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For we are His workmanship, his own masterwork, a work of art created in Christ Jesus, reborn from above, spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used for good works which God prepared for us beforehand, taking paths which he said so that we would walk in them, living the good life.
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Welcome to the City Light Church podcast.
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Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's Word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us.
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If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at citylightnyccom.
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That's citylightnyccom.
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Pastor Boyan Jansik and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds.
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As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you.
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Welcome to City Light Auto Repair Shop.
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We're offering a special on oil changes this morning, and so expect fresh oil and expect the Lord to speak to you and to move on your life, which is what's supposed to happen when we get together every Sunday.
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Whenever we gather bodily and that's what that word corporately means whenever we gather bodily it's so that we could receive in another way from the Lord and the Bible.
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It gives space to us individually pursue the Lord, and the Lord can meet us when we're at home, alone.
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And there's things you can get alone at home that I feel sometimes you can't get in a corporate setting.
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There's private, sweet, very intimate times you can have alone with the Lord that you can't get in a corporate setting.
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But conversely, there's things that you can get in a bodily or corporate setting that you can't get alone at home, just the way the Lord is, and that's how he built his church.
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The wine is in the cluster of grapes.
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The very word church means the assembled ones.
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That's where the assemblies of God gets its name from.
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Ecclesia are the called out and assembled ones.
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That means you're actually assembling.
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You know, people tried to have church without assembling.
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That didn't work.
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We're all different parts of the body and we're celebrating the head Jesus, and that didn't work and doesn't work over Zoom, doesn't?
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Those of you joining us online I love you, but you know I'm not telling you this for the first time.
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You know already there's a limit to what you can get online, which is why many of our online folk they can, they're physically far from us and they drop in as often as they can.
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But there is something the Lord wants to get to you corporately and that's how church should be.
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Just know that Two way.
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I love that verse in Galatians where the apostle Paul says Now, he who works miracles among you, that's the Holy Spirit's job to, when we're gathered together, move up and down these aisles.
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I feel the anointing to move and work miracles among you.
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A life change and interruption.
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You're going one way and then, all of a sudden, he speaks to you.
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You make the necessary adjustments on the inside.
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The anointing touches you and you come out.
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You're different.
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Your spiritual back was all out of alignment and out of whack.
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You came hobbling and you didn't know it.
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You thought you had it all together, but then the anointing came upon you and God did business with you in an environment where he's welcome to do so, and he sets us straight that way.
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You know how many times I'd come into church one way and walked out another.
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That's why the Psalmist said my foot had almost slipped, I had almost gone astray, but then I stepped into the house of the Lord.
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Something happened in the house of the Lord.
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What happened?
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Came in contact with the presence, Came in contact with the anointing.
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What a scary.
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Worse my foot, because we've all been there, I've been there.
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My foot had almost slipped, I had almost gone astray.
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You know when you're titter-tattering and you feel the world raging and Satan raging and it wants you back.
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But then I stepped into the house of the Lord and first I was reminded where the real party was.
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Oh yeah, it's here.
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And all those deceptions that were clouding my perception, they just.
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You know, a deception can seem so powerful and so intricate.
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And you come into the house of the Lord and one drop of God's anointed truth.
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You're like, oh, I was hypnotized for a few days.
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There Wasn't I?
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I was believing.
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A lie has nothing to do with what's good for me, what's real from the Lord.
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That was just gonna take me where every lie takes me, where sin takes me Much further than I wanted to go and much longer than I wanted to stay.
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But no, when we gather together it's to experience the Lord, amen.
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And if you're used to just going to church, that might be strange to you, which we're getting guests all the time and don't get nervous.
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But I can tell some people are just used to going to church Because they look at you like you're on TV.
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I can look right at them and they're just like kind of a hundred yards there looking right through you.
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They're used to just being non-participatory.
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But no, this is for you to be engaged.
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You don't have to engage me.
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Engage the Lord, because he wants to get you something that if you're not expecting and you're closed, you'll miss out on.
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I was speaking to some older gentlemen from my new neighborhood of Rosalind, new York, a very Jewish neighborhood, and they were all Jewish and they're fascinated by me being a minister and they have all these questions about what I do and what is our church like and what is it that I share, what is it that I speak, and I shared with them some of our ministry philosophy, if you will, and they were absolutely blown away.
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And in so many words.
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This is what one of them said.
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He said you know, the temples and the gatherings at the temples are really waning.
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We can't get ahold of the younger generation.
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And he and I've said this, we've all said this for decades now.
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But he, as we're talking, he's realizing he's going.
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You know it's a lot of work to get up on a Saturday and gather your whole family and go to temple to hear somebody speak for 30 minutes to 45 minutes and really just speak and share something from a historical perspective, something from a theological perspective, salt and peppered with a little dash of this is how you can apply it for your life today.
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Like what he's really trying to say is I can get this on YouTube and that's and it becomes very old and very dull every Saturday, doing all that work to come to a place to hear someone just share with you what they were reading Monday through Friday.
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And that's why churches are in decline, because if you're coming just to be a consumer and see what the preacher's selling, that can't last, that's unsustainable.
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For some people it's sustainable because they have a very high threshold of boredom, but for me that's not sustainable If I'm not receiving from the Lord, you know, after just a few times of that, I'm like, oh, what am I doing with my life and my time?
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You know, which is what makes the true Christian church different?
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Because you're not coming.
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You're not.
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I hope you're not to hear my deep thoughts.
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You're coming to experience the Lord and the Lord, the Lord, is free to move when his people are hungry, when they come with expectation and when the pastor is good at getting out of his way.
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And so some pastors are so married to their message they got to get it to you.
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Then the Holy Spirit wants to move on God's people, but they're on point 14B.
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So I want you to raise your expectation level.
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There is something that the Lord wants to get.
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You say what's something?
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Well, it depends on where you're at.
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Maybe you just need some of his love, you just need a revelation of his love, because you're your own worst enemy and you're struggling under guilt and shame and condemnation, and you need a fresh revelation of the blood of Jesus and what this new covenant of grace is all about.
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Maybe you're going one way and you think you have it all figured out, but actually that path leads to suffering and that path leads to pain, and he wants to speak to you right now and just get you to it.
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Just a few things Now.
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I'm not even talking about a huge 180, although that can happen, but just tweak you a little bit so that you get into all that he has for you, which, I assure you, is far, far better than anything you can dream up for yourself.
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He is a loving God, a generous God, and he's got your best intentions in his heart, hallelujah.
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So we're going to be good sponges and good drinkers today.
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And just once you just say that Lord, whatever you want to do, do it in my heart, do it in my life.
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I give you permission, Jesus, whatever you want.
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That's a great, great opening prayer.
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He said do I really have to give the Lord permission?
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Yeah, I mean, if you didn't have to give him permission, he'd forced you to get saved.
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He didn't do that, did he?
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He made himself pretty irresistible, but it was still something of you involved there.
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Not that you can take credit for it, but I mean, if he could violate my will all the time he would, I wouldn't have made the messes I made.
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If he could violate my will.
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I mean it seems like he tried.
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He was screaming in my spirit and in my head Stop.
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No, what are you doing?
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You're being dumb.
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I love you, but you're dumb.
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He doesn't start off that way, you know.
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He starts off with a Psst, not that way.
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I'm sorry, my Lord, now don't go in that direction.
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Oh, it's, lord, I'm good, and you get a little bit more awareness, like no, I said, don't go that way.
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And you keep a son, daughter, I'm telling you that pain, that path, it seems right in your own eyes.
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There's much suffering down that path, lord, I'm good, until you're finally too far gone.
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And he's, what did I tell you?
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Come back to me now.
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You're too far gone, come back quickly.
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Hallelujah, some of you, if you're hearing the loud voice of the Lord and now is the time to about face, because guess what, it doesn't get louder After that, it just stops.
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When the Bible says the spirit of the Lord will not strive, will not wrestle with man forever, it's talking about something particular happening under the old covenant, but it still applies to how he deals with us today, cause he'll talk and he'll speak and he'll try.
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But if you're so stubborn that eventually you go this way, he stops speaking, and that's when people go.
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Yeah, I knew it all along.
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The Lord has no problem with me living my own life.
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I don't even get convicted.
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Huh huh, huh, huh.
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This is great.
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No, it's not that it's right now, it's wrong.
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You just have what the Bible calls a seared conscience.
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You've resisted his voice so long that now your conscience is like with a hot iron it's seared, it's no longer tender and susceptible.
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Now God himself could appear next to you in bodily form, beating two tambourines and a bass drum right in your ear, and you still won't hear.
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Cause it is seared conscience, you'll go.
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Yeah, I knew it, I could do whatever I want when I want.
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The Lord doesn't even speak to me anymore about it, cause he's just.
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Cause I'm different For others, the rules apply me and the Lord got a thing we worked out.
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I'm special Thunder and lightning for everyone else.
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For me it's just a wink.
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I got you, you're good.
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I know your heart, hallelujah.
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So at City Light Church.
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By the way, when I begin to sentence that way, I'm appealing to those who don't know what our church is about, cause I felt funny.
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It felt like a commercial here at City Light Church.
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But at City Light Church we stand strongly in the new covenant of God's grace that is so vital.
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It is so important.
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There are two covenants that we read.
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Note that there is an old covenant which in the old it said it was gonna expire, and then the new.
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It reiterates that the old not only said it was gonna expire, but it's now expired.
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And then there is the new.
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Both we need to know, but you can only live under one and you cannot mix the two.
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And way too many Christians are trying to live under both covenants.
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No wonder they're so confused, no wonder they're so frustrated when it's like a tossed bowl of mixed nuts in their doctrine and their old covenant one day, new covenant the next.
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Then something bad happens and they get all old covenant, then they're mid covenant, then they just mix the covenants.
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So we're doing this whole series on Galatians the best book in the entire New Testament for us to get understanding of the difference of the covenants and why we should live under the new and over and over again, paul.
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He shows Jesus Christ and him crucified and all of our sins placed upon him, jesus, and all of our sins, all of your sins, thoroughly and completely punished in Jesus.
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So there is complete forgiveness for us and we have been justified by faith.
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Justified means not guilty.
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We're pronounced not guilty and we're given this gift called righteousness, which means right standing with God.
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That means that we can come to God anytime we want.
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See, when you really get righteousness, your prayer life takes on a whole another dimension.
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Then you're empowered to pray.
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We all know in our head we can pray anywhere, at any time, but many of us don't believe it in our heart.
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But when you really understand that you don't even you know we have this language.
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You come in.
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Let me come into the presence of the Lord.
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You're there.
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You're seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
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Right now, you don't need to, you don't need a pre-workout warmup.
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Let me get into the presence of the Lord Shofar.
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Check flags, check Golden dust.
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I got in that conference back in 2014 in a little Ziploc bag in my Bible.
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Check, you're there and you know he's always a breath away and you don't have to.
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Some people feel they have to spend time repenting and asking for forgiveness and slowly you know it's because you've had so many fights in your life and always with those fights it's never the same afterwards.
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You guys got a warmup period right.
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You got to get along for several weeks or a few months first, and then you let that person in again, right, right?
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No, you guys just forgive each other, and I mean I'm not talking about your spouse right now and so we think the Lord is that way.
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We think with the Lord, he kind of forgives us 40%, and then he's keeping an eye on us, we're on probation and he's saying, if we really really mean it, but guess what, he's not that way.
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The moment you turn your face to him, he's like this and he's saying I never left you, I never turned away from you, I'm right here.
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He's just so much bigger than us and his heart larger and grander than ours.
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It's difficult for us to relate to him sometimes because we put all these human attributes on him, like he needs a cooling off period.
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You got to work your way back in play nice because you got some points against you.
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No, he loves you.
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And so we're beginning the series on Galatians, which is important because it is like the signature message.
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It is who we are as a church, it is our DNA.
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We are a new covenant church that yields to the Holy Spirit and that sees lives transform, and that's our vision.
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See, what is the vision of city like church.
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I remember whenever my first seven, eight years saved, whenever any pastor I knew or even visited a church, whenever they were going to talk about vision, they always brought out a table a little larger than this right up to the altar, and there was something on the table that was covered with like a cloth and the pastor was going to talk about vision and then he would and guess what was underneath the cloth Right?
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An architectural rendering of a building.
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And I'm saying this because the vision was always a building.
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Is this just me?
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In the churches I went to years ago Must be Not feeling the resonance of the first service.
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What I'm saying is the vision was always a brick and mortar and while the building is a good vision, it's not really the vision.
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It's a means and tools to attain the vision.
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The vision is to see God's people blessed, whole, overflowing, that they've been made disciples and now they're disciple making disciples.
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That's the vision.
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See this six week series on Galatians.
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I want you so rooted and grounded in new covenant realities that you could be sent up in an airplane parachute attached to your back and you could get dropped off anywhere in the world and you're so full of God's truth that you could begin preaching, whether they be total heathen or the other way in their Christian, but bound by religion and tradition.
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But you can come and bring the word of Jesus that'll set them free, the depth of what he did on the cross, the new covenant and total forgiveness of sins that it, just if you're poked it, leaks out of you.
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And that's our vision To see a bunch of cups that overflow, hallelujah, hallelujah.
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And in order for us to get to that place, there's a person you can't leave out and that's the Holy Spirit.
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You can't leave them out.
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To try to do church, to try to see any kind of change apart from the Holy Spirit, is nothing but frustration that eventually leads to some type of death.
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And honestly, it smells rotten.
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Just talking about it, just imagining it, it smells to go through the motions and try to have the church of God without the presence of the Lord.
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The anointing, which is why we're in the middle of this series.
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The anointed one and his anointing Because in order to be a new covenant church and really taking fresh ground in New York City, what's been called a preacher's graveyard.
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We're not here trying to survive, we are thriving and we wanna take new ground, and the reality is is, when you go after new ground, satan doesn't just step out of the way and go right.
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This way, sir, oh, please come on in.
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I've had this place for centuries, but oh, you seem rather nice.
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Here's some of my land.
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No, he fights, and he fights hard.
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And so how do you overcome the spirit of Satan, which is the anti-Christ, the anti-anointing spirit?
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You overcome any spirit by responding in the opposite spirit.
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So you come in with the Christ, the Christos, with the anointing.
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That's why God's people need to know who they are in him and how to be good drinkers, how to receive daily from the anointing.
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The anointing is what gets the job done.
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It gets the job done, hallelujah.
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There is nothing that you're going through right now that one drop of his heavenly oil cannot fix, cannot heal, cannot undo, hallelujah.
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And so in today's service, there's no pressure.
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I just ask you to open up your heart and put a demand on him, place a demand that he would meet you.
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I would give the example last week I have to do it again just of my chiropractor.
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And now, in 2010 and 11, I started visiting this chiropractor at four herniated discs and he explained to me his philosophy of chiropractic and I said what I believe is that your body has an innate ability to heal itself.
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I said I've heard that back when I still lived in Yugoslavia as a kid.
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There's just, the peasants understood that.
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The peasants knew that they were in tune with the harmony of their body, how God created it.
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And there's things you can do to frustrate its own natural self-healing ability, things you can do to frustrate it and things you can do to promote it.
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And he said you know, good chiropractic is your body is not in alignment and we get your body in alignment so that it can self heal.
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So we're not just talking about the back you could have a liver problem but we fix your body and get it into alignment and your body will self heal the liver.
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And that immediately resonated with me because, frankly, that's exactly how the Lord works.
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The Lord loves you, the Lord is generous, the Lord is an ever flowing font of blessings.
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Many of us, we remain frustrated, however, because we're misaligned and we're not receiving all that Jesus died for us to have.
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And what a travesty that is.
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You know, in the book of Revelation it says that they all cried for about half an hour and then there was no more tears.
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He wipes it.
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But I was wondering, why did they cry for the half an hour?
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Is it because they were in heaven and they saw all that was available to them all along and they missed out and then they wept.
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You can speculate.
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We know at that point women weren't in heaven yet, because in that same part it says there was silence for the space of half an hour in heavens, for eight more hours but, in everyday life there is a joke Hallelujah, come on.
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Come on, that was a good one, dude, that was a good one.
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It was so funny in my mind.
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In my mind, she was gonna be roaring and stitches Hallelujah, trying to remember where we were.
25:58.782 --> 26:02.487
Oh, the crackers and cheese story we're talking about.
26:03.030 --> 26:03.715
You know why they were crying?
26:05.124 --> 26:06.675
But it's the crackers and cheese story.