I'm going to pass you the mic. You're going to have to finish the sermon Because you're telling me I'm boring and you're a great preacher, so I'm going to pass you the mic. Y'all good? Where are the sleepers? Let me see you. Lucky, these lights is blinding me, thank you. My last point is this the difference between these two men. One focused all his attention on what he was going through and the other focused his attention on what he was going to. Oh, this is good, all right.
So while you're going through life, you have two perspectives. You can focus on how bad your cross is, how terrible what you're going through. I'm in so much pain, I'm in so much agony, I feel hopeless. Or you can say there's something that this season is about to bring me into that's greater than where I am right now and, for a believer, you got a lot of future hope in store for you. I'm not even talking about heaven. You have such an abundance of life that God wants you to live right here, right now, on the earth, that you shouldn't be crying about how bad things were and how terrible things were. You have a hope and a future that's so great in God. You have things to conquer. You have mountains to overcome. You have challenges that you're about to win. You have a family that's about to shift this world. You have ideas and concepts and apps that are about to make you a millionaire. You got so much inside of you. You got a gospel that you're going to preach to the world and see souls saved. You got a hope. I'm not crying about the past. I'm going to focus on how great my future is in God.
Winners and champions focus on how good things look in the future. Losers cry about the past. I'm not a loser, oh amen. How many winners we have in here. How many champions we have in here, how many?
Some of y'all can't even praise God because you don't feel like a winner. I may not feel like it, but, like Pastor Boyan said, there's some stuff that I receive by faith. I'm a winner. Alright, look at this. So it's two perspectives focus me and my cross. My cross is so bad. What I'm going through is so bad. When can I get off this, jesus? When are you going to get me out of this? It's so bad. This generation needs a backbone again. They give up over anything. They leave a church over anything.
Oh, the pastor didn't say hi to me. I'm just so sad. Yeah, because he got 6,000 other things he's trying to do before the service starts. If he didn't say hi, I'd be like hey, pastor, what's up? You didn't say hi to like. Hey, pastor, what's up? You didn't say hi to me. Man of god, come give me a hug, like right? That's a simple solution to a major problem for a lot of folks.
Someone doesn't say hi to me. I say hi to them on purpose. If I know they don't want to say hi to me, I say hi to them on purpose. If I know they don't want to say hi to me, I purposely say hi to them. You guys, my wife, I purposely they be like having an attitude hey, what's up how you doing? Girl, your hair looks nice. And I don't lie, if their hair don't look nice, I'm not going to say it. That's the spirit of truth in me. If I just want to say hi, I'm going to say hi. If their hair don't look nice, I'm like God bless you. Now your shoes are fire, though. My God, what size, what size, what size? Oh, we're nine and a half old. See, the Lord saved you.
What's your focus? Is your focus on what's eternal or what's temporal? One man focused. His focus was on right now. Oh, things are bad. The other one was like hey, jesus, when you get to heaven, remember me. When you get to your kingdom, remember me, because I don't want to focus. I know how bad the situation ain't good right here. I'm on a cross. Things ain't all great right now. I'm in a mess of a situation, but I don't want to focus too much on that. I want to focus on eternity. I want to ask you a question when does your focus? Is it on right now? Is it on what's temporal, or is it what's on eternal? Ours was on eternal. My focus is on eternity. I want to focus on my future and not focus on my past. I want to do this. Pastor Mo, can you help me again?
33:56 - Speaker 3
Don't put don't.
34:00 - Speaker 1
Oh, I am holding the wrong side. Okay, you got me. You got me. Bro, victor, you're a PK, you got to help me. You see, when you're a PK, get put to work. So I'm going to have you recruit them early Next time. I'm giving you the mic to preach, and it better be a good sermon too. We're good, we're good.
So this is a rope, it's a rope. Now I have a four-year-old, so I had to explain every single thing. Now, this rope most of it is white. This small section right here is I changed the color. You see, some of y'all didn't look Because it was green. Last service it's black. This service See, I knew I was going to catch some of you slipping. I was green. You didn't look. Nope, it's not green, it's green. You didn't look. Nope, it's not green, it's black. Now let's make it tighter and then step back a little bit. Yeah, perfect, pass the ball. You're holding it all the way up here. He's short. If it was me and him, I could hold it up there. He would be perfectly fine.
This rope symbolizes your life and eternity. See how long eternity is. You see how short life is, but what you do in this short life determines where you spend eternity. So there's a lot of us we live a life without God, without hope, without a savior, and we think we can like live like hell and make it to heaven. But how you live here determines how you spend your life here. I'm going to make the most of this. Not by drinking, not by partying, not by smoking, not by doing things that feel good to the flesh. I'm going to live the most by living in purpose flesh. I'm going to live the most by living in purpose. I'm going to live the most. I'm going to do the most to live in the call of God for my life, by saying yes to the things of God and no to the things of the world, because I know there's a future.
Two men they could stop breathing at any moment. They're being crucified. Literally, that means their lungs is collapsing on itself and they had a decision to make With the little time I have left. Am I going to be bitter? Am I going to be angry? Am I going to be upset? Am I going to be angry? Am I going to be upset? Am I going to live with no life, or am I going to make a decision to serve God and say yes to Jesus. You've got to make that decision today. I'm going to live to the fullness, to the fullest. I'm going to live a life where the Holy Spirit can take full control over.
I said there's two men Similar, but there's only one difference In this church there's people who've gone through what you've gone through. There's people in this church Ex-prostitutes. They were addicted to drugs, addicted to pornography, gone through messy divorces. I mean, life has hit them hard and I know some of them personally. I know their stories. Guess what? They were not letting what they went through define them. They had a story, but they knew that that story was not their ending. They said this story won't define me. I'm going to let God rewrite my story. They said this story won't define me. I'm going to let God rewrite my story. So I want to ask you a question today Will you let God rewrite your story?
There was one man. He said God, you're going to rewrite my story. I repent, I'm sorry. And then, at that moment, his whole story was rewritten. You'll be with me in paradise. There was another man on the other side oh God, I'm complaining and mad and angry. And his story was never rewritten. Are you going to let the Holy Spirit rewrite your story today, and when he rewrites your story, it's a New York Times bestseller. He will take your mess and make it a message. He will take your test and make it a message. He will take your test and make it a testimony. Today, the Holy Spirit wants to rewrite your message. Close your eyes, bow your heads this whole time.
This sermon is about Jesus. What made one man different from the other was one focused on himself and the other one looked at the cross of Jesus. His perspective changed when he looked at the cross. Today, as you heard about Jesus and what he did 2,000 years ago for you, how he took the punishment in your place, how, when you accept him, you're no longer a sinner. You are a son, a daughter of the Most High God. Now it's your time to make a decision, because he already made it 2000 years ago for you. He died for you to have life. So, with all heads bowed, if you've never accepted Jesus before, if you're saying, man, I'm so far away from God, I know that I need him, but I'm not sure how to even do this Easy. Just invite him in your heart.
I want every single person who wants to say yes to Jesus, yes to this redemption, yes to this hope, yes to this peace. I'm not telling you life is going to be perfect. I'm not telling you that all your troubles are going to go away. What I'm telling you is that you're going to have peace, the peace that passes all understanding. What I'm telling you is you're not going to live hopeless and depressed anymore. The joy of the Lord is going to become your strength. I'm telling you that fear and anxiety won't swallow you up. You'll be free If you want to accept this God, this gift of life, of salvation, of hope.
I want you, with all heads bowed, all eyes closed, I want you to lift up your hands right now. Come on, lift up your hand. Just lift up your hand. You can just lift up one hand, yep, yep, your hand. Just lift up your hand. You can just lift up one hand, yep, yep. I see those hands, I see that hand. I see that hand. I see that hand, I see that hand, I see it.
If you made that decision to say yes to Jesus, I want you to just do one more thing with me. I want you to stand to your feet right now. Come on, if you're making that decision. Stand to your feet right now. Come on, if you're making that decision, stand to your feet quickly. There's a few more of you. I'm going to give 30 more seconds. I'm going to give you 30 more seconds.
There's about two or three more of you who are saying I say yes, your age doesn't matter, your sex doesn't matter, your background doesn't matter, what you did yesterday doesn't matter. Even this morning it doesn't matter. There is hope for you in Jesus. As your head is bowed and your eyes are closed, I want you to repeat this prayer Lord Jesus, come on, let's all say it as a church and I know some of you have already accepted Jesus but just as a show of unity, let's all say it together. Lord Jesus, I accept your gift of salvation. Thank you for dying on the cross for me and resurrecting on the third day and giving me new life. I accept you as my Lord and my Savior, in Jesus name, amen.
44:13 - Speaker 2
This is the City Light Church podcast. If you've missed any part of today's message or if you would like to find out more about Pastor Boyan Jancic and City Light Church, visit us at citylightnyccom. That's citylightnyccom. Feel free to visit us online or in person anytime. We would love to connect with you. We pray that you have been encouraged today, that you have been reminded how much God loves you and that you are surrounded by grace. Thank you for listening. Make sure that you subscribe to City Light Church Podcast wherever you find your favorite podcasts worldwide.