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Jesus had a touchy ministry.
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He touched people everywhere.
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The anointing flows through touch.
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It can come other ways, but one of the ways a frequently used way is touch is through the laying out of hands.
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Come and lay your hands on her that she may be healed and she will live.
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Welcome to the City Light Church podcast.
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Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's Word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us.
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If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at CityLightNYCcom.
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That's CityLightNYCcom.
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Pastor Boyan Jansik and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds.
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As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you.
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Welcome to City Light Church.
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My name is Bo Bo knows Jesus.
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My name is Bo Jansik, and those of you joining us online, welcome.
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We had an amazing picnic yesterday.
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It was so awesome.
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Pastor Mo, our community pastor, the whole team was involved, but he spearheaded that.
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What a phenomenal job, first class all the way.
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I mean it really felt like being in a sanctified amusement park, an ice cream truck in New York City, without prices, reminding me of that scripture whosoever will come drink of this water, whosoever will come partake of this softie, free to all.
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But we're in the middle of this series.
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That kind of just happened.
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I didn't know I was going to do a series until I just sensed the Lord wanting to take us on a journey and get some of you opened up to His hand moving in your life.
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And so the first message was just called the anointed and His anointing.
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And then, when I didn't know what the Lord would be doing in the second service, I just said call it part two.
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And so this is now part three.
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That was a phenomenal man of God and he said I have really one message with 50 different titles.
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And I thought, yeah, that's kind of true, but the Lord wants to bless you, he wants to heal you, he wants to love on you.
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And what is crucial in getting to that place of receiving Because that's really what it is you have to get to the place of receiving.
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God has no trouble giving.
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He is a giver.
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Giving is His very nature.
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He doesn't have to kind of get in the mood to give.
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He's a giver, he's a blessing.
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And so we need to be able to slip into a place where we can receive.
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And that's really where the trouble starts, because a lot of us are not good receivers.
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We get encumbered with the things of the world.
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Doubt and unbelief and cynicism come in, or we just get stuck in a rut.
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You know what getting stuck in a rut is Is that you're just used to the same thing and then you don't expect anything different.
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You're just, you're a dead fish floating downstream.
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You're caught in the humdrum of life and then it crushes your hope and your expectancy, and so then it's just.
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Your prayer becomes oh Lord, help me make it through another day.
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God forbid that ever be your song and your prayer.
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Pray it once in a while, like once a year, is enough for me, but I don't want weeks where my prayer is oh Lord, help me make it through the day.
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I want you to ride high in Jesus.
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That's what he wants for you.
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And so the Lord is just coming to us, and what is crucial for us to become good receivers is an understanding of how God gives.
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And how God gives is in and through his anointing.
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And isn't it amazing that, although Jesus' title is Jesus, the Christ, jesus the anointed, that the church as a whole really doesn't have an understanding of any kind concerning the anointing?
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There's pockets, but as a whole, when you go up to your average Christian and say, tell me about the anointing, you're just good.
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Well, you know, it's the anointing, it's you know.
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No, I don't know.
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Tell me, well, bertoli, no, bertoli's an olive oil brand.
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But we should know, we should be intimately acquainted with the anointing, because that's how Jesus ministered, that's how he got people their breakthrough, that's how he healed their bodies, that's how he visited people.
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What is the anointing?
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Most people don't know the definition or even how to describe it.
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The anointing simply is the manifest presence of God.
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It's God's presence active, doing something in the moment, because there is an omnipresence of God.
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He's everywhere, but he's not everywhere.
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In the same way.
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He was everywhere in the desert when Moses was walking, but his anointing was in the burning bush.
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He was presence was everywhere in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, but the anointing was in the upper room.
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His anointing is here, but what's required is a hungry and thirsty heart with faith who will pull on it and receive it, and that's what brings transformation and life change.
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Amen, and God has something up His sleeve for, city like church.
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I'm telling you, I feel it.
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I feel it myself are pulsating.
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He's going to give us a surprise and what is necessary is there to be a large number of people.
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Everyone is a good number, but call it critical mass.
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A large number of people.
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I like everyone, but there's always new people.
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There's always going to be works in progress, sitting in the corners or whatever.
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You're welcome.
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That's awesome.
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The majority you know to have an understanding of the anointing.
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Note that Jesus this is how important the anointing is that that's Jesus's title and so many people think it's his last name.
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Christ is not Jesus's last name.
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That's his title.
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Jesus, the anointed one and his anointing.
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Did you ever think about that?
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I don't know if that blows your mind the way it blows mine, but if that's his name, that means we should know something about the anointing, yet on average most Christians don't.
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That's a whole in our understanding, a very foundational thing that we should be aware of.
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There's a whole there and that Jesus didn't do anything apart from the anointing after he was anointed.
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Before he was anointed at his baptism he didn't do any miracles.
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I remember going to Ethiopia to visit our orphanage there, the Grace Center, and they took me around to some old churches and there was a 600 year old, a very old Orthodox church is there and there were old drawings not even paintings but like carved in the sides of the wall of like a 12 year old Jesus and there were these shards of clay and they showed him coming up and touching the shards of clay and they would fly up as doves Pretty carving, not scriptural.
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He didn't do that.
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Why didn't he do that?
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Because he wasn't anointed yet.
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He was anointed when he was 30 at his baptism.
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It's a mystery.
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Here Jesus is 100% God, he was 100% man, but he laid his power down when he came to earth.
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He was still divine, he was still God it's a mystery.
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But he laid it down until he got anointed.
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The Bible says, got poured out his spirit and without measure, upon him.
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You know what can throw some people off that he was.
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You know, when he got lost he was 12 years old.
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Well, he didn't get lost, he just he was a precocious child.
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And it says that he was talking to the doctors of the law and confounding them with his questions.
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And some people think, well, that was God in the flesh, omniscient, all knowing, and that he was really just puzzling the Pharisees then and the doctors of the law with his understanding of the Torah.
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But the scripture doesn't say that he did that as a man.
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Now, granted, he was born without sin, so he had a soul and a mind that was not stained by sin.
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So what does that look like?
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We don't know, because all of ours is stained by sin.
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But that means that as a 12 year old he would have had a pure and deep and really profound understanding of the scriptures.
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But it doesn't mean he did it supernaturally.
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Are you following me here?
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But after his baptism, the Bible says he came up out of the water, the Holy Spirit came upon him, he was anointed and that began the miracle ministry of Jesus.
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What was the necessary ingredient, the anointing, and when he was anointed, then he healed them, everyone.
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Then his first miracle the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee, by the way a miracle of provision.
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The very first miracle of Jesus is the miracle of provision.
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There's a wink from heaven where God is just saying I have all of your needs in mind and it's nothing for me to provide for you.
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Even when it was extra wine at a wedding, it doesn't really seem like a need, it seems like a want.
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You're following me.
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They would have been okay without extra wine.
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They would have made it.
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We're still been married.
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The guests would have still been happy.
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But he said oh, you need wine.
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Huh, get a bunch of jugs, each one with a capacity of 20 to 30 gallons.
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Six of them, it's anywhere from 150 to 180 gallons of water that he turned into wine.
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That's a lot of vino.
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What's the Lord saying?
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The Lord is saying I'm opulent and I care about your needs and I will meet them.
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And I will meet them by my anointing.
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Look at Acts 10, 38, how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good.
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If you're expecting bad from God or if you're ascribing something bad that happened to you, to God, please go back to the drawing board.
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I say that with love in my heart.
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Go back to the drawing board and rework some things, because Jesus went about doing good.
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Deep thoughts today.
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God, good, devil, bad, amen.
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And Jesus, he moved in the anointing and he went about doing good and healing all who are oppressed, not possessed, here.
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He did that too.
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But really demonic possession, that's rare, it's not.
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Well, it's a lot more common than we may think, but you know it's not every third person.
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It's not walking around cutting themselves with stones.
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Most people who think they're possessed, they're really oppressed.
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What's possessed is the thing is in you and your spirit.
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By the way, christian has the Holy Spirit in their spirit.
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They cannot then have a demon in their spirit, but you can't have people who are oppressed that's from the outside in.
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You ever get one of that.
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You know what?
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We have A gravity blanket.
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You ever, anybody ever, get the gravity blanket?
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My wife loved it.
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For me it was too oppressive.
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I want the goose down, the fluffy Siberian goose.
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Oppression is like a gravity.
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It's a weighted blanket.
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The blanket weighs like 60 pounds.
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It's supposed to knock you out.
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You go to sleep.
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It's like of course you're going to fall asleep.
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It's like a dude sitting on top of you.
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That's what oppression is.
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People walk around and they're oppressed.
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You can be oppressed physically, oppressed mentally.
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It's just a weight that's on you.
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Jesus went about doing good and, by the anointing, healing all who are oppressed of the devil.
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Hallelujah, hallelujah.
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The anointing is tangible, it can be felt.
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Isn't it an utter shame that in America this mystical faith called Christianity has been so just front-lobianized, made into this bookish thing where people can know all about God but never truly meet God?
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You can describe God, you can know God, but never truly encounter Him and experience His anointing.
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You are called Christians.
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What does that mean?
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That means little Christ, little anointed ones.
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How can you have a little anointed one who doesn't know the anointing of the bigly anointed one and yes, he was bigly anointed without measure, and he pours out that anointing on us and we're little Christs, and so we should be intimately acquainted with and familiar with the moving of the Holy Spirit and the anointing the old preachers, they would say a lot of churches today.
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The Holy Spirit could walk in with a 10 gallon hat and two, six guns at his side and they wouldn't recognize him.
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Little is lost in translation, saying it in 2023 in New York City, but the gist of it.
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How do we be Christians and not know the Holy Spirit?
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So the Lord is wanting to reveal that in a deeper way to us.
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I want to just ask some people who haven't been prepared so don't look at me bug-eyed, just come up.
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I want you to share on how you have encountered the anointing and the love of God and what it's done for you.
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Amen, luke, could you share?
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Share a story, luke, come here, tell us a story.
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I'll help you.
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I'll help you.
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Tell us a story about how the Lord came to you with his anointing and his love.
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So in February 2021, I started reading the book of Acts and I grew up in a church, but not a Holy Spirit type of church, and so when I started reading it I don't know why this happened when it did or how, but I started feeling like a little bit of warm in my chest.
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And the book of Luke talks about the road to Emmaus and the disciples said we're not our hearts burning within us, but, growing up when I heard Bible stories, I read the Bible.
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I just kind of because the atmosphere that I was around they always assumed that those things were kind of more figurative and not a literal experience.
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But I started having this literal experience where my heart was burning within me, but I wasn't sure if it was something I ate or if it was what I was reading.
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So I was testing it out, so I was reading a little bit and it would start and then that would stop and then it would go away, and one day it didn't really happen, but I just stayed there for like an hour and a half and then it started happening again.
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So I was like I think this is God and I read through the whole New Testament, having this experience, and then by the time I got back to the gospel.
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So, even though I had read it my whole life, it was like I'd never read it before and I could just hear him saying it to me, you know.
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So when I read, behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, it was him and he was there and he was saying it to me like never before.
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And then, you know, I had all these things in my life that I just thought were like parts of my personality, that I struggled with, you know, and I didn't realize that it wasn't actually me.
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I just thought that was me.
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Hey, I have problems with this, this and this, and I'm doing my best, but you know, I guess you know, this is what it's going to be like, this is what life is like for me, and I had tried to change those things about myself, but it just it never.
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I wasn't able to, you know, and I wasn't thinking about it.
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But then this whole thing happened and then I, one day, I just realized, you know, I haven't had these thoughts, I haven't.
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All these things that I thought were part of my personality were just immediately, supernaturally gone, you know, and I was the new person and it happened without me trying or without me doing anything, and that was just the beginning and I, you know, I couldn't even recognize myself, for I literally don't identify with the person that I was two years, two and a half years ago, like in any way, like I think that wasn't me, you know, and yeah, that's about it.
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Yeah, Just lift your hands In Jesus' name, continue the work tenfold Filled, filled, filled up to the brim with the richness of Him.
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Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
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Kate, come on up here, marisa, would you help her?
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So, by the way, when God comes to you with His anointing, it's really hard to look cool, so don't try.
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Are you all there If you feel like you're going to look dignified?
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Lord, I want you.
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I'm so hungry, I'm so thirsty, I'm so desperate.
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Can you touch me in a way where, if someone takes a photo on me, it's Instagrammable, please?
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No, it's going to be messy.
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You will, that's part of the deal.
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Your dignity goes out the window.
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That's why that Syrian commander, who was told to dip in the Jordan seven times, his pride came up.
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He didn't want to.
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He said they have crystal clear rivers in Syria, but the Jordan is filthy.
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Why should I?
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To humble yourself, amen, and God will come upon you and he won't allow you to dictate how he comes to you.
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He just won't.
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He's not going to dance for you, you're going to dance for Him.
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That's how it works, amen, and you have to enter in through the door of humility and, if you're so proud and the door of trust, in that you have to let go.
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You can't say Lord, I will let you touch me, but I will never, ever cry, I will never, ever laugh, I'm never going to shake Lord.
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I'm going to be touched quietly and secretively.
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You do not.
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He doesn't come to you with a menu.
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This isn't burghaking your way right away, how you like.
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No, you come hungry and you take what he gives you, like what the sacri-coach tells our kids.
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You get what you get and you don't get upset.
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Amen, hallelujah.
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So, just share, like being touched by the annoying thing.
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What is it like?
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So this past July I attended a few conferences and Christian conferences, both for music ministry and just another one in Tampa.
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That was on the fire of God and I had walked into the first conference with expectation but almost a fear of not being able to receive everything that God had for me.
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But really, through that experience in those two weeks, god showed me so much about surrender, how important it is to surrender.
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And it was when one of the preachers said would you be okay?
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And this was a revelation that the Holy Spirit had given her.
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But he dealt with the same thing in those two weeks for me.
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The Holy Spirit had asked her if you were to lose it all, if you were to lose your dream of worship, leading, of marriage, of having a family, of pastoring a church, of everything, all these desires that I put in your heart, that are so precious to you, would you be okay, knowing that I am your provider, knowing that I, that I have you in the palm of my hands, that you could lose everything in the world and be okay because you have me?
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And it was when I said yes, scott, when I truly surrendered because I've been saved since I was a little girl, I was in elementary school, but this was a new point for me.
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It was when I truly surrendered everything to the Lord, when I said, lord, you can have my life, you can have it all, or take it all and use it all for your glory.
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That was the opening door for me to receive, because he wants everything.
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He wants us to give all the glory back to him, every single thing, the good, the bad, all our hurt, all our joy, everything is his.
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This life is his, our lives are his, and he wants us to just give it all to him.
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And it was when I said, yes, lord, that he just, the fire of God hit me and his anointing, his manifest presence becomes so, so, so tangible, even right now.
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And it's for you too.
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Jesus, continue cooking her Lord.
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God bless you, hallelujah, hallelujah.
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That's a good word surrender.
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We're learning so much this morning.
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You poshed yourself to receive.
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There's the door of humility.
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You gotta walk through that door and then the door of surrendering.