New Episodes Weekly!
Nov. 21, 2023

Unraveling the Old and New Covenants: From Bondage to Joyous Freedom

Unraveling the Old and New Covenants: From Bondage to Joyous Freedom
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CityLight NYC Church

Ready to unshackle the misconceptions about the Old and New Covenants of the Bible? 
We promise an enlightening discussion that will not only deepen your understanding of these Covenants but also spotlight the freedom that the New Covenant brings. 
We journey through the profound contrast between the Old Covenant's requirement for human striving for God's approval and the New Covenant's unconditional acceptance based on Jesus Christ's sacrifice.

We dive into the misunderstood terrain of the Old Testament, affirming its importance as the Word of God, but emphasizing its interpretation through the lens of Jesus. 
We explore the transformational power of the New Covenant that brings about an inner holiness, spurred on by the ceaseless presence of the Holy Spirit. 
Join us as we embark on unravelling the profound truths of the New Covenant!

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I'm not under the old system where I have to be afraid that you're going to abandon me and because of my sin, you're going to now withdraw your presence.

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No Lord, even if I fall, I don't have to fall, but should I fall, you run to me to pick me up.

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You don't abandon me.

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The sin is no longer a problem, because the sin has been taken out of the way and thoroughly punished in the cross of Jesus Christ.

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Welcome to the City Light Church podcast.

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Thanks for joining us today as we look into God's Word and discover the hope and truth that he has for us.

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If you want to connect with City Light Church, feel free to visit us at CityLightNYCcom.

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That's CityLightNYCcom.

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Pastor Boyan Jansik and his team believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is already working in our hearts and minds.

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As you listen to today's teaching, remember that you are deeply loved by God, that you are surrounded by His grace and that he has a real hope and a future for you.

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Galatians is the clash of the covenants and that's the title of this series.

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In Galatians, what you see is a group of people, much like in Ephesians, much like in Philippians.

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These were in Galatia and much like the other groups that got saved, they came to a saving faith in Jesus and they understood that their salvation was not dependent on them.

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They understood that Jesus did all the work.

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In other words, jesus plus nothing equals everything.

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Salvation is a gift and you cannot add or contribute to it.

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Yet here in Galatia and what Paul is addressing in Galatians is these Judaizers who have come in, and now they put the people under bondage, these Christians, these new Christians, and said it's great that you believe in Jesus, but you also have to keep the law of Moses, you must be circumcised, and there was more things in addition to that you must keep the Sabbath.

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What they're in essence saying is Jesus plus your own law-keeping, jesus plus your own behavior equals everything.

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That's not the gospel, that's not the new covenant.

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Typically, the Christian response might be well, what's the big deal?

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What's the problem?

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As long as they believe in Jesus and you want to mix a little bit, maybe it even makes you a better person if you mix it up a little bit, paul says no.

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In fact he humanly says no.

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You see him at his most, pauline.

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You see him totally lose it.

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It becomes very emotional.

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He says you are fallen from grace, you're nullifying the grace of God.

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You cannot mix the covenants.

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Pick one.

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Under the old covenant, under the old system of law, you never had right standing with God.

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You never had the new birth.

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You never had the Holy Spirit living inside of you.

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What you had was a system where you endeavored, you tried, you strived to be approved unto God based on your own behavior and your own law keeping.

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And you failed every time.

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Because the Bible says over and over again if you break the law in one place, you're guilty of breaking it.

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In all places, you're guilty of breaking the entirety of the law.

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So on the test of the system of the law, a 99 won't cut it and a minus won't cut it.

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You have to score a perfect grade and no human can do that.

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Only Jesus has done that, got an A plus on the test and got the extra credit right and then took his name and said whoever puts their faith in me, I'll put your name on the test and you can turn that in Now.

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That's why the gospel is called Good News.

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The new covenant is a different system entirely.

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God hasn't changed.

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God is the same, but the way in which he deals with man has fundamentally changed.

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What changed it?

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The same thing that changed our calendar, the same thing that changed our nations the cross of Jesus.

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The cross of Jesus changed everything.

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So on the one side you have the old covenant system of law where you endeavor to be improved unto God.

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You strived, you tried, but never were.

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Under the new covenant you already are past tense, totally forgiven, totally approved, totally accepted, welcomed into the family of God, all your sins past, present and future done away with, not based on your effort, not based on anything you do, but solely based on what Jesus has already past tense, done, done, done, amen.

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Which system would you rather live under?

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I'm going to interpret the silence because you understand it's a rhetorical question, right, amen?

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And do you have any reason to mix the two?

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No, especially not when there's a clear warning that if you mix them, even a little, you actually are completely going back to under the old.

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So we want to live on this side of the cross, not the BC side, not the before Christ side, but the Anno Domini, the year of our Lord side, the one where we realize that there is a cross, there is the forgiveness of sins.

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It's already a past tense fact.

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This changes everything.

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So I want to just say and echo what Paul has been saying in this clash of the covenants the old covenant system is done.

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The old covenant system of the law is done.

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It's finished.

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Now here's what some people misunderstand.

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When the Bible says it, or when I repeat it, what they hear is we don't have to read the Old Testament anymore.

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Never said that the Old Testament is the Word of God.

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The Old Testament is just as much the Word of God is.

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The New Testament is the Word of God.

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We just need to read the Old in light of the new Amen.

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I'll give you an example of how to do that in just a little bit.

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Here's what some other people miss here.

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When I say we're no longer under the law, what they hear is that pastor is telling people to be totally immoral.

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They're not under the law.

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They're not under any commandment.

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They're not, and that's not at all what I'm saying.

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That's not what the scripture is saying.

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What the scripture is saying, which I'm reiterating, is that you are not and cannot ever be justified before God by your law keeping.

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You're justified before God by trusting in Jesus and how he perfectly kept the law in your place.

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Amen, sister.

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What about holiness?

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What part does holiness play?

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Should we be different as Christians?

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Should we continue to sin?

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That grace may abound.

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God forbid.

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But now, holiness is worked from the Lord, from the inside out.

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God wants heart transformation, not behavior modification.

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Religion comes from the outside, wants to change your external, but a new covenant relationship with the Lord changes you and produces fruit from the inside out.

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And, by the way, when you're under grace, you're actually holier and the standard is set higher.

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All you have to do is read the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus says you've heard it said, and he points to the law, and then what he actually reveals is what he and the Father and the Holy Spirit had in their heart when they gave the law.

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It's actually much more holy Amen.

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But you can only fulfill it when you're filled with the Holy Spirit and you yield to Him.

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So I'll give you an example my wife.

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Every week she does the scripture memorization verse with the kids on the way to school, which I love that she does that.

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She told me that she memorized one Bible verse a week as a child and I'm convinced that's what's kept her all these years.

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You cannot have the word inside of you without it working in you.

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The Bible says the word works.

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Scripture memorization is so powerful, the word inside of you, you know.

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The Psalmist said thine word have I hid in my heart that I may not sin against thee.

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The word works.

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Paul said that the word works.

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The Greek there energio.

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It energizes it.

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Actually, you memorize the scripture and you think you're done with it.

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It's not done with you, it's in there for years, working.

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It's alive.

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God is one with His word.

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To have His word in you is having God in you and that's kept her all these years.

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So she does this scripture verse memorization, one verse a week.

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And this week's verse was and this falls great with my example from Psalm 5110, talking about and we're going to finish Galatians four.

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We're in the middle of it, I promise you.

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But David here in Psalm 5110 is talking about coming back to the Lord and he had committed an awful sin.

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He had just fallen with Bathsheba in adultery.

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He killed her husband Uriah.

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He had lied about it and he didn't even confess at all, like because he felt convicted himself.

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It was only when the prophet came, nathaniel, and busted him and exposed him in front of everybody that now he's repentant right.

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And this is a beautiful verse and we should memorize it.

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There's even a song.

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How many of you know the song this is based on?

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That was based on this verse.

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As a teenager, I cried many times created me a clean, hard-o God, and renew a right spirit or a steadfast spirit within me.

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And then it gets real.

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That's when, that's the point where I would start to cry cast me not away from your presence, o Lord.

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Would he ever do that under the new covenant?

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Cast you away, he says.

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Take not your Holy Spirit from me.

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Do you know anybody in the new covenant that had a Holy Spirit taken from them?

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That's an old covenant problem, because the Holy Spirit would come upon only certain people for a certain event, namely the king, the prophet and the high priest, and then the Holy Spirit would retreat.

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Today you have the Holy Spirit.

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He's not going anywhere, trust me.

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I've tried in crazy moments, tried running from God.

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He is faithful.

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He's a friend that sticks closer than a brother, amen.

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So when you read something beautiful from the Psalms, like created me a clean, hard-o God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me, you have to do it with a new covenant lens.

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I love the Old Testament and reading the Old Testament, but read it in light of what Jesus has done.

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So when you read that, you realize this is David still looking forward to the cross, still knowing Messiah would one day come, but under his system he's scared.

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You don't have to be scared anymore.

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And he's crying out to God O God, create in me a clean heart.

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Raise your hand.

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If you've received Jesus as your Lord and Savior right now, god has given you a clean heart, hasn't he?

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A heart?

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That's your human spirit, the real you on the inside.

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If you fall, if you sin, that does not enter your spirit.

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You don't have to get born again again.

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So you read this first and you can read it like God, I thank you.

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You have already created in me a clean heart.

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You've already given me a steadfast and right spirit.

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And then you read the next passage where he cries I take that, your Holy Spirit, from me.

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You can then pray the Psalms and say Lord, I'm so glad that I live on this side of the cross, where you will never take your Holy Spirit from me.

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I'm not under the old system where I have to be afraid that you're going to abandon me and because of my sin, you're going to now withdraw your presence.

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No, lord, even if I fall, I don't have to fall, but should I fall, you run to me to pick me up.

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You don't abandon me.

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The sin is no longer a problem, because the sin has been taken out of the way and thoroughly punished in the cross of Jesus Christ.

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Hallelujah, hallelujah.

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Every verse read with a new covenant lens.

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If you're ever reading the Bible and you find yourself not elated, not filled with joy, you're probably mixing covenants.

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Here's the classic one and I noticed it's always angry, mean, religious people that love verses like this that one verse from Jeremiah where it says the heart is desperately wicked, deceitful above all things.

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Do you know that verse?

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Of course you look, and then I'll ask everybody to suggest yes and I'll ask do you know the verse that says the old covenant is no longer in place?

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Well, which one is that?

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But the one that says you have a wicked and evil heart.

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Everybody knows it.

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It's the first thing you're taught.

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That is true before you were saved.

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That is true under the old covenant.

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They didn't have the new birth.

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They didn't have a new heart, a new spirit put in them.

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They were still waiting on the fulfillment of the promise that he would take out the heart of stone and put in a heart of flesh.

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So they did have a heart, and so did I.

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Before I came to Jesus, that was desperately wicked and deceitful above all things.

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But now those of us who've received Jesus have been given a new heart, a heart now that's submitted to the Lord, a heart that says all I want is what you want from me, lord.

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Now I don't identify with that verse anymore.

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The only way I identify with it is this used to be me, but it's no longer me.

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Do you see what I'm saying here?

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There's other verses.

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Whenever in the Old Testament you see a conditional promise, ask yourself have I met this condition?

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A lot of blessings in the Old Testament are conditional.

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For example, it says the Lord God is a son and a shield.

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The Lord will give grace and glory.

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No good thing will he withhold from the one who walks up brightly.

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Who here can read that?

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And then go.

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Whoa, that's me all by myself.

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I walk up brightly, I cross every T and dot every I.

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Therefore I qualify that God is not going to withhold any good thing from me because I walk up brightly.

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You should read that verse at first and cry and go.

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I am missing out.

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God said he won't withhold anything if I walk up brightly.

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If you think you do walk up brightly and of yourself, you need some law to lead you to grace, because you can't enjoy the beauty of grace until you first experience the terror of the law.

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Today, when I read that verse that he won't withhold any good thing from the one who walks up brightly, I don't read that and go.

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You know what, lord?

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I gave my life for the ministry, pastoring 21 plus years.

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I qualify.

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And then I list off all the sins I stopped doing as a favor to him.

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Surely, lord, you know I quit XYZ, didn't want to, but you kind of owe me now.

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No, I look at that verse and I say I am qualified.

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I have been made perpetually upright in Jesus Alone.

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I don't qualify for any conditional promise, but in Christ all of your promises are yes and amen, hallelujah In Christ.

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I'm upright In Christ, I'm righteous In Christ.

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Do you know when the Father looks at you?

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If you've made Jesus your Lord and Savior, do you know how he sees you?

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Perfect, spotless, sinless.

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He cannot find one iota of sin in you.

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This will raise your confidence.

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This will eliminate the Judaizing voices in your life, the voices that want you to mix the covenants together.

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And what are the warning signs that you're covenant mixing?

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The theme we call this service, this series, the clash of the covenants.

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But the theme here is no mixing of the covenants.

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What was the question I just asked?

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How do you know if you're thanking you?

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How do you know if you're mixing the covenants?

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There's telltale signs.

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It wasn't hard to tell in the first century because they wanted to circumcise all the men.

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That's pretty overt.

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Today it's more subtle.

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Any voice, any teaching usually the Judaizing covenant mixing temptation comes from your own self, your own mind, your yet unrenewed mind.

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The telltale signs, the warning flags, are, of course, if you're experiencing shame, guilt, condemnation, if you find yourself striving, if you find yourself trying to earn God's love, if you feel like you have to perform in a certain way for Him to accept you.

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That's mixing the covenants, anything that seeks to belittle you and take you away from your rightful place as an heir of God seated in heavenly places.

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That's your positional place.

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Seated in heavenly places, in Christ, as a son of God.

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That's a covenant mixing voice that you should not listen to.

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And you know when I say son of God, just using that scripture language, it's all inclusive.

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Like brethren means brothers and sisters.

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Son of God, son of daughter of God, child of God that's who you are.

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Paul just made that case in Galatians.

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You're a child of God with the same rights and privileges as the natural born heir.

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You take that.

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You look at the scriptures, you'll know you're on the right track.

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When you almost feel like you're bordering on heresy, yeah, because what that's saying is that when the Father looks at you, he sees you the same way he sees Jesus.

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That's what Jesus did for you.

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This is why the gospel is good news.

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He elevated you, he took you out of the mud of sin and now he made you equal with Him.

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That's why, in Hebrews 1, it calls Jesus your brother.

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Of course we still worship Jesus.

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Of course we still submit to Him, but, positionally speaking, to God, the Father.

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He sees you in Christ and doesn't see the difference.

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If you really got that, you would be a magnet for answered prayer.

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You'd be a magnet for favor, a magnet for blessings.

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You won't have some spiritual infeoriety complex.

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You won't have a run from God when you mess up, you run to him and Christianity actually becomes wait for it pleasurable.

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Who would have thought this is what Paul meant when he said it was for freedom, that Christ has set you free?

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The church should be the happiest place on the planet.

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People who understand they've been redeemed.

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They got all the credit and did none of the work.

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Whoo, hallelujah.

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Let's go to Hebrews, chapter eight, verse seven.

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No better way to finish Galatians four than by starting in Hebrews amen, we're gonna finish Galatians four.

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I just I want you to see some things in the scriptures for yourselves, cause I've said over and over again the old covenant system of the law is finished, dead, and I don't want you to take my word for it.

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We're reading in Galatians over and over again how Paul says the same thing, but I don't want you to even take one epistle or one New Testament letter as evidence.

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I want you to see that this is throughout the scriptures.

19:43.335 --> 19:48.317
By the way, the Hebrews letter was written to wait for it.

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Hebrews, jewish Christians, and they were under heavy persecution.

19:55.695 --> 19:57.241
They were socially ostracized.

19:58.095 --> 19:59.903
They were economically ostracized.

19:59.935 --> 20:00.256
They weren't.

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People were told not to trade with them or barter with them.

20:03.456 --> 20:07.422
And out of all the Christians that experienced the most persecution, it was Jewish Christians.

20:07.855 --> 20:16.500
They weren't Christian enough for the Christians, they weren't Jewish enough for the Jews and they were really being tempted to go back to living under the old covenant.

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Much like Galatians, hebrews has two main themes.

20:20.875 --> 20:23.023
One of them is don't quit, don't quit.

20:23.515 --> 20:27.797
The second one is you can't go back to the old covenant because it's over, it's done.

20:28.660 --> 20:38.085
Let's read For if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second.

20:38.255 --> 20:38.958
I'll stop right there.

20:40.375 --> 20:42.502
There's a clue in the old covenant.

20:43.155 --> 20:51.136
When the old covenant prophesies that a new covenant is gonna come, that tells you that the old isn't perfect, right?

20:52.295 --> 20:58.306
I mean, if I'm trying to give you a product and say a totally different version is coming out next year, you're gonna say what's wrong with this one?

20:59.817 --> 21:07.760
There's a built-in problem in the old covenant, for if the first covenant had been faultless or perfect, there would be no place for a second.

21:08.142 --> 21:08.583
Verse eight.

21:10.398 --> 21:13.205
Because finding fault with them.

21:14.135 --> 21:17.960
That's the problem of the old covenant, the old system of the law.

21:18.615 --> 21:20.642
God could still find fault with you.

21:21.615 --> 21:30.443
The old system of the law puts look how easily everyone's distracted All of a sudden someone coming down the aisle most fascinating thing they've ever seen Right here.

21:32.095 --> 21:33.560
This is stuff is gonna change your life.

21:33.600 --> 21:37.103
Look at me, I will not be ignored.

21:37.616 --> 21:39.658
Thanks, I want you to get this.

21:39.758 --> 21:41.884
It'll change your life, woo.

21:44.835 --> 21:51.862
The problem with the old system is that God still could find fault with you because you break the covenant.

21:52.575 --> 22:02.061
The old system of the law places a demand on you for holiness, for right living, but doesn't fill you with the power to meet or fulfill that demand.

22:03.355 --> 22:09.407
So God could still find fault Because finding fault with the people, with them.

22:09.515 --> 22:11.102
He says behold, this is now.

22:11.175 --> 22:13.062
He's quoting from Jeremiah 31.

22:13.595 --> 22:20.000
Isn't that amazing A prophecy in the Old Testament that a New Testament was coming, a new system of order.

22:20.535 --> 22:34.955
Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, a new covenant Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers.

22:36.260 --> 22:39.431
So he's reiterating this is completely different.

22:39.451 --> 22:40.535
It's not even according.

22:40.958 --> 22:54.068
It has no similarity to the Old Covenant, not according to the fathers In the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the lands of Egypt, because they did not continue in my covenant.

22:55.246 --> 22:56.195
And that's the problem with the old.

22:57.627 --> 23:00.555
It really is a perfect covenant, but it's just not perfect for man.

23:00.555 --> 23:05.464
It's not perfect for man because we cannot meet our end of the obligation.

23:06.175 --> 23:08.343
This is why the new covenant is superior.

23:09.135 --> 23:18.146
See, the old covenant was God on one side he's not going to break it, he's perfect and you on the other side having to behave perfectly in order for the covenant to be intact.

23:18.555 --> 23:19.901
Guess what part failed?

23:22.475 --> 23:23.360
That's the problem with it.

23:23.695 --> 23:29.984
Under the new covenant, the covenant is between God the Father and Jesus Christ in you, the hope of glory.

23:30.375 --> 23:37.465
So you have God the Father and Jesus as your substitute, holding the covenant perfectly together on your end.

23:38.295 --> 23:43.663
Whoo, what a deal, because if it was up to me, I'd mess it up yesterday.

23:44.375 --> 23:49.144
It would last five seconds with me, but Jesus now is holding it in your place.

23:49.195 --> 23:50.380
What a glorious Savior.

23:51.075 --> 23:52.300
The pressure is off.

23:53.236 --> 23:54.259
Now I can rest.

23:55.656 --> 24:02.645
Now I can actually have something called Sabbath, except it's not once a week, on Saturday, where I can play with my light switches.

24:04.036 --> 24:12.940
It's actually me every single day, every hour of the day, ceasing from my own striving, ceasing from my own laboring, just like Jesus did.

24:13.475 --> 24:15.383
And he sat down, which is a place of rest.

24:15.716 --> 24:26.735
I can now sit down and say Lord, I don't have to work for you to earn salvation, to earn favor, to earn approval, to earn right standing.

24:26.856 --> 24:27.382
I can rest.

24:27.503 --> 24:28.675
I'm already made.

24:28.775 --> 24:32.260
This is what the book of Hebrews says Made perfect.

24:32.895 --> 24:36.483
It says you have been made complete, made perfect in Him.

24:39.135 --> 24:40.139
Then what do you do from there?

24:41.815 --> 24:44.302
Just chill out and just occupy till he comes.

24:45.975 --> 24:50.119
That verse actually is a very active verse, but people think it means all right now.

24:50.139 --> 24:53.682
You just kind of just wait until the trumpet blasts.

24:54.536 --> 25:07.765
Now that you have been made perfect, now you're going to outwork everyone, but not because you have to, because you want to, not because someone from the outside is making you, but you're filled with the Holy Spirit and you're grateful.

25:08.096 --> 25:09.120
And now you're like Lord.

25:09.856 --> 25:13.635
You've taken my sins, completely forgiven and forgotten, made me and you.

25:13.675 --> 25:14.599
You've so blessed me.

25:15.117 --> 25:16.275
You've even called me a friend.

25:16.315 --> 25:17.855
I'm adopted into the family of God.

25:17.955 --> 25:18.899
Now I want to live for you.

25:19.615 --> 25:23.780
And now it's coming, empowered by the Holy Spirit from the inside out, not from religion.

25:28.716 --> 25:29.839
Let's keep reading verse 10.

25:31.936 --> 25:34.623
For this is the covenant that I will shout.

25:34.743 --> 25:41.179
I will See, the old covenant, all the pressures on you when the 10 commandments were given.

25:41.781 --> 25:43.806
Who was the emphasis on you?

25:44.438 --> 25:48.715
You shall not kill, you shall not bear false witness, you shall not commit adultery.

25:48.875 --> 25:50.682
Thou shall, thou shall, thou shall.

25:51.255 --> 25:56.365
And you're on the other end going oh, I don't want to, but sometimes I do.

25:58.636 --> 26:02.246
Now God says all right, I'm going to do for you what you can never do for yourself.

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So he comes in with his I will.

26:05.396 --> 26:08.758
When that pressure is on us for you two, we crumble, we cannot.

26:09.476 --> 26:13.290
He says I will, I will make with the house of Israel.

26:13.371 --> 26:21.406
After those days, this covenant, this new covenant, says the Lord, I will put my laws in their mind and write them on their hearts.

26:21.815 --> 26:22.116
Do you see?

26:22.156 --> 26:23.461
It's not external anymore.

26:24.875 --> 26:32.305
The law came on two tablets external and you weren't given the Holy Spirit inside of you to help you meet that obligation.

26:32.835 --> 26:38.104
But now he says a new covenant is coming where I'm actually going to put inside of you a desire to do right.

26:38.675 --> 26:41.022
I'm going to put inside of you a desire to live for me.

26:42.236 --> 26:47.924
I will put my laws in their mind and write them on their hearts, and then the place for intimacy is opened up.

26:48.535 --> 26:51.144
I will be their God and they shall be my people.

26:51.595 --> 26:52.217
Verse 11,.

26:52.257 --> 27:06.567
None of them shall teach his neighbor and none his brother saying know the Lord, for all shall know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their lawless deeds.

27:07.476 --> 27:08.982
I will remember no more.

27:09.595 --> 27:10.418
Isn't this beautiful?

27:10.458 --> 27:16.122
From Jeremiah 31, a prophetic word, that the new covenant is coming and what it will be like.

27:17.675 --> 27:21.505
Verse 13, in that he says a new covenant.

27:22.596 --> 27:24.281
He has made the first obsolete.

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I'll never forget.

27:25.795 --> 27:27.923
This is, by the way I've been hammering this truth for years.

27:28.355 --> 27:34.575
Back in 09, I preached this even earlier and two people made an appointment with me.

27:34.635 --> 27:43.885
They were very upset and they weren't even Jewish, but they ministered to Jewish people and they were very upset that I was saying you're no longer under the system of the law.

27:44.637 --> 27:45.795
They said show it to me in the Bible.

27:45.915 --> 28:00.824
I literally just preached this, so I opened, and they met with me the next Wednesday, so I opened up the same verse that I just preached, that they were sitting under, which just over the years I've learned you can be talking to someone and they hear something totally different.

28:01.935 --> 28:12.315
You can be saying two plus two is four, but if they have other biases, if they're looking at you through a wonky lens, they're going to mishear you and get something totally different.

28:12.395 --> 28:13.701
So I just re-read the same thing.

28:14.035 --> 28:14.979
People think I wrote this.

28:14.999 --> 28:17.099
Because they say it so much, I didn't write it.

28:17.755 --> 28:19.742
I'm just quoting what the writer of Hebrews said.

28:20.515 --> 28:22.139
In that he says a new covenant.

28:22.720 --> 28:25.786
He has made the first obsolete.

28:27.176 --> 28:29.263
Now what is becoming obsolete?

28:30.095 --> 28:40.599
The system of the law, the system of trying to get God's approval based on your self effort, finished, done, even Psalm 51,.

28:41.081 --> 28:42.205
Someone said what's the big deal?

28:42.255 --> 28:49.985
Why I took my kids aside and we had a fun time for 10 minutes reading Psalm 51, creating me a clean heart with a new covenant lens.

28:50.295 --> 28:51.300
Why is that so important?

28:51.715 --> 28:52.839
Because you see David.

28:52.899 --> 28:54.785
Does he appear strong and confident to you?

28:55.295 --> 28:55.516
Does he?

28:55.797 --> 28:58.318
No, he's begging, he's afraid.

28:59.477 --> 29:01.115
Oh God created me a clean heart.

29:01.175 --> 29:01.999
This is the most Christian.

29:02.715 --> 29:04.261
Cast me not from your presence.

29:05.015 --> 29:06.521
Don't take your Holy Spirit from me.

29:07.695 --> 29:08.679
Cleanse me with his sip.

29:10.156 --> 29:10.538
What is that?

29:13.235 --> 29:15.142
How do you read that and not think of the new covenant?

29:15.716 --> 29:16.459
Cleanse me with his sip.

29:16.896 --> 29:17.398
What is his sip?

29:18.395 --> 29:23.538
I know what his sip is because I went to the Russian baths right near 7th Street where a church was.

29:24.836 --> 29:26.120
Nicole, you go to those Russian baths.

29:27.376 --> 29:28.962
I had a back thing years ago.

29:29.517 --> 29:30.821
Someone said go to the Russian baths.

29:31.623 --> 29:32.205
I had no idea.

29:32.435 --> 29:34.461
I thought I was going to get like a relaxing massage.

29:36.715 --> 30:02.919
It's right in St Mark's where our church for 18 years was, and inside it's like 50 burly Eastern European men just walking around I can say that because I'm Eastern European, you don't want to Just walking around and then there's this pool with 50 people and they got these green branches and there's workers and they're bashing each other over the back and then one guy goes you next, I'm like what.

30:03.397 --> 30:06.480
And they're bashing each other with these branches and the backs are all red.

30:06.936 --> 30:07.659
I go what is that?

30:07.875 --> 30:09.098
And he goes is his sip?

30:12.835 --> 30:14.742
I was like I'm going to go straight to the massage.

30:14.802 --> 30:15.545
Thank you very much.

30:19.735 --> 30:21.822
His sip is a plant from the Mint family.

30:22.816 --> 30:28.865
They used it to clean things, to wash clothes, and also the priests use it to ceremonially cleanse things.

30:29.536 --> 30:31.824
So David in the Old Testament is going to cleanse me with his sip.

30:32.296 --> 30:33.581
You should not pray that today.

30:34.236 --> 30:38.943
You should know that that his sip is a symbol pointing to Jesus and his blood, the ultimate cleansing.

30:39.577 --> 30:41.695
And then you think, oh, I'm on this side of the cross.

30:41.836 --> 30:42.619
Oh, I lost my way.

30:43.057 --> 30:44.395
I'm on the right side of the cross.

30:44.535 --> 30:45.681
I don't have to beg God.

30:46.076 --> 30:49.122
Oh, cleanse me, I am cleansed already.

30:50.156 --> 30:52.237
Hallelujah, amen.

30:53.396 --> 30:54.022
Yes, I still.

30:54.062 --> 30:55.455
If I sin, I go to the Lord.

30:55.575 --> 30:56.399
I say Lord, forgive me.

30:56.915 --> 30:59.783
But really I know he has already forgiven me 2000 years ago.

31:01.277 --> 31:03.680
I'm not trying to get forgiveness, I've already been forgiven.

31:04.396 --> 31:06.537
So does that make you sin more or less Less?

31:08.335 --> 31:10.503
When you really get grace, you sin less.

31:11.255 --> 31:17.099
You won't ever be sinless, but you're going to sin less Because you get his grace.

31:19.117 --> 31:20.041
Oh, hallelujah.

31:20.135 --> 31:25.970
This is my make is on right, all right In that he says a new covenant.

31:25.990 --> 31:27.415
He has made the first obsolete.

31:27.966 --> 31:32.977
Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.

31:33.466 --> 31:36.155
I got in a wonderful argument with a close pastor friend.

31:37.346 --> 31:39.934
I've fully converted him now to the new covenant.

31:40.646 --> 31:41.268
Wonderful man.

31:41.308 --> 31:43.796
But he was just stuck, like many people, stuck in the old.

31:44.566 --> 31:44.766

31:44.826 --> 31:48.777
Because the old appeals to us, because we're sick and messed up.

31:49.969 --> 31:50.845
But the old makes sense.

31:52.471 --> 31:55.241
Adam and Eve they gravitated to the system of the law.

31:55.345 --> 31:57.554
They ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

31:57.645 --> 32:00.475
That is, the system of the law, is the knowledge of good and evil.

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When God just wanted them to eat from Jesus, the tree of life forever.

32:04.925 --> 32:07.815
We always, if left alone, will gravitate to the law.

32:08.666 --> 32:15.196
If you didn't go to church for six months and didn't hear any word, trust me, I would find you in a most bound, legalistic place.

32:15.845 --> 32:24.656
If we sat down and talked, you'd end up weeping and saying God is so distant and he's cursing me and he's punishing me and you because we forget so quickly.

32:25.245 --> 32:26.270
Peter talked about that.

32:27.445 --> 32:31.714
He said you forgot, you forget, you forgot you were cleansed from all your former sin.

32:33.445 --> 32:40.651
So we're arguing and he's saying see, the old covenant is not fully obsolete, it's ready to vanish away, so there's just a little bit left.

32:44.266 --> 32:46.354
People will say anything to mix the covenants.

32:48.182 --> 32:48.925
This is a true story.

32:49.045 --> 32:49.748
I'm not preaching now.

32:49.788 --> 32:50.550
I'm telling you the truth.

32:51.634 --> 32:52.055
It's a joke.

32:52.646 --> 32:53.871
I'm just checking to see if you're awake.

32:56.706 --> 33:03.815
The only reason he said is ready to vanish away because obviously the final nail in the old covenant system of the law was Jesus Christ's resurrection.

33:04.585 --> 33:11.775
But the final, final nail was the destruction of the temple in 70 AD and that was still just a handful of years away from when he wrote this.

33:12.666 --> 33:18.787
Because when the temple was destroyed, the whole sacrificial system that the law is based on was done away with.

33:18.807 --> 33:21.415
You don't need God allowed the Romans to destroy the temple.

33:21.785 --> 33:34.132
You don't need goats and bulls and heifers to cover sin once a year when you yourself came down in the person of Jesus, in the form of man, to give your life a ransom once and for all.

33:34.193 --> 33:35.837
Take all of humanity sins away.

33:36.126 --> 33:38.915
You don't need a system where bulls and heifers are sacrificed annually.

33:40.425 --> 33:49.956
So the temple was destroyed and that that was really a shafar blast to the whole world saying the law is done, finito, stop it.

33:51.186 --> 33:55.387
No matter how much you want to go back to the ABCs of the universe, don't do it.

33:56.450 --> 33:58.216
We have a much better covenant in place now.

34:00.646 --> 34:03.965
I feel like we should just say this he has made the first obsolete.

34:04.146 --> 34:05.272
Can we just say that out loud?

34:05.473 --> 34:07.906
I feel like demons are going to leave some of us when you say it out loud.

34:08.969 --> 34:11.176
They're going to cry out with a loud voice.

34:12.681 --> 34:14.085
No one wants to say it because they joke like that.

34:14.225 --> 34:16.690
Say it Come on, he's made the first obsolete.

34:17.913 --> 34:20.879
It's obsolete, so stop trying to live under it.

34:23.147 --> 34:24.854
Oh hallelujah, let's look at Ezekiel.

34:24.874 --> 34:28.807
I want to show you another prophetic verse of this great new covenant that we live in.

34:31.953 --> 34:45.165
Hallelujah, I'm preaching myself so happy If you will go on a journey and realize, like I do every day, I don't quite fully get it.

34:45.306 --> 34:48.521
I need to reform my mind to get the beauty of the new covenant.

34:48.541 --> 34:49.245
Why don't I fully get it?

34:49.285 --> 34:51.834
Because Paul said this is hard to understand.

34:52.356 --> 34:53.399
He called it a mystery.

34:54.142 --> 34:55.768
This isn't something you get overnight.

34:56.552 --> 35:04.993
It is completely contrary to everything we've been taught what it takes time.

35:07.036 --> 35:09.580
It's like unraveling one of those Russian dolls.

35:09.620 --> 35:19.155
You know, when you go on a journey, you focus on Jesus.

35:19.717 --> 35:26.272
You go on a journey of discovering all that you have as a result of being in Christ in him.

35:27.013 --> 35:48.950
Over 250 verses in the New Testament that use the phrase in Christ in him, by him, in whom your mind will be renewed and then you'll realize who he has made you to be, how he has elevated you, how he has lifted you up, and now you become a magnet for all of the things that Jesus died in order for you to have.

35:49.471 --> 35:54.853
Hint, they're all good, they bring victory, victory in every area of your life.

35:55.214 --> 36:10.526
And that's what I'm after here this morning, Because I know we're getting theological, I'm going in a lot of details, but what I'm after this morning is you living in victory 24-7, and you cannot live in victory if you're mixing covenants Impossible, how won't you?

36:10.587 --> 36:15.237
Standing firm in the new, looking to Jesus, the author and the finisher of your faith.

36:15.746 --> 36:17.533
And now you're in the path to victory.

36:17.814 --> 36:19.501
And, yes, sometimes bad times come.

36:19.862 --> 36:27.366
But I've noticed, even when bad times come, trying times come, even when you suffer, you can suffer good, you can suffer in victory.

36:28.229 --> 36:31.966
And it honestly makes that season that the devil would love to make a multi-year season.

36:32.006 --> 36:33.551
It can make it weeks or months.

36:34.474 --> 36:35.398
It's just passing by.

36:35.759 --> 36:36.782
You're like pass on by.

36:37.344 --> 36:43.696
Next, here's a great from Ezekiel, not to be outdone by Jeremiah.

36:44.357 --> 36:47.150
Here comes Ezekiel with his own prophecy of the new covenant.

36:48.535 --> 36:49.800
Count the eye wills?

36:49.900 --> 36:54.312
No, because remember the old covenant, all the pressure's on you, you will, you will, you will.

36:54.974 --> 37:00.216
There's over five eye wills here, because God says you should have, but you didn't.

37:00.337 --> 37:02.184
And I knew it, but you insisted on it.

37:02.204 --> 37:04.550
So I let you have your way and you failed every time.

37:05.312 --> 37:07.558
Can I please help you Because you are making a mess.

37:08.405 --> 37:09.708
Now I will.

37:10.791 --> 37:14.460
I will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean.

37:15.222 --> 37:18.430
I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols.

37:19.513 --> 37:22.360
I will give you a new heart.

37:23.523 --> 37:27.294
This is what Jesus, when he looked at Nicodemus and said you must be born again.

37:28.137 --> 37:34.272
He was talking about this a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you.

37:34.593 --> 37:43.803
I will take out the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh, and I will put my spirit within you.

37:43.843 --> 37:47.496
Do you know what it was like for people under the old covenant of the law to hear this?

37:48.640 --> 37:50.668
That God himself would come and indwell them?

37:50.708 --> 37:56.569
They're like no, we've heard of that happening occasionally to the king, the prophet, the high priest.

37:56.609 --> 37:57.230
Belittle me.

37:58.091 --> 38:07.452
Yeah, all of us, and whoever the Lord, our God, shall call, I will put my spirit within you and cause you.

38:08.614 --> 38:11.159
This is why holiness is yielding to the Holy Spirit.

38:11.465 --> 38:15.216
It's not trying really hard to stop sinning.

38:15.797 --> 38:29.431
Yield to the Holy One inside of you, because already inside of you he's causing you, he's making you to think His thoughts and to walk in His will and according to His good pleasure.

38:29.913 --> 38:33.907
I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes.

38:33.967 --> 38:42.852
By the way, if you want to really live this out, there's things that you can do to help you don't do these things to get close to God.

38:42.892 --> 38:46.790
You realize you don't get any closer than you and Him and Him and you.

38:46.851 --> 38:50.126
You're already close with God, but you can do some things that'll help this.

38:50.166 --> 38:52.531
For example, I found praying helps this.

38:55.017 --> 38:56.942
I found scripture reading helps this.

38:57.904 --> 38:59.307
I found coming to church helps this.

39:00.089 --> 39:03.358
Having Christian friends and talking about the Lord and the word helps all this.

39:06.446 --> 39:09.656
Amen, worship, that really helps all.

39:10.218 --> 39:17.155
It doesn't help You're not adding to the finished work of the cross, but it keeps you in a place where you're receiving Amen.

39:17.717 --> 39:19.086
Can we go back to that verse, please?

39:20.308 --> 39:27.029
I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and you will keep my judgments and do them Notice.

39:27.069 --> 39:28.973
It's now internal, not external.

39:30.316 --> 39:31.178

39:33.243 --> 39:34.986
Let's finish up Galatians 4, shall we?

39:42.594 --> 39:44.316
Paul goes into a Bible lesson here.

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Everybody all right, amen.

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What covenant you're going to live under?

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You become really good.

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Become an expert on the new, study out the new, go to a church that'll do an eight-week series on the new.

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Make sure nobody dupes you, make sure nobody hypnotizes you.

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Like Paul said to the Galatians who has bewitched you, who has hypnotized you?

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Make sure you're not living under shame, guilt and condemnation and that you're enjoying your relationship with the Lord.

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It's easy to enjoy your relationship with the Lord when you realize he's smiling down at you, not gritting his teeth at you.

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I'm going, oh, I just keep holding you.

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No, yeah, he's a much better father than most of us have had Very gentle, very loving, long suffering, because what I will tell the people I'll say holiness, the Lord will work out.

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Holiness in you.

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And then I see some people.

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That happens quickly, and then I see some people it happens slowly.

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There's areas in my life certain things were overnight, major changes overnight, the Lord just.

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But other things it was like whoa.

41:01.948 --> 41:05.297
These sins, lord, seemed to be persisting, bad habits, bad behaviors.

41:06.766 --> 41:08.269
I would notice he's very long.

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It's not that he's winking at sin God is still against sin.

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But he loves you while you're the work in progress he does and you actually get your power to change, not from yourself, not from self-discipline, from trying really hard.

41:24.283 --> 41:26.609
No, it comes from receiving his love for you.

41:27.591 --> 41:39.823
There's some sins that broke off me only when I fell 30 times, 30 times, 30 times, and I realized he still loved me and he still chased me.

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And I'd hear it was the enemy.

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It was my own voice of self condemnation saying oh, he's so tired of you, but no, I'm tired of me.

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The devil's tired of me.

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My friends may be tired of me, but he's not tired of me.

41:54.938 --> 42:03.630
And if you don't quit and keep looking to him, keep holding his hand and walking with him, he'll work his will out in you.

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Amen, and guess what?

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You can actually enjoy that journey.

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It doesn't have to be a grievous, burdensome journey of frustration.

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Church is made of that way somehow, but that's not how it should be.

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Amen, all right.

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Hallelujah, I feel like we need to have a little seelah.

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Paul goes here into a little Bible lesson of Abraham, abraham and Sarah and the promise that was given to Abraham that he was going to be the father of many nations.

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Abraham and Sarah received this promise when they were well advanced in years, and so they did what most of us would do we sit here, comfy and we judge them and go?

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How could they?

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When we've all done the same thing, which is, when we don't like God's timing and we get impatient, we make it happen in our own strength.

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So here's what happened God promises to Abraham and Sarah you're going to have children, you're going to be the father of many nations.

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And then they're like this is so awesome, but then years go by and there's no kids, and so wondering what's up with that?

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So they make it happen in the flesh what does in the flesh mean?

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In their own strength.

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And they have the bright idea that Abraham should sleep with the slave that was a part of their family, the bondswoman, the servant girl.

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Her name was Haggar and he had a child, ishmael.

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He was a child of the flesh, a child of him making the promise of God come to pass, which really isn't the promise of God.

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Just know that you cannot do something and then ask God to come and bless it.

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You got to go to where the blessing already is and do what he already said would be blessed, because whatever you do, I mean you could do that.

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But then you got to maintain it.

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You got to sustain it.

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You got to not be absolutely exhausted by propping it up all the time, but when it's the promise of God, then there's freedom, there's no sweat, there's joy.

44:13.612 --> 44:17.180
Tell me you who desire to be under the law, do you not hear the law?

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This is what I feel like telling some of you, some of you who love mixing the covenants and you're upset with me that I'm saying the old is done.

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Tell me you who love to live under the law, do you not hear the law?

44:30.017 --> 44:32.001
Do you not hear what's said in the Old Testament?

44:33.491 --> 44:39.638
For it is written that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bond woman, the other by a free woman.

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The free woman, his wife Sarah, the bond woman, hagar.

44:46.852 --> 44:54.264
But he who was of the bond woman was born according to the flesh and he of the free woman, through promise.

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Which things are symbolic?

44:57.234 --> 45:03.585
I'm so glad Paul said this so that when I tell you that these things are symbolic, you don't think that it's just me that's making them symbolic.

45:04.753 --> 45:07.863
I wonder what book pastor has been reading and now he's drawing these inferences.

45:07.944 --> 45:09.810
And no, paul says this is symbolic.

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He says Isaac is a symbol of the new covenant.

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Isaac was the child of promise, the promise of the spirit.

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He's the new covenant, that thing that you did Ishmael, in your own strength, trying to make my promise come to pass.

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That's symbolic of the old covenant.

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He's doing a little compare and contrast here.

45:32.591 --> 45:34.835
By the way, do you know what Isaac means, anybody?

45:37.681 --> 45:44.810
Isaac means laughter, because when it's under the new covenant, there's no sweat, there's no laboring.

45:45.652 --> 45:48.519
Have you ever seen someone laughing and striving at the same time?

45:49.361 --> 45:57.424
No, the old covenant is about striving, schvitzing, pushing, trying, but never achieving.

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Under the new covenant there's a freedom.

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The new covenant, which Isaac is a symbol of, means laughter.

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And then people ask how come, when I go to city light there's people laughing?

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That's why some of them it's actually a prophetic.

46:14.457 --> 46:14.577

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I've been forgiven of all my sin, made to sit in heavenly places in Christ.

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I'm a child of God under the new covenant and I can't even help him out with it.

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He gave it all to me for free.

46:26.353 --> 46:27.696
That is a ha ha amen.

46:31.030 --> 46:39.024
For these are the two covenants the one from Mount Sinai which gives birth, which gives birth to bondage.

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He calls the Old Testament system bondage.

46:46.030 --> 46:48.957
By the way, I'm going to take my time because there's no time limit on this service.

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I want to tell you something For people who love, who think that, like church, should be tougher.

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I thought that you would have a better life if I was tougher.

46:59.838 --> 47:02.744
I could be the meanest, toughest person, trust me.

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When the law was given, 3,000 people died.

47:07.237 --> 47:11.665
God said when the law was given, even if an animal touches this mountain, let it be put to death.

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That's how severe the threat was.

47:13.995 --> 47:16.280
And do you know how long it took them to sin after they got the law?

47:16.781 --> 47:22.838
Hours, in other words, the threat of punishment didn't prevent them from immediately sinning.

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It never does.

47:27.211 --> 47:34.777
That's why I'm not the waggy index finger preacher telling you to get your act together, because if that could help you, I would do it, but it doesn't help you.

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It didn't help me.

47:37.431 --> 47:40.736
That day, 3,000 people died when the law was given at Mount Sinai.

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When the new covenant was implemented at Jerusalem, mount Zion, 3,000 people were born again.

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That same day, and there's no threat looming over you.

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He's saying I have done, I have forgiven you, and now, from the inside out, you have a change.

47:58.022 --> 48:02.958
Hallelujah, the one from Mount Sinai which gives birth to bondage, which is Haggar.

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That's the old covenant Bondage.

48:06.551 --> 48:07.072
Next verse.

48:08.534 --> 48:16.025
For this Haggar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and corresponds to Jerusalem, which now is and is in bondage with her children.

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But the Jerusalem above is free.

48:19.157 --> 48:19.458
Did you know?

48:19.498 --> 48:23.790
There's a Jerusalem above, there's a temple that's above.

48:24.371 --> 48:25.294
These things were built.

48:25.675 --> 48:28.542
The Bible actually says as a copy of the things that are in heaven.

48:29.010 --> 48:33.759
And you have a home place and it's not the country you were born in, the real you.

48:34.140 --> 48:36.324
You're from this Jerusalem, that's from above.

48:36.830 --> 48:38.914
The Bible says your citizenship is in heaven.

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You have a home the new Jerusalem, that above that is free, which is the mother of us all, verse 27,.

48:48.420 --> 48:51.372
For it is written Rejoice O barren.

48:51.853 --> 49:00.225
You who do not bear, break forth and shout, you who are not in labor, for the desolate has many more children than she who has a husband.

49:00.930 --> 49:01.110

49:01.151 --> 49:03.234
We brethren worship team, come on up Now.

49:03.274 --> 49:08.503
We brethren, as Isaac was, were the children of promise.

49:09.870 --> 49:15.810
That means you're under the new covenant, only live under the new covenant and you're a child of promise.

49:16.431 --> 49:17.073
What does that mean?

49:17.534 --> 49:18.676
That you're a child of the promise?

49:19.077 --> 49:20.821
You've been promised salvation.

49:22.732 --> 49:23.795
Are you saved right now?

49:24.296 --> 49:26.361
Yes, you're saved right now.

49:26.401 --> 49:31.173
If you've received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are saved right now and all your sins are forgiven you.

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But you have not yet experienced the full culmination of your salvation.

49:37.652 --> 49:41.281
What you have right now, according to the Scriptures, is a down payment.

49:41.321 --> 49:44.790
It actually Paul uses that word down payment, earnest of deposit.

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You have a down payment of heaven.

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What is the down payment?

49:48.840 --> 49:49.582
The Holy Spirit.

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When you said, jesus, I believe in you, the Holy Spirit came inside of you and gave you that assurance of salvation and you got the down payment.

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But on that day this is why the whole thing is by faith, because even though you know you're saved right now and you should believe I have it now you still anticipating that day you will receive the fullness of the promise and you will be saved not just in your spirit, but with a glorified body as well and a completely renewed soul.

50:18.005 --> 50:20.673
Hallelujah, Next verse.

50:21.894 --> 50:25.039
But as he who was born according to the flesh, who's that?

50:25.960 --> 50:29.365
Ishmael, representative of the old covenant system?

50:30.371 --> 50:37.121
But as he who was born according to the flesh, then persecuted because Ishmael mocked Isaac.

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Do you know?

50:38.083 --> 50:42.096
Ishmael still mocks Isaac In many ways.

50:42.437 --> 50:49.780
We can get into the whole thing Ishmael, that's where the Arabia and the Arabs come from and you can say Isaac is Jewish and Ishmael still mocking Isaac.

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But just one should know that's not the point Paul is making here.

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Paul is saying Ishmael is representative of the old covenant system and Isaac is representative of the new covenant system, and people who love the old covenant and want to mix the covenants and want to relate to Jesus today.

51:06.242 --> 51:12.483
Still, while mixing the covenants, they mock those who are exclusively under the new, who are receivers of grace.

51:12.604 --> 51:12.884

51:13.266 --> 51:14.810
Why do they mock them and bother them?

51:15.271 --> 51:18.258
Why do Judaizers come in and try to get them in bondage?

51:18.398 --> 51:20.282
Why, because misery loves company.

51:20.322 --> 51:41.892
That's why, and also because you offend them when you stand in grace you take a religious person who takes pride in their religiosity, who thinks that they impress God with their strict lawkeeping, even though if God came to them and showed them all the places they were missing, they would be horrified.

51:42.172 --> 51:42.914
But they don't see that.

51:42.934 --> 51:51.014
They only see their wonderful lawkeeping, their church attendance, their giving, whatever it is that they're doing To cross every T and die to every I.

51:51.716 --> 52:08.273
And then they run into you and you're like just merely walking around, and you're like, hey, and you're like, wow, I'm just the son of God, I'm totally forgiven and I believe that everything Jesus died is mine right now and I'm blessed and I'm highly favored.

52:08.333 --> 52:10.016
And they're like based on what?

52:10.797 --> 52:16.273
Well, not based on anything I do, but based on what Jesus has already done for me, and they will nash at you with their teeth.

52:16.915 --> 52:17.997
Who do you think you are?

52:18.598 --> 52:20.002
Because now you're offending them?

52:20.042 --> 52:27.676
Because what you're actually saying is all of the times that you thought you were getting credit and scoring points with the big guy upstairs didn't mean anything.

52:29.218 --> 52:38.456
Everything you're ever going to get, I'm telling you right now, part of me is I want to spare you some of the pain I went through.

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There's some things in life I wanted so bad and they didn't come until I had kicked and clawed so much, my fingers were bloody, and then I finally collapsed and I gave up to the point of, sometimes I could, lord, I don't even want it anymore.

52:52.810 --> 52:57.279
And then all of a sudden, the next week, boom, I had that lesson over and over again.

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He taught it to me, so I can teach it to you Surrender, die, quit striving, quit pushing.

53:05.696 --> 53:10.942
My pastor used to say all the time the moment you quit struggling to get the thing you want, you'll have it.

53:16.111 --> 53:28.797
But as he, who was born according to the flesh, then persecuted him, who was born according to the spirit, even so, it is now Pharaoh's vehicle, legalistic covenant mixing.

53:28.878 --> 53:32.287
Judaizers will always hate Christians who live under grace.

53:33.696 --> 53:36.024
Nevertheless, what does the scripture say?

53:36.755 --> 53:38.640
Cast out the bond woman.

53:39.081 --> 53:41.908
That's Hagar, a symbol of the system of law.

53:42.316 --> 53:43.920
They were all living in the same tent.

53:44.281 --> 53:55.482
Awkward, right, that's reality TV, right there Got Sarah and Hagar all in the same tent and God then says, hey, that bond woman, she's got to go.

53:56.436 --> 54:01.788
By the way, god, in his infinite mercy, he still took care of Hagar the barn woman and Ishmael and they became a nation.

54:02.916 --> 54:07.145
For the son of the bond woman shall not be heir with the son of the free woman.

54:07.586 --> 54:08.748
What is God saying here?

54:09.598 --> 54:12.475
He's saying two covenants cannot exist under the same roof.

54:13.899 --> 54:15.985
Two covenants cannot exist in the same tent.

54:16.707 --> 54:20.377
You cannot have the old covenant, hagar and Sarah.

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The new covenant and Ishmael and Isaac.

54:23.064 --> 54:24.748
You cannot have them in the same house.

54:26.037 --> 54:29.995
And that's the allegory and God that all played out for our example.

54:30.997 --> 54:40.131
And now Paul is bringing it to life and saying this is what God was telling you Cast out the bond, cast out any relating to God based on the old system of the law that's in your life.

54:40.472 --> 54:41.035
Cast it out.

54:41.135 --> 54:42.561
They can't be in the same tent.

54:42.621 --> 54:42.802
Is this?

54:42.902 --> 54:43.103
Am I?

54:43.143 --> 54:53.098
clear Cast out the bond woman and her son, for the son of the bond woman shall not be heir with the son of the free woman, verse 31,.

54:53.679 --> 55:01.738
So then, brethren, shout this out Everybody we are not children of the bond woman, but of the free.

55:03.181 --> 55:06.489
I am under the new covenant of his grace.

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I am now blessed, highly favored, completely forgiven, a child of God.

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Good things come to me, heaven is mine Now.

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The kingdom of God is within me, it flows through me.

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Everywhere I go, I bring blessing, the light of Jesus, hope.

55:33.803 --> 55:38.542
I am blessed in Jesus' name, amen.

55:38.923 --> 55:40.187
Give the Lord a big shout.

55:42.336 --> 55:44.525
This is the City Light Church podcast.

55:44.927 --> 55:54.201
If you've missed any part of today's message or if you would like to find out more about Pastor Boyan Jansik in City Light Church, visit us at CityLightNYCcom.

55:54.542 --> 55:56.346
That's CityLightNYCcom.

55:57.696 --> 56:00.763
Feel free to visit us online or in person anytime.

56:01.224 --> 56:02.728
We would love to connect with you.

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We pray that you have been encouraged today, that you have been reminded how much God loves you and that you are surrounded by grace.

56:12.056 --> 56:12.957
Thank you for listening.

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